Snapped -'Retold page 3 Ad~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~___ page 5, VOL.3 82, N0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~PHILLIPSACADEmy, ANDOVER, MASS October 5, 1960 i~siaSociety PlansTo Start Next March M sca~ bances,-Lectures, - tdn ropA a kyPrd mn e Movies This Year By Faut InRdt~ ain~ 90Ceert'Sre A . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ByGilbert T. Vincent good radio station. Aside from the ~.-- 'By Benjamin White The By RichardH. BrryA new 'radio station, The Broad- reuarpolea Advrmn . <'Z- ' Six talented musical performers .~ Soiety,A~ia whic last yearcast 'Association of Phillps Acdd: recognized expdrtS ini various fields ""''""s bloasted the .largest-jinembei'ship of n is -comne to the academy during the - -are eyof'"WPAA-FM, has recently na schedulednoe to,eert-ere appear in the aean- illy club oif-cenaorgaizeiatsAndverahe ear. Also available are the facili- -ua dveClbiterslte ~nyclubo~campus, as hig hopcsrograillitarke ben as raie tAdvr fete of ell. euipped auio-visual hsya.A musical comedienne,' df a varied but solid prorma tofficers are aJahpianistranda string quarte '~ovesintois secod yearin thepresident, Oiver-. T. Cuthbertson, ep..-will take their turn n the George Andover 'community. __ station manger-, and A. Buce * Secondly, WPAA-FM will edu- J Weeklymeetings, schedul-ed- forr ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~WshingtonHall' tage in three Weeklyeetings schedued forCleveland, the official engineers.. If cate interested students at Ai - performances during the fall. and Sunday evenings at Cooley House, th0aut cet iepa n over in the f undamffentals of broad- ~"" winter terms. *ill include either a movie or a tIle nearcuture sceptie latei casting.. Te station's prgm gbeaker- at each mieeting, and re- March. -schedule allots an 5nsull hghAnna uslItrainlCn 41fr-slinelts. Somnetinie during the The main equipment necessary -Percentage of air time, for inter-cr ominehdascesu 'week a few of the' mlembers will for. WPAA-FM is the ten watt view, discussion, and di~tniatic pro- operatic career before she turned to 90 to the' homec of a Master, famnil-.tasiewie-an be secured graining. This supplies plenty o oey Vtrnofsc transrniter,- which-can P c~~~~~~~~~~~~sowsdyaVedtSllan andh teleiiuselvso iar with the' topic which was pre- free trugh the Realh Edctooportunity for the interested- to Seinted the previous Suinda, tods.adWlaeDprmn foui get experience in radio performing her parodies of' the concert world have won for her "rave" notices. '~lhu~ h Sudyilgtiov rlvol hich will adjust th3 Third and lastly, tile .aiaco-sta froin-Newrnyo~r "-nd=London-to ies wlbepsenefoth'mel- mlicrohns and tape recorders. tioil will eliminate, to a -large ex- Hong- Koiig and Singapore. Mis~' b*rs only; the entire scllool will be Tetm fh'acs'wl'h-'etmc fAdvrsioainRseli ltdt per rdy iivited to See, full-length features Thetni4\f:oacs'wl'h-tnmuhoAnoe' oltnRselisltdtoperFiay Wednesdayto and \fromwillhelp oneo'clock to break~dowlevening, November 4.' iP George Wa shi ag t on Hall l~dyfo n lc oadwl ept ra dw h -throughout thle year. .eig'ht o'clock, Saturday from one formal. unfamiliarn:ity with whichReatnhi.vstolstyr, 4 "PathePanchai" ' (1)56), 'o'clock~ to'eleven o'clock, and Sun- the surroundings comnmunitie lokReCpdeaeAnaRusl.ttw ih hs received astaing 56,an.. day from' tea o.'clock 'to 'eight at the school; nn ' vtoJnSeelnwl rfr fidian movie, is one 'of the Asia o'caock. Society's. full~~~~~~~~~ength-selections. In ~~~~~~~~~for the Series on December 9; Rep Sociey'sull-lengh~seictios.' ll 'The station~s headquarters will T'b- .1957i, it~ won the Best Picture be in thle basement of'laul Rever ie giutedly the %49rld's greatest inter- 'awrd'at'teraciso anil H'l,'frm hih te adi wve fg ous D epartment Features preter. of, Chopin , he will play Festivalthe grandand, in 1956, ~~*pieces from that composer' alone.' Festivalad in 1956,the grandwill. be sent. Another school -that '1 A£' 1 prizeCnnes. at 'Anther filmfound thlis method satisfactory is- SpEeiai . r'vcs Afl r~1u ses5 "An evening of Chopin in the comn- 0 Winchester High School not too ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '-U'panty Of Jan Smneterlin," writes "tasok-o m,"ow at Japnese mie, WichserHghScolo toB John Levin myjin the Academy's Church of one critic, "is very short-his in t~oktophojiors t Venicein 1951far south.of Andover. n-- aidin thethe same year wonracs soito a heIt esae ht"hl ~~~~~~~~~~~~Chistor become a Student Dheacon terpretations breathe a magnificent ade'i the ame yer. woii bet Th BracsAsoitoihs TeaagettetatPi- regardless of membership to other b6.lance. Al-ways supple and har- Afcaeg m. Aad frte es'three purposes behind its 'ambition lips Acadei is an interdenoina.