- 4r.yW',: rfl h • <r f 'S i 6-1 - ■-tj.>*'ri'T*'.'.*» V-^v. t'v-'- — ,-■<- - f/'.i f. rsfj r_{ ^ i _ >r- *.a^ -4^. V.- ! U- vs-?’ -'-TteiTiiiii" T0 1 .tl.H 0 .lM. ^ W - .. .- r r y > ^ . - n S '*r 'ifer- i i-Tji I Maiite G^^erBOB^rOwh l^ ra rIt -.1 \ Om Conpuv l^ t 23 Mi- STATFS DONOtAlS init F«r Firm Ib A a iOUSRNTOimtD KSn; ilnait B nd^ Con^aaf ShKl[ Sdl KvAer ef Eqbrer To Be Wmlrington, lOiy 30 — (A P ) — SpeAcr At M ner To Be 'Duhlin, Irish Free- Htato,. l ^ y YO. Walter B. Sacha, ^nealdait of the -^'CAP)-^The que^cm whether' the T d b U idert Ooldman Sacha TradhiS Cbrpora- Hdd h Watotary. o a ^ o f alleglmrpe to the; Britlah thJD, detailed to the Seai^ banking drown ia.to be ’ abolished in the Pns W iier Are committee today the peyhient of Wadezhmy, Conn., May 20. Iiiah- SVee State lay at the door of 128,500,000 In purchase of-the Gen- (AP)—iSs-Govemor Harry Flood the Free’ Stnte senate today. Yaise Bai. ^ ereal Foods Company, which had an Investment o f 81,760,000. ^yrd of Vbglnla, one of the candi­ . Plapionn de Vetera, tirdess bat­ Testifying In the Stodc Karket dates Jor the Democratic presiden­ tler for "a free Ireland, won his Inquiry, he said In 1920 Us firm paid tial nomination will be the chief light for the aboUtfon of, the. oath .Wasbtogtam, May Ktbpewen, N. J , May 2 l ^ g u ? ) i § • mO^ than 812,000,000 and the q>eafcer at a dinner at the Hotd'E3- kk’ t ^ Dal] Farteom la tst' nii^t, the midst, o f a wor^i ta W ' di^yite StiQ amdous to eonfnmt JoamirYfc, Poetum Company more than 810r cariying.%Vny vote, tochkOng the that held foe tax' b ^ motibnteas in ton in Waterbuiy on Tburaday, ftm l paaeage o f the u n , : ty nuu CartBA jailed hoaxer-of foe UOte'' 000,000 because the General Foods June 2. The affair will mark the the Senate, Presicienit Hoover em­ >ca^ kidnap case, with foe Rev. Company owned valuable patents jotity of t7 to 69^ nie Rtyublicaa rttwrfai opeiUng o f the Democratic and Labor coalition hdd firm, -bat­ phasized' .totoqT' 'to-^'’Gdligi H .' Debs(m -Peaco^ Gurtia' asns^ for freezing perishable foods. vlctoiy cami>aign in Connecticut, Previously Goldman Sachs had tering down' the awbtern opposi­ leaders he chpetoed’ Qaugiiw;. to elate-in a fantastie hunt for the, Waterbuiy havtog been chosen for tion o f former PrebiSteit Coegra^'s paid 8^,^50,000 for 150,000 shares tUs signal honor. consider no adjouxnxneht jdmm un­ SWdered baby, state pottos offei^' in the Postum Oonqwny, “ —*• eeid Oonservative opposition^ - -**n H. Fahey, former president - aU wool and a wide yard in wUCh to work. Governor WSBam Tudor Gajrdtoer 4ff;Maine Ja gcfiqg to There wefe no fireworks. The til the revehue bOl is pefoed. to pay the Norfolk mlnlsteF|i questiimlng by WIj m 'm States Chambv of Opponoite <rf foe inq^Ort teXM re-; .. lee tf he would come to New Gray, counsd for the inquiry, suit' himself tbla spring. As you see him at the right, he’s taking shear Joy in removing a slwup’s ovncoat debate was deliberate an^-even. Ce' CoiDmerce executive chairman at a fast dip <m his form at Phipps Point; Me. But the Gcvanicr must- have felt a fait ah«e]^. Idmmlf, Valera qpoke in a quiet, modulated new^ their aasaidt.'s$ tofotyb..... Jisrsegr for questioning. Gray went throafih a eonqdieated o f the /Ictory campaign,'WOl Uao Sion with.;a new threat for generat .