Land off Park House Drive, Heversham Outline Planning Application (with some matters reserved) for Small Scale Residential Development Planning, Design and Access Statement Cumbria County Council savills.co.uk Contents Page Executive Summary 1 Planning Statement Introduction 4 Site and Surroundings 6 Planning Policy 9 History of the Site 17 Pre-Application Discussions 18 The Proposal 21 Supporting Documentation 23 Planning Considerations / Key Issues 24 Summary and Conclusions 33 Design and Access Statement Introduction 34 Use / Amount 34 Scale 35 Layout 35 Appearance 35 Landscape 35 Access 35 Conclusion 36 Figure 1 Aerial Photograph of Heversham identifying application 7 site Figure 2 Aerial Photograph of Heversham identifying application 7 site at a wider scale Figure 3 Extract from the Topographical Survey 8 Figure 4 Extract from the Proposed Site Plan 21 Figure 5 Photograph of access off Park House Drive 26 Figure 6 – Extract from County Councils Right of Way Mapping 27 Figure 7 Extract from Gov.uk – Flooding from Rivers and Sea 29 Figure 8 Extract from Gov.uk – Flooding from Surface Water 30 Figure 9 Extract from the Proposed Site Plan 34 Cumbria County Council August 2018 1 A Planning, Design and Access Statement in support of an Outline Planning Application (with some matters reserved) by Savills on behalf of Cumbria County Council for new small scale residential development on land off east of Park House Drive, Heversham. Executive Summary Cumbria County Council (the applicant) is seeking planning consent for small scale residential development on land off Park House Drive, Heversham. The proposal consists of: • Redeveloping the site with Small Scale Residential Development with associated parking and amenity space; and, • Providing affordable housing 35% affordable housing units. Principle of Development The proposed high quality small scale housing is acceptable, in principle, for the following reasons:- • It will help to address the identified housing need of South Lakeland District; • It is a requirement of the NPPF ‘of significantly boosting the supply of homes’ (Para 59 of NPPF); • It will provide much needed affordable units in Heversham (para 63 of the NPPF); and, • It complies with the Heversham and Hincaster Neighbourhood Plan. The site is located near the centre of Heversham and is located immediately adjacent existing residential development to the west (Park House Drive). The site is not subject to any local or national designation/protection for its landscape, ecological or heritage value. Benefits The small scale residential development will:- • Increase housing supply; • Provide much needed affordable housing for Heversham; • Increase population in Heversham to the benefit of local spending on convenience, comparison and leisure thus sustaining and enhancing the local economy and key services; and, • Create jobs through the construction and sales period. Planning Considerations Planning Policy Heversham meets the criteria of a small village, and so, as a starting point, the proposal should been assessed as to whether it constitutes appropriate infilling or rounding off as defined within the guidance supporting policy CS1.2 of the Core Strategy. Cumbria County Council August 2018 1 Furthermore, the Development Management DPD was submitted on 28 February 2018 and Policy DM13 received no objections, and therefore should be given weight with regard to decision making. Policy DM13 supersedes the part of CS1.2 which relates to infilling and rounding off and paragraph 2.25 of the Core Strategy. It expands the definition of appropriate development on the edge of small villages to include sites which are, ‘well contained within the existing landscape features, is physically connected, and integrates with the settlement, and does not lead to an unacceptable intrusion in to the open countryside’; ‘and there is good access to one or more other settlements with services’. Additionally, the Heversham and Hincaster Neighbourhood Plan is afforded weight and therefore having the support of the Parish Council will be advantageous, as set out in policy HH7. It is therefore considered that the scheme when considering all the above documents, the site is physically connected to a settlement with services and well contained to the west and north. The proposed scale of development proposed will not be a harmful intrusion in to the open countryside. Furthermore, following discussions with the Parish Council, there is community support for such development. The scheme should therefore be considered favourably. Highways The proposal will utilise the existing access. A Technical Note was commissioned and TPS concluded that the proposal does not adversely affect highways safety and that a suitable access can be achieved for small scale residential development at this location via Park House Drive. Ecology The surveyed area was found to be of moderate ecological value with the value limited mainly to the edge habitats. No protected species were noted; however, there is scope for a number of bird species to breed. Any removal of hedging and trees should be undertaken outside bird nesting season. Naturally Wild conclude that there will not be a significant impact to protected species or habitats as a result of the development. Arboriculture A tree survey that was carried out on 10th July 2018 by AllAboutTrees. Four (4) trees, five (5) hedgerows and four (4) groups of trees were identified and all are located on the site boundaries. There are no Category A trees (those of a high quality with an estimated remaining life expectancy of at least 40 years), with 2 trees and 1 hedgerow categorised as Category B, and 2 trees, 4 hedgerows and 4 groups identified Category C. Zero were identified as being Category U. It will be necessary to remove some of the existing trees to facilitate the proposed development and to establish a higher level of arboricultural management for the site. Tree 1 (category B) and groups 1-2 (Category C) will need to be removed to facilitate the construction of the new access through to the development site. Notwithstanding this, additional planning will be implemented to complement the proposed development. AllAboutTrees has been able to ascertain with South Lakeland District Council (the Local Planning Authority) on Wednesday 11th July 2018 that there are no restrictions protecting the trees on the site. The site is not within a Conservation area and there are no TPOs imposed on any trees within the site. Cumbria County Council August 2018 2 It is therefore considered that, in respect of arboricultural matters, the site is suitable for residential development. Flood Risk The site lies within Flood Zone 1 on the Environment Agency flood map. As such, the site is considered suitable for residential development from a flood risk perspective. Housing Mix The scheme will provide much needed affordable housing units at Heversham which is supported by the Parish Council. It is proposed that the development will provide 35% affordable units onsite. Conclusions Small scale residential development is considered acceptable in this area, particularly when considering the Heversham and Hincaster Neighbourhood Plan and following feedback from the Heversham Parish Council. All technical works completed demonstrate that the site is suitable and capable of accommodating small scale residential development and there are no physical reasons as to why the site could not be brought forward for housing. It is considered that all the benefits which would arise from this development override any concerns. As such, it is respectfully requested that the small scale residential scheme proposed as part of the application should be granted planning permission. Cumbria County Council August 2018 3 1. Introduction 1.1 The Planning Statement is submitted on behalf of Cumbria County Council (hereafter called ‘the applicant’) in support of an Outline Planning Application (with some matters reserved) for small scale residential development (with associated parking and amenity space) on land off Park House Drive, Heversham. 1.2 This Planning Statement addresses key planning policy and housing land considerations arising from the development proposals. It forms part of a suite of supporting information and reports submitted as part of the planning application including: • Location Plan • Topographical Survey / Existing Site Plan • Arboricultural Assessment • Ecology Assessment • Proposed Plans (Layout) – Indicative only • Highways Technical Note • Flood Risk Map (included in this report) • Affordable Housing Statement • CIL Forms 1.3 This document is to be read in conjunction with other supporting information submitted as part of this application. 1.4 This statement clearly demonstrates that the proposals fully reflect current national and local planning policy principles and that the design is appropriate to the site and its location. The report is set out as follows: Section 2: Site and Surroundings Analysis of the application site and the surrounding area; Section 3: Adopted and Emerging Planning Policy Setting the planning policy context for the planning application; Section 4: Planning History A summary of the planning history associated with the site; Section 5: Pre-Application Discussions A summary of pre-application discussions with South Lakeland District Council and Heversham Parish Council; Section 6: The Proposal A description of the proposed development Section 7: Supporting Documentation Cumbria County Council August 2018 4 An
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