Regis University ePublications at Regis University Brown and Gold Archives and Special Collections 11-1-1935 1935 Brown and Gold Vol 18 No 03 November 1, 1935 Follow this and additional works at: https://epublications.regis.edu/brownandgold Part of the Catholic Studies Commons Recommended Citation "1935 Brown and Gold Vol 18 No 03 November 1, 1935" (1935). Brown and Gold. 104. https://epublications.regis.edu/brownandgold/104 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Archives and Special Collections at ePublications at Regis University. It has been accepted for inclusion in Brown and Gold by an authorized administrator of ePublications at Regis University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. GOhD \ VoL XVIII,_ No. 3 REGIS COLLEGE, DENVER, COLORADO November 1, 1935 ,)J OFFICIAL ANNOUN­ Debaters Ready CEMENTS Father Hubbard Friday, --·--Nov. 1, the feast of For Logan Meet All Saints, a holy day of obli­ Thrills Denver gation, will be observed at Regis Nine Colt1rado Colleges Will Forward the College by a complete holiday. Regis Sponsors Lectures on Exciting Life Cause of International Peace Among the Ice Infernos of Alaska The College--·-- Parents' Associa­ Regis will be represented at the torial expansion. tion will meet in the Library on Before a crowded civic auditor­ annual conference of the Rocky The International Relations clubs Monday evening, Nov. 4. Interview with. Father ium, Wednesday evening, Oct. 23, Mo_untain International Relations are groups of students organized, the Rev. Bernard R. Hubbard, S:.J., clubs, which will be held this year under the auspices of the Carnegie Hubbard famed "glacier padre," gave an in­ at Logan, Utah, Nov. 8 and 9, by endowment for International Peace, All students--·-- intending to take teresting illustrated lecture under the __ Vittorianum club, the Regis in universities, colleges arM normal the Medical Aptitude test will I got out of bed particularly early the sponsorship of Regis entitled, chapter of the R.M.I.!t.C- schools to encourage the study and immediately notify the Dean. Wednesday morning and was !at "A Voyage ·into the Ice Inferno." The Regis delegation will prob- discussion of international relations school by eight o'clock. I was to The scene of the "Shooting of ably include Charles Byrne, Jerome and .to fix the attention of students see Father Hubbard right after Dan McGrew," huge "Leadville" Ed Doherty, Stephen McNichols, Pat- on those underlying principles of A Solemn--·-- Requiem Mass will Mas.s, and I couldn't miss a chance Levan, Ken Chisolm, and a 175-lb. rick Hart, Francis Broussard, Her- international conduct, of interna­ be celebrated in the Students' to meet him. After heckling a few "midget" facing death together on bert Holmes, and Eugene Hanra- tiona! law, and of international or- Chapel, Friday, Nov. 15, for de­ members of the faculty as to Father the very edges of treacherous gla- ganization which must be agreed ceased members of faculty, alum­ Hubbard's whereabouts, I was calm­ han. cier crevasses, and the antics of upon and appli~;~d if peaceful civil­ ly informed that Father Hubbard Dr. Josef L. Kunz, a distingu­ ni and friends. "four dogs and seven puppies" (the ization is to ·continue. would not be up till nine, and ten ished international lawyer, will be additional members of the party), the principle speaker at this con­ Colleges and universities in Colo­ would be the earliest I could see ference. Groups from Colorado, rado which will be represented at him. I took leave of school at ten were among the most interesting . ·t f""" of . the subjects presented in the Montana, Utah, and Wyoming will the conference are: Adams State an d began again my pursm o .1' r~ be represented at the conference. Teachers College, University of I tali an Count Hubbard. This lasted about fifteen ·l-ecture. In addition to the lectures at Colorado, Colorado College, Colora­ minutes with the result that I fin- IT'he gripping geographic sketch of Alaska included: a caribou hunt, this conference, there will be stu­ do Woman's College, ·University of ally captured my subject in the Speaker At salmon fishing, the hot water dent round tables on economic na­ Denver, Grand Junction State Jun­ halL A brief introduction and I springs of the "A~askan Yellow- tionalism and internationalism, the ior College, Colorado State Teach­ Banquet began firing questions in all direc­ United States and its neut11ality ers College, Loretto Heights Col­ tions. It seemed that Fr. Hubbard stone," Alaskan agriculture (with such "believe it or not" facts as policy, and the question of terri- lege, and Regis College. was going some place "quick-like Six Received by Mace in a hurry"; so with the promise an eight square mile strawberry and Mitre Society of an interview after his lecture, patch and a 23 hour a day sun --- Fr. Hubbard evaded me once more. during the summer), and icebergs as large as the Empire State build- .._·_· The Masters of the Mace and But I had met him and chatted I._T_ M~-A_Y_._._B_-_._E·_·.