University of Nebraska - Lincoln DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln Tractor Test and Power Museum, The Lester F. Nebraska Tractor Tests Larsen January 1939 3 Brand New Farmalls Nebraska Tractor Test Lab University of Nebraska-Lincoln, [email protected] Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/tractormuseumlit Part of the Energy Systems Commons, History of Science, Technology, and Medicine Commons, Other Mechanical Engineering Commons, Physical Sciences and Mathematics Commons, Science and Mathematics Education Commons, and the United States History Commons Nebraska Tractor Test Lab, "3 Brand New Farmalls" (1939). Nebraska Tractor Tests. 2068. https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/tractormuseumlit/2068 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Tractor Test and Power Museum, The Lester F. Larsen at DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln. It has been accepted for inclusion in Nebraska Tractor Tests by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln. The Farmall_H with belt pulley and "Lift-Al)" pump. It i••hown with 9.oo-36-in. tire. on the rear, B.BO-16-m. on the Iront. Farmal1-M requ)ar wheel equipment ,. with 51-in. diem., 6-in_ rim., ateel rear whe.l. with 4·jn. apade luga, and ca.t front wh.el., 22%.in. diam., 3'At-in. rim. with 2·in. high .kid ring•. M cC ORMICK -DEERING FARMALL ® McC ORMIC K-DE ERING FARMALL @ Far.:laU-M IS l:ke th~ Fannall-H in easy operation. co.-n1o:t. a d all tha>e other refinements that go to digger. and the Farmall mower. In a .....ord, Farmal.-M nw.' eo t.: a tractor thd It 15 (I, d€hght to use. But it's has what it takes to deliver ~tisfactoryand economl~l a bla er trac'or--a mOTe powerful troctor for the man power under any field conditions. It IS something worth remembering that wh( n you ~ll~~d~~o~~r~{:~h:rh~(1~=.u~~sm:~~ed;;~~~t choose a Farmall you choose a tractor for which you It ....-:.I} pull three 14 or l&mch oottoms under harder are sure to be able to get the machines you need for then llverage SOli conditions at good plowing speed. direct connection to the tractor to give you the fuJI It w.li pull a 9-foot double disk harrow or other imple­ advantage of all-purpose tractor ownership. No other mer.ts of similar dra.ft requirements. It is a tractor line has such d long list of field, proved auxlhary that .....·111 handle four-row planters and cultivators, machines available. And the machines for Farmall. three 40d four-row mIddle busters and listers. two-row Hand M are of the famous Farmall quick-attachable com plck.ers. WIth belt pulley, it will operate the type- true time savers in every respect. In d(>Signinq larqer threshers. the larger hammer mills. etc. With these Farmalls and machines, Harvester engineers power take-off attl.lchment, it will haul and operate have had the advantage of more than thirty-five years the mechemsms of the tractor binder, two-row potato of tractor experience. A 00·1(\ 'n Itonl T .. 1'......11 M .,'10 1,.11 ,.ull• ., ."•• 1", .,.1 11•• h,•• Il'. 1(1)0 In n ..... • ,Ih "11\ _f.·I. f-! •••••1 1 .q''', m••,f 11 •• 110 01 Hl .lilIom.I•• II III fOrti •••••h..l• • ;t.~l, n tI ,•• 4", fl... Iron' ",1•••11 .••110 a Ifl 1"..,11 110,.1 """'" In Formalls H ond M, pow( r ond wPlqht are N moximum pulling ablhty. Thot's balonced power But these tractors Includes the manner in which ut.hty ope ro' "J c riding comfort, the obl1lty to stand up to hard work ao ] d have been achieved in tractors that are good to lock at. FlIrmali quality has bef>n maintained throughout. Mere ·hal 'n rty ball and roller beanngs reduce fnction losses to a mln.m m :m 1 t! ... r smooth transmiSSion of the power of the engine to drive ...... h blo pulley, and power take-off. To kee-p harmful dust and grlt ,,;' f" vitals, and to ket>p oil and grease in, nineteen spring';:>adoc.i r w dust and oil seals have been located at important POints. Th f.. t automotive steels have been used in gears, shafts and bearing -. Th" VI •• ('It"" r"lm.1I H Q' •• " Good 1,1 •• 01 th. I" ... 