(HSfor stoce Curtis eoTifessed three ^ desciiptloa of.the de&,under wUch when, as shown lower left, he stumbled and fell before the camera because one sheep, being not a tait lamtH voice. attend the dinuier, as will a host of like, ezhllrited his anlmal.si4xits1iy running away in a wfld^and woolly n o^ er. W i^ ihe shefotiig is ended, ■tariff revlsirm tovtovtog months, <ff ,agajteat all his uegotiattens, ' the Poetum Oompanyi though it . ' B n ; Same-BIliHA woric if the (dl, coal,' pepper, Democratic chieftains of the state worklooms forkDrs. Allce'Davis, asi8terof the Chief Caecuttve, who is seen upper left on a'20Q-yduvold "Other nations in the -British ))e ittade in association wifo paid less, got 51 per cent <n 'the headed by Governor Wilbur 1,. lumber import taxes are kept to.'tiw stock in the acquired conqiai^ and loom. The rerndtant fabifew ill fashion Mr. Gartfiher’s next scdt^preving 'that while'clothes: ordinary may' comnHHiwealth can m nove ~ this bfll. " : . -.... ^JgeiMjbck and Rear Adooiral. Goldman-Sachs got 49 i>er cent.- » Cross and including all the party make the man, a Governor makes the dothe& oath if they wish," he add. *^e imsge, were faked, foqierto- leaders.-- Tariff proponfots, Democrate.jhad it o f State Pottee H. Ncbman Sachs agreed that. dividend pre­ have the same rl|^t and .we .gre go­ RepubUcans, accepted, the defl^and ferences also were given to Poatum fihqdorer's Brother . ing to remove it It Is ^ b# In t^ baa been extremely Gov. Byrd, who is the brother df waited for a chanfo to vote, .con^' aaxtflua, to have Dobaon-Peacock and the 150,000 shares bought %y eat to do so. The people want it:re- fidence of .a: maurgih of.on e o r two' Goldman Sachs were ezd u d ^ from Commander Richard E. Byrd, 'con­ mbved. We are dcri^ it Hdtiwut come hare. queror of both the North and South any violaticm of . the tftetty.” to their fovor. Tlte 'Ifoiglnia minister, ' hternto. the prefermices. No Early yeto The Postum atoCk was sold^ by' Poles, is (me o f the most prominent The Senate will meet next has refused. figures in the Democratic Party. A It was appaiwat as the third dey Goldman-Sachs at a loss of CZSO,- Wednesday. De Valera's idanta 'a)- o f debate wore bn foh|r no early ^ *tye .wittJwj^ad to reimburse lir. 000, Gray said, and the remainder keen student of national affairs, bis ieaity have been assailed there" ki!^ yefoock-flnrhls oKpensps to cinnhig opposition has mYmfized-fPr the vote waa to prospect apd that each of this stock was written off at 81 qwebb at the recent Democratic site was atubbrnnly entrenched for to ' ^pewell," Sifowiuskopf an- In 1980. in Washingtcm. was hailed a finfidi fii^t;' Eacb/hop#n0y walt- fiotoiciefl to hia m onhig news bnlte- Sacha said it was Wrltteh off la With geasrsl.