/20 08 2011 / 10 volume 66 Trickle-down effect River on the Run Artist Collective explores Branding the the politics of water Exchange NEWS pagE 2 District NEWS pagE 3 COMMENTS pagE 9 Plus interviews with Rococode Dehli 2 Dublin Paper Lions Cuff the Duke The Ripperz 02 The UniTer OctOber 20, 2011 www.UniTer.ca Looking for LisTings? Cover Image CAMPUS & cOmmunITY LIsTInGs anD The war on campus VOLunTeeR OppORTunITIES paGe 4 "Was it for a moment..." against freedom of manmade famine musIc paGe 12 Somalia's food shortage FILm & LIT paGe 14 BY BOB HAVERLUCK expression GaLLeRIES & MUSEUMS paGes 14 & 15 THeaTRe, Dance & cOmeDY paGe 18 See story on page 15 campus news page7 cOmmenTs page8 AWARDs & FInancIaL aID paGe 18 People Worth Reading ABout UNITER STAFF Winnipeg gets advice from a ‘one man committee’ ManaGinG eDitor Local blogger emphasizes small-scale development in quest for civic policy changes Aaron Epp » [email protected] BUSiness ManaGer Geoffrey Brown » [email protected] eThaN CaBel blogger counterparts, Krawec is NewS assigNmeNT edITor optimistic about government- PrODUcTiOn ManaGer Ayame Ulrich [email protected] driven attempts to revitalize the » downtown core. cOPy anD styLe eDitor When it comes to cities, the devil “The government has supported Britt Embry » [email protected] is in the details, says local blogger a lot of projects that made down- Photo eDitor Walter Krawec. town Winnipeg, and the city gener- Dylan Hewlett » [email protected] “A little shop opens up on the ally, a better place,” he says, adding corner, a building comes down to that he looks to Edmonton, where newS assiGnMenT eDitor make way for parking; those are he received his law degree from the Ethan Cabel » [email protected] pretty small things in the grand University of Alberta, as a model newS PrODUcTiOn eDitor scheme,” Krawec, a 32-year-old for successful revitalization. Matt Preprost » [email protected] lawyer and public policy expert, “In the 1990s, downtown says over an Americano at a small Edmonton was not unlike down- arts anD culture eDitor Nicholas Friesen [email protected] Exchange District coffee shop. town Winnipeg in the sense that » “But they do provide an indi- things had an air of stagnancy.” cOMMents eDitor cation of the general direction in Krawec emphasizes that the suc- Trevor Graumann » [email protected] which things are moving.” cessful changes in Edmonton were Listings cO-OrDinator For over a year, through his blog driven by investments in residential Kent Davies » [email protected] One Man Committee, Krawec has development. meticulously chronicled his impres- He has been a major propo- caMPUS BeaT rePOrTer sions and observations of urban life nent of the Waterfront Drive con- Vacant in Winnipeg. dominium developments, the Ave- BeaT rePOrTer And, by emphasizing the impor- nue Building re-development along Chris Hunter » [email protected] tance of everything from modern- Portage Avenue as well as the reno- ist architecture at the Winnipeg vation of the Union Bank Tower in BeaT rePOrTer Anne Thomas [email protected] airport to the obtrusive presence of order to house Red River College » yield lanes on Main Street, Krawec students on Main Street. BeaT rePOrTer hopes to distinguish himself from Krawec’s optimism is refreshing Vacant other urban bloggers while inspir- for those who have become weary culture rePOrTer ing Winnipeggers to think criti- of civic criticism. Still, he maintains Aaron Snider » [email protected] cally. there is plenty of work to be done “I try to chronicle some of the to create a dense urban environ- small things that might go unno- ment in Winnipeg and that Cen- CoNTrIBUTORS: ticed by the media, (or) by other tre Venture Development Corpo- urbanist blogs. A lot of what hap- ration’s Sports, Hospitality and aranda adams, Kaeleigh ayre, Jessica pens in this city can be measured by Entertainment (SHED) develop- Botelho-Urbanski, Lindsay Brown, looking at the details,” he says, add- CiNDY TiTUS/UNiTER ARCHiVES ment plan is not enough to rescue Melanie Dahling, Garrett elias, Katelyn ing that he loves walking around Lawyer by day, blogger by night: For over a year, walter Krawec has chronicled his the downtown. Winnipeg’s neighbourhoods with observations of urban life in winnipeg on his blog One Man committee. “Centre Venture and large city Friesen, robert Galston, Jared Gauthier, his digital camera at the ready. developments are only half the carson hammond, natasha havrilenko, Krawec first became intimately story.” adam Johnston, Dallas Kitchen, interested in cities 10 years ago dur- Jacobs. “We’ve heard several stories ing an undergraduate course at the Due to the influence of Jacobs about the red tape that can just par- You can read Walter Krawec’s blog Dunja Kovacevic, Stephen Kurz, Derek University of Winnipeg, where and others, Krawec maintains alyze small entrepreneurs. It’s