MoPC!ful~ixo" _Wi'I.Visit"Cincy;: ,.Students. " :'- .' y' ~ ' .'" - ,.' - . , • To Greet • Candidate••.• . ." '~ which 'will spe,ll'out 'g~eetings'- -' inet, and, prominent; members or;! I ,to' ,Pat, and Dick Nixon for the Congress, The address will be c~ast to coast tefevisiori' broad- one, of his, few inationwide tele- ...•~ ' cast. ' vised campaign speeches. Special'~buseswilr .leave the, Seats ~'reservedfor the card .University.Oct, 25"aL 5 p. .m., to " rsection. are \ limit~d,< as "is, bUB carry participatingvstudents to -transportation. All students-who -the G'ardens.- Rehearsalvfor ;the' .wish t6~parUcipate should-regis- "cardsectioir" will beat 5:30p:m. tel' immediately at the SRe reg- .directly before .the arrival of Istratiorr: booth 'in front of' the , the Vice President. Grill during the Iunch vhour, by .Mr. Nixon-willbeaocompanisd .calling Ext. 35'7; 10 a. m. - 4 p. J;l1. ·~b:(his' wifEt" members of ,theCa~- ' ,,(Conli~ued 'on P1ge 3), • 'Vol. XLVI~,No.:4 liThe' sh~w must i90.cn!'~'Mud-spattereci, fOQtbal1 players vai":I.Y con- , , ' , ' , ,,',: ." ,," " .. ',,' , ' "..,' " , fi.,ued theirstriJggle, with'; Wichita as ~ieric:bed .band. members, Bear- kitt~s,land'spe(:tators deserted the st~.~ium... :". ," : Only.; moment's ..befo,re,a,wan:nsu" ~ad sboneon a I ,bY Bon-nie W,()elln,er_~' , Among the finalists were Alpha' '(uLqueen candidates and 'parading ffoats,>.,:' ~ .~' ~- "T,ile soaring music.ofarnarch- Chi';; ;~'~haggy.Dog,"- Theta's "Egg ingband, the swishing 'of shakers', and "I," Kappa's "Mouse," 'ano. high stepping" majorettes, 'beauti- APPi's . '~M,<;l dam e Butterfly." ful girls' waving: from .convevti- · Headingthe long list in the men's , bles, the, dazzling "array, of float division were Beta's "Carousel;" Jacksorr·,Ad"ises~. ,,< ... ,e:.., OF Phi, Delt's, "Can CaQ,"· DeW , , .••..... , after float; and a warm. sun 'shin- , ·ing through - the early ,morning "Roses," Lambda Chi's "76 Trorn ·mist-i-this was the beginning of bones," and PiKA's "UnCA1'cha DC's homecoming., " bles." . Yo~ung :J):em,Qs "As "high school seniors ,gath,; Up's 29-8 loss, to" the Wichita ~~.:-~-... Shockers wasn't the only misl.ap ered for ~ollegiate Day and en- , Of the afternoon. ," lookers jammed 'the parade route, the gloomy ,tradition ,of Unaware: that the, announce- .;.I' 'ment :of' Homecoming 'Que€:n rain rand snow seemed to, have · had been postponed, Rex Dale; - OJ been broken at fast., 'And then, with the kickoff' 'the OC: one. of the four judges, on~: of" \nou"nc;edJ~is.s;,Betty Schwartz Wich,ita'game, the'rains'came. as:. the winner~ and the c1oselyi. ,/ Murmurs of "Oh:- no!"~and 'guarded ~ecret was out'. J Plloto by Nai1cy Ann Humbach HMayf)e it'll last just a. few min- Forthe fourth consecutive vear '", ?:::"" ' , , ' utes," were mixed WIth the more " ,', "1' "-' ' ".;'" '.