March 9, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E329 causes around the world. In 1967, Mike set up rister in County Donegal until being appointed CONGRATULATING THE DALLAS/ several companies in Israel to help put the as Judge of the Circuit Court in 1998. She has FORT WORTH INTERNATIONAL country on the fast track to success. In Bos- worked as a journalist in both print and radio AIRPORT nia, Sonja and Mike have done incredible mediums and is the author of several books, work. Undeterred by the front line proximity to including ‘‘Journalism and the Law’’ and ‘‘In- HON. MICHAEL C. BURGESS the fighting, they buy and rebuild damaged sider Dealing’’. Justice Murphy is chairwoman OF TEXAS homes in the ravaged country to provide shel- of the Irish Association of Women Judges. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ter for those who are most needy. Mike actu- Mr. Speaker and Colleagues, please join me ally strapped on his tool belt and grabbed a in honor of the Honorable Justice Adrian Thursday, March 9, 2006 hammer to help. This is a man of great deter- Hardiman and the Honorable Justice Yvonne Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to mination who is unable to sit by and watch his Murphy, for joining us in Cleveland as we cel- congratulate The Dallas/Fort Worth Inter- dream being built by others. They also provide ebrate St. Patrick’s Day. Please also join me national Airport for being named the best food and other basic needs to grateful in recognition of Tim Collins and Thomas cargo airport in the world by Air Cargo World Bosnians. Scanlon for organizing this wondrous St. Pat- magazine. While working with a group that brings hu- rick’s Day party this year, as they have for the Based on an evaluation by survey partici- manitarian aid to all walks of life in Bosnia, past 27 years. ‘‘Ni dheanfaidh smaoineamh an pants, the winner is chosen from the cat- Mike came across a family who had to wade treabhadh duit—You’ll never plough a field by egories of performance, value, facilities and across a river in order to rebuild their home on turning it over in your mind’’—Old Irish Prov- operations. The survey was announced in Air the other side. Efforts to rebuild the bridge had erb. Cargo World in the March 6th issue. been thwarted by conflicts with Serbs in the The Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport area. Mike offered his finances and services f soared above tough competition in order to and the bridge was built. Several families have RECOGNIZING WILLIAM ANZALONE earn the title of ‘‘World’s Best Cargo Airport.’’ used the bridge to help rebuild their homes. AS HE RECEIVES THE SWINGLE Not only has the airport been experiencing im- Mr. Speaker, I am honored to recognize AWARD FROM THE PITTSON pressive growth this past year, they have also Sonja and Mike Saltman on the floor of the FRIENDLY SONS OF SAINT PAT- done so while maintaining excellence as a top House today. Through their promotion of RICK priority. peace, understanding and compassion As a representative of part of the DFW Air- throughout the world, they have built many port, and a frequent traveler between DFW bridges, traversing great spans that bring peo- HON. PAUL E. KANJORSKI and Washington Reagan, I am grateful to ple, ideas and dreams together. OF PENNSYLVANIA lmow that they have earned such a wonderful f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES distinction of excellence. Thursday, March 9, 2006 I extend my sincere congratulations to the IN HONOR OF JUSTICE ADRIAN Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport and its HARDIMAN OF THE SUPREME Mr. KANJORSKI. Mr. Speaker, I rise today CEO Jeff Fegan, for their demand for quality COURT OF IRELAND AND JUS- to pay tribute to my good friend Attorney Wil- and merit, as well as their integral role in se- TICE YVONNE MURPHY OF THE liam Anzalone of Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, curing our citizens. CIRCUIT COURT OF IRELAND who is being honored by the Friendly Sons of f St. Patrick of Greater Pittston as the recipient HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH of their annual Swingle Award. PAYING TRIBUTE TO AMERICAN OF OHIO Mr. Anzalone owns and operates Anzalone LEGION BOULDER CITY POST 31 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Law Offices, a personal injury trial practice with offices in Wilkes-Barre, Scranton and Thursday, March 9, 2006 HON. JON C. PORTER Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania. OF NEVADA A past president of the Luzerne County Bar