20th March 1936 THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY DEB1'.TES (Official Report) Volume ,V 1936 THIRD SESSION OF 11IB FIFTH. LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY, 1936 nw DELHI GOVERNIIBNT 011'NDIA. I PRESS .,.... , ,~ ,73 ' -;-a. Q"""~'J... " ••••• '". __. x "", Legislative Assembly. Pruitknt: '!'Jm HONOUBABLB SIB ABDUB RAImr, K.C.S.I., KT. DepvJ1I Pruident : lIB. AlDm. CluNDBA. DATTA, M.L.A. Panel oJ OAairmen : PANDIT GoVIND BALLABH P.d'J', M.L.A. SIB CoWASJI JEIUNGIB, BART., K.C.I.E., O.B.E., M.L.A. 8m L1I8L1B HUDSON, KT., M.L.A. SIB MUJIAJDIAD YAMIN KHAN, KT., C.I.E., M.L.A. Secrelary : :MIAN MUHAJDlAD RAft, BAB.-AT·LAW. A ....,., ollie SecreIa"1l : RAJ BAHADUB D. Dl1'1"l'. 11a,.,ltal : CAPTAIN HAn SaDa NUB AlouD KHAN, M.C., I.O.M.,I.A. OomMittee 011 Pdiliou : lIB. AXHIL CHANDRA DATTA, M.L.A., Ou,maan SIB I,uLIII HUDSON, KT., M.L.A. lIB. B. DAS, M.L.A. DB. ZUUDDIN AlouD, C.I.E. M .L.A lIB. M. S. ANEY, M.L.A. __ ._, ___ • __ •• ______ . ___ •. ____ ~~ .•.~ ... _ ._ ~ ... ._. ____ ._ ...... _ .... __ .. __ .-4. ___ ••• _ •. _,._. _._ • '!\ ··•. t 't .~",. i j 1 : ..) ;:). .. ~ 'I: ..' ~ . ..:.', . I' ',l .. , r I COIITBNTS. ~ " , I ~ , , ... , ~ l' I '. .', ! l YotU)JlI 'lV.-.f8th March 10-. ]April, 1936, . ,·T : , . ,', ~ . .. ' , ~'. *"JIli:b8bAY, l8'1'. JLu6!:, ~J . , Ibn .....0.; . 1936- . 1936- Report of bbe'" Indian Member SWOIn , . : .007 . ,,"'. • pelimitation Com· Questions and ~ ' . J(107...-4' "'~ . , '''' " ,' ~ ~ . and ,~ . , • the Report ef .~ :.' ' .. 80U-llII Committe.· , '.' , ·11761, Short N ~ '. Queatiell .~ l'atlian Finanoe Bill-'-" ;:. "'.:Answer '. ' .' ~ Discullion on the Motions for Adjournment motion to ~ DOt. re-- ...... '". oonoludec!', . ". : ~ J Legislation '(or·republi.·' . ~ J J ~~~ ' cation in the Pre .. (, •.. " of apeeo\lea deliveZ!ld'J", .:r :"l .. ' ,r· . ~., H 4• 'l'iII!IaBliJrr.' 19TH MA.acJJ, ..... t. in the, .~ , .. ~ 1936- .' .... mbly-DiaaUoW!., . iroiUa·,£- .A.dJouJOnment ' .. r Bae: ~ ~~~ fI' . ~ ~ ~ rll, Contl'llOt- lot . ~ 'n r ~, .. ' JJoIei'!T , '., " • ~ , of the Adopted.. ; J ' , ,.,.'" ~ . Howrah Bl'f.,..Not. ' ... ' !, , ~ ' ' moved ., • ", . ~ .'Tbe l-.dian ~. ".. -.1 :"I'M Indian Finance Bill..,... : I ::(Amendment), . ~ , t"', '. :.i"80'- O Motion toOObllicier Introduced. , , .. I) adopted " .. • The Indian Taritr Election of •. Member >to (Amendmpt) BUI-. , [. ~.' ~ Com •. ~. , . mittee oa Pilpimap The Indian Railways to theHedju : '(Amendment) Bill- .' ,:t. Introduced. • .' .. 1I0e&-,fJ ',Th. Indian Finanoe Bill-, . FBIDAY. 20TH MABCH, Diaouaaion'· . ~ .\ .. ' ',.,r 1936- oonsideratieb of ala ... : .. • • 1 .',~ not oonclucled'· ,': '.1 ,186,l.....89 Questions and Anawera , 2881WMI21 . .:, I i' ~ ......' . Unstarred Que.tions· aad " . '.'.. ' .',' r ;. Answera " .,' .• ' • ', ~ ... ~ . '~ MABQB.· Statements laW-IN1 . b 1936-- . Table ' .. '.,. " 'lellAs '.lee\idO of Kemben tG ; ~ ~ '.,' ;,. •... ; :... Pllblio .~ QuestIOn. and 'ADawera' " . Committee, '.. .• Statement of Buaineas • The Code of .00vil.Prooe-. Motion for Adj01lrnlDeat I : ~ .... 'dUre (Seoond ~ .... re Sir Otto.m...yu'. ment) Bill . ~ Report on ·l'ecINal and of Seotion --,PajIID.. , Provinoial ~'. tation of the·BePOl't pf Notmoved .' .• ,': "J.