Start List IRONMAN 70.3 Dubai, 2021 Search Your Name Use "Crtl F"

Start List IRONMAN 70.3 Dubai, 2021 Search Your Name Use "Crtl F"

Start list IRONMAN 70.3 Dubai, 2021 Search your name use "Crtl F" BIB Surname First Name AGE GROUP AWA TRICLUB Country Represented 101 Elfassi David M30-34 AWA Silver ONTRISPORTS CYP (Cyprus) 110 Dzhakishev Ablay M30-34 KAZ (Kazakhstan) 104 Fischman Ben M35-39 CYP (Cyprus) 111 Karim Iskander M30-34 KAZ (Kazakhstan) USA (United States of 109 Perez Jose M40-44 America) 102 Fischman Ido M30-34 AWA Silver ONTRISPORTS HUN (Hungary) 106 Pritasil Tomas M45-49 AWA Silver CZE (Czech Republic) 112 Kaztayez Aldiyar M40-44 KAZ (Kazakhstan) 107 Galinskiy Sandro M25-29 KAZ (Kazakhstan) 103 Beltran Jose M50-54 AWA Gold MEX (Mexico) 113 Turniyazov Nurlan M35-39 KAZ (Kazakhstan) 105 hayon roey M35-39 CYP (Cyprus) 114 Jaxybekov Adilbek M65-69 KAZ (Kazakhstan) If your club is not listed, please log into your IRONMAN Account ( and connect your IRONMAN Athlete Profile with your club. If you are not able to find your club, please contact [email protected] Start list IRONMAN 70.3 Dubai, 2021 Search your name use "Crtl F" BIB Surname First Name AGE GROUP AWA TRICLUB Country Represented 108 Kanayev Yerzhan M35-39 MyProCoach KAZ (Kazakhstan) 115 Gorbachev Alexey M45-49 KAZ (Kazakhstan) 116 Zhaparov Yerzhan M40-44 KAZ (Kazakhstan) 117 Marescia Gary M50-54 ZAF (South Africa) 121 Marovic Mirna F45-49 AWA Gold Triathlon club Maksimir HRV (Croatia) 122 McCulloch Clare F45-49 AWA Gold TriDubai GBR (United Kingdom) 123 Cookson Sophie F30-34 AWA Silver TriDubai GBR (United Kingdom) 124 Kohler Neri Christine F45-49 CHE (Switzerland) 125 Groensedt Heidi F45-49 AWA Gold TriDubai DNK (Denmark) 126 Váczi Krisztina F35-39 HUN (Hungary) 127 arjeh lama F45-49 AWA Silver TriDubai SYR (Syrian Arab Republic) 128 Cser Beatrix F45-49 AWA Gold SOAS/Hansym Racing HUN (Hungary) 129 Betley Melika F50-54 GBR (United Kingdom) If your club is not listed, please log into your IRONMAN Account ( and connect your IRONMAN Athlete Profile with your club. If you are not able to find your club, please contact [email protected] Start list IRONMAN 70.3 Dubai, 2021 Search your name use "Crtl F" BIB Surname First Name AGE GROUP AWA TRICLUB Country Represented 130 Oosthuizen Inalize F35-39 AWA Gold TriDubai ZAF (South Africa) 131 Andrade Monica F50-54 BRA (Brazil) 132 Möhring Emese F50-54 HUN (Hungary) 133 Mamleeva Elmira F35-39 AWA Gold SBR88 RUS (Russian Federation) 134 Kolaric Ivana F35-39 SRB (Serbia) Konstantina- Krommidas Coaching - 135 Sintzanaki F45-49 AWA Gold GRC (Greece) Nantia Trisutto 136 Bonello Spiteri Danica F40-44 AWA Silver MLT (Malta) AWA 137 Bikof Mania Maria F50-54 Dixie Devil GRC (Greece) Bronze 138 Falkiewicz Maja F18-24 DEU (Germany) 139 Lechowicz Anna F35-39 AWA Gold POL (Poland) 140 Halawa Yasmin F30-34 AWA Gold TriEgypt EGY (Egypt) 141 jakobsen kaisa F55-59 FIN (Finland) 142 ABDOU Sarah F35-39 Maadi Athletes EGY (Egypt) If your club is not listed, please log into your IRONMAN Account ( and connect your IRONMAN Athlete Profile with your club. If you are not able to find your club, please contact [email protected] Start list IRONMAN 70.3 Dubai, 2021 Search your name use "Crtl F" BIB Surname First Name AGE GROUP AWA TRICLUB Country Represented 143 Richardson Lucy F40-44 AWA Silver MX Endurance GBR (United Kingdom) 