E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 113 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 160 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, MAY 29, 2014 No. 82 Senate The Senate was not in session today. Its next meeting will be held on Friday, May 30, 2014, at 2 p.m. House of Representatives THURSDAY, MAY 29, 2014 The House met at 10 a.m. and was ment that my colleagues and I were proach me at Memorial Day events to called to order by the Speaker pro tem- prevented from offering an amendment say that they agree that Afghanistan is pore (Mr. BENTIVOLIO). to the NDAA dealing with the constitu- not worth the blood that has been shed f tional responsibility of Congress to de- there. Furthermore, they agreed with clare war. me that Afghanistan is not worth DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO Like many Members of Congress, I America continuing to borrow money TEMPORE had the opportunity to speak at events from foreign nations, driving up fur- The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday on ther the debt of our Nation to fund fore the House the following commu- Memorial Day weekend. Every time I President Karzai’s corrupt government nication from the Speaker: spoke, I mentioned my frustration that when we have a multitude of problems WASHINGTON, DC, the McGovern-Jones amendment was and needs right here in America. May 29, 2014. not able to be brought to the floor for Mr. Speaker, I would like to close my I hereby appoint the Honorable KERRY L. debate and a vote. However, I was comments by quoting Pat Buchanan, BENTIVOLIO to act as Speaker pro tempore on pleased that ADAM SCHIFF’s amend- and I believe this describes our situa- this day. ment to repeal the Authorization for tion in Afghanistan: ‘‘Is it not a symp- JOHN A. BOEHNER, Use of Military Force, which was Speaker of the House of Representatives. tom of senility to be borrowing from passed by Congress in 2001, was at least the world so that we can defend the f brought up for a debate. However, I was world?’’ I am going to repeat that one MORNING-HOUR DEBATE disappointed that the Schiff amend- more time. ‘‘Is it not a symptom of se- ment was defeated, because no Presi- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- nility to be borrowing from the world dent should have the authority to send so that we can defend the world?’’ ant to the order of the House of Janu- men and women to war without action ary 7, 2014, the Chair will now recog- from Congress. Mr. Speaker, we are a debtor nation. nize Members from lists submitted by According to CRS, the AUMF has We can’t even pay our bills without the majority and minority leaders for been invoked in 30 known instances by going into the international markets morning-hour debate. Presidents Bush and Obama for the and borrowing money to pay last year’s The Chair will alternate recognition purpose of deploying troops. This rep- bills. It is time that this Congress un- between the parties, with each party resents an abdication of our constitu- derstands that we need to come back to limited to 1 hour and each Member tional responsibility. America and rebuild America. We need other than the majority and minority Yesterday I had the honor of visiting to be smart with our foreign policy. We leaders and the minority whip limited Walter Reed National Military Medical need to be smart with our men and to 5 minutes, but in no event shall de- Center. Mr. Speaker, I have beside me women in uniform. bate continue beyond 11:50 a.m. a poster of a triple amputee. This gen- And as I look at this poster one more f tleman gave his arm and both legs for time, Mr. Speaker, when I saw that 23- our country. Yesterday at Walter Reed, year-old young man from Camp AFGHANISTAN during my visit, I had the privilege of Lejeune, which is in my district, yes- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The talking with several of our Nation’s he- terday and his father, who is probably Chair recognizes the gentleman from roes who have lost limbs, double ampu- about 50 or 51, and the young man has North Carolina (Mr. JONES) for 5 min- tees and triple amputees. both legs gone and an arm, I looked in utes. Mr. Speaker, those lost limbs as well the eyes of the father, and what I saw Mr. JONES. Mr. Speaker, I am on the as other injuries, both physical and was pain; what I saw was worry; what floor today to express my disappoint- mental, are why I had veterans ap- I saw was sorrow. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H4913 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:37 May 29, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29MY7.000 H29MYPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H4914 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 29, 2014 We in this Congress need to follow the Pullman Standard factory. Yes, he However, I am going to read from the our constitutional responsibility and made boxcars for a living. executive summary of the inspector never send our young men and women ‘‘People have fought for freedom all general’s allegations: to war unless we debate it and we de- over the world,’’ he said. ‘‘I try to show ‘‘Allegations at the Phoenix HCS in- clare war on the floor of the House. that struggle. It is a war to be fought. clude gross mismanagement of VA re- f We are trying to win it.’’ sources and criminal misconduct by In his time off from the Pullman fac- VA senior hospital leadership, creating HONORING THE LIFE OF ARTIST tory, Dial would escape to his garage systemic patient safety issues and pos- THORNTON DIAL or backyard and create masterpieces sible wrongful deaths. While our work The SPEAKER pro tempore. The out of whatever he could find. Out of is not complete, we have substantiated Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from fear that people would laugh at his art, that significant delays in access to Alabama (Ms. SEWELL) for 5 minutes. he would bury his work. Later, he care negatively impacted the quality of Ms. SEWELL of Alabama. Mr. Speak- would dig it up and deconstruct it and care at this medical facility.’’ er, today I rise to honor one of Amer- reuse materials for new masterpieces. Mr. Speaker, that is breathtaking. ica’s most prolific and self-taught art- Dial began to dedicate himself to his That is breathtaking. This is our Fed- ists, Mr. Thornton Dial of Bessemer, artwork in 1981. He founded Dial Metal eral Government. Alabama. Patterns, a garden furniture business, Falsified data reported last year by Today at the age of 86, Thornton Dial with his sons in 1983, after the Pullman Phoenix HCS showed veterans waited, has lived, worked, and created art in Factory closed. on average, 24 days for their first pri- Dial’s handmade designs were discov- Alabama for his entire life. From child- mary care appointment. Falsified data ered by Lonnie Holley, a neighboring hood, Dial was creating symbolically said that they waited an average of 24 Black artist, in 1987. Holley brought dense pieces of art by using castaway days; however, the recent IG report Bill Arnett, an artist himself and a col- objects, anything he could find in his found that veterans actually waited, on lector of African American art, from environment: pieces of wire, scrap average, 115 days for their first pri- Atlanta to see Dial’s work. Arnett metal, bones, tree roots. He used his mary care appointment, with approxi- helped him to get national attention environment to define his environ- mately 84 percent of those waiting about his art. The two finally, working ment. more than 14 days, which was the stat- together, agreed on a price for his first Dial’s work provides a forceful and ed goal. compelling narrative of the most insid- sculpture. Initially, Dial offered Arnett the Mr. Speaker, 115 days for their first ious challenges and remarkable tri- piece for $20, and Arnett refused the appointment. That is the appointment umphs of African American history in low price. He said to Mr. Dial that this where you go talk to the doctor and the Deep South. His work contains lay- piece deserves more than $20. They you tell him what is wrong or what you ers of rich history and reflects on race agreed on $200. This was the first trans- think is wrong and he starts making an and class struggles that he witnessed action that Mr. Dial had as an artist. assessment. That is not treatment. in the Deep South. Dial’s work has been the subject of That is just an appointment with the Dial rose to prominence in the 1990s exhibitions across this country. At the doctor. Mr. Speaker, 115 days. while in his sixties through his large- New Museum of contemporary art and To put it another way, VA manage- scale assemblages, paintings that were the American Folk Art Museum in New ment at Phoenix HCS met 16 percent of made of scrap metal, pipes, very inter- York. His work can be found in more its wait time goal, and those folks still esting visual interpretation of the his- than 15 public collections, including received bonuses for that action.
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