easy at www.onemancommittee.com or Loewen, Miguel McKenna, Brit McLeod, city politics professor Christopher Winnipeg should facilitate more to see how government can be a listen to him on the University of Josiah neufeld, evan roberts, Pamela Leo introduced him to the works small-scale development in order to hindrance in that regard,” he says. Manitoba’s UMFM 101.5 Internet of influential urban theorist Jane breathe new life into the core area. However, unlike some of his Pundits radio program. roz, harrison Samphir, Jon Sorokowski, Kuzema Valerija BY ChriS Hunter The Uniter is the official student newspaper of the Q: Do you Think universiTies uphoLD anD encourage freeDom of expression? Why University of winnipeg and is published by Mouseland or Why noT? Press inc. Mouseland Press inc. is a membership based organization in which students and community members are invited to participate. For more information on how to become a member go to www. uniter.ca, or call the office at 786-9790. The Uniter is a member of the canadian University Press and campus Plus Media Services. seamus fogarty, first-year madison sutherland, olena kozel, second- student, arts third-year student, year student, arts SUBMiSSiOn OF ARTicLeS, LeTTERS, GRAPhicS AND PhOTOS ARE WELcOMe. articles must be submitted in "i think it upholds and education "Yes. i feel that text (.rtf) or Microsoft word (.doc) format to editor@ promotes it. That's what "Absolutely. University everyone comes from uniter.ca, or the relevant section editor. Deadline for universities are all about, of Winnipeg in particu- a different place submissions is 6:00 p.m. Thursday, one week before man." lar stands for diversity and it's important to publication. Deadline for advertisements is noon Friday, and they express that express that." six days prior to publication. The Uniter reserves the right to refuse to print submitted material. The through allowing free- Uniter will not print submissions that are homophobic, dom of expression." misogynistic, racist, or libellous. we also reserve the right to edit for length and/or style. cONtACT US » General Inquiries: 204.786.9790 Advertising: 204.786.9790 editors: 204.786.9497 Fax: 204.783.7080 michael Benjamin Brown, keith price, profes- rebbecca Walms- e-mail: [email protected] professional artist sional musician ley, employee, Web: www.uniter.ca "Academia puts forward a "Yes, they are doing stella's cafe and Bakery LOcAtION » single method of learn- what they can. There room OrM14 ing - a male-centric method are groups for all types "For the most part. University of Winnipeg based on reading and writ- of people with different Some institutions 515 Portage Avenue ing. This can be restricting opinions at universi- like to keep certain Winnipeg, Manitoba r3b 2e9 because not everyone's ties. it's not perfect, things uniform mode of output and expres- but it's not easy to do though." sion is the same." either." Mouseland Press Board of directors: Michael rac (chair), alex Freedman, Ben wickstrom, Kelly ross, Karmen wells, Peter ives, robert Galston and Sara McGregor. For inquiries e-mail: [email protected] News 03 www.UniTer.ca OctOber 20, 2011 The UniTer news A-Zone hoping for cause to celebrate this Co-op Week negotiations to buy 91 albert nearing end and they all kind of work together, in part aNNe ThomaS because they're just in the same space, and it's BeaT reporTer unique,” Pearce said. She said in other cities, these kinds of orga- nizations are more isolated and don't own It's National Co-op Week, an annual cele- their own space. bration aiming to raise public awareness of “So they're at the whim of their landlord, Canadian co-operatives. And for a group of at the whim of the changing urban land- worker co-operatives in Winnipeg's down- scape,” she said. “Owning the building is a town, it could be the week to learn if they'll way of thinking long-term how we can stay succeed in their bid to buy the building they in the Exchange District.” occupy. Mark Jenkins is with ParIT, an employee- The 91 Albert St. Autonomous Zone managed co-op providing financial account- (A-Zone) has been around since 1995. It ing information technology. All of their soft- formed to unite organizations working for ware is free and open-source, so it can be diverse aspects of social justice, including shared and modified without restriction. worker co-ops, feminist, indigenous, human ParIT is one of four worker co-ops cur- rights and anarchist organizations. rently committed to the 91 Albert tenant Being housed under one roof allows the co-op, along with Mondragon, Natural Cycle organizations to support each other in a vari- Courier, and the Rudolph Rocker Cultural ety of ways, including offering subsidized Centre. Five of the building's other tenants rents to fledgling groups.
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