~"'sh,aggy .dog .had brought worldly' comments" '(I've" never 'the Homecoming Queen has been II l.. II ' 'd II h II f th d I· ht' '," a. member of Kappa Kappa Gp!V,,-j CXJf~S, "'an, as, rOIl1 e e Ig- 'knpwn it' to fail,:" and "Here we rna. 1959 honors went to Carn-' , ed crp~~: •• ," go again~"A few hopefuls re- linelVIuste1~; )Diane Lengel \Va~-' 'Ill marked ,('It can't last forever." · den was 1958 Queen; Joan Wr:lk: Althou~h spectators huddled un- · erwontn .'57. All were,KKGs'Q-' deraunbrellas. and so:akingnews:: 'rodty ststers.'" . ; - -:'\ p,aper~the~aj?rity desertedthe F 0 rm a 1 announcement ;-trrdh stadium for dryer' 'surr~ul1aings. presentation" of the trophies ~i,a~( , Long-awaited halftime cere- made nevertheless at Castle monies b~ouahtlhe:di~~al \,a,,~ FaniIs as Kay.Rpss of Zeta Tali~ ~ouncelJlent tha,t,the Hom~com" " ~lphaj Peggy ,Biedenkapp. of Del-", h1g) Qv;een' crowni:ng,'~ould'be fa Delta Delta, Karen Schram o:£' , " ' ,'rl< ; , postponed until the dances Chi Omega, arid Rosalie ·Satko,w~, S,Qcial\ Board, one of the, Urn- ThrO'ugh sheets of driving rain, ,~ki of Kappa Delta were named versity's st ud e n t governments- fl'oat finalists in ..the men's and, r runners up for, the' coveted title; > b<?cli~,~h(l~",:re.ce,p.tlyma~e.cha1'1g~>s:::.< ,wo~en~s divisions,th'ei~ fading " K a,p p;a Alpha'Theta anet \inpey~ral ~,f it~SJ~ndmgRules:: "'crepe, papercli,nging' to chicken l,.ambdaChi Alpha' also had Gro~.ps "sPQl1,~oring~,Al1-Univer-' wire' 'frames, were conducted r~ason 't'o ,rejoice as their fie. ai: sity eye'l1t~.are now required to home by their soaked but ••reud creations' were named 'gran,cIt divide profits as follows: 5% to _ -erearors. prize w'i..,ners. ..,i },SoX;i~lBbard,; 45 per.,cent to a Uni- versitybenefit,.,arid50 percent to ? the "spoB,:sori~:g-organiaztion, ' , .( ;The greate~tchange made is In , regard- topetitlortlng' fori, social function;" or ievents. ~ t' , As":in ' t:he 'past, any ':g.t.oup sponsorin!l' ~" co-educational fiJnctio:hqr'e~entmust petition to' Socia:1 ,Board. 'However, pe- ",- titioni'n'g':I1QW~ must be done, nine days prior to the event. In 'the past;; the time. require- "rnent was' ,;the Wednesday be- fore the event. - Ifwas.felrtn:iftoo; many events ~ were beirig)l'eld" without suffi- \.. ,i.-l ," cient planning or suf,ficien( no- Jackson- also believes- more- tice'.to: the,: c,haperQl1,cs. \Thee~.,., . emphasis should he .placed. on the: ' sttl4y "of the h~mani ties: which '\ tended time' limit should vallevi- , Jla~, been vovershadowedvby ~the ate" sonlc'ofthese problems. "This~ha"gein ,the. Stand·- popularity Of, strictly scientific pursuits.. ing RVle~'i~ not meant to di.s- courage:;'or,el,iminate improli11,p- tu:, pa'rfie~' OJ •get.4osether,5/", stated., So(r~ll'iBoa,rdi president, The ,nside· Story Kat:hyWo?c;lard" N~H J6J. '~Jt • • • is set. up ',to help,ra,ther :;Ul~n7 . \', hinde'r, campus organizations." NR Mock Election, f\Jears( , :" ~i', .', ,:,". , , , '" ., " "",.' "Page 3 An, Jt11Pronwt.u,iparty:is . one IFe Schedules Confere~ce , " ,. '. , , ... ', "",' .", ,,' " ... ,., ',' ',' Page "3 which-has 'ha4·'no'pr~V:i()llS' plan- ' Fros~:freshm~~, Show',., ",-:_. :"., ,,,:",:, ,,',', ':-C •. '..,' .', p;age 8 ning or' organizatlon. 'I'his would \.Feyt:ikes Homecoming ', , .. - .t:». , '., ,Rage S~ ihclude such a thing as several , couples rgoing' to the fraternity' '~,. a:nd UCechoedthe proud words of one floait, winne.r that"WE~ Curt~in C"II.<~ , .. ., , '; .. -.', .. ,. '.. :'. """."