FEBRUARY 2018 | Volume 105 | Number 2 A publication of EVANGELISTIC FAITH MISSIONS CRADLEEthiopia OF A PAGE 2 MISSIONARY MOVEMENT PAGE 3 DECADES OF MINISTRY FRUIT IN ETHIOPIA Page 2 EFM KIDS’ PAGE Page 4 FUNDING THE MISSION Page 5 MISSION SPEAK Page 6 EFM NEWS AND NOTES Page 8 DECADES OF MINISTRY FRUIT IN ETHIOPIA Faith Hemmeter MISSIONARY HERALD (USPS 353-460) A wholesome monthly magazine published in the interest of aggressive, Faith Hemmeter recently world-wide missionary work. Subscription only $2 per year. received this letter from a Published by Evangelistic Faith Missions 168 Ikerd Lane P. O. Box 609 pastor in Ethiopia. Bedford, Indiana 47421-0609 Periodical postage paid at Bedford, Indiana 47421, and other mailing offi ces. Layout design: Jon Plank Dear Faith Hemmeter, another church. I hope and believe [email protected] Greetings in the name of our Lord that our Master will give me some Printed by Country Pines Printing, Shoals, IN and Savior Jesus Christ. He is our hope souls for His kingdom. As Paul said, All business communications, manuscripts, exchanges, subscriptions, etc., should be and the coming king. Praise His name! “though our outward man perish, yet addressed to: Evangelistic Faith Missions I was so happy when I saw your the inward man is renewed day by day” P. O. Box 609, Bedford, Indiana 47421-0609 picture with Samuel Mesfi n on Face- (2 Cor. 4:16). Amen. Yes, I am praying [email protected] book last year, and I read your testimo- that my motivation will be stronger Telephone: 812-275-7531 Offi ce hours: Monday-Friday, ny of how the Lord had answered your for the glory of God. At this time, I 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. local time prayer at Tinka, Ethiopia. You prayed need a mighty revival in my life to see Website: www.efm-missions.org Please advise us of any change of for money for literature to give to the God’s mighty power to speak to souls address, sending us both your old and people of Arie. That was true; I was in their sin and see them accept Jesus new addresses. there. You gave this testimony in the as their Savior and Lord. I need your Missionary work in Bolivia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Egypt, Eritrea, July edition of the Herald. That was a prayer help. Sometimes God takes time Ethiopia, Guatemala, Honduras, Liberia, Sudan, and two Asian countries, plus great time for me to learn faith and to to coordinate circumstances to bring Urban and Hispanic outreach in the USA. Please send all off erings to Evangelistic learn from you how to show Christ to pressure on a person to obey His word. Faith Missions, at the above address. We transfer and deposit funds monthly for others. The time was so short, but what Yes, I believe that God can give the an- each mission fi eld and missionary. PLEASE DO NOT SEND OFFERINGS DIRECTLY TO I learned was much. swer to my prayers, though sometimes THE MISSIONARIES; the possibility of losing From that time onward, I have it seems that He is silent. The more I money in foreign mail is high. been in the fi eld of God’s kingdom, prevail, the more I will learn the secrets In the event that Evangelistic Faith Missions receives more donations than are focusing on children’s ministry. You of God’s grace and the power of His required for any project or ministry, EFM reserves the right to use the excess taught me how to teach children with kingdom. Hallelujah! funds in other areas of need. fl annelgraph pictures. I used those Miss Hemmeter, we will meet at EFM is a 501(c)(3) good methods and have seen fruit. As Jesus’ kingdom and praise our Lord religious organization you know, I live outside of Addis, in a day and night. Until that time, may the Donations are tax deductible village in a Muslim-dominated area. Holy Spirit keep us clean and holy. May Postmaster: Send address changes to I am ok with them by the power of the God whom you have served many EFM, P. O. Box 609, Bedford, IN 47421-0609 my Lord, and have planted a church. years keep you and guide you to His Praise Him! kingdom. Amen. ABOUT THE COVER PHOTO Now I am trying to open another Your Brother in Christ © milosk50 / Adobe Stock station to teach children and plant Gherina Ghebru Sunset over the territory of Ethiopia’s Bana tribe. 