THE SUNDAY OREGOXTAX, PORTLAND. AUGUST 24, l'JIS. who will sing all the roles from Aiu-cen- a to Ortrud; and. she will be beard as Kundry in the "Parsifal" perfor- SCIENTIST EVIDENCE OF mance with Whltehill as Amfortas, FINDS NEW which role made him famous in Bay- reuth. CONTINUITY OF EXISTENCE OF SOUL Other contraltos named are Margaret Keyes. Cyrena Van Gordon. Ruby Heyl and Miss Wheeler, and the baritones Boundary Between Life and Death Wearing Thin, Says Sir Oliver Lodge Dr. Friedmann Sued for Throwing in addition to those already named are Wants Investigation of Affairs in Mexico. Hector Dufranne. G. Polese, Armand Former Friend Overboard in America Wyoming Senator Grabbe and Frank Prelsch. Among the novelties promised are Leoncavallo's "Zlngari." with Bass! and Polese; "Kuhrelgen," to be given as "Rans des Vaches" In French, as pro- duced in New York last season by Cam- panini with Dalmores, Dufranne, Mmes. Claussen and Dorda; Gnecchi's "Cas- sandra," which is another part of the story of "Electra," and which aroused a great storm from the composer, who openly accused Richard Strauss of in- tentional plagiarism, and others not yet announced. Revivals will Include "Fedora" by Giordano, with Muratore and Cavalierl In the chief roles; Puc- cini's "Manon." with Mary Garden and && !, li I I ."sarvv ... j,- - J.I I Bonci; Mozart's "Don Giovanni," with Titta Ruffo in the name role: Bellini's !- "Puritanl Polacchl," with Bond and y - Florence Macoetn; ei aiei J, isanae, wiin jnary iiaraen ana murii-nell- i, and many of the regular reper- tory In Italian, French and German. Opera in English, to be given on Sat- urday evenings, will include "Hansel and Gretel," 'Martha," "Cricket on. the Hearth," "Cinderella." "Mignon." "Na-toma- ," "Carmen," "Faust," "The Lov- er's Quarrel" and "Cavallerla Rustt-cana- " on the same bill, "Tales of Hoff- mann" and "The Secret of Suzanne." The opening opera will be "La Glocon-da,- " with Ruffo and Carolina White. -- tumti.ii.I imii f mm iii f I I J Mr Ik f inf Agnes Berry, better 'known on the No. Foster Bros Ideal Beds Pacific Coast as Agnes Qulnn, has for 41 62- saken grand opera to create the lead ing role In a light opera to be produced ' by Klaw & Erlanger. The opera will 1 be called "The Spanish Girl." EW TORK, Aug. 23. (SpeciaL) r i i i ii 1 Sir Oliver Lodge, whose re- - The news has escaped that before as to material, workmanship and finish. searches into the unknown world joining the light opera company Guaranteed made' him famous, has sume surprises which David Bispham is to sing the The only firm using Alasto Lacquer Finish, giving the In store for the gritish Association, in leading role of. "Die Fidele Bauer," the his address m September 10. He will great artist has consented to make a beds a uniform color and finish that does not become in meeting ch assert this a belief in "an tour of eight weeks In vaudeville. ch height ultimate continuity of existence efore Bispham, who has Just returned from dull and spotted. pillars, fillers; and death as essential to science." triumphs in has after a tour of Australia, of 62 inches. Its Is inferred he has new evidence to assented to the insistent request of head offer of immortality. Martin Beck, who has signed him for Sir Oliver already has told the world a tour beginning in September in Cin that "the boundary between two states cinnati, with Chicago and the Pacific Regular the known and the unknown life Coast to follow. Price $38.00 . and death is still substantial, but is wearing thin in places, and excavators axe engaged boring The Brleux play, "Damaged Goods," in a tunnel from has taken. on a new lease of life, and This Week Only $25.50 opposite ends. We are beginning to opened where it closed, at the Fulton hear now and then strokes from the Theater,' with Richard Bennett and pickaxes of our comrades on the other much the same cast as that which of Rugs, .Stoves. aide." fered originally the most - discussed In all kinds of Furniture. Carpets, season. Mr. 22 years drama of last Bennett as Ranges, etc., you will find tnat we hare just 'what you Daniel L. Cease, for editor just returned from Europe, where he and proprietor of the Railway Train- went to Induce the playwright to make want and at more attractive prices than you can secure men of Cleveland, has been chosen as a lecture tour in this country, some- one of the' six arbitrators who are to thing which Brleux nearly ..consented elsewhere. Try us that is the proof, . settle the present trouble over wages to do. The play will be taken ou between the trainmen and conductors tour, but It will only go to those cities and