tx.i. T t.agar. THE KENTUCKY1?rriimn&rr&n GAZETTE, o. 785. MONDAY,. October. $, 180 1. Vol. XV LEXINGTON: Printed by JOHN BRADFORD', (On Main. Street J price Twd Dollaper Annum, paid In advance. William From the National Intelligencer. John Willard, marshal, John Graham, secretary legation. Eaton, Tunis, James 'Simpson, Morocco. For tbe New-For- &? COTPIERCIAL satisfaction of our subscribers Districl of k- CONSULS we have obtained'tbe following correSl John Slofs Hobart, AGENf3 MINISTERS, judge, Consuls list of tbe principal Officers of tbe Edwaid Liviugfton, Consuls in tbe of Great Britain and commissaries ofForeign attorney, Kin?fn powers resident tbe C0VERNMEN7 of tbe UNITED John Swartwout, marshal, and its dfndcies' in United States. STATES. - George W. Ervi'S' consul at London, - tb; f- New-Jerse- From Kingdom Great f Districl: yi and agent for magmg claims ior ipo of Britair. of Edward '1 II SUPREME EXECUTIVE Robert Morris, judge, liatinns. j hornton, charge des affairs. George Maxwell, David Lerto age"1 for prote&ing Thomas Barclay, consul genei al for the attorney, Eastern states. HOMAS JEFFERSON President. Thomas Lowry, marshal, American IVmen in Great Britain, Vice-Preside- Phincas Bond, consul AARON BUIIR, nt and Elias Vanerhorft, consul Briflol, general for the Middle and president of the Senate. Districl Pennsylvania. Robert W Fx Falmouth, Southern states. of Thomas T Richard Peters, judge, James MY, Liverpool, M'Donough, consul for DEPARTMENT of STATE A. J. Dallas, attorney for the eastern, Jofephvilfon, Dublin, MafTachufetts, Rliode Iil- - and Thoro Auldio, vite consul at Poole, and, and Connedlicut. John Breefe, vice consul James Madison, secretary, James Hamilton, attorney for the Geoe Knox, consul at Kingston upon Rhode Island. Gabriel YVood, Jacob Wagner, cheif clerk. Western diftricL the Hull, Baltimore. Benjamin Moodie, consul for John Smith, marshal of the eastern, &. m Ci Murray, Glasgow, North and South Carolina and DEPARTMENT of tbe TREASURY' Prefly Carr Lane, marshal for the imps Holmes, Belfall, Georgia. western diftricL John' Church, Cork, John Wallace," vice consul for Gecigia. Albert GallatinJ secretary, v Harry Grant, Leith, , From tbe French John Steel, comptroller, Districl of Delewarei Jacob Lewis, Calcutta, India, Republic H. , Louis Andre Piclion, des af- Richard Harrison, auditor, " "' J"gc, Benjamin Philips, Curracoa, charge - A'V fairs and William Miller,- commiffioner of the George Keed, John Gavino, Gibraltar, commiflury general of com- jun. attorney, mercial relations. revenue, Joel Lewis, marshal, Nicholas Ronfelet, Demarara, 8c. Samuel Meredith, treasurer, Effequibo, Citizen Oiler, vice tommiflary of com- John-Elmfli- mercial relations Joseph Nourfe, register. Districl of Maryland. jun. Cape of Good Hope) for Virginia. Tames Winchefter.iudpe. Joseph Peelis, Malta, Charles Fracois Loit, comnnfTary of commercial WAR DEPARTMENT Zebulon Hollingfworth, relations for Pennsylvania attornpv and Deleware. Henrv Dearborne, secretary Keuben biting, marshal, Commercial, tgents for tbe French William Simmons, accountant, Republic and her dominions. Louis Arcambal, (teuiporary)vice corrt-miffu- ry of commecial xIa-ryla- Israel Whelen, purveyor of public Districl ofColumbi, Fowler Shipwith, Paris, relations, for nd supplies, William Kilty, cheif James Blake, Antwerp, judge Marc Antonie Alexis William Irwine, fuperintendant of William Cranch, and Peter Dobell, Havre