In Praise of the American Gary L. Koller and Don O. Smoke Tree Shadow Have you ever wondered why one intro- comparison aside here and give our native duced species within a genus flourishes in species the attention it deserves. the nursery and landscape industry while a Robert A. Vines, in his book Trees, Shrubs native American plant with notable traits and Woody Vmes of the Southwest, states remains obscure? An example of this occurs that Cotinus obovatus occurs on "rocky in the genus Cotinus. Cotinus coggygna limestone hills of Texas, Oklahoma, Arkan- Scop., the common smoke tree or smoke- sas, Missouri, Alabama, Tennessee and Ken- bush, whose native range extends from tucky. Nowhere very abundant or wide- South Europe to Central China, is frequently spread." Thomas S. Elias, in Trees of North seen in residential landscapes here. It is America, says that it generally grows in sought after because of its many fine qual- limestone soils of dry, rocky slopes, in moun- ities : a long period of midsummer floral and tain canyons, or on high hills. It is found fruit ornamentation, showy plumose fruit at elevations up to 1000 m. Because it in- panicles (which create the smokelike effect habits locations with hot humid summers that gives the plant its common name), vivid and relatively mild winters, many assume autumn foliage colors, ease of culture, and that it will not thrive under the soil and longevity (the oldest plants extant at the Ar- climatic conditions of northern landscapes. nold Arboretum are 108 years old and Yet we have found a planting as far north as healthy). Our native American smoke tree, the Landscape Arboretum at the University C. obovatus Raf., on the other hand, is rarely of Minnesota. Dr. Harold Pellett, on the staff seen. It is often missing even in the horticul- there, told me that the arboretum had had tural literature. Older books on landscaping success with seed of a cultivated plant from omit it completely. When it is included, it is the Morton Arboretum in Lisle, Illinois, in described in almost disparaging terms: "the 1963. Today, one of the resultant seedlings, fruiting panicles are not showy - it is useful which grows in an exposed site, is nearly 5 m only for autumn color - where the smaller tall. It is stem hardy at temperatures above smoke tree will suffice, the American approximately -25°F. The minimum tem- species can be omitted." Writers always at- perature at which the roots are cold hardy tempt to compare the American species has not yet been determined. Information on with its Asian relative. We have observed the original native locale of this plant is un- fruit panicles in the wild that are quite available. A more cold-hardy genotype may showy, though it is fair to say that those on yet be found. the Arboretum’s trees are not. We shall lay A second welcome feature of the Amer- 18 19 ican smoke tree is its adaptability to various plants can show colors as vivid in themselves soil conditions. In Tennessee it occurs on (as, for example Rosa nitida but their south-facing rock outcroppings of limestone, thicker leaf blades rob them of the wonder- where the pH is 6.5 to 7.0. Very little soil is ful effect...."" present on top of the rocks, so the roots must Soil moisture and soil nutrition seem to invade the cracks and crevices to anchor the affect autumn brilliance. One writer sug- plant and obtain moisture and nutrients. In gested that when grown on rich soil that is the same area it also grows in sites with bet- high in nutrients, the resultant lush, soft ter soil, where it associates with juniperus growth produces poor fall color. A. J. Ander- virginiana, Rhus aromatica, Viburnum son, in a 1945 issue of The Gardeners’ prunifohum, Cercis canadensis, and Quer- Chromcle, said "the most beautifully col- cus prinoides. At the Arnold Arboretum a ored examples I have seen are growing on an 102-year-old specimen flourishes in highly exposed, dry bank of poverty stricken soil. A acidic soil near the edge of a meadow. Peter moist, rich medium should definitely be Del Tredici, of the Arnold Arboretum staff, avoided as it always results in vigorous, observed the plant thriving in alkaline clay sappy growth which is detrimental to au- soils in the Chicago area. Excess soil mois- tumn coloring." Fall weather also seems to ture, however, may detract from optimum affect color brilliance. At the Arnold Ar- autumn foliage coloration. boretum one plant varies from very colorful The relatively low stature (8 to 12 m) of to dull depending on sunlight and tempera- this tree makes it suitable for small or tures in early October. In the wild, autumn crowded landscape sites, where it can serve color varies substantially from one