Alphabetical list of collective citations with details of legislation included in citation. v. 1 October 2020 Collective Citation Act Containing Citation A ACC Bank Acts1, 1978 to 1999 29/1999, s. 9(2) Agricultural Credit Act 1978 (2/1978) Agricultural Credit Act 1982 (24/1982)2 Agricultural Credit Act 1988 (6/1988)3 ACC Bank Act 1992 (6/1992), other than ss. 10, 11 and 124 ACC Bank Act 1994 (26/1994)5 Borrowing Powers of Certain Bodies Act 1996 (22/1996), s. 9 ICC Bank Act 1999 (29/1999) s. 66 Acquisition of Land (Allotments) Acts 1926 and 1934 7/1934, s. 14(3) Acquisition of Land (Allotments) Act 1926 (8/1926)7 Acquisition of Land (Allotments) (Amendment) Act 1934 (7/1934)8 Adaptation of Enactments Acts 1922 to 2012 19/2012, s. 8(2) Adaptation of Enactments Act 1922 (2/1922) Adaptation of Charters Act 1926 (6/1926) Adaptation of Enactments Act 1931 (34/1931) Constitution (Consequential Provisions) Act 1937 (40/1937), ss. 2-5 Statute Law Revision Act 2012 (19/2012), ss. 7, 8(2) Adoption Acts 1952 to 1998 10/1998, s. 18(2) Adoption Act 1952 (25/1952)9 Adoption Act 1964 (2/1964)10 Adoption Act 1974 (24/1974)11 Adoption Act 1976 (29/1976)12 Adoption Act 1988 (30/1988)13 Adoption Act 1991 (14/1991)14 Adoption Act 1998 (10/1998) 15 1 Certain acts refer to the collective citation “ACC Bank Acts 1978 to 2001”, for example the Asset Covered Securities Act 2001 and the Criminal Justice (Theft and Fraud Offences) Act 2001. However, the ACC Bank Act 2001 does not expressly create this collective citation, which is why it does not appear on this list. 2 Repealed by ACC Bank Act 2001 (12/2001), ss. 12(1), 13(2), sch. 1, part 1 3 Repealed by ACC Bank Act 2001 (12/2001), ss. 12(1), 13(2), sch. 1, part 1 4 Repealed by ACC Bank Act 2001 (12/2001), ss. 12(1), 13(2), sch. 1, part 1 5 Repealed by ACC Bank Act 2001 (12/2001), ss. 12(1), 13(2), sch. 1, part 1 6 Repealed by ACC Bank Act 2001 (12/2001), ss. 12(1), 13(2), sch. 1, part 1 7 Repealed by Local Government Act 1994 (8/1994), ss. 1(9), 4(1), sch. 1, part 1 8 Repealed by Local Government Act 1994 (8/1994), ss. 1(9), 4(1), sch. 1, part 1 9 Repealed by Adoption Act 2010 (21/2010), ss. 2, 7(1), 84(1), 126(1), 176 and sch. 1, part 1 10 Repealed by Adoption Act 2010 (21/2010), ss. 2, 7(1), 176 and sch. 1, part 1 11 Repealed by Adoption Act 2010 (21/2010), ss. 2, 7(1), 176 and sch. 1, part 1 12 Repealed by Adoption Act 2010 (21/2010), ss. 2, 7(1), 176 and sch. 1, part 1 13 Repealed by Adoption Act 2010 (21/2010), ss. 2, 7(1), 176 and sch. 1, part 1 14 Repealed by Adoption Act 2010 (21/2010), ss. 2, 7(1), 90(2), 176 and sch. 1, part 1 15 Repealed by Adoption Act 2010 (21/2010), s. 7 and sch. 1 part 1 1 Adoption Acts 2010 to 2015 9/2015, s. 1(3) Adoption Act 2010 (21/2010) Child Care (Amendment) Act 2011 (19/2011), s. 49 Adoption (Amendment) Act 2013 (44/2013), s. 2 Children and Family Relationships Act 2015 (9/2015), Part 11 Adoptive Leave Acts 1995 and 2005 25/2005, s. 22(2) Adoptive Leave Act 1995 (2/1995) Adoptive Leave Act 2005 (25/2005) Agriculture Appeals Acts 2001 to 2020 15/2020, s. 