~"" ~;Page.12 . house after, a football gam~. C:AN·CAN Wichita!" ';- . Phpto by ~a1ncy Ann Humbach ~ •.. ./ ': Thursdoy, October 20, 1960 ) ,CoJle.ges Enroll- Car~use~1·Theater~- - Schedules.... -' _-+ . -- I e~:OYer·2 Million :'th'e' .Siqn >0f 'Jonah~'Play ,For. the-eighth successive year, dents in some oJ the;e'arts and .el1fOUment of full-time students sciences ,colleges," Dr. -Park~r Paul Rutledge,' faculty advisor - that of: Jonah in the.whale, .and During its three-day run at the ~ in .American accredited univer- said. and director of Mummers .Guild ' the "Sign of. Jonah" refersrto the" University" "The' Sign of Jonah" . ,~i1iies and; four-year colleges has- "It is heartening to note fth~t has ann'otmeed"Th:e Sigl~ of ~_'warni~gt': that,' ancl.ent. prophet will be. staged arena-style in' An- - <luereased.- . , enrollment of full-time students, . " ,,". ,gave to the city of Nineveh to 'nie Laws Auditorium. With a There are well over 2 million 'including freshmen, has increas- Jonah as fhe first Carousel save it-from destruction. minimum of props, the basic ef- -full-time studentscthis 'fall cem-: ed in most of the teachers eolleg- 'I'heater p,r,§~uction :gf the year. Thi5iCarousel theater produc- fects will eome from the: lighting- ~ pared wjth. the 1,973,,948which. es vand engineering vcollegcsr re- Wfi,tteFly by,~German playwright tioJ1~of "The Sign<of Jonah" employed. ~ere reported in 1959 as their porting, These - are areas of Quefilter RUle. JJb orn; it will' he, ,win fea~re Kent Guthrie; A~S. Admission to, the-production is f'tn~1totals by 995 listed institu- great national need. where 'we 't d 'A' . L" A~d't '.' , ~ (61, and: Jadeen ;Barbor, A&S by invitation only. For informa- tions., . 'I have been falling short in recent sage m: nme~ aws u 1 orrum _ '63,' in:. lhecast. Portraying tion about- these invitations,' one These fa0~' are indicated by years. ,on Nov; 17-19. ,St}ons,ored, by the Jon~h ,will be Robert Stocker, a should call the, Mummers' Guild returns based -on estimated 'en-. "Recent intemperate and' ta- ~ Guild, it .will 'also ,be.preliented " recent' graduate'O,fr the Univer. office ~t Ext. 307 or white to, the rollment figures from more than 'ble-th'um.ping tactics ofPrem- at the· opening> of Religious' sityand former- '-president:> of Guild at Box 62,. Campus Station, 600 instieutions received by Dr; ierNikita S. Krushchev of the Emphasis Week on'Nov. 14. Mummers Guild. Cincinnati. 21; Ohio. - ' GarlwdQP~k~,UCwd~~ 5~~Un~nin~~~M~iA. -----~---~------------------ 'ral admissions officer, and an- sembly of -the United Nations, The Carousel Theater is a di- ' __ ---~--------~--------------- nouneed today. surely ad~ drama,tiE:emphasis visi~n of _~um",ers G~i1d that :; ) Dr. Parker predicts total full- to our need "for trained' man-, is/devoted to the produ~tion o.f tiine and part-time enrollment in power ,inaI1' ari.s '~t particul- -elassle and experimental plays.~ _.*he: n,at~OI~:S'accre<liteduniversU-' ady,f9r e'r!ough gGo4,te,\cher$.to "'Thi~~,helpsto ;round out~the pos~' ~"S ' an.d four-year colle..g. es,,-'will sta-flour . schOols and engineers' .'. ' , ~ . ,,~ sible. t,h.eater.• )(~,rience sf.,ud,ents ';'p:rnbably he aroundi2.9 million"fo''9ive:,''us the-technical~ leader- ". .-when final totals"m~e'lrnown'lat· £"ship, tbatisso important in the·participati~gin G!JHdwork- can .
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