plant to as an alternative to dogwood, crabapple, and the next. hawthorn. Emerging spring leaves exhibit colors from The fall-foliage colors of this tree are soft bronze to purple, which are particularly stunning. At the Arnold Arboretum few attractive with backlighting, which exposes plants match it in terms of brilliance and in- the sparse hairiness of the leaf surface. tensity. In full sun the colors are scarlet, Summer color of fully expanded leaves is a orange-scarlet, and claret and in shade ap- dark green. ricot, gold, and yellow. A. C. Downes The bark of the American smoke tree pro- acclaimed the plant for its fall colors in 1935 vides pattern and detail in the winter land- in The Gardeners’ Chronicle: "seen with the scape. Bark plates have bases lifted slightly autumn sun shining through its translucent and pulled away from the stems, creating.a leaves, decked out in all shades of flaming fish-scale-like effect. The scale pattern var- orange and scarlet, it has been a sight not ies among individuals, and the plant could easily forgotten.... It is just the translucent benefit from selection for this characteristic. quality of its foliage that causes the warm Plants must reach approximately 20 years of fiery glow that is its great charm. Other age before the mature bark pattern develops. At this point the plant can be pruned to ex- the bark to view. The bark can be an in- A 102-year-old Amencan smoke tree (Cotmus pose obovatus) at the Arnold Arboretum. Barth Ham- teresting focal point of a winter landscape. berg photo. The tree can also be planted en masse to 20 21 create a mini-forest of textured stems. Arboretum to Distribute American Smoke Cut of the American smoke tree logs Tree to Friends match jumperus virgmiana in durability and Dunng spnng 1984 the Arnold Arboretum will and have been used as fence longevity posts distribute approacunately 3000 plants of Cotmus and walking sticks. When the tree is cut for obovatus to Fnends of the Arnold Arboretum. The logs or burned over by fire, the stump has the plants were specially grown for the Arboretum at ability to resprout quickly, resulting in multi- Shadow Nursery, Inc., a wholesale grower m Wm- chester, Tennessee, near the natural habitat of Co- stemmed specimens. As a result, most wild tmus obovatus. Don Shadow scouted the area for plants are multistemmed and not very suitable plants from which to take cuttmgs and Color on cut wood straight. freshly samples chose several for bnlhance of autumn fohage. Stock varies from bright yellow to pale orange. plants grew as wild mvaders beneath the electnc Extract from the wood was an important power lines, where they had been cut back to pre- vent their with the wires. Don’s staff fer- source of a natural dye, especially during the mterfermg t~hzed these m situ and that the Civil War period. plants hoped power company would not spray the chosen ones with her- Flowers and fruit are borne in termi- large bicides. It did not, and vigorous succulent growth nal panicles. Attached to the upper end of ensued This verdant vegetation became the basis for each panicle are slender stalks clad in fine our plants. hair. These create the smokelike effect, which in the wild varies in color (from light tall, with a crown spread of 8 m and 5 stems brown to tones and fleshy pale purple), size, arising from ground level, of which the and density. The sexes occur usually on largest two are 45 cm in circumference. In separate plants but occasionally on a single poor soils and under harsh environmental plant. In the horticultural literature the conditions in the wild, the plant can be male plant is reported to be superior for found in spreading thickets free of other "smoke production." All of these factors species. Such varied growth habits allow suggest that selection could produce a more great opportunity for the selection of indi- beautiful tree. Fruiting is said to be sparse in viduals for specific purposes. the wild. Seed is often difficult to find, as squirrels gather it before it ripens. Growing the American Smoke Tree The height of the plant varies consid- is successful in erably, though this may be attributable to Vegetative propagation environmental conditions. The largest plant early summer. Cuttings are taken just before the new season’s to documented is a national champion tree at growth begins harden, the Deane Hill Country Club in Knoxville, and the soft fleshy tip of each cutting is off. are trimmed to 15 or 20 Tennessee. The tree is 13 m high, with a pinched They cm and in I.B.A. in crown spread of 10 m, and a trunk girth of long dipped quickly methanol or treated with Hormodin Num- 1.5 m.
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