7(2)(a) Agriculture Appeals Act 2001 (29/2001) Forestry (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2020 (15/2020), ss. 2, 3, 4 Agricultural Credit Acts 1978 to 1988 6/1988, s. 6(2) Agricultural Credit Act 1978 (2/1978) Agricultural Credit Act 1979 (31/1979)16 Agricultural Credit Act 1982 (24/1982)17 Agricultural Credit Act 1988 (6/1988)18 Agricultural Produce (Cereals) Acts 1933 to 1969 1/1969, s. 3(2) Agricultural Produce (Cereals) Act 1933 (7/1933) Agricultural Produce (Cereals) (Amendment) Act 1933 (49/1933) Agricultural Produce (Cereals) Act 1934 (41/1934) Agricultural Produce (Cereals) Act 1935 (26/1935) Agricultural Produce (Cereals) Act 1936 (30/1936) Agricultural Produce (Cereals) (Amendment) Act 1936 (56/1936) Agricultural Produce (Cereals) (Amendment) Act 1937 (27/1937) Agricultural Produce (Cereals) Act 1938 (16/1938) Agricultural Produce (Cereals) Act 1939 (22/1939) Agricultural Produce (Cereals) (Amendment) Act 1956 (5/1956)19 Agricultural Produce (Cereals) (Amendment) Act 1958 (24/1958)20 Agricultural Produce (Cereals) Act 1961 (47/1961) Agricultural Produce (Cereals) (Amendment) Act 1969 (1/1969)21 Agricultural Produce (Fresh Meat) Acts 1930 to 1988. 8/1988, s. 1(4) Agricultural Produce (Fresh Meat) Act 1930 (10/1930) Agricultural Produce (Fresh Meat) Act 1931 (45/1931) Agricultural Produce (Fresh Meat) (Amendment) Act 1935 (36/1935) Agricultural Produce (Fresh Meat) (Amendment) Act 1938 (1/1938) Abattoirs Act 1988 (8/1988), ss. 43, 48 Agriculture (An Chomhairle Oiliúna Talmhaíochta) Acts 1979 and 1987 7/1987, s. 2(2) 16 Repealed by ACC Bank Act 2001 (12/2001), ss. 12(1), 13(2), sch. 1, part 1 17 Repealed by ACC Bank Act 2001 (12/2001), ss. 12(1), 13(2), sch. 1, part 1 18 Repealed by ACC Bank Act 2001 (12/2001), ss. 12(1), 13(2), sch. 1, part 1 19 Repealed by European Communities (An Bord Gráin) Regulations 1975 (S.I. 203 of 1975), reg. 4 20 Repealed by European Communities (An Bord Gráin) Regulations 1975 (S.I. 203 of 1975), reg. 4 21 Repealed by European Communities (An Bord Gráin) Regulations 1975 (S.I. 203 of 1975), reg. 4 2 Agriculture (An Chomhairle Oiliúina Talmhaíochta) Act 1979 (9/1979)22 Agriculture (An Chomhairle Oiliúina Talmhaíochta) Act 1987 (7/1987)23 Agriculture Acts 1931 to 1980 12/1980, s. 4(2) Agriculture Act 1931 (8/1931) Agriculture (Amendment) Act 1934 (20/1934) 24 Agriculture (Amendment) Act 1941 (27/1941)25 Agriculture (Amendment) Act 1944 (3/1944)26 Agriculture (Amendment) Act 1948 (24/1948)27 Agriculture (Amendment) Act 1955 (2/1955)28 Agriculture (Amendment) Act 1958 (17/1958)29 Agriculture (Amendment) Act 1964 (19/1964)30 Agriculture (Amendment) Act 1967 (14/1967)31 Agriculture (Amendment) Act 1970 (3/1970)32 Agriculture (Amendment) Act 1971 (32/1971)33 Agriculture (Amendment) Act 1974 (23/1974)34 Agriculture (Amendment) Act 1980 (12/1980)35 Air Companies Acts 1966 to 1993 38/1993, s. 19(2)(a) Air Companies Act 1966 (4/1966)36 Air Companies (Amendment) Act 1967 (11/1967) 37 Air Companies (Amendment) Act 1969 (20/1969)38 Air Companies (Amendment) Act 1976 (36/1976) 39 Air Companies (Amendment) Act 1983 (3/1983) 40 Air Companies (Amendment) Act 1993 (38/1993), other than ss. 8(2), 13 and 19(2)(b)41 Air Navigation (Eurocontrol) Acts 1963 to 1983 38/1983, s. 16(2) Air Navigation (Eurocontrol) Act 1963 (15/1963)42 Air Navigation (Eurocontrol) Act 1971 (19/1971)43 22 Repealed by Agriculture (Research, Training and Advice) Act 1988 (18/1988), ss. 2, 28, sch. 2 23 Repealed by Agriculture (Research, Training and Advice) Act 1988 (18/1988), ss. 2, 28, sch. 2 24 Repealed by Agriculture (Research, Training and Advice) Act 1988 (18/1988), ss. 2, 28, sch. 2 25 Repealed by Agriculture (Research, Training and Advice) Act 1948 (24/1948), s. 5 26 Repealed by Agriculture (Research, Training and Advice) Act 1988 (18/1988), ss. 2, 28, sch. 2 27 Repealed by Agriculture (Research, Training and Advice) Act 1988 (18/1988), ss. 2, 28, sch. 2 28 Repealed by Agriculture (Research, Training and Advice) Act 1988 (18/1988), ss. 2, 28, sch. 2 29 Repealed by Agriculture (Research, Training and Advice) Act 1988 (18/1988), ss. 2, 28, sch. 2 30 Repealed by Agriculture (Research, Training and Advice) Act 1988 (18/1988), ss. 2, 28, sch. 2 31 Repealed by Agriculture (Research, Training and Advice) Act 1988 (18/1988), ss. 2, 28, sch. 2 32 Repealed by Agriculture (Research, Training and Advice) Act 1988 (18/1988), ss. 2, 28, sch. 2 33 Repealed by Agriculture (Research, Training and Advice) Act 1988 (18/1988), ss. 2, 28, sch. 2 34 Repealed by Agriculture (Research, Training and Advice) Act 1988 (18/1988), ss. 2, 28, sch. 2 35 Repealed by Agriculture (Research, Training and Advice) Act 1988 (18/1988), ss. 2, 28, sch. 2 36 Repealed by Aer Lingus Act 2004 (10/2004), ss. 2, 13(2), sch. 37 Repealed by Air Companies (Amendment) Act 1976 (11/1967) s. 7(b) 38 Repealed by Aer Lingus Act 2004 (10/2004), ss. 2, 13(2), sch. 39 Repealed by Aer Lingus Act 2004 (10/2004), ss. 2, 13(2), sch. 40 Repealed by Aer Lingus Act 2004 (10/2004), ss. 2, 13(2), sch. 41 Repealed by Aer Lingus Act 2004 (10/2004), ss. 1(3), 10(1), 52(a) 42 Repealed by Irish Aviation Authority Act 1993 (29/1993), ss. 1(2), 10 43 Repealed by Irish Aviation Authority Act 1993 (29/1993), ss. 1(2), 10 3 Air Navigation (Eurocontrol) Act 1983 (38/1983)44 Air Navigation and Transport Acts 1936 to 1998 24/1998, s. 1(2) Air Navigation and Transport Act 1936 (40/1936) Air Navigation and Transport (Amendment) Act 1942 (10/1942)45 Air Navigation and Transport Act 1946 (23/1946) Air Navigation and Transport Act 1950 (4/1950) Air Navigation and Transport Act 1959 (1/1959) Air Navigation and Transport (No. 2) Act 1959 (29/1959)46 Air Navigation and Transport Act 1961 (25/1961)47 Civil Liability Act 1961 (41/1961), Part VI Air Navigation (Eurocontrol) Act 1963 (15/1963), in so far as it amends the Air Navigation and Transport Acts 1936 to 196148 Air Navigation and Transport Act 1965 (6/1965) Air Navigation and Transport Act 1973 (29/1973) Air Navigation and Transport Act 1975 (9/1975) Air Navigation and Transport (No.
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