- chrhs.r oiu, ispaigi eete fdreign' film.' . fr WPAA-FM. ' ' ''f tioiial school 'hose origiil and' tra- S. les rihi Ysatsblte !On January 18, the Asia SocietyIlesrcinnesatubeis WillEdin bing 0.'Reischuer, a First, the members of the asso- diations rest firmly upon a"'Christi'all There' are also various aotivities' mvd'st.te'otmo u piofessroffarEasternhistoyIt ' ation want to use all the talent faith and, systemn of value." Tile affiliated with religion at Andover. Ilears. on Six) ' . and facilities available to make a Program of 'religion' activities at 'The Phillips Society, a'.student (Continuedo Page 'Six).' Andover- plays.'a large and sigh- organization, emb odies high' ideals Appearin'ii aci10sth ho cmuy. Te gets adcisdrto ofohs.tsGlerSrng Qu att w s nd Te stingProgra m Liseful Tool ~~~~~~~~~ficant,part inschool life and the aii(l the spirit of thoughtfulness Ia stpresentation of-the Series. Th'e 'goal of this program is 'to develop program is widespread and the 'Stu- el by four students of the Royal. T j~ ~~~~devotion to God aiid reliance (lent hot only gives, but also re- 'Academy' of Music in London. But N ~ot Mair art O f uR ecord upon faith as, a source of 'strengtll 'eives a great (heal froin'this society After'- graduating, they decided to and inspiration. ' inl the, way of understailding and continue as a unit rather than as. By Peter B. Eakland verblal or quantitative abilities 's ThsyamrethitirydffulenofprtaledsTisnivulpromr. ~The entire student body asseum- avail;.ble. These test can help in fufidtafsirtayearthrtyidi Y ~~~~~~~~~ferent,dlemominiations are represent- yea Frd night- and Sunmday bled inl the gymnasium fQr: tl1anl- the choice of senior electives and a ed in the student body. Because mor'ning ser'vices will be provided -i This decision Started them onl a nal fall testing pr'ogram last Wed- college p~rogram. Even if a student it*udb npsbt ufcet for thos of I Jwih -faih. career which has ' included 2500 lkesday. These tests plus those from is interested in science and math, t wouldf be osbjet sfien-Th0 s year0 tieewsch'alt.etsadprfracs o h 01,111 nee, his ests might' sh y saif.teseperate needs of all 'Tipel anw.hjel of 108 cnet n efracso h other years wg~-fo a small but for. instane hisa testsrcsmighte-Cshow- u~efute adci~iontomatrial'thii he s actallymore rofiientlese, the enlhasis in wor'ship is seats is' being built in -the base-RoaAiErcsndteCoa- oi~ a studlents ri'ecord card, in language. ' placed on the commlomi elements in mneat of.-the Cocliran' Chapel. Boys teiongfesiis uaTeyaresiurenty our religious heritage. Common of all faiths will be able toe hold sev i easiqat-firesince ADdan of students' G. GrenvilIle When statistical information has worship provides a perspective their meetings 'and services there. teUiest fClfri'i '~~"~'s:~ ' ~~~'~"''"~~"'~''""' ~ ~ I' 'om which boys ean more easily This snmall chapel has been in great Breewt ieotfrcnet - - liml~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~udiclstandanld respect time reli- denmand and will fill some signficant touis. ~~~~' '~~s~~ ' gions of others. needs for niany students. (Continued on Pa~ or 'rie Religious Departlemt Ilel Ce at Andover is led by Reverenda' A. Grahlan Baldlwin and Reverend S de S nirga.Phe - '~~~~~ Frederic A.' Pease, Jr. This depart- In g rae clit pr'ovides extensive studies inINe De tio Cl b T iin Pr ra lie Bible, social problems, and re- - !igions in genieral. There are two 'By Daniel V. McNamc By George N. Budd - -I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~Biblecourses 'for Lower and Up- per Mddlestrcing ~le ieveop-. PNYX, Andlover's new debatin- Last Wednesday evening the first pert ofdl tr asicgreiu eeomp society, began its rivaliry witll theC -metimig of the newly fre - - "' pts of the Old and New 'i'est- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~alreadye x i a t i n g Philoniaethean Phiflo tramiming group was held in nents;Twomoe adlvnced cursesSociety, at in organizational meet- -BulIfinch Hall.- nie o oferedUpprs Midlersand iig ill the Bulfimicl Debating room, Mark Foster '61, president of Senios.On is thorugil tudyTuesday, September-1-M the dlebatinfg society, opened the - .. .... of religions, Christian teacilings, Present at tis fl'st meeting of mfeeting with a brief summary of j amid ehiiouproblemand 'a ti te year were 35 students (about Philo's program for this erFs - ~~~~tudes.Tile other is a study of social one-half of the total imemnbership, ter explained that there will be problmscmbinng a aimlytianmd, says temporary chairm'an King two Philo groups, one for experien- 7~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~an tlcl prah n at- IV. W.. Harris '61, about tell more 'ced debaters, and the other for no- rituaf. Photo by Bienedict empig not only to set fo'i'th our tllan the total Philo membership vices. Firsttesting Wedncsday~~~~~s ' i'dsocial problems, but also to sugget folr last year). ' 'The training group, --whicIr will Bndiet's statemeilt, "Test aren't beeni comnputed, tile test scor'e wilL §olutions in the light of basic reli- Tile miew society wislles to give mleet 'on Wednesdays, will give Mgic, sllows thle limiltations of' provide "a fix on an inividual 'gious' picle.ad /all who are iterested an oppor- students who want debating ex- thse 'exams. Wilen lookinlg at a Istudent" amnd is' relation to . his -.' esid-s the .
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