/? . * Att end The Wednesday Murray Prize Debate Chapel Services in Chapel ¦ Durin g Len ten Season I Tuesday Evening ^ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ n ¦¦- —- - n - ¦- ¦' —"" b ' -_ " " h" b ihje ^ Lambda Chi Alpha And A. A. U. W. Presents Many f-attires Srs Senator LaFollette Analyzes My Hill " ¦ Phi Lead Divisions "Murray first Pop Concert Depression And Outlines Cure First Semester 1935-36 Faculty Members In Leslie Fraternity Average Wide Variety Of Music To Senator Interviewed Forceful Progressive Tells 1. (2)* L. C. A. _______ -80.3 Howard's Famous Comedy 2. ( 3) T. D. P. ___ 77.9 Be Of High Quality By Echo Reporter Capacity Audience About 3. (6) Z. P. 77.6 On Friday night, March 6, at 8:15, U. S. Economic Problems 4. (5) P. D. T __76.6 "Murray Hill," comedy of Leslie On the evening of March 13, one 5. (4) K. D-R 75.9 Howard, famous actor-playwright, week from Friday night, the Alumnae Comments On Several Issues 6. (1) T. K. N 75.6 will be produced -at the Alumnae building will be the scene of a novel By Eobert Anthony 7. (7) A.. T. O. ___ 72.3 building under the auspices of the type of musical evening in Colby. Of Timely Interest Senator Robert M. LaFollette, 8. (8) D. K. E. 71.7 American Association of University Plans for the Pop Concert sponsored dynamic , yoxing Wisconsin Republi- 9. (3) D. IT. 68.8 by the Glee Clubs have progressed Women. Students, members of the Ascending to the second floor of can, held t_ie strict attention of a All-fraternity average 75.2 with rapid strides during the past faculty and staff as well as townspeo- the Elmwood Hotel and proceeding capacity Colby Lecture. Series audi- Non-fraternity average 74.9 and all tickets for the affair ple will take part, and reports are week, down the corridor to room 204, I ence last Monday night. for two solid All-men average 75.0 have been sold with applicants for afloat that it will be well worth the knocked; "Senator LaFollette?" I hours, although -he spoke , to them, on *the numbers in ( ) indicate the many more. All indications point to fifty cent price of admission, which queried. standing at the end of tlie second se- incidentally, goes towards a fellow- one of the finest concerts ever ar- "Yes, sir. And come right in and mester, 1934-35. ship for some deserving girl of Water- ranged by students. sit down," said the dark-haired Sena- Sorority Average Colby next year". The entire program will follow the ville to attend tor from Wisconsin. As he walked 1. (3) P. M. 82.8 model of the larger pop concerts, Under the direction of Mr. Gordon across the room I could see that he 2. (1) D. D. D 82.5 with tables about the floor of the Smith, instructor of French, the first was a stocky gentleman a little be- 3. (2) S. K. 78.6 Alumnae building, ample room for act gets off to a merry start with Mr. low average height but with a com- 4. (4) C. O. 77.8 dancing to the strains of the White Alan Galbraith as well-poised butler manding aspect about him. Robert 5. (5) A. D. P. 77.6 Mules in the center of the floor, re- of three elderly ladies, including M. LaFollette, Jr., is the eldest son of All-sorority average 79.9 freshments prepared by a local cater- "Nannie" whose part Miss Katherine the late Senator Robert M. LaFol- Non-sorority average 79.1 er and served by a group of Colby Boutelle capably takes, the irrepres- lette, who was a leader of the Pro- All-women average 79.2 "beauties, and decorations suitable to sible Elizabeth, played by Mrs. J. F. the occasion. The concert itself will gressives in 1912. Two sons have McCoy, and Dorsa Rattenbury, '32, be of the usual high .quality with a followed in their father's footsteps; Colgan as Aunt May. Soon Mr. Appleway, wide variety of types of musical com- the younger being Governor of Wis- Prof . Mums characterized by Mr. Everett Far- position. Several of the numbers consin, and the elder for ten years Convention well ; Amelia, winsomely played by will be staged appropriately to create Senator from . Wisconsin. It was fro m N. E. A. Louise Williams, '34, and the incor- the proper atmosphere for the audi- only last month that, a son was born rigible Worthington Smythe—known ence. to the Robert M. LaFollettes who Professor E. J. Colgan, who has on the campus as Edgar Smith, '36— Among the numbers of special in- will soon accompany his three-year- just returned from the convention of appear on the stage to complicate terest, will be the Andante Cantabile old brother in his father's example. the Department of Superintendence matters and devolve the plot into a for strings, by Tschaikowsky, ar- Wisconsin is a state divided about of the National Education Associa- series of breath-takingly humorous ranged for voices. A special arrange- equally between agriculture and in- SENATOR R. M. LAFOLLETTEb tion in St. Louis last week, reported episodes. Donald Smith, '32, leaves dustry. "The discussion went to the ment of Smoke Gets In Your Eyes by a strictly classroom subject, Speakings a highly interesting meeting attend- the duties of the library to step into AAA." It was an aid in that the John W. Thomas, ; director . of the ¦ . pn.