Mr. KUCINICH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES honor, welcome and recognition of Justice Association, the Northeastern Pennsylvania Adrian Hardiman of the Supreme Court of Ire- Trial Lawyers Association and the Luzerne Thursday, March 9, 2006 land and Justice Yvonne Murphy of the Circuit County Bar Charitable Foundation, he has re- Mr. PORTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Court of Ireland—united in marriage and also ceived certification by the National Board of honor American Legion Boulder City Post 31 in their quest for truth and justice—and I wel- Trial Advocacy and the American Board of which celebrates its 87th birthday this month. come them both to Cleveland, Ohio, on St. Trial Advocates. American Legion Boulder City Post 31 was Patrick’s Day, March 17, 2006. Attorney Anzalone has been chosen by his organized October 12, 1931 by WWI Veterans For the past twenty-seven years, Tim Col- peers for the title of ‘‘Super Lawyer’’ for the working on the Hoover Dam project, with a lins and Thomas Scanlon have organized the past three years, a distinction that places him charter membership of over 400. The perma- St. Patrick’s Day Party and Parade, a joyous in the top five percent of practicing lawyers in nent charter was granted March 28, 1932. event that brings people together in the heart Pennsylvania. After being without their own building for of Cleveland and is one that promotes and Bill has served numerous civic organiza- several years, the members decided to con- preserves the treasured traditions of their be- tions. He is a past president of the Wilkes- struct a permanent home for Post 31. They loved Irish homeland. Once again, Euclid Ave- Barre Chapter of UNICO, having chaired its made extensive use of volunteer labor, includ- nue will spring to life as a sea of green and annual football game for several years. He ing many recently discharged WWII Veterans, the spirited sound of drums and bagpipes currently serves as chairman of UNICO’s gift and used surplus building materials obtained begin their march along our city streets. This committee. from a number of government agencies. The enchanted day promises old friendships re- He is a past member of the board of direc- building was completed in 1948 and has been newed, the discovery of new ones, and serves tors of the St. Vincent DePaul Soup Kitchen, the home of Post 31 since that time. Activities as a living bridge that transcends space and the Lackawanna Junior College, the Greater held in the new building, such as movies and time, connecting the north coast of Cleveland Wilkes-Barre Chamber of Business and Indus- dances with live bands, constituted some of to the shores of the Emerald Isle. try and Leadership Wilkes-Barre. the first entertainment in Boulder City. Justice Adrian Hardiman was born in Dublin In 2005, he was inducted into the Luzerne One of the most popular events put on by and was called to the Bar in 1974, the Inner County Sports Hall of Fame due to his per- Post 31 is the well-known Fourth of July cele- Bar as Senior Counsel in 1989, and was ap- formance as a defensive back on Temple Uni- bration and parade known as the ‘‘Damboree.’’ pointed to the Supreme Court in 2000. Justice versity’s football team. A symbol of the service to and involvement Hardiman continues to be actively involved in Bill is married to the former Tina Medico with the community, the parade is still popular, social issues in Ireland. He speaks fluent Irish and they are the parents of three beautiful with the American Legion Post 31 Color Guard and is an advocate within the Court on behalf children. leading the event every year. of the rights of those who speak native Irish. Mr. Speaker, please join me in congratu- Post 31 continues to give dedicated service In 1974, Justice Hardiman married Justice lating Attorney Anzalone on this auspicious the community and the military. They reiniti- Yvonne Murphy, judge of the Circuit Court of occasion. Attorney Anzalone’s contributions to ated the blue star program used in the Second Ireland. They have three sons. Justice Murphy his community speak for themselves. His com- World War so that families may show a ban- was born in Donegal and was a practicing bar- mitment to service is an inspiration to all. ner in their windows when they have someone VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:46 Mar 10, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A09MR8.024 E09MRPT1 hmoore on PROD1PC68 with HMREMARKS.
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