144 Pickering Lois F25-29 AWA Gold TriDubai AUS (Australia) 145 Doumit Sonia F45-49 BEL (Belgium) 146 Reid Claire F30-34 ZAF (South Africa) 147 Bishop Georgina F25-29 GBR (United Kingdom) 148 Middleton Aimee F30-34 AWA Gold GBR (United Kingdom) 149 Petrashova Kristina F30-34 KAZ (Kazakhstan) 150 Ungarova Laura F30-34 AWA Silver KAZ (Kazakhstan) 151 Tucci Fernanda F30-34 BRA (Brazil) 152 Wybouw Katrien F40-44 AWA Silver BEL (Belgium) 153 COMMONS Nicola F35-39 ZAF (South Africa) 154 Rickenbacher Nicole F55-59 AWA Gold Mountain Athletes CHE (Switzerland) 155 Lombard fiona F25-29 IRL (Ireland) If your club is not listed, please log into your IRONMAN Account ( and connect your IRONMAN Athlete Profile with your club. If you are not able to find your club, please contact [email protected] Start list IRONMAN 70.3 Dubai, 2021 Search your name use "Crtl F" BIB Surname First Name AGE GROUP AWA TRICLUB Country Represented 156 USSENOVA AINA F25-29 Triclub NOMAD KAZ (Kazakhstan) 157 Korchagina Elena F35-39 AWA Gold RUS (Russian Federation) 158 Karpova Ekaterina F25-29 RedLava Team RUS (Russian Federation) 159 Chojnacka Malgorzata F50-54 AWA Silver Trinergy Team POL (Poland) 160 Moore Jennifer F35-39 TriDubai GBR (United Kingdom) 161 OSMANKINA NADIIA F25-29 UKR (Ukraine) Black Triathletes USA (United States of 162 Dismuke Jamie F40-44 Association America) 163 MALCHYK Inna F30-34 AWA Silver UKR (Ukraine) 164 Gadient Georgina F40-44 AWA Silver Powerlab Rebels CHE (Switzerland) 165 Nagle Michelle F25-29 IRL (Ireland) 166 Friend Laura F35-39 TriDubai ZAF (South Africa) CASTELLI ROMANI 167 Zammit Lindsey F35-39 MLT (Malta) TRIATHLON 168 Evans Kirsten F30-34 ZAF (South Africa) If your club is not listed, please log into your IRONMAN Account ( and connect your IRONMAN Athlete Profile with your club. If you are not able to find your club, please contact [email protected] Start list IRONMAN 70.3 Dubai, 2021 Search your name use "Crtl F" BIB Surname First Name AGE GROUP AWA TRICLUB Country Represented 169 Saito Yuko F30-34 JPN (Japan) 170 Webb Amanda F40-44 Tri Belles UAE GBR (United Kingdom) 171 Pasztor Kata F35-39 HUN (Hungary) 172 Mitic Milena F40-44 SRB (Serbia) 173 Riabushkina Tatiana F45-49 AWA Silver RUS (Russian Federation) 174 Westerveld Mirjam F40-44 NLD (Netherlands) 175 Cintra Renata F40-44 BRA (Brazil) 176 Sotirovska Simona F35-39 NZL (New Zealand) 177 Voskresenskaya Alexandra F35-39 AWA Gold RedLava Team RUS (Russian Federation) ARE (United Arab 178 Tetushkina Alexandra F30-34 Emirates) 179 Hallit Najla F35-39 LBN (Lebanon) 180 Koshkinbayeva Aisulu F30-34 KAZ (Kazakhstan) 181 Wormald Aifric F50-54 AWA Silver IRL (Ireland) If your club is not listed, please log into your IRONMAN Account ( and connect your IRONMAN Athlete Profile with your club. If you are not able to find your club, please contact [email protected] Start list IRONMAN 70.3 Dubai, 2021 Search your name use "Crtl F" BIB Surname First Name AGE GROUP AWA TRICLUB Country Represented USA (United States of 182 Prouty Nada F50-54 AWA Silver Tri Belles UAE America) 183 Jones Lesley F55-59 AWA Silver TriDubai GBR (United Kingdom) 184 ZAIM Ryme F30-34 MAR (Morocco) 185 Florinskaia Iana F35-39 RUS (Russian Federation) 186 Van Den berg Linda F45-49 ZAF (South Africa) 269 Choudhary Sapna F40-44 Tri Belles UAE IND (India) 188 Anjos Dorothee F40-44 DEU (Germany) Yas