1.l.n .. j II .nd to" .n,j (1Ih......... w,Ih .h. h I h .... ,,,. I ,. ",n I. rn nl.d Y" "n .I,.o.t ,..11 .t It '" I It n9 'I' h. Ih.l h ... "". II t!. Ih.' ••1', , hi II • ,to the h •••,1 I Th.. ,I••k lin., cf Farman, Hand Mare ,h.own In lhi. view of the 1.1t .id. of the Farmall·M on rubber. Th. wheel bale of both tracton i. 90 inche. to make po..ible interchangeability of qUlck.atuchabl. machinea. Th. Fann&11 engme from the lelt side showing manifold, VT of the richness of thlrty!,<, y r f m-.ndold shield, h..1 control, and the location of the c;:u­ bu:retor and vanabl. governor. otractor·building experience, HarveslE:'r enqm r ha'; powered these new Farmalls wIth thl=> fmE. ~ 4 r.y .n~ ~ gasoline·distillate engines ever bUilt. For th y kn ,w that for smoothness of operation, fuel eccrz,rr.y, and the ability to give long years of trouble·free serV1C€, the 4·cylinder engine makes the id"'al farm tractor power umt. Here are some of the features of thesE' n .~.. nqmes: VALVES IN HEAD REMOVABLE CYLINDER SLEEVES TOCCO-HARDENED CRANKSHAfT PRECISION-TYPE BEARINGS FORCE-FEED LUBRICATION FLOTO OIL SCREEN LARGE AIR, OIL AND FUEL CLEANERS EXTRA LARGE FLYWHEELS Th. nght lid. 01 the Farmall.M engine with the valve cover removed for m.pection. h's ea.y to adjust the tappets on th.. e •.qlne. The luge oil-type au c:lp"er ."lUe. cl-n air to Farm.II-H and M engine.. Th. CAP. which the demon.uato. i. holding in hU left hand, pIevent. chaff and olh., coa". dirt hom getting into the air d ••"er. t Thi. i. lh••turd,. 4.c,lind., enqu\a With .hlch r.lm.AlI·M i. equlp~d Bor., 3';, Im:h••; .tralt•. 8 14. Th.r••m.U-H '"9'"' ia umIJ... In d,.IqJ1 with 3 3/,_in. bor•• 4'.<ln_ .hok,. Th. r;ngo q.-r on th. f1ywh••1 I' part 01 the ..1J...tut.r .ttachment Th. 0.1 hher on lh. F.rmall ,.1 u _ha luu. Fum.n 0.1 ,.It... .,. eq,ur....-d ....th I.pla.._ble hl'8l1n9 .I.ment. Th••• A d ..... ~ P .hqw.",/ th••d/u.1 make .1 I'o..,ble 10 u,. th. 0,1 t ••~ a, 10119 ..,_,,1 I r •...".I.t" '.J ,I. ",a".I"ld wlthoul d ••,,,,nO' and th.,.'N8 ....... the I •• ("0.1 (>1 ••"lacII'9 th. C'l.,cn.."t. manT lorn•• (>"., - MAKE THESE NEW FARMALLS EASY TO DRIVE HEN. you slip into the large and comfortably gear. Yet. while none of the shocks occasioned by Wcushioned seat of a Farmall-H or a Farmall·M the front wheels encountering humps or bumps are and rest your hands on the large, automobile type passed back to your arms, you find the tractor instontly steering wheel. right away you feel at home. As your responsive to the lightest touch. left foot just naturally finds the clutch pedal and you Convenient to the right foot tl,re two differential put the tractor into gear you begin to get the feeling brake pedals. For making short turns to right or lEft that here is a tractor that is as easy 10 drive as the these pedals can be used separately. For equal brak family car. And as you give it the gas (gasoline. iog of both rear wheels they can be instantly locked distillate or kerosene). and let in the clutch, you get together 10 operate as one brake. The brakes an" the thrill which comes with the realization that here, external expanding bands acting on forged slee] under finger.tip control, is ready, eager power to drums on the differential shafts. romp through all your farm power jobs with salis· The large illustration at the riqht shows how 000' factoty thoroughness, speed and economy. veniently the various controls are located. Note thai When you hit rough ground you learn what it the ball on the gear shift lever is right UndE'f th means todrive a tractor with irreversible worm steering steering wheeL easy to reach and operate. IF IT ISN'T A McCORMICK-DEERING, IT 8 Dil GAUGE ISN'T A FARMALL MOVE OR REPLACE THE -ATTACHABLE DRAWBAR Four nul::. tc 100*0. and off come thl:: qUI I": H drdwl:;)."r! It 'an actually be done In :( rty v off or on. And whpn It'S on, and the four n • there 10 slay unhl the nuts are aqa:n 10e r­ operator a solid. mtegral part of the Irac' r ThiS Sdrne qUlck·attachable feature 1S err.bcx:h ~ the direct-connected Farmall-H and FarmalJ.r.~ thai attach to the rear of the tractors and m I: sechons of machines that attach ooth ffOr.' o:,;nd r~l j.. long sp:>ed wrench is supplied which enablf-s lh (PPfc' 10 reach the nuts when standing behind machine Th average time lor attachmg or detaching machines 1. dOC t IivC'minutes.
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