^Current.;Ecra ed by rnany-'tinies'the nuriiher of 'edu- ¦th«—not^too- corxifoi'table-—shsos-of ~ '^ .it ndame'htaTs"*" " were"''•' 'beneficial "- and cluT5; vi!HB1f>^^ young senator, first traced the causes cators expected. Professor Colgan "Wrigley, " who becomes at length, fair. We live in a time when indus- . Club. Richard Follett will play a of the present . depression, showed, had the honor to speak before one of the hero of the piece. try curtails to avoid waste, and agri- special piano arrangement of The how it differed fundamentally from the 36 discussion groups in a talk up- culture can't live unless established to Beautiful Lady In Blue, a German all others, and finally set forth holding the affirmative of the subject, do the same. It was a helpful device a plan : Band will offer several selections, a of , huge government.work projects "Homogeneous groupings on the to increase the amount of income a* W. A. A. Play Day Was women's flute trio will play, and sev- a cure for the' depression.- ; basis of I. Q.'s and E. Q.'s are an aid , which the farmer receives." Under •! : eral dance specialties will be inter- .The question period following the to modern methods of teaching." the AAA, agriculture picked up. Successful Affair spersed during the course of the pro- lecture was one. of the frankest and "Rural retail sales exceed ur"ban re- The convention was attended by gram. General dancing will be held most interesting to bo held at such a and St. Louis tail sales. There was a three billion over 8,000 delegates, between.the concert selections. The meeting in several years. .'•¦; Senator Winter Sports, Banquet And dollar increase in agriculture." hotels were so crowded that the Illi- complete program will be found in LaFollette , answered a great variety their spec- "How," I asked, "would you raise nois group had to stay on Play Were Features the pages of the ECHO next week. of qu estioiis, ranging . from • the . im- ial train the first night before ac- the necessary amount of money?" commodations could be found. Be- "Few business men admit paying (Continued on iiae-e B) fore the convention appeared many The Colby Women's Athletic As- Murray Prize Debate the processing tax, which was sent to of the leading educators of the coun- sociation entertained student repre- the retailer' who shifted it to the con- sentatives and an instructor from In Ghapel Tuesday ' try. Associations affiliated with the sumer. In 19.3 4, 68 % , of revenue Special Placement N. E. A. met at the same time. each of the Maine colleges : Bates, came from indirect taxes, including The real work of the meeting was University of Maine, Nasson, and also The date finally selected for the tariffs. I hope, in my day, to see the Progra m For Seniors done in the numerous groups in University of New Hampshire at a annual Murray Prize Debate is Tues- taxes levied on the graduated theory which sides of various technical Play Day, February 28 and 29. The day evening, March 10, 7:30 o'clock. (the plan conceived by Robert M. problems were debated with discus- Play Day is an annual affair and the As the debate deals with the subject LaFollette, Sr.) where taxes are ap- : The Personnel Bureau is sponsor- sion following. The questions dealt colleges, rotate at being hostesses. of socialized medicine an invitation portioned according to the tax payer's ing a program to acquaint the mem- with the socialized studies curricu- This is the first year Nasson has been has been extended to the Kennebec ability to pay. Prosperity comes with bers of the Class of 1936: with what lum, Professor Colgan stated that invited since it has just become a col- Medical Association to attend. an increase in the' wealth of the na- will be expected of them iri written there wore so many of value that it lege of recognized standing. Six students, all members of the tion (not to be confused with and personal applications for jobs. was difficult to choose the ones to at- Since the representatives arrived class in argumentation and debate, money).
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