Curriculum Vitae BrainMap ID https://www.brainmap.ro/margareta-simina-stanc U-1700-038L-9754 Orcid ID https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2514-9779 Google Academic https://scholar.google.ro/citations?user=-xZVXzoAAAAJ&hl=ro Web of Science Researcher ID https://publons.com/researcher/2159349/margareta-simina-stanc/ B-6255-2017 Researchgate ID https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Simina_Margareta_Stanc Scopus ID https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=55490916800 Personal Information Surename/First name STANC Margareta Simina Address Bd. Carol I, 11, 700506 Iaşi, România Telephone (004)0232201527 E-mail [email protected] Nationality Romanian Date of birth 07.05.1973 Employment Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi, Faculty of Biology 2005. Title: Archaeozoological Researches for the IV-Xth centuries A.D. concerning the Eastern and the Southern extra-Carpathian areas of Romania. Distinction Cum laude. „Alexandru Ioan Cuza University” of Iaşi Doctoral Thesis (coordinated by Prof. PhD Iordache ION). PhD Diploma - Ordinul MEC nr. 5657/12.12.2005; PhD thesis awarded in 2006, for the Most Valuable PhD thesis defended in 2005 in the Biology Field at „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iaşi. Work Experience 1. 1993 - 1994 2. 1994 - 1995 Dates 3. 2000 – 2002 4. 2002 - 2006 5. 2006 - present 1. Schoolmistress 2. Teacher of Biology Occupation or 3. Teaching Assistant position held 4. Assistant professor 5. Lecturer 1. Education (gymnasial level) 2. Education (gymnasial level) Main activities and 3. Education and research (universitary level) responsabilities 4. Education and research (universitary level) 5. Education and research (universitary level) 1. General School no. 1, Aninoasa, Hunedoara County, Romania 2. General School no. 1, Aninoasa, Hunedoara County, Romania Name of employer 3. „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iaşi, Faculty of Biology 4. „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iaşi, Faculty of Biology 5. „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iaşi, Faculty of Biology Education and Training 1 1. 1999 – 2005 – PhD studies; PhD graduated in Biology at „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University, Iaşi, 2005 2. 1999 – 2001 - Masters’ Degree in Biology, specialization Biodiversity, genetics and evolution, Faculty of Biology, „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Education degree and University, Iaşi diplomas 3. 1995 – 1999 - Bachelor Degree Studies, Faculty of Biology, „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University, Iaşi 4. 1987 – 1991 - Baccalaureate, “C.A.Rosetti” Highschool, Bucharest, Chemistry-Biology specialization 1. Paleontological and archaeological specialization (10.05.1999 – 25.05.1999) at Ecole Wallonne de fouilles prehistoriques “Philippe-Charles Schmerling” in Liege (Belgia) (International School of Prehistoric Excavation on Belle Roche site). Training 2. Intensive Programme Socrates ”Arhaeozoology and Palaeozoology Summercourses” organized by Groningen University, Bari University, Liege University and UAIC University, 26 June – 6 July 2001, Faculty of Biology, Iași, Romania. Personal Skills Native language Romanian Other languages French, English Understanding Speaking European level (*) Listening Reading French language C1 C1 C1 English language B2 B1 B2 (*) Levels: A1/2: Basic user; B1/2: Independent user; C1/2 Proficient user Common European Framework of Reference for Languages Professional Skills Comparative Anatomy; Archeozoology, Human Anatomy - Director of research projects – 4 - Member in editorial board for Analele Universității „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Organizational/ of Iaşi, Animal Biology series (revue BDI, CNCSIS B+). Managerial Skills - Member in organizing committee of International and national scientific Conferences - Member in International Council for Archaeozoology (ICAZ) from 2002 Member in - Member in GMPCA (Groupe des Methodes Pluridisciplinaires Contribuant International a l`Archeologie), from 2011 Organisation - Member EAA (European Association of Archaeologists), from 2012 Courses of lectures and tutorials Human Anatomy; Comparative Anatomy, Archaeozoology; Anthropology, Paleontology University Manuals • Bejenaru L., Stanc S., Neagu A., 2002, Elemente de Anatomie Teaching Skills comparată a animalelor, vol. I, Editura Pim, 125 p. • Co-author for Archaeozoology and Palaeozoology Summercourses, 2003; 2004, Editura Universităţii “Al.I. Cuza” Iaşi. • Stanc S., Anatomia și igiena omului, Curs pentru Învățământ la Distanță, Lucrări practice pentru Învățământ la Distanță Teaching Mobilities 2 Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Groninger Instituut voor Archeology (23-29 September 2006) Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Vigo, Spain, June 2007 Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Vigo, Spain, 1-7 May 2008 Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Vigo, Spain, July 