WEEK'S MPLETE TELEVISION PROGRAMS THE SUNDAY RTH JERSEY'S ONLY WEEKLY PICTORIAL MAGAZINE CliYton asf Paterson Fair Lawn ................ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .............. G½ rfield ...... Hc,•edon i:i:i:! ß Ha ;fhorne Lodi :.: ..-.-.-.-.....-.....-.......... :............. -...-.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:...:.-.......-.:......;..,,........... '-'.::•:•:i:i:i:•-%i:!::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -.-':':::............ -':::.-'-.. ' Little Falls Mountain View no. ;h Haledon Paterson ::::::. Po.•,pton Lakes : spect Park ... Sin ac To owa Wayne West Paterson NOVEMBER 29, 1959 HONORED FOR HIS LONG SERVICE VOL. XXXI, No. 47 WHITE and SHAUGER, A Good Name to Remember for FURNITURE Living Room - Bed Room Dining Room RUGS AND CARPETS A SPECIALTY Quality and Low Price 39 Years Serving the Public 435 STRAIGIfT STI•EET (Corner 20th Ave.) PATEi•ON, N.J. "The Place with the Clock" -- MUlberry 4-7880 H•dquarters for Engaged Couples THEIDEAL PLACE TODINE AND WINE ß"'"'_..__•. ••r•,..•,•,... ' •g . • • • Y JTatlAN.A,TCERICAN •' • • SPECIALSTARS-- Singer-actress JanisPaige will be Bob Hope's gueststar for the season'sthird "Bob Hope Show"Friday, Dec. .11 on the NBC-TVNetwork. The full-hourHope special also will star Ernie Kovacs and other guests to be announced. J... I. PARRILLO ! ßThe Man from Equitable asks- ß i Youwantyour child to have abetter .!-•- oFc . uts..,like some parents,o.: you fig- ure,"there's still plenty of time." Tl•en, before you ßI, givethem that important start toward a profession, careerknowit,orthey're business, all grownorin settingupand up'aneed home.your helpMake to • ..• ß ß .. sure now that your '•elping hand" will be there whenit isneeded. Equitable offers you a varietyof "' policiesfor youryoungster at low rates.For more information call... ..~ I. PARRILLO '•:•' 200 EAST IMDGEWOOD AVENUE RIDGEWOOD, N. J. A DOUBTINGDIAMOND -- RichardDiamond ponders beauti- GI 5-3342 GI 4-9891 ful NancyPorter's plea for helpbefore deciding to takethe case in "TheAdjuster" episode of "RichardDiamond, Private Detec- tive" Monday,Dec. 7 on the NBC-TVNetwork. David Janssen p6rtraysthe debonair Diamond inthe detective-drama series, and Letthe man from Equitable bring you peac e of mind NancyValentine isfeatured as Nancy Porter in thisepisode.' Page Two THE Published Weekly by THE CHRONICLE COMI•ANY 170-172 Butler Street Paterson, N.J. LAmbert 5-2741 VINCENT S. PARRILIa, Managing Editor Entered as Second Class matter August 24, 1.926, at the Post Office at Paterson, N.J., under the act of March 3, 1879. NOVEMBER 29, 1959 -- VOL. XXXI, No. 47 Single C_•py10 Oents ....•...:!•_-aa $5.00 a Year by M•il CONTENTS FEATURES YULE'SONG-- Violin prodigyPenny Ambrose and singersRose- mary Clooneyand GiorgioTozzi will be on the "TelephoneI-;our" program of Christmas music to be colorcast on the N BC-TV Net- Chronicle of the Week work Friday night, Dec. 18. The program will also present Li,sa della Casa, the Little Singers of Paris and the Agnes De Mille Dance Theatre. Donald Voorhees conducts the orchestra. Short Story 14 :ii•: AmelqcanHistory 15 ß ß ,•;' .•.! : -!i:'DEPARTMENTS Social World Editorials F_ztitor Speaks Complete Television __11-12-13 , COVER PICTU'E. C•orge Jacobus, golf professional, was honored last week for his long service by members and friends at the Ridgewood LIGHTIN THEDARK -- Threeperformers in "The Indestructl-• bleMr. Gore," NBC.TV Network "Sunday Showcase" colorcast Country Club. Some 300 persons attended the affair which dramaof Dec. 13, are shownabove. William Shather,left, por- marked the 45th anniversary of Jacobus as a professional at traysmanever thelate elected Senator to theThomas U.S. Senate),Gore ofandOklahoma E. G Marshall,(theonly right,blind the RidgewoodCountry ClUb. In the photo-,left to right,are: chandplaysJudge iscast Wingate asMrs. (whoClegg, helpsascheminil.woman Gore's care•rt .. who Nan_. plots ..... tel rul. the $enator'slife. The dramais by GoreVidal, gran4son -i•Jacobus,George,ofhisDecatur, wife, Mary_,Georgia.and Mrs. Jerry Jacobus and son, the "Mr. Gore" of the st0ry's title. Page Thr• __ New Book On The Life Farmers Can How Gel Droughf In Europe This increase in demand has im- proved the price of the comm(• Of Jesus Published Disabi!ifySocial SeCueify Increases Our Exporfs dity from $46 a t-on a year ago The story-telling skills of Dr. Disability protection for many The past summer in Great Bri- to about •57.50 in recent weeks. Walter Russell Bowie, noted the- farmers came into effect: on Oc- tain was the driest in more than Western Europe's drought also ologian and one of America's tober 1, 1959. ß ' ..two centuries. Drought also grip- has caused heavy buying of U.S. most popular authors of religious Those farmers in the Paterson ped much of France and Ger- oats, exports of which are run- books, are supplemented