ae Grace. Giraud, commif-far- y of New-Hampflnr- military (lores. James Marshal, judges, Edward Jones, Island of Guadaloupe, commercial relations, for e, Jqhn.Tompfon Attorney, Mr. De la Motte, vice commercial Maffachufettes, Rhode-I-flan- d Mason, and NAVY" DEPARTMENT. Daniel Carrol BrentJ marshal, agent, Havre de Grace, Connecticut. Robert Smith, fecretaty, Hewit, regiter of wills for Thomas Aborn, commercial agent, John From tbe Kingdom Thomas Turner, accountant. Wafliington county, and Cayenne, of Sfiai de Cleon Moore, for that of Alexandria, William Buckhannon, Isle of France & Chevalier Yrujo, minister plerioo- - JUDICIARY. William H. Dorfey, judge of the Bourbon, tentiary. , Court orphan's court for Washington, and Etienne Cathalan, commercial agent, Thomas Stoughton, (temporary) ccrful Sufrie general. John Marshall, chief justice. George Gilpin, for that of Alexandria. Marfeills, William Cushing, of MafT. Thomas F. Gantt do. Nantz, Antonio Argpte Vilblobous, conl izt William Patterlon, of N. J. Districl Virginia. Francis L. Taney, do. Oflend Virginia and KentucV-- . of Baptifta Samuel Chase, of Md. Cyrus Griffin, judge, Tobias Lear, general commercial Jean Barnaben, conlul for Itlv. KSB ryland. Bufhrod Wafliington, of Virg. John Monroe attorney for the western agent in St. Domingo, resident at the Alfred Moore, of N. C. district, and Cape. Diego Murphy, ,confuI for North ard South Levi Lincoln, of MafTachufetts, attor. vacant marshal for the weflern John E. Caldwell, commercial agent Carolina. for the city of St. Domingo, Felipi Fation, conlul for ney general. diflriSl, of Virginia, s PerrftKarU. Eliai B. CSttlwell, of WaOungton Ci- Joseph Scott, marshal for the eaflern Bartholomew Dandridge, consul for Don Manuel Rengel, consul fcr Gorl ty Clerk. diftrift. the Southern Department excluding g'3-Iva- n Thomas Nelson, attorney of the eastern Petit-Goav- e, ' Stoyghton, consul foi Nev Ilaiip. do. au fhire,Maflachufets,ConiieC(icLt,Khoae Circuit courts. - diftircL Robert Richie, for Port Prince. ' 0 Island and Vermont. John Lowell of MaCT. cheif iudre. Potomac Districl. Consols in tbe Kingdom of Spain &? Joseph Wifeman, vice consul at New- R rtniirn oFR. I. &. I - Walter jois, attorney, and its Dominions. port. Smith, of.N. H. Judges. William Baker, marshal. Moses Young, consul at Madrid, Jer. From tbe Kingdom Benson, of N. Y, Joseph Yznardi, jun. Cadiz, of Portugal. Egbert Abram, vice New-Yor- Districl of Kentucky. Robert Montgomery, Alicant, John consul at k. cheif judge. James F. Varcuock, Woolcot. of Con. &. Harry Innes, judge, William Kirkpatrick, Malaga, vice consul for niiwr Lewis Meagher O'Brienj St. Andero, South Carolina. Saml. Hitchcock, of Vermont, Joseph H. Davifs, attorney, Augustan Madan, La Guier Richard Codman, vice consul judges. Joseph Crockett, marshal. MafT- Daniel Glarke, New-Orlea- achufetts. of Pen. WiliiamTilghman, North-Carolin- do. Districl of a. William E.' Hulling, vice cheif judge. Sitgreavcs, judge, John Mot ton, Havanna, From the Batavian Republic. Baffet, ofDel. &. John Richard Benjamin Woods, attorney, Josiah Blakely, St. Jago In Cuba, R. G. Van Polanen, minister resident. Griffith, of N. J. Adrian Will. John S. West, marshal. William Willis Barcelona, Valk, consul for Maryland and iudKes. John Cu'lnan, Teneriffe. Virginia. ) Sdutb-Carolin- Jan R'ufman Graves, Philip B Key, of Maryland, Districl of a. consul South Ca- I To rolina arid Georgia, cheif