2 MISSIONARY HERALD .......... CRADLEEthiopia OF A MISSIONARY MOVEMENT Stephen Gibson eople emigrate for many rea- “The church in Addis Ababa was President Psons, but a person who has been organized as the Faith Church of transformed by the gospel takes the Christ. Initially, university students power of the Holy Spirit and God’s gospel with him wherever he goes. made up most of the congrega- Word to be effective. “Therefore they that were scattered tion, but later more of the public “There are obvious reasons for the abroad went everywhere preaching was attracted to the services. Many work of the mission to have become the word” (Acts 8:4). former university students who now as fruitful as it has: (A) The sound belief This issue of the Herald features reside in the United Kingdom and in that it is by the help of the Spirit of a letter received by Faith Hemmeter the United States are still followers God and not by might nor by power or from a pastor who was converted of Christ, shining for the Lord while by human ingenuity, (B) The unflinch- and trained during her ministry in working in businesses and universi- ing determination of the leadership Ethiopia decades ago. ties. The church has branched into in Bedford, Indiana to perpetuate the Ethiopia is an exceptional other areas of the country, including enduring precepts and principles of demonstration of the power of the the Wolo province, which is heavily God in the work of His kingdom, (C) gospel to spread through trans- populated by Muslims. With the The significant sacrifice of American formed people. help of the church in Addis Ababa, missionaries who by faith ventured Most of the article below is the pastor there took care of young out to serve in unfamiliar cultures and taken from a letter from another indigent Muslim boys for years, and foreign lands, and (D) The consistent Ethiopian pastor, Dr. Teklemariam at least twenty of them have be- and sacrificial giving of EFM donors Wubneh, former EFM pastor in come Christians. The pastor is now who are not rich but average people. Ethiopia, Eritrea, and the U.S., and opening another ministry among “With the unbelievable growth former university director. Muslims in a neighboring village. and influence of this missionary work “Worship services began in “Today EFM believers from Ethi- across four continents; Africa, Asia, Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia, opia and Eritrea are spread through- and North and South America; a state- in 1967. I was honored to be the first out the U.S., Germany, Switzerland, ment analogous to the statement pastor of this congregation. In 1970, Norway, the United Kingdom, of the British Empire could be made as I was preparing to come to the U.S. Italy, Canada, Egypt, Sudan, Kenya, about Evangelistic Faith Missions: ‘The for education, I prayed for God’s ap- Uganda, South Africa, and the Arab sun never sets on the missionary work proval to be signaled by His provid- world. In many of these countries are of EFM.’ To God be the glory for what ing a successor for this ministry. God congregations led by EFM believers.” has been accomplished with limited answered my prayer two months Dr. Wubneh asked the question, resources, because of the abundance before my departure when a brilliant “How could such a small missionary of God’s grace and might! university student named Tewolde- enterprise such as EFM accomplish so “All the endeavors of God’s medhin Habtu testified during our much in just these two mission fields people engaged in building this Friday night prayer meeting that [Ethiopia and Eritrea]?” In answer to wonderful kingdom of God have he was called to the ministry. My his question, he quoted Zechariah been rewarded by seeing the fruits immense gratefulness to His High- 4:6: “Not by might, nor by power, but of their labor become a reality. In the est! Later Dr. Tewoldemedhin would by my Spirit, says the Lord of Hosts.” world to come, the Chief Shepherd serve the Lord as a professor in a He went on to give some char- will reward them with the crown of seminary in Kenya. acteristics of EFM that allowed the glory (1 Peter 5:2-4).” February 2018 3 .......... PART 6 OF 7 Condensed teaching from Encounter seminar/webinar Funding the Mission ANDREW STREET olan married at 17. When he got saved at around that just could not be calculated in order to make the N25 years of age, he and his wife already had fi ve ends meet.” children. Nolan was working two jobs and falling The next issue is the budget. As Dave Ramsey says, behind in the bills, but he knew that a Christian should your budget must be, “On paper, on purpose!” If it’s not tithe. “Andrew,” he told me, “At that point in my life on paper, it’s not real, and it’s not a budget. You need to 100% of my income was not equal to the bills we had see what you really need and how you’re really spending to pay.
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