DEFINITE PUNS FOR STREET PREACHINR MADE VACATION SCHOOLS TO ENROLL 7,000 FR. LILLY AND Contents Copyrighted by the Catholic Press Society, Inc., 1937— Permission to Reproduce, Excepting COMPANION TO SIX CENTERS on Articles Otherwise Marked, Given After 12 M. Saturday Following Issue TOUR 6 WEEKS A PRIEST BRINGS MERCY TO JUSTICE TO BE ADDED 6-Day Program in Each Town Will Cover Justice was Tisited by mercy this week in a Denver court be­ DENVER CATHOLIC Principal Catholic Beliefs; Aid cause of a Catholic priest. In say­ ing; this, we do not mean to depre­ THIS SUMMER To Pastors Planned cate in any way the good sense of court officials or.their willing­ street preaching of Catholic doctrine will be a reality ness to give a boy another chance. Bishop Urges Each Parish and Mission to Billy Meagher probably would in the small towns of Colorado this summer, it was an­ have been paroled in some way Carry on Instruction Work nounced this week after a conference held by. the Most so that his next few years would Rev. Bishop Urban J. Vehr, the Rev. F. Gregory Smith, not hare been spent behind cold For Children REGISTER diocesan director of vacation schools, and the Rev. Joseph prison walls, so that society would The National Catholic Welfare Conference News Service Supplies The Denver Catholic Register. We Have gain a man instead of a warped First preparations for a vacation school movement in Also the International News Service (Wire and Mail), a Large Special Service, and Seven Smaller Services. Lilly, C.M., professor of Sacred Scripture at St. Thomas’ youth. But the Rev. E. J. Flana­ the state that will be wider in scope than in any previous seminary. On June 28, Father Lilly and a companion, to gan, through his establishment of year were made this week by the Most Rev. Bishop Urban VOL. XXXII. No. 34. DENVER, COLO., THURSDAY, APRIL 8, 1937. $2 PER YEAR be selected at a later date, will begin a tour of several his boys’ home near Omaha, Nebr., Colorado towns. For six weeks ——-------------------------------------------- and through his interest in young J. Vehr and the Rev. F. Gregory Smith, diocesan director their car, which will be equipped Meagher’s case, offered an ideal of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine. Indications with a loud-speaking apparatus, plan for the youth’s rehabilitation. that the number of students who will attend the schools Regis Campus Scene of Excavations will be a familiar sight to the Court officials fully recognized this summer will probably be very close to 7,000 were Catholic and non-Catholic resi­ Noted Jesuit to this and were eager to take ad­ dents of the places the priests X ■ ^ rs vantage of it. This fact was re­ given by Father Smith when he announced that at least six visit. new schools will be formed this marked upon by those who attend­ year. A letter will be sent to all According to present plans, the ed the trial and was fully treated the pastors of the state expressing speakers will enter a town the first Conduct Initial in news reports. The men respon­ the Bishop’s wish that each parish^ part of the week, advertise that sible are to be congratulated on and mission have an organized Hdtker Cabrini’s they are giving a series *of ex­ their wise handling of a difficult vacation school for Catholic chil­ planations of Catholic beliefs, pick situation. a spot in the center of the village Justice must be served. Though dren of the community this sum­ mer. that is most convenient, and for Retreat at Regis the lad acted under extreme emo­ the rest of the week speak at a tional stress, his actions were not The diocese, which was one of Beaication Seen stated hour each night. Each the pioneers in vacation school excusable. He should be made to member of the band will talk on The latter part of June will realize that fully. The sentence of work, has made remarkable prog­ one topic each evening. After ag^in find a number of men from seven to eight years in the peni­ ress in this line. Thousands of the explanation of the topics se­ Denver; from other parts of Colo­ tentiary was a' just one. Catholic children who do not have lected, a question box will be rado, and from adjoining states re­ But mercy’s softer mien is seen the opportunity of attending paro­ In Near Future held. pairing to Regis college to enter in the picture. The boy is not a chial schools have had systematic The purpose of the street into their annual retreat. It is with criminal at heart nor a psycho­ training in Catholic doctrine as the preaching tour is mainly to clear pleasure that the director of the pathic case. He was placed in an result of the summer schools con­ Vatican City.