Three New Species of Jaltomata (Solanaceae) from Ancash, Peru Thomas Mione Department of Biological Sciences, Central Connecticut State University, New Britain, Connecticut 06050-4010, U.S.A. Segundo Leiva G. Museo de Historia Natural, Universidad Antenor Orrego, Avenida America Sur 3145, Trujillo, Peru Leon Yacher Department of Geography, Southern Connecticut State University, New Haven, Connecticut 06515-1355, U.S.A. ABSTRACT. Three new Jaltomata species from the served flowers were used for drawing, while dried department of Ancash, Peru, are described and il- specimens were used for measurements. Seeds of lustrated. The three species are distinguished from J. lomana were not available for study. others in the genus by features of the flowers, hairs, Trichomes are not gland-tipped unless indicated and leaves. Fruits of Jaltomata cajacayensis S. Lei- as such. Finger hairs are uniseriate, unbranched, va & Mione are gathered for consumption. Jalto- and multicellular. Branchlet hairs (Fig. 3B) have mata lomana Mione & S. Leiva is known only from multiple termini (Seithe, 1979). A gland-tipped fin- a single fog-dependent plant community, a lomas ger hair has a bulbous terminal cell (Fig. 1C) that formation. Jaltomata yungayensis Mione & S. Leiva stains densely with neutral red, as does the mul- is widely distributed at high elevations. ticellular head of a stalked gland (illustrated in Mione & Serazo, 1999). Species of Jaltomata have simple, often gemi- nate leaves, 5-merous flowers with rotate to cam- Jaltomata cajacayensis S. Leiva & Mione, sp. panulate or tubular corollas, and a bicarpellate ova- nov. TYPE: Peru. Ancash: Bolognesi, highway ry housing numerous ovules. The inflorescence is from Pativilca to Recuay and Huaraz, km 90, umbellate; anthers dehisce longitudinally and the town of Cajacay, 2540 m, open sun, roadside ovary is girdled by a disk at its base. The berry, with Agave andina and Carica candicans, 18 orange or red on most South American species and Jan. 1998, T Mione, S. Leiva G. & L. Yacher dark purple to black on most Central American 624 (holotype, NY; isotype, CONN). Figure 1. species, is not enclosed by the calyx and is often Planta fruticosa; axes juvenes, folia, faciesque abaxialis edible (Leiva, 1998; Mione, 1992). The genus in- calycis obtecta pilis indivisis apice glandiferentibus; folia cludes about 50 herbaceous and shrubby species ovata vel deltata, ad 9 cm longitudine, 10 cm latitudine, distributed from Arizona, U.S.A., to Bolivia, with petiolo ad 3.2 cm longitudine; inflorescentia floribus 14 one species each on the Galapagos Islands and ut maximum; calyx 13 mm diametro maturitate fructus; corolla brevissime, tubulosa, limbo reflexo 10.3-19.2 mm Greater Antilles (Mione et al., 1993). These de- diametro, olivacea; filamenta villosa secus proximales 4/5 scriptions of three new species are a contribution partes longitudinis; bacca aurantiaca, ad 9 mm diametro. to ongoing systematic studies of this genus (e.g., Mione, 1999; Mione & Leiva, 1997). Shrub to 1.1 m high. Young axes, peduncles, pedicels, and abaxial faces of calyx villous with MATERIALS AND METHODS erect, gland-tipped finger hairs to 3 mm long. Woody stems glabrous, terete, to at least 1.5 cm The compound light microscope was used for diam. Leaves alternate, often geminate, the blade measurement of stalked glands and stigma papillae; ovate or deltoid, to 9 x 10 cm, pubescence of flowers placed in 70% ethanol in Peru were used. gland-tipped finger hairs on both faces, the margin The sizes of structures as indicated by the scale repand, sinuate or dentate with up to 5 pairs of bars in the figures may differ somewhat from the broad, rounded teeth; petiole to 3.2 cm long. Inflo- sizes given in the descriptions because alcohol-pre- rescence axillary or less commonly arising from a NovoN 10: 53-59. 2000. This content downloaded from on Fri, 07 Oct 2016 14:42:54 UTC All use subject to http://about.jstor.org/terms 54 Novon stem dichotomy, agricultural umbellate, fields. One 6- to woman 14-flowered. told us Pe- that a tea duncle tomade 15 mmfrom long, leaves pedicel and flowers to 20 ismm used long. to treat Ca- stom- lyx green ach at ache anthesis, and children's 3-4 mm diarrhea,from pedicel and toto tipbring reg- of lobe, ularity ciliate towith the bothmenstrual branchlet cycle. hairs The Quechuato 0.25 name mm long is and"musho." gland-tipped Flowering finger in January, hairs to and1 mm flowering long; adaxially and fruiting pubescent in November. with finger hairs to 0.4 mm long; Jaltomata calyx at fruitcajacayensis maturity is similar(from Leivato J. 1739)propinqua stellate and(Miers) 13 mm Mione diam. & Corolla M. Nee short-tubular in that both with bear gland- a reflexed tipped limb, hairs dull andolive-green, have a short-tubular the tube (obscured corolla with by pressing) a