2011 Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Vigo, Spain, September 2012 Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Vigo, Spain, June 2013 Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Vigo, Spain, March 2014 Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Vigo, Spain, May 2015 Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Vigo, Spain, 2017 Research Domains Archaeozoology, Animal Comparative Anatomy, Bioarchaeology Publications – Monographic Volumes Stanc Simina, 2006, Relatiile omului cu lumea animala. Arheozoologia secolelor IV-X pentru zonele extracarpatice de est si de sud ale Romaniei, Edit.Univ.”Al.I. Cuza”, Iași, 297 p. Stanc Simina, 2009, Arheozoologia primului mileniu d.Hr. pentru teritoriul cuprins între Dunăre şi Marea Neagră, Editura Universităţii „Al.I.Cuza” Iaşi. Luminița Bejenaru, Simina Stanc, 2013, Arheozoologia Neoliticului din Estul şi Sud-Estul României, Editura Universităţii „Al.I. Cuza” Iaşi, ISBN 978-973- 703-981-1 George Nuțu, Simina Stanc, Diana Andreea Stan, 2014, Carved bone and Research Skills antler from northern Dobruja in archaeological and archaeozoological context, Editura Universităţii „Al.I.Cuza” Iaşi, ISBN 978‐606‐714‐064‐4 George Nuțu, Simina Margareta Stanc, Dorel Paraschiv, Niculițel, 2014, A Roman Rural Settlement in North-East Moesia Inferior. Archaeological & Archaeozoological Research, Parthenon Verlag, Kaiserslautern und Mehlingen, ISBN 978-3-942994-09-5 Dumitru Boghian, Sergiu-Constantin Enea, Sorin Ignătescu, Luminița Bejenaru, Simina Margareta Stanc, 2014, Comunitățile cucuteniene din zona Târgului Frumos. Cercetări interdisciplinare în siturile de la Costești și Giurgești, Editura Universităţii „Al.I.Cuza” Iaşi. Publications – Scientific Articles (see the annexed list) Books (academic books and monographs): 7 3 Scientific articles, in Web of Science journals: 13 Scientific articles, in BDI journals: 56 Articles published in collective volumes: 13 Articles published in Proceedings of International Conferences: 9 Other articles: 7 Director of Research Projects: 4 • Grant CNCSIS At, Archaeozoological research of the sites from IV-X centuries in the Eastern Romania, 2003-2004. • Grant CNCSIS At, Archaeozoological studies for the communities of the first millenium A.D. from the territory between the Danube and the Black Sea and the connections with the central and south-east European space, 2007-2008. • PN II, Human resources, TE, 36 months (5.10.2011 – 4.10.2014), Relationships between humans and suines in prehistorical and historical time on Romania`s territory and connection with European and Asian spaces. CNCS–UEFISCDI project PN-II-RU-TE-2011-3-0146. nr. 55/05.10.2011. http://arheoinvest.uaic.ro/research/pn2rutesuine/ • Project Colonizarea periferiei (Moesia Inferior și Scythia Minor - secolele I-VI p.Hr.): o abordare bioarheologică a romanizării; acronym BIOARHEOROMAN, cod PN-III-P4-ID-PCE-2016-0852, 30 months, 12/07/2017 - 31/12/2019. contract 73/12.07.2017. https://bioarheoroman.webnode.ro Member in Research Projects Teams: 8 • Grant CNCSIS tip A 35252/2001-2003, 23/972, Archaeozoology of Medieval Moldavia. (Director Dr. Bejenaru L.) • Grant CNCSIS tip A, 2004-2006, Medieval Archaeozoology of the territory between Da- nube and Black Sea, and its connexions with the central and south-east European Space. (Director Dr. Bejenaru L.) • Grant CNCSIS tip A 1374/2007-2008, Pluridisciplinary studies on the spreading and evolution of the agricultural way of life in he Neolithic (VI- IV millenia B.C.), east to eastern Carpathians. (Director Dr. Bejenaru L.) 4 • Project PN II, Ideeas, cod CNCSIS 2116/2009-2011, Modelling of the Neolithic migrations in the eastern and south-eastern territories of Romania, from an archaeozoological perspective. (Director Dr. Bejenaru L.) • CEEX PC-D06-PT12-19, 2005-2008, Utilisation of biochemical, ultrastructural, structural and morphological biomarkers, in the evaluation of the human impact on the biodiversity in the Ceahlau National Park and the proximity area. Director Dr. I. Toma. • CNCSIS Platforme, 36/2006-2008, Platform for education and interdisciplinary research in archaeology (ARHEOINVEST). General Director Prof. Dr. V. Spinei. • International Programme Leonardo da Vinci, RO/05/B/P/PP175010, European Curriculum for Methodological Training in the Field of Environmental Education, 2006-2007. • CNCSIS A 641/2003-2005, Bioindicators utilisation in the ecological management of the versant basin of Bicaz Lake. Director Prof. dr. I. Miron. Development of Research Laboratories Development of the Laboratory of Archaeozoology Development of the Laboratory of Archaeogenetics Invited Lectures in University Abroad • „Animal offerings found in tombs, in burial places belonging to Sântana of Mureş-Cerniahov culture (the IV-Vth centuries) in the east and the south extra-Carpathian zones of Romania” - Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Groninger Instituut voor
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