~.' II , j Ule Select Cominlttee •. fte&dlan Finanoe BUI- ;. The Indi&n 11' ...... BiQ.,... Dilou ..ioD on the Di8ouMiona the . J , .~,. .-.:: .. : .'..;U' ooDiiderat_lof'" ~ J~ ooncluded , , , '~ not oonolwW. , '. ..... I D.QUIond. for SupplemaD. '. .tatement of ........ , .• i . , tary .~" ' ",~~ ~~~ ~. ,.~. .,,,. k'" -1i1 Is , ,~ .. --.... .~ .-...... ----.--. Ii PM •• Wan.DA"', 26TB M-'lWII, .2:'1 >' "j .oat)u. 30TB K.A.BOH,198' 1936- ~ . Motion re Appointment of Statements laid on the III ..1.1.... 0 a, Committee, to Table . .'. e:amine the 1Vorldns The Code of·Civil Proce. of the Ottawa Trade .-..am., (AmencimeAt), Agreement-Adopted ' Bill (Amendment of a •• mended • • 3438-310. section III. etc.)-Pre. &entation of the Report Statement of Business, • 21103-0' of Select Committee .' 3201 ,The IndiAD Finance Bill- Recommended amend· KOlfD.V. 6TH Al'lIlL. 'ment to clalile1- 193a..;... n9tived . 8101-01. Kembera Sworn. • 8105 3J111-87 Death of Khao Bahadur _DelundB for Bupplemen· "Kakhdum Syed Rajan ~ •. 8203-811 BaJuh Shah • • 1106-0& TB1!u1l ..... 2STa MABga. ~ ...." 7Ta AnIL •. 1931- . ~~ Qu ..tions aDd Anawera • 3109-4. Membera Sworn .• 8289 Unstarred Qu,ltion. and Short liotice QueRion Answera 33U-HI., aDd Anawer • • 8189-90 Kotion r. Appointment of Statement. laid on the a Committee to Table 8817-14 e:amine the working The Cantonmenta of ~ Ottawa Trade (Amendment) Bill- Agreernen __ Dieuuion Presentation of the !\e. not concluded. • 829O-U" port of the Select Com· Statement of Bulin... 3lWJ mittee . • ~ re Releue of . political priaoner. Full..... 27TB MABOB. detamed without trial 1988- -Negatived . • Reaolution re Import duty Kembers Swom.. 8849 on unbroken rioe and Short Notice Que.tion paddy-Diacuaaion not and Anawe. •• 3849 concluded. 3661-71 Motion re AppolntmeD.t of a Committee to .-ine the workiDI WJIIDNlCBD.... • 8TH A.1'JuL of the Ottawa Trade U136- • ~' Speech delivered to the not concluded. • 3350-01401 . Council of State and the Legislative Auem· bl" br Hil Excellency .., ...... hnaDA"I'. 28T1l M.A.Boli. the Viceroy .' • 1886- Que.tionl and Answers • 1811-4114 !lotion re Election of the MotiOft re Bepon (jf the Standing Finanoe Com· Committee to aonsider mitte&-Adopted • the Indian Dellmita. Motion re Eleetton of the tion(BammODd, Com· Standing Finance Com- ., Adopted·all ...•• J.\.eport-". ·Ne7__ . mittee for Bail .....,,_ Adopted . '. .' an6 Motion re EleetiOft of tile i ... ~, ~ ~ 8O'ftt . MBa. ;::. ., Standing ~ .". , ~ ' for tile· , \ .• : :'i;';" ;,)1 .... h ... ~.,' L ~~ • .t"",:. :,"37 ~' . aDd T8Je.· .. · ..• ,' 8ta'---laid _ the ' ~ Depai'tmlla"-';' 1 '. '1/;"';. ~ ... ;... _- '.-.. 141'1 al .--.. .. ~, ~ , . , ,. , ~' , I t tii PM ... W_:D ...:D.A. '1'. 8n Ara:a.. W.".:D.A.'I'. sa UBu.. 1936--COftdd. 1136-c:OIIClcI. The Salt Additional Im- IIotiOll N EIeotiOll of the port Duty (EDendiq) 8tandiul Committee Bill-Introduced • 871 ....... for the Department of The IndiaD Tea Cell Oommeroe--Neptived 3716--18 Amendment) Bill- Introduced 8710' Motion N EleotiOll of the The Indian Aircraft Central Acivieol'1 Coun- (Amendment) Bill- oll for . ~ Introduced 8710' Adopted 3718-11 The Indian 11m.. The Indian TariJI' (Seoond (Amendment) Bill-- (Amendment) BiU- Introduoed and referred Introduced. •• 3719 to Select Committee. ~ LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. Friday, 20th March, 1936. The Assembly met in the Assembly Chamber of the Council House at Eleven of the Clock, Mr. President (The Honourable Sir Abdur Rahim) in the Cha.ir. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS. AMELIORATION OF THE CoNDITIONS IN THE .JHARIA COAL-FIELD. 1330. *Kr. S. Satyamurti: Will Government be pleased to state: (a) whether their attention has been drawn to a statement made by Mr. H. H. Worthington, published in the Hindu8tan Times, dated the 28th' February, 1936; (b) whether Government had interested themselves in the amelio- ration of the conditions in the Jharia coal-field; (c) whether the Indian Mining Association has been approached by Government to get ~ assurance that they will co-operate with them on this matter of safeguarding lives of those who \Vorl,ed underground on their behalf; and (d) whether thev will assurt: the House at the earlies/j opportunity that they' will t.ake steps to co-operate with the Association for this humane purpose? The Honourable Sir :Frank Noyce: (a) Yes. (b) The steps we arc taking are designed to seeure an improvement. (c) and (d). A conference was held on the 19th and 20th February last with the represent.atives of the Indian Mining Association and other orga- nisationg of mine owners and others at which proposals for preventing danger from fires in the Jharia coal-field were discussed. As indicated in the reply I gave on the 17th March, 1936, it is prop0l;ild to place a Bill before the House during the current Session for securing the necessary powers. Mr. S. Satyamurtl: Are there any fires still burning in these coal- fields? The Honourable Sir !'rank Noyce: Yes: I am afraid there are, and that they are likely to go on burning for a long time. Mr. S. Satyamurti: How many are burning? The Honourable Sir !'rank Noyce: I think according to the figures I have already given to the House and which have, I think, appeared in the press, about 45. Mr. S. Satyamurtl: How much longer are they expected to bum? ( 2881 ) A 2882 LEGISl,ATIVE ASSEMBLY. ~ MAUCH lUi3tL The Honourable Sir prank Noyce: That I cannot sa,\': the only answet' I can give is until they burn themselves out. When the Bill I hove. t(), introduce shortly comes before this HouRe, I shall be in a better posltlon to explain conditions in the coal-fields. Mr. S. Satyamurti: Have Government been assured of the co-operll- tion of the Indian Mining Association in this matter? The Honourable Sir !'rank Noyce: Yes. I have already informed my Honourable friend that. we had a conference with the representatives of the Indian Mining Association, the Indian Mining Federation and the Collier v Owners Association, and that t.be results of that conference were very satisfactorJT; 1 Uiink we can safely cOllnt on the co-operation of the interests coneerned in the measures we are proposing in the Bill which will shortly come before the House. Kr. S. Satyamurti: May I know if any further Rteps have been taken, to prevent further loss of human life and property? The Honourable Sir !'rank Noyce: That. raises /l. ver." wide question whicb it, is
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