much 1.5-2 broader X 6.5-8 limb. mm, Jaltomata within cajacayensisthe tube has a two dark green green corolla maculae and cream-coloredflanking the radialanthers, vein the style extending is exserted to the tip a few of eachmillimeters corolla lobe,beyond narrow the stamens, purple ringand itsurrounding is known only mouth from of the tube, vicinity the limbof one mon- 10.3-19.2 tane mm town diam., (Cajacay) the 5 lobesin the alternating department with of Ancash; lobules, J. adaxially propinqua glabrous has blue within to purple tube corollasand the and an- limb pilosulose, thers, the the style hairs is 0.21-0.5twice the mm length long, of abax- the stamens, ially with and finger it is widelyhairs, somedistributed gland-tipped, in the 0.15-1.2department of mm long, Lima, ciliate Peru with (Mione finger et hairs al., 1993).to 0.6 mm long. Stalked multicellular glands 75-90 Im long, abun- dant on Paratypes. both faces PERU. of calyx Ancash: and Bolognesi, abaxial corolla, Cajacay, 2600 m, 18 Nov. 1995, Leiva 1739 (AAU, CCVS, CORD, FK uncommon on adaxial corolla. Stamens 7 mm long; HAO(), HUT, MO, NY, USM), 18 Jan. 1998, Leiva et al. filaments 21.32 villous (F, HAO). on proximal V3 of the length, the finger hairs purple, to 1.5 mm long, decreasing in length distally;Jaltomata anthers lomana cream-colored, Mione & S. 1-2.1 Leiva, mm sp. nov. long. Style TYPE: 3.5-10 Peru. mm Ancash: long; stigma Casma, capitate, Lomas de dark Mon- green and gon, exserted 9037'S, to 78043'W, 5.5 mm beyond450 m, anthers17 Sep. 1938,on living plants, H. E. Stork,0.5-0.9 O.mm B. wide, Horton the & papillae C. Vargas 45 tmC. 9183 long. Nectar (holotype, disk broad, K; isotypes, girdling G, base GH). of Figure the ovary 2. (Fig. 1H). Gynoecium glabrous. Mature berries or- ange (not Planta seen, fruticosa; from informant axes juvenes, at folia, type calyx locality), fere glaber; nearly spherical,folia ovata ad5-9 6 cmmm longitudine, diam. Seeds 3.4 (Leivacm latitudine, 1739) petiolo ad 7 mm longitudine; inflorescentia floribus 7 ut maxi- numerous, subtriangular to reniform, alveolate, mum; calyx 8-11 mm diametro, fructu; corolla breviter 1.4-1.7 Xtubulosa, 1.1-1.3 limbo mm, patente0.5-0.55 11-14 mm mm thick. diametro, alba; fila- menta villosa secus proximale dimidium longitudinis; bac- Uses, habitat, ca ad 6 mm diametro. local name, phenology. When the type collection was made, two women told us that the fruits Shrub to 8 dm tall.are Young axes, peduncles, sweet ped- and commonly eaten by every- one, and icels, leaves, thatand calyx nearly glabrous, thethe finger plants are not deliberately culti- vated but hairs to 0.15 mm longare where present. Larger common in and along the edge of Figure 1. Jaltomata cajacayensis S. Leiva & Mione. -A. Branch with inflorescences and leaves. -B. Flower, oblique view. -C. Calyx, lateral view. -D. Corolla, overhead view showing basal adnation of stamens. -E. Stamen, ventral view, with abundant finger trichomes, base flattened by adpression to ovary. -F, G. Anther and distal portion of filament, lateral and dorsal views, respectively. -H. Gynoecium including basal disk. -I. Berry with calyx, lateral view. -J. Seed. (From S. Leiva et al. 2132, drawn by S. Leiva.) Figure 2. Jaltomata lomana Mione & S. Leiva. -A. Branch with inflorescences and leaves, with segment of stem 2 mm wide to left. -B. Flower, lateral view. -C. Calyx, lateral view. -D. Corolla, dissected, overhead view showing basal adnation of stamens, with marginal hair 0.12 mm long to left. -E. Stamen, ventral view, with abundant finger hairs, base flattened by adpression to ovary. -F, G. Anther and distal portion of filament, lateral and dorsal views, respectively. -H. Gynoecium including basal disk. (From S. Leiva et al. 2140, drawn by S. Leiva.) Figure 3. Jaltomata yungayensis Mione & S. Leiva. -A. Branch with inflorescences and leaves. -B. Flower, lateral view, with branchlet hair 0.15 mm long at lower right. -C. Corolla, dissected, overhead view showing basal adnation of stamens. -D. Stamen, ventral view, with finger trichomes, base flattened by adpression to ovary. -E, F. Anther and distal portion of filament, lateral and dorsal views, respectively. -G. Gynoecium including basal disk. -H. Berry with calyx, lateral view. -I. Seed. -J. Embryo from seed. (From S. Leiva et al. 2138, drawn by S. Leiva.) This content downloaded from on Fri, 07 Oct 2016 14:42:54 UTC All use subject to http://about.jstor.org/terms Volume 10, Number 1 Mione et al. 55 2000 New species of Jaltomata 2mm y" -: N3 . 2r.p ~.~ P..;_ i 1.A 11 It /t 7+m 1-,, 'er Imm~ . 6 4 0 ON. pam g A/5? ~ :'~ 2mm ?I~ ~:ll(:-~_li L.?M 74'~ 1)? It Ji/c ~ ~ j This content downloaded from on Fri, 07 Oct 2016 14:42:54 UTC All use subject to http://about.jstor.org/terms 56 Novon I:i ::, i.
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