fl0R1o~ ·~<,,, \(P ,:,:, P:.-4.J 2 S. R. A.-B. A. I. 268 [ > .., Issued September, 1929 ;:; - 1 United States Departmenf' ~ Agricul SERVICE AND REGULATORY AN~NO MENTS BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY AUGUST, 1929 [This publication is issued monthly for the dissemination of information, instructions, rulings, etc., concerning the work of the Bureau of Animal Industry. Free distribution is limited to persons in the service of the bureau, establishments at which the Federal meat inspection is conducted, public officers whose duties make it desirable for them to have such information, and journals especially concerned. Others desiring copies may obtain them from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C., at 5 cents each, or 25 cents a year. A supply will be sent to each official in charge of a station or branch of the bureau service, who should promptly distribute copie to members of his force. A fi le should be kept at each station for reference.] CONTEN Y'9 P&&'e Changes in directory ________ __ _______ ____________ . ____ ___ ________ ----- __ _- - __ ---- -- ___ __-- __ - ___ ___ 69 Notice~ regardi~g meat i~pecti~~---- ____________ _____ _____ _______ _______ ----- ___ ---------_- - __ __ _ _ 70 Anuna1 casrngs of foreign ongm ___________________________________ _____________ __ ___ ___ -- __ ___ _ iO Addition to the list of permitted dyes ________ ___ __________ _____________________ ___ _____________ 71 Animals slaughtered under Federal meat inspection, July. 1929_____________________________________ 71 Extent of tuberculosis in animals slaughtered at three important markets, July, 1929_______________ 7l Causes of condemnation of carcasses, June, 1929____________________________________________________ 72 Imports of food aniIIJ.als and of meats and meat food products during July, 1929_______ ___ ____________ 72 Foreign meat-inspection official ______ . __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 72 Summary of tuberculosis-eradication work in cooperation with States, July, 1929_ __________________ 73 Permitted disinfectants ____________ ______ __ _____ _______________________ .____ ___ ___________ ________ _ 74 Anti-hog-cholera serum and hog-cholera virus produced under licenses______________________________ 74 Summary of hog-cholera-control work, July, 19'.<9__ _______________________ _____ _____ ___ _____________ 75 Proceedings under the packers and stockyards act__________________________________________________ 75 Notice regarding requests for transfer______________________________________________________________ 75 Payment for books and subscriptions to periodicals________________________________________________ 76 Results of prosecutions for violations of laws __ _______ ____________________ ______ ____ ____ ______ __ ___ 76 New publications of the bureau______________ ___ ___ _____ _____________________________ __ ____________ 76 CHANGES IN DIRECTORY Meat Inspection Granted 21. W. H . Booth & Co. (Inc.), 1121 East First Street, Santa Ana, Calif. 220. Woolner Packing Co. 210-214 North Green Street, Chicago, Ill. 237. Hermitage Lard Co. (Inc.), Hermitage Road and Leigh Street, Richmond, Va. *51 3. Delaware Packing Co. (Inc.), South Kortright, N. Y. Meat Inspection Withdrawn 237. Old Virginia Ham Co., Richmond, Va. 476. The Cudahy Packing Co., Portland, Oreg. Meat Inspection Extended *889. United Packing Co., South St. Paul, Minn., to include Katz & Rifkin Packing Co., J. B. Kasowitz, Jacob Feinberg & Co., Joe Schaffer, Minne­ sota .Packing Co., and Dakota Packing Co. • Conducts slaughtering. 69298-29 69 r 70 BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY [August, Change in Name of Official Establishment 48. Chicago Kosher Products Co., 3351-59 South Halsted Street, Chicago, Ill., and Sinai Kosher Sausage Factory, Kosher Star Sausage Mfg. Co., United Kosher Sausage Co., Newberry Kosher Sausage Mfg. Co., and Levin's Sinai Kosher Sausage Factory, instead of previous name and subsidiaries. 662. Chicago Kosher Products Co., 1002-1010 Maxwell Street, Ch'icago, Ill., and Sinai Kosher Sausage Factory, Kosher Star Sausage Mfg. Co., United Kosher Sausage Co., Newberry Kosher Sausage Mfg. Co., and Levin's Sinai Kosher Sausage Factory, instead of previous name and subsidiaries. Change in Address of Official Establishment 70. E. A. Debroisse, mail, P. 0. box 554, Woonsocket, R. I., instead of P. 0. box 306. 