Cycles Triathlon 189 Farrell Clare F50-54 AWA Gold GBR (United Kingdom) Team 190 Nettleton Elaine F55-59 AWA Silver TriDubai GBR (United Kingdom) 191 Arning Ingrid F60-64 AWA Gold PRY (Paraguay) 192 Moxey Meg F25-29 GBR (United Kingdom) 193 Brown Gemma F35-39 GBR (United Kingdom) 194 George SYLVIA F50-54 TriDubai ZAF (South Africa) If your club is not listed, please log into your IRONMAN Account ( and connect your IRONMAN Athlete Profile with your club. If you are not able to find your club, please contact [email protected] Start list IRONMAN 70.3 Dubai, 2021 Search your name use "Crtl F" BIB Surname First Name AGE GROUP AWA TRICLUB Country Represented 195 Bell Elaine F55-59 GBR (United Kingdom) 196 Jadloc Angel F30-34 PHL (Philippines) 197 sarnobat maheswari F40-44 IND (India) 198 Brockmann Karin F55-59 NAM (Namibia) 199 Herzog Bettina F40-44 Team Mohrenwirt AUT (Austria) 200 Okennedy Tanita F25-29 ZAF (South Africa) 201 Kali Indira F18-24 KAZ (Kazakhstan) AWA 202 Kammer-Wilke Katrin F45-49 TriDubai DEU (Germany) Bronze 203 Liebmann Kathrin F55-59 DEU (Germany) 204 LEE Ka Wai F30-34 AWA Silver TriDubai HKG (Hong Kong) 205 Phillips Tina F50-54 GBR (United Kingdom) 206 Kotb Rhonda F40-44 TriEgypt EGY (Egypt) 207 Richardson Laura F35-39 GBR (United Kingdom) If your club is not listed, please log into your IRONMAN Account ( and connect your IRONMAN Athlete Profile with your club. If you are not able to find your club, please contact [email protected] Start list IRONMAN 70.3 Dubai, 2021 Search your name use "Crtl F" BIB Surname First Name AGE GROUP AWA TRICLUB Country Represented 208 Degow Fernanda F45-49 BRA (Brazil) 209 Magnusson Jenny F35-39 SWE (Sweden) 210 Plotnikova Anastasiya F45-49 UKR (Ukraine) 211 Amirova Dayana F30-34 KAZ (Kazakhstan) 212 Dittrich Kimberley F60-64 AWA Silver Tri Belles UAE CAN (Canada) 213 Ibrayeva Natalya F40-44 KAZ (Kazakhstan) 214 Buchanan Andrea F40-44 GBR (United Kingdom) 215 Klaas Kathrin F40-44 DEU (Germany) 216 Alzhanova Zhuldyz F35-39 KAZ (Kazakhstan) 217 Bigazina Aliya F35-39 KAZ (Kazakhstan) 218 carnevale lara F40-44 ITA (Italy) 219 HEN-KIPNIS Sari F45-49 ISR (Israel) 220 Bijl Joyce F40-44 NLD (Netherlands) If your club is not listed, please log into your IRONMAN Account ( and connect your IRONMAN Athlete Profile with your club. If you are not able to find your club, please contact [email protected] Start list IRONMAN 70.3 Dubai, 2021 Search your name use "Crtl F" BIB Surname First Name AGE GROUP AWA TRICLUB Country Represented AWA 221 Bongiolo Sonia F45-49 BRA (Brazil) Bronze Filipino International 222 Eugenio Jlyne F40-44 PHL (Philippines) Triathletes (FiT) 223 Semenova Olga F30-34 UKR (Ukraine) USA (United States of 224 Sweeney Denise F55-59 Tri-ing in the Sip! America) 225 Altmann Ruby F45-49 AWA Gold CAN (Canada) 226 Savostianova Ksenia F40-44 RUS (Russian Federation) 227 Galli Elisabetta F50-54 ITA (Italy) 228 berndt celeste F35-39 ZAF (South Africa) 229 Kay Lewis Cassandra F35-39 GBR (United Kingdom) 230 Fairley Nanette F50-54 AUS (Australia) 231 Nicolai Julia F35-39 FRA (France) USA (United States of 232 Yaslik Liz F30-34 America) 233 Elkafrawy Farida F30-34 TriEgypt EGY (Egypt) If your club is not listed, please log into your IRONMAN Account ( and connect your IRONMAN Athlete Profile with your club.

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