-.1 :, GHigoa~nbt;i.csKCpin·hagrri~sdte Mitre, honor society, received six with him long enough to acquire ing. The moving pictures shown new members into its fold Sunday, a real liking for this man, and to with the lecture depicted every I~ Oct. 27, the feast of Christ the look eagerly forward to the after- stage of the mysterious salmon mi- Although there are many King, patron of the organization. noon interview. gration and spawning. who think the contrary, Father The new Masters are Messrs. Chas. After a thrilling lecture, I toddled After a dangerously thrilling voy- Coughlin is one of America's Regis Banner Leads Coller, S.J., Edward Ryan, Ray- importantly behind the scenes, age across i. -g,iant Alaskan glacier, greatest protagonists of Cath- Challenge to Reds mond Carper, Jack Murphy, Joseph where another reporter was "get- a suitable crevass wa,s selected for olic Action. He is gifted with Sharpe, editor of The Brown and ting a story." A reassuring smile the observations- concerning glacier Sunday afternoon, Oct. , the Gold, and Lawrence Henry. from Fr. Hubbard and I began. depths, with which Father Hubbard the power of speech in a high 27 degree and he employs his tal- College participated in the most Recognition day opened with a Fr. Hubbard was on his way east was primarily concerned on this ent to spread the kingdom of brilliant public display of Faith Mass in the College Chapel followed to lecture at several places (inci- trip. Christ and social justice. There this city has ever seen. by breakfast for the active and dentally he gave 356 lectures in One of the party was lowered are few men who have his abil- graduate members. Sunday eve- 355 days last year). After these to the bottom and then, as he was Ity;· t h ere IS· on 1y one w h o uses From the site of the original Den- ning the Argonaut Hotel was the lectures he will return to Santa pulled to the surface, took ice tern- it to advance the prestige of ver Cathedral at l4th and Stout scene of the banquet in honor of Clara University to make prepara-· perature readings every fifty feet. streets, 10,000 marching Catholic t h e Ch urc h . the new Masters. Count Gabrio Di tions for his tenth and last trip ]!'rom the information so gathered The Rev. Charles E. Coughin, :~~~l1 !h~;d~~:. a::u!:o~a!a~~:h~:~ San Marzano, Italian consul in into the arctic, which will be a Father Hubbard believes 2,000 feet pastor of the shrine of the Little Denver, gave the principal address, world's record. He is taking the is the maximum glacier depth-not ·n Denver viewing stand in front of the pres- d F . B d M t Flower' may be heard l an ranCis roussar was as er (Continued on page 3, col. 3) (Continued on page 2, col. 5) Over Statl·on KFEL-KVOD each Sun- ent Cathedral of the Immaculate of the Board for the evening's cer- Conception, where officials of the day, beginning Nov. 3, at 2 o'clock. emonies. Church and state joined in witness­ What Catholic people should do to Six active members of last year ing the gigantic spectacle. Thou­ keep him on the air is this: Drop make up the quota: Marvin Milan, Regis Rangers Bow sands lined the avenue of march. a note to him, or to the Denver Jerome Doherty, Edward Lyons, Jo­ Father Markoe, a former army stations, as a mark of your inter­ seph Walsh, Francis Broussard and I est and appreciation. (Continued on page 2, col. 3) Eugene Hanrahan. To ·Grand Junction • • • ----- It is quite remarkable that PREMEDICAL STUDENTS A half-back named Dickerson fifteen yard line.v' Hagan made two Regis has taken a commanding TO TAKE MEDICAL Grads Frolic who runs, passes and -kicks with running attempts which netted position among the many del­ APTITUDE TEST equal ability was responsible for about three yards. Then after an , egates of many colleges at the at Smoker in the Rangers loss. Except for this attempted pass. which failed, the annual International Relations On Dec. 6, the Medical Aptitude stalwart boy from the western slope Rangers kicked, Dickerson took the conference. Last year a Regis test will be held for all premedical College Gym the two teams were evenly matched. kick on the mid-field stripe and man was elected to the vice- students expecting to enter the The Rangers' line played a bangup behind good interference returned presidency of the Rocky Moun- medical school in 1936.
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