704. D. Goldstein, 1726 Linn Street, Cincinnati, Ohio, instead of 21 Mercer Street. Change of Official in Charge Dr. A. W. Combs succeeds Dr. W. F. Osborn as inspector in charge of meat inspection at Fostoria, Ohio. Dr. S. H. Still succeeds Dr. C. J. Becker (deceased) as inspector in charge at Baton Rouge, La. Change in Address of Official in Charge Dr. L. P. McArdle, Box 378; office at Swift & Co., Watertown, S. Dak. Dr. J. G. Fish, Capitol Building, Tallahassee, Fla., instead of 7-8 Lewis Bank Building. Note Establishment 504, A. H. March Packing Co., Bridgeport, .Pa., no longer conducts slaughtering; remove asterisk from directory. Correction Page 36 of the directory, under Grand Forks, N. Dak.; the official number of The Northern Packing Co. is *969, not 996. New Station South Kortright, N. Y., meat inspection, Dr. A. W. Kay, in charge, care Dela­ ware Packing Co. New Subst:i.tion Santa Ana, Calif., meat inspection, under Los Angeles, Calif. NOTICES REGARDING MEAT INSPECTION ANIM AL CASINGS OF F0REIGN ORIGIN Certificat es required b y B. A. I. Order 305 and instructions issued thereunder, which bear t he official title of the high offi cial of the foreign country as specified below, will be accept able ,Yith animal casings offered for importation into the United Stat es. The certificat es must nlso bear the signature of the high official of the national government having jurisdiction over the health of animals in the foreign country in which t he ca ings originated, but o>';ing to t he fact that the high offi cials are changed from t ime to t ime it is impracticable t o p ublish ,their names. Offic ial title Foreign country Secret arv t o the G vernment of Bomba y in charge of the agricultural department:__ Government of Bombay, India . The notice in Service and R egulatory Announcements of September, 192 , i hereby revoked s far as the Government of Bombay, India, i cone rned. 1929) SERVI CE AND REGULATORY ANNOUNCEMENTS 71 ADDITION TO LIST OF PERMITTED DYES By a decision of the Food, Drug, and I nsecticide Administration, effective September 15, 1929, one new dye, Brilliant Blue F. C. F., will be made available on that date and may be used in conformity with the- meat-inspection regula­ tions. ANIMALS SLAUGHTERED IN JULY, 1929, UNDER FEDERAL MEAT IN­ SPECTION IN DISTRICTS REPRESENTED BY THE CITIES IN THE FOLLOWING TABLE Station Cattle Calves Sheep Goats Swine Baltimore __________ ________________________ _ 6,889 1,354 3, 798 48,742 Buffalo _____________________________________ _ 9,473 3, 250 9,102 69,219 131, 331 38,308 252,2 7 320 5 7,590 12, 273 7,034 8,619 3 77,542 Cg~~~~ati·-===leveland ________________________________ == = = = = = == == = = = == === == == ==== = =- _= =- 7,299 6,764 12, 529 57,359 Denver __ ____ __ ___________________ _____ _____ _ 6, 9 4 1,829 12,067 19, 758 Detroit _____________________________________ _ 6,157 7,117 7,976 89,156 Fort Worth _________________________________ _ 32,225 32,408 33,842 2,006 25,033. Indianapolis _______ ______ ________ __ ___ ______ _ 16, 124 4,219 11,049 89, 797 K an sas City ______ _______ ___________________ _ 64, 773 17, 671 107,485 88 241, 741 Milwaukee. ______ ___ _______________________ _ 12, 270 23,533 5,547 2 111, 626i National tock Yards _______________ ______ __ 27,380 11, 6 8 66,313 122,879 New York __________ _____ ___________________ _ 32,406 57,216 Omaha _____________________________________ _ 224,82 15 83,600 74,849 3,904 137,055 9 214,433 Philadelphia __ __________________________ --- -- 5,639 8,041 23,618 63,847 St. Louis ___________________________________ _ 13, 842 , 534 10, 160 136,525 Siou x City __________________________________ _ 33,877 1,995 31,463 127, 756 South St. Joseph _____ ______________________ _ 26,653 5,517 87, 714 3 95, 107 South St. Paul. ____________________________ _ 3 , 943 45, 559 19,377 147,049 Wichita _______ _____________________________ _ 5,458 1,563 3,554 5 53,312 All other establishments ____________________ _ 141,239 75, 119 186,427 523 1, 134, 709 Total: July, 1929. ____________________ _ 706,084 362,623 1,254, 10 2,974 3,596,780 July, 1928 _____________________ _ 662,331 361,564 1,076,307 921 2,984,203 7 months ended July, 1929 _____ _ 4, 617, 126 2,682,8 0 7,792,924 12,200 28,772,219 7 months ended July, 1928 _____ _ 4,756,357 2,835,419 7,333,727 7,682 30,791,477 New York, Brooklyn, Jersey City, and Newark! __________ _______________________ _ 39,416 63,917 275,098 15 153,479 1 The slau ghter figures for this group of cities are included in the fig ures above fo r "New York" and "All other establishments" and are combined here to show the total in the greater New York district. Horses slaughtered in July, 1929 _________________________________ _______ ___________________________ 15, 559 Horses sla ughtered in July, 1928. __________________________________________________________________ 12, 356 7 months ended July, 1929 ___ _________ ___ ______ _. ___________________________ _____ __________________ 58, 249 7 months ended July, 1928 ____________________ ______ ____ ___________________________________________ 65, 235 Inspections oflard at all establishments, 156,3 4,75 inspection pounds; compound and other su bstitutes, 34,906,715 inspection pounds; sausage, 73,592,155 inspection pounds. Corresponding inspections for July, 1928: Lard, 125,170,111 inspection pounds; compound and other sub­ stitutes, 37,910,056 inspection pounds; sausage, 67, 72,256 inspection pounds.
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