-acclaim. A t fhat time. Oannot Veto It .The Senate cannot exercise a -;:^oal: Schvaxsfco^ also ffie Int e e sts o f conservaHam^ ,l» mrpiiaed fats associates by rec- (Oonttaued «>; yage tw e) timugh It had potential value. a referendum pu probi- Nalims t v final veto, hbwever. It.,may refuse that Dr. Jcdiii F. -to pass the measure fe r 18 mcmtiis, . negotiatorv hade cUmpletad CAlJb BfOVOB MACDfASB SCi . will bCtHMi.gUHkt ip Water- but if it does the 1 ^ ; ntey agidn toapeetka ef the nguea ride a T« pass it and if the Sdiiitefafls a.aee- l«BdS|«gtQh, ) i ^ 20i^CAPX —: cf May# Y. Fwdr Bayes, _ . to KeW YUxk CEy ands West- uone of the princi- end time to epproB o^^a WQ be­ U M ^ cotety, N.f t ^ e wffl toi The Seaatte Stock ICafket lavesti- comes a law after 60 diys. which has nnfdded k this pid iqpaaknnji it the dinner. text to foe large rogued As it was passed,. Ihe bill con- of New; J a n ^ , indu or stupfndons proSts by pod opera- In ISpeak Alpn jteihs three, '^other ; ikonaiAlationa) tkma on the Kew York Bzchange, Bife-.FshCT'j ■> ofDe of the best '(aiangfes betedis ahiAithm ^yBfi - the tmned to new channels today with la-the polttlcal and okfii. Onetteipeals tiMFseefitoiBaf ti)e the natit^ and. his Laadro^rSfcttFM Bb 8 S l.T ai — an drder for B«'B. Wantar—4BOtiott • -kA P\~A Waiiem* for- riirtygfmfnfcl^ X>»stltutidn^pioivUHbgfl^ -.fifeBdOD l^ture magnate—to ajqtev. to be eg totense to the t^ iU if the WlSiam ^ iStn* coaraki p a the treatyahbS'hie; iiMpibry, ^ " jMity' , Hew |nit hundr siK a f th- long side o f his nn Fagn T w oy '’ Ua^(rf idle dollars |o wqrlF’’'*^ri^ ^ th e J n ^ ;«r ^ t0 2 l and also wants' tcfhqplre staimNoday by a pioWer^ epn^ ^ ....... .. itatoa fiMnkj j abd iii tor tas dani • sboiipB* pgq>er puWdtJ^^'wUch accom] mitfte'd^'baidEers and IndustriaUats ISxe^jiroposa^ has fo b foil /Wamer’a upeim ons. York, May 20.— bttf it as a p # t o f tfaa,jDeiipi;^ under tlM cfaaimianshlp of Owen-D. oftha;^dteflHtatM,'Wfaioh tutiba. A. Newtto Plummer, New York 1^ Stock^^MttkeVHUflBiy w nevm it represented at Gensya Young. ; publicity paSm, has also been aom- coidd .Hi^ ;^y^^e. niotte^ cuesiem of the. plan, by kopf-__ __ , — __ The group was called together by Philadelphia, 20.-^(APJ -r- A moned. ment i^ ay in vrord thjii^''a epu^t- Iteber,: J r .: XJbeiia'rma. flriat’}aef tip. hban.4to aee C u itia ^ -foA -ja fi- Representative La Gnardia n S r a X F P L A N George-Xu Harrison, governor (ff the as a refuge for Ameri(^ (diaim Iawiimne88">;i8' a' Flemtogtoo, NJ J., yfowa^he N. Y.) testifled. b e fcn e ^ t^ ^ m i^ - tee hadbbW - named- by :tha New ■Tha American Finmito .;G^q>pra- contributing dtuse to -^ipsent day New York, Federed Reserve, bank,- tp erttae and radicalism t # s mads< be^ default of-fiOiOOO tee a few weeta ago that;'nuinhier make thp ‘ FedeiU’.] Reserve’s poBey York ^^’^ ra i- Reaefvw hank to:aa- ttondnd^the^.
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