15878 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 156, Pt. 11 September 16, 2010 SENATE—Thursday, September 16, 2010 The Senate met at 9:30 a.m. and was RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY safety. I have had a number of people called to order by the Honorable CARTE LEADER from Nevada—about a dozen people— P. GOODWIN, a Senator from the State The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- who have talked about their foodborne of West Virginia. pore. The majority leader is recog- illnesses, children whose growth is nized. stunted their entire life. One young PRAYER woman spent 11 months in the hospital f The PRESIDING OFFICER. Today’s as a result of eating tainted spinach. opening prayer will be offered by Rev. SCHEDULE All over America this is happening. Dr. Bruce Hargrave, vice president of Mr. REID. Mr. President, following We have food safety laws that are in- development for the United Methodist any leader remarks, the Senate will re- adequate and causing people to get sick Theological Seminary, Moscow, Russia. sume consideration of the small busi- because the food is not checked closely The guest Chaplain offered the fol- ness jobs bill. Under an agreement we enough. Senators DURBIN, HARKIN, lowing prayer: reached yesterday, Senator GRASSLEY chairman of the committee, and ENZI Let us pray. and Senator HATCH will offer their re- have worked hard to get something O God, You are the eternal sovereign spective motions to suspend the rules. done. I have talked with Senator of all the world and yet personal. Help Senators BAUCUS, GRASSLEY, and MCCONNELL. He thinks something our Senators to be aware of Your pres- HATCH will control 15 minutes each, for should be done. We thought we finally ence and strength. Touch them with a total of 45 minutes. At 10:45 a.m., we had it worked out. We could take care Your Spirit and grant each of them di- will vote on those motions to suspend of this, but Senator COBURN has said vine wisdom. in the order in which they are offered. no. He wants it paid for a different Our country and world are beset with Following the votes, the time until 12 way. We spent a whole Congress on this problems and crises and war. We ac- noon will be equally divided and con- legislation. Of course, at the last knowledge that we are not smart trolled between the two leaders or minute, he comes in, and likely we are enough, wise enough, or even coura- their designees. At noon, the Senate not going to be able to get this done geous enough to meet these daily chal- will proceed to vote on the motion to before we go home for the elections. lenges. We need Your direction and invoke cloture on H.R. 5297, the small What a sad thing for our country. grace. Bestow these on each of us boun- business jobs bill, as amended. If clo- People are dying as a result of these tifully and abundantly. ture is invoked, all postcloture debate problems with food. It is a shame we We now yield ourselves to Your will time will be yielded back and we will cannot get this done. We have almost in order that we as individuals and as a proceed to vote on passage of the bill. 400 matters that have passed the House body may fulfill Your plan for each of The next item for business will be the of Representatives, and we cannot deal us, our Nation, and our world. Department of Defense authorization with them here because the Repub- We pray all of this in the name of bill. I wish to reach an agreement to licans say no. That is not the way to do Jesus Christ. Amen. proceed to the measure. It appears that business. In years past, these things will be unlikely and, therefore, I may would have gone through very easily. f need to file cloture to attempt to end We should be concerned about some- debate on the motion so we can begin thing as important as this issue, and PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE the amendment process. the focus should be—and deserves to The Honorable CARTE P. GOODWIN led f be—on the person who is holding up the Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: this legislation. It is too bad. There are MEASURES PLACED ON THE all kinds of excuses, but excuses do not I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the CALENDAR—S. 3790 AND S. 3791 United States of America, and to the Repub- do the trick. People have come to see lic for which it stands, one nation under God, Mr. REID. Mr. President, I am told me who have been deathly ill. All that indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. there are two bills at the desk due for could have been avoided. The legisla- a second reading. f tion would do that. It is bipartisan in The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- nature. It should be completed. pore. The clerk will report the bills by APPOINTMENT OF ACTING f PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE title for a second time. The bill clerk read as follows: RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME The PRESIDING OFFICER. The A bill (S. 3790) to amend title 5, United clerk will please read a communication The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- States Code, to provide that persons having pore. Under the previous order, the to the Senate from the President pro seriously delinquent tax debts shall be ineli- leadership time is reserved. tempore (Mr. INOUYE). gible for Federal employment. The bill clerk read the following let- A bill (S. 3791) to require Members of Con- f ter: gress to disclose delinquent tax liability, re- quire an ethics inquiry, and garnish the SMALL BUSINESS LENDING FUND U.S. SENATE, wages of a Member with Federal tax liabil- ACT OF 2010 PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, ity. Washington, DC, September 16, 2010. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- To the Senate: Mr. REID. Mr. President, I object to pore. Under the previous order, the Under the provisions of rule I, paragraph 3, any further proceedings on these two Senate will resume consideration of of the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby matters en bloc. H.R. 5297, which the clerk will report. appoint the Honorable CARTE P. GOODWIN, a The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- The bill clerk read as follows: Senator from the State of West Virginia, to pore. Objection is heard. The bills will perform the duties of the Chair. A bill (H.R. 5297) to create the Small Busi- be placed on the calendar. ness Lending Fund Program to direct the DANIEL K. INOUYE, f President pro tempore. Secretary of the Treasury to make capital FOOD SAFETY investments in eligible institutions in order Mr. GOODWIN thereupon assumed to increase the availability of credit for the chair as Acting President pro tem- Mr. REID. Mr. President, we have small businesses, to amend the Internal Rev- pore. worked for this entire Congress on food enue Code of 1986 to provide tax incentives ● This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. VerDate Mar 15 2010 10:28 Aug 09, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\S16SE0.000 S16SE0 wreier-aviles on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD September 16, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 156, Pt. 11 15879 for small business job creation, and for other Street businesses compete with big is certainly time. It is time to get this purposes. companies. All these things would help work done. It is time to help small Pending: small businesses to create as many as businesses. It is time to help create up Reid (for Baucus/Landrieu) amendment No. half a million more jobs. to half a million new jobs. This bill has 4594, in the nature of a substitute. The Joint Committee on Taxation been hard work, but this bill is work Reid (for Nelson (FL)) modified amend- has prepared a technical explanation of worth doing. So let’s bring this debate ment No. 4595 (to amendment No. 4594), to the bill which expresses the Finance to a close. Let’s reject the transparent exempt certain amounts subject to other in- formation reporting from the information Committee’s legislative intent behind efforts to delay some have thrown in reporting provisions of the Patient Protec- the tax provisions. It is available on the way, and let’s target this targeted tion and Affordable Care Act. the Joint Committee’s Web site. tax relief to small businesses today. Reid (for Johanns) modified amendment This small business jobs bill has been Mr. President, I suggest the absence No. 4596 (to amendment No. 4595), to repeal hard work. For something this com- of a quorum. the expansion of information reporting re- mon sense, it has been harder work The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- quirements for payments of $600 or more to than we thought it would be. Some pore. The clerk will call the roll. corporations. The bill clerk proceeded to call the Reid amendment No. 4597 (to the language folks on the other side of the aisle have proposed to be stricken by amendment No. thrown obstacles in the way. Some roll. 4594), to change the enactment date. have thrown in our way pretty much Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I Reid amendment No. 4598 (to amendment everything but the kitchen sink. Today ask unanimous consent the order for No. 4597), of a perfecting nature. they are throwing the kitchen sink in the quorum call be rescinded.
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