— (NCJVC Cable) up many of the misunderstandings Regis retreat league offers the exceedingly unfortunate situation ducted in the past few years. —Following a meeting of Car­ that exist about Catholic beliefs Rev. Michael J. Ahern, S.J., as the Nuns, seminarians, and lay teach­ and followed an immature judg­ dinals, prelates, and consultors and practices. All controversial master of the first retreat. Father ment swayed by strong emotion. ers have volunteered their services topics will be avoided except when of the Sacred Congregation of Ahern has been a member of a Several years in a penitentiary for the work and noteworthy re­ they are necessary to answer a group which has traveled the would probably place a stigma on sults have been achieved. In many Rites held April 6 at the Vatican question that may be propounded length of our country, striving to him that could never be erased-. instances, lapsed Catholics were for the second examination into by one of the listeners. bring about a better understand­ The coarsening contact with hard­ induced to return to the practice the heroism and virtues of Mother In the day time, the two speak­ ing among all religions. The ened criminals, despair, shame— of the faith, marriages were vali­ Frances Xavier Cabrini, founder ers will instruct the Catholic chil­ group is composed of a Catholic all would lessen his worth as a dated, and children were baptized dren of the community, say Mass priest, a Jewish rabbi, and a non- of the Missionary Sisters of the member of society if not actually through the efforts of the teachers. for the inhabitants, and conduct a .Catholic minister. Father Ahern’s ruin him. Following is a report of the va- Sacred Heart, who died in Chica­ mission for the adult Catholics. presence as master of the retreat (Turn to P agei — Column 1) (T um to Page 6 — Column 1) go in 1917, a favorable vote was On Saturdays, they will help the that begins June 24 will be an in­ expected, and it was foreseen that pastor of the place in hearing centive to a number of men to (Turn to Page U — Column i ) a third general meeting would be (Turn to Page 6 — Colum n S) held shortly in the presence of His Catholic Boy Scout Holiness definitely to conclude the Margknoll Superior Is Denver Visitor examination. The examination of the miracles Development Praised proposed in the cause of Mother CATHOLICISM’S FUTURE Cabrini will begin shortly. This Unqualified praise for the Cath­ executive council oi the city had process already has been concluded olic participation in Boy Scout proved to be invaluable. in America. If the prediction of The picture, above, taken on the campus of Regis college, shows the Rev. Conrad Bilgery, S.J., IN ORIENT IS BRIGHT work was expressed this week at Mr. Skinner also revealed, that a favorable conclusion to the ex­ standing in the excavation in which he recently made several significant discoveries relating to the earliest the conclusion of the Boy Scout parish troops of Boy Scouts had amination is borne out. Mother residents of America. Joseph E. Koerber, Regis freshman, who aided in the work, is shown with Father inerit badge show by E. E. Skinner, made a very creditable showing Cabrini will be included in a grou .BilgatT. J h ft BbaApjraBiujraa taken by Tbnm»« S m ith s The Regjjitpr. staff.____________________________ UtmQSt confidence in the suc­ milled .to remove all traces of Red seout executive of the Deniv’^rKHs- Tri" the merit badge show held in o f b^tifications and canOnizatP^ cessful future of the Church in propaganda from the country.” to take place in the near future. trict. Recalling that the Most Rev. the city auditorium the first part the Orient was expressed Thurs­ The Maryknoll superior related The body of Mother Cabrini was Priest-Scientist Explains Regis Deposits JSishop Urban J. Vehf formed a of this week. The Cathedral troopi day by the Most Rev. Bishop some of the atrocities committed buried at West Park, N. Y., and ■ffeout organization for the Cath- won second place in the group to James E. Walsh, superior*general by the puppets of Moscow that later was transported to the con­ I -boys of the city two years which it was assigned. The scouts of the Catholic Foreign Mission turned the rank and file of the ago, Mr. Skinner expressed his from St. Francis de Sales’ parish vent of her sisters in New York. Society of America, commonly The first part of the process for ANCIENT COLORADO TRIBE Chinese people against them. Sev­ gratification that as a result the and St.
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