by the area, who are disabled and who many. As a result, farmers in ning about double the year ago dramatic illustrations of artist have paid into the social secur- these countries have been step- rate. Although foreign demand Douglas Rosa in a presentation ity program starting with 1955 . ping up their buying of livestock may slacken next spring, total of the Life of Jesus titled "The should get in touch with the Pat- feed in the 'United States. In U.S. feed grain exports in the Living Story of the New Testa- erson social security office, Stan- 1959, United States exports of marketing year which began Oc- ment," which has just been pub- ley J. Fioresi, district manager• soybean meal in the final quarter tober I are expected to break the lished. said. record set the previous year, . totaled 146,000 tons. Indications Writing with the simple real- To be eligible for disability ben- are that export shipments this when shipments totaled 12:5 mil- ism which characterizes all his efits at age 50 or older or have quarter will exceed 250,000. tons. lion tons. books, Dr. Bowie extends his bi- a disability "freeze" if younger ography of Jesus beyond the As- than 50, the farmer must have cension to show Christ's influ- five years covered by the social "B[q Party"Guests Dec. 3 ence on the lives of his disciples, security program. This qualifica- ... with particular reference to the tion can be established by most strong personality of Paul as he self-employed farmers now dis- journeys on his missions abroad abled on October 1. Even though to spread Christ's teachings. the .disability tests can be met ß The people Jesus moved among then, the law requires a waiting are revealedagainst their person- period of six months before any al backgrounds of doubt and payments can be made, Fioresi weakness as well as courage. Pe- said. As a result, first payments ter, for instance, during his dis- to farmers ßwho qualify could be cipleship, was not always the made in most cases no earlier tower of strength he is usually than May of 1960 for April. depicted to be. Judas the Betray- The disability must prevent the er was not completely without farmer from further engaging in virtue. substantial gainful activity. This Dr. Bowie's portrayal of Jesus' means simply that the disability world is mirrored by the illustra- must be severe enough to prevent tions of Douglas Rosa. Perhaps the disabled person from doing the most dramatic illustration is any further work. The disability the crucifixion scene, viewed provisions of the social security from above and behind the cross, law, of course, apply to persons "in which the centurion is staring other than farmers, but farmers up at the dying Jesus. In addi- without previous social security ß tion to twenty-five line drawings coverage had to wait until Oc- Rose .has provided twenty-three tober 1 of this year to meet the full color illustrations. work requirements of the pro- Dr. Bowie holds five theologi- gram. cal degrees. He was rector of St. For further information re- garding the disability program, Comedyst'ars Mike Nichols and Elaine May paya returnvisit Paul's in Richmond, Virginia, for to the CBS TelevisionNetwork's "Big Party by Revlon,"Thurs- eleven years, and held the same contact the local social security day,Dec. 3, asguests of hostDouglas Fairbanks, Jr.-Also appear•.•, position for sixteen years at New- office at 245 Market Street, Pat- ing in the 90-minutespecial are HaroldArlen, Chuck Connors. York's Grace Church. From 1939 erson, New Jersey. Bobby.... Darin, JoseGrbco and JohnnyMercerß to 1950 he taught practical theo- logy at Union Theolog'ical Semi- nary. He is currently teaching at France Prepares To Tesf the Theological Seminary in Vir- Ifs Pirsf Afom Bomb ginia. I,t is well known in diplomatic circles that one: of the reasons ß France has been working to de- De Gaulle and de.nauer lay a summit meeting with the Russians is that the French are Of One Mind c'_ose to completion of work on Back in the days of Charle- their first atomic bomb. They magne, 1,200 years ago, the land would like to test-explode it, and area now occupied by France and thereby join the ranks of nuclear West Germany was a single poli- powers, before sitting in with the tical entity called "Franken- U.S., Bri.tain and Russia at the reich." Last Week a Cologne summit. In recent days, the newspaper said that when Presi- French announced plans for test- dent de Gaulle speaks a,t th'e sum- ing the bomb in the wastelands mit conference in 1960, his will .be of the Sahara desert early next the voice of Frankenreich. This year. Paris has indicated that its is believed to reflect the current plans for the.teSt are irrevoca- thinking of de Gaulle and Chan- ble • uoless in the meantime the cellor Adenauer, who see the cur- U.S., Britain and Russia "re- i PLAYINGWITH FIRE -- Dr.
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