judge. e Thomas Bee, judge, t the Kingdom of Portugal and its G. K. Taylor, of Virginia, Thomas Parker, attornry, dominions. J. H. B. Heineken, commercial agent, and. J t B. maflial. Thomas Buckley consul at Lifbgn. Pennfylvinia. c Charles Cochran, C. Magil, T)f Virg. judges. J John Street, Fayal, From Russia. Dominick Hqll, ofS. Car. 1 .r Districl of Georgia, Republic-Sylvan- us Johar.n Ernft cheif judge. vacant judge, To tbe Batavian Christian Schultz copful - Baltimore. Henry Potter, N. C. J Charles Jackson, attorney, Bourne, consul general, Am- One appointment vacant. Anbrofe Gordon, marshal, fterdam. Joseph Fornian, consul Rotterdam, . From Sweden. OFFICERS. Districl Tennessee. Richard Sodcrftrom, consul general, DISRICT of Joseph John M'Nairy, Judge, 7a tbe Kingdom of Denmark and its Winthrop, vice consul, Charlcf- - Dominions, ton, South Distritt of Maine' Thomas Gray, attorney, Carolina. Rodolpho consul Co- Jonathan Swift, Columbia David Sewal, judge, Robert Hays, marshal, Hans Saabye, at and the penhagen. ports of the Potomac. Silas Lee, attorney, Charles lF. marlhal. Commissioners Loans. Henry Cooper, Santa Cruz, Deyon, vice consul for Parker, of New-Hamplhir- Isaac e, New-Hampshir- e, William Gardner, MafTachufetts & Rhode-Islan- - d. ' New Hatnsbire. Maflachufetts, Thomas Perkins, Prussia. Districl of consul Henry Gahn, vice Pickering, judge, Rhode-islan- Jabez Bowen, Frederick W. Lutge, at Setten. consul for NeW-- John York and Connedliout. John S. Sherebourne, attorney, Connecticut, William Imlay, New-Yor- To John Cowper, vice consul Bradley Cilley, Marlhal. k, Matthew Clarkfon. Germany. for Norfolk New-Jerse- consul and all other in y; James Ewing, Joseph Picarin at Hamburg, pcrts Virginia ex- Massacbusetts. Pennsylvania, Stephen Moylan. Frederick J. Wichelhaufon, Bremen, cept those on the Potomac. Disriil of Buritz, judge, Delaware, John Stockton, Philip Marck, Franconia, John vice consul for North John Davis, Carolina. Blake, attorney, Maryland, Benjamin Howard, John Lamfon, Treftc, George Peter Collin, vice consul Samuel Bradford, marlhal. Virginia, John Hopkins, for Maryland. North Carolina, Sherwood Haywood To tbe Kingdom ofSweden. Rhode-Islan- Elias conTul Gottenberg. North TVestcrn d. South Carolina, John Neufville, Backman, Territory. Distriht of Arthur St. Clair, David L. Barnes, judge, Georgia, Richard Wylley. governor, To Charles Willing David Howal, attorney, tbe Italian states. Byrd, secretary, ' James Findlay, forthedif-Wm- William Peck, marlhal, 3IINISTERS. Thomas Appleton, consul at Leghorn, marfhall, . Of the United States, .resident in For- John Matthew, Naples, M'Milljn attorney, J tricl Ohio. John ClevesSymmes, Districl of Connecticut eign Countries John Baptifte Sartori, Rome, chief justice. Law, judge, Rufus King, minister plenipotentiary, Frederick H. Walloflon, consul Genoai Joseph Gilman, T Richard Return J Judes Pierpont Edwards, attorney, in London. Jonathan Maigs, jun, Philip B. .Bradley, marlhal, Robert R. Livingflon, do. do. Paris To tbe Barbary Powers Thomas Sumpter, jun.' secretary of Richard O'Brien, consul general, Al- Mississippi Territory " DistriSl Vermont. legation, giers, f' William C. C. Claiborne, governor. of Steel Elijah Paine, jndge, Charles Pinckney, minister plenipoten- James Leander Cathcart, consul, John fecretpry, Seth Lewis, ' David Fay, attorney, tiary Madrid, chief Justice,.
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