the railroads. There are to be six where it is earnestly desired and when arbitrators. Mr. Cease and Lucius .B. there 'will be no Interference from the Sheppard are to represent the men. courts. The railroads are to name two arbitra- . tors and these four will select the re- C. crter-.fr- maining two arbitrators. The Playhouse will open with Owen act as his - They quarrelled omlng. Is the author of the drastic Davis' play, "The Family Cupboard," Competitor The Home of Good Furniture assistant for which William A. Brady has en- One Year Ahead of Seljro Birai was recently appointed and Friedmann threw Benjamin over. resolution for the protection of Amerl Ministry of Communica- gaged Ruth Benson and Agnes Marc. adviser to the Now Benjamin's father, Julius Benja- cans in Mexico which Is now up for Alice Brady, charming daughter of tions of China. He is the executive an the head of the Japanese railways. He was min, has brought charges against consideration. Senator Clark wants the manager. Is rehearsing a small part educated in the United States. He was Friedmann before a court of honor in investigation of Mexican conditions In In "The Family Cupboard" just to oblige here in 1S75 with Baron Kaneko, Mar- Germany. He charges him with un- order that Senators may be Informed her father. She also Is rehearsing the & In his to-- leading in comedy which Sons professional conduct relations role a musical Jenning as present He blames Henry quis Komura and other students who the situation. have since become famous. with young Dr. Benjamin. The charges the Administration for keeping its pol- she will fill as soon as it is ready for have no relation to the merits of the icy secret to even its own followers. production. Corner Second and Morrison Dr. Harry Benjamin came to Ameri- serum. Senator Clark was born at Sandy ca with Dr. Friedmann and Is still here. Creek. N. Y, In 1851. He Is a law- Emma Trentlni has consented to post- He had a contract with Friedmann to Clarence Don Clark. Senator, of Wy- - yer. pone her appearance in a new opera for the purpose of extending the run of "The Firefly," the attraction with which the new combination-hous- e under direc- SIGNS OF LATE NIGHT LIFE IN SAN tion of the Shuberts will be opened In Brooklyn on Labor day. Trehtini Is as devoted to light opera as ever, and FACE HARD FRANCISCO ARE DECREASING RAPIDLY notwithstanding the rumors at the end CLUB WOMEN OF STATE of each season, she always decides to come back to this form of opera. She OF OREGON - FOR UNIVERSITY New Saloon Closing Law Not Minded by Owners, as Many Previously Locked Places Early Christian Science absolutely refuses, however, to say FIGHT Credited With Curing Drink Habit Portland Property Owner to Build in Golden Gate City. whether her return in the role of "The Firefly" instead of a new work, has any Referendum Measure Threatens Existence of State Institution Honored by Leading Men of Northwest Duties of to plans Oscar relation the of Hammer Are Out Voters Urged to Eally to Support of Historic School. FRANCISCO. CaL, Aug. 23. of interest In Sam Leake's story of re- of 1S4 feet for 60 years at a rental of steln. The impresario and his son hold Federation Members in Emergency Pointed The state law closing demption from drink, which is being $30,000 annually. He must erect a a long contract with the Italian prima SAN printed In an paper In daily building less $500,000, donna, and it is understood she and her from 2 to 6 A. M., which afternoon not to cost than ago BT SARAH A. EVAXS. President Ore- fessional man, the educator and the school buildings and school property" installments. Leake is telling how he and he has an option to buy within 10 tenor of a few seasons Orvllle furnish-ing- s, went into effect recently, has not hit will gon Federation of Women's Clubs. scientist as well. (Include grounds, buildings, was cured of the drink habit by Chris- years at $700,000 the leased ground. Harrold be heard again jointly Consolidation in this state under equipment, etc)? the general run of saloon men so hard tian Science. He Is and has been a and that he will not be singing "I'm m . EVER did a state federation have com- Is no - present conditions would mean c How many hours are Duildlngs as was at first thought. There prominent figure In San Francisco. The cost of the new country home Falling- In Love With Some One." He piece of work laid out for it edu- more of the late night lifr In San Fran- may sing same thing in Italian, as, iyj a parative abandonment of higher used each week? As a politician and later as manager which Mr.
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