THE CATHOLIC Cajun artist honors childhood PAGE 3 January 23, ommentator2015 Vol. 51, No. 25 SERVING THE DIOCESE OF BATON ROUGE SINCE 1963 thecatholiccommentator.org C MARCHING FOR LIFE Rally details Terri Schiavo’s fight By Richard Meek The Catholic Commentator Nearly 10 years after the death of his sister, Bobby Schindler con- tinues to mourn her loss. Time may ultimately heal those wounds, but it’s the images of her final days that are likely to linger. Images of the person that was once his vibrant sister, full of life, full of personality, reduced to a mere skeletal frame by means of forced starvation and dehydration. Schindler is the sister of Terri Schiavo, who died a painful death two weeks after her feeding tubes were removed in a legal skirmish that drew worldwide attention, and saw President George W. Bush and Congress become involved. “Death by starvation and dehy- dration is one of the most barbaric (forms of death) we can imagine,” said Schindler, who delivered the keynote address at the 22nd annu- al Respect Life Rally on Jan. 11 in The 22nd annual Respect Life Rally on Jan. 11 at the Bishop Tracy Center attracted nearly 100 supporters, including state director for the main auditorium of the Bishop Black Advocates for Life Dr. Kathy Allen, left, and her family. Photo by Richard Meek | The Catholic Commentator SEE RALLY PAGE 10 Diocese to host black Catholic conference By Barbara Chenevert parochial vicar at Christ the King calling is to bring people together,” The Catholic Commentator Church and Student Center at said Father Johnson, whose moth- LSU. The hope of the conference is er is white and whose father is Af- The Diocesan Office of Black to bring as many people from the rican American. Catholics is sponsoring a St. Mar- Baton Rouge area together as pos- Monique Scott-Spaulding, one of tin De Porres Catholic conference sible to experience the healing of the coordinators of the conference, in May to allow everyone to expe- Christ.” said the program was meant to be a rience the healing power of God Everyone is invited – black, community builder to bring all rac- during a time when there is so white, Asian, Hispanic, he said. es together. “It is not only meant to much division in the country, Fa- “My prayer is that a lot of people highlight the contributions of Afri- ther Josh Johnson said. come to see that black Catholics can Americans, but to be a unifying “We have all had pain and suf- have something to offer the church. effort. We are all called to the same Read the Catholic Schools Week fering. We have all experienced “As a bi-racial man, who has ex- mission and we are called to do it special section in this issue! division with God and our neigh- perienced the hurt of black people together,” she said. bor,” said Father Johnson, who is and the hurt of whites, I believe my SEE CONFERENCE PAGE 20 2 The Catholic Commentator The LIGHTER SIDE of FAI t H January 23, 2015 | TREASURES FROM THE DIOCESE | DID YOU KNOW African-American prayer Feb. 1 is National Day African American and of Prayer for the African African families before American and African you today. May we be Family. proud of our history and The first Sunday of Feb- never forget those who ruary, a month designated paid a great price for as Black History Month, our liberation. Bless us was created as this Nation- one by one and keep our al Day of Prayer by Father hearts and minds fixed James Goode OFM in 1989 on higher ground. Help as an opportunity to give us to live for you and not thanks for families and to entrust every for ourselves, and may we cherish and family to the loving care of Jesus. proclaim the gift of life. Bless our parents, The theme this year is “Courage: I Am guardians and grandparents, relatives Praying for You.” and friends. Give us the amazing grace to SERVICE FOR TWO – “Let us pray for ourselves and each be the salt of the earth and the light of the The Chapel of the Ma- other, for our families need courage in or- world. Help us, as your children, to live in donna, unofficially la- der to overcome the daily demons of this such a way that the beauty and greatness beled “the smallest world. Our families need courage to raise of authentic love is reflected in all that we church in the world,” is their children and other folks’ children. We say and do. Give a healing anointing to located on River Road need courage to conquer violence in our those less fortunate, especially the moth- three miles north of communities … courage to build up our erless, the fatherless, the broken, the sick White Castle. A Mass is people when daily dosages of helplessness and the lonely. Bless our departed fam- celebrated annually on haunt us … courage to keep on living when ily members and friends. May they be the Feast of the As- it is difficult and draining … courage to be led into the light of your dwelling place sumption of the Bless- on mission among those who our world where we will never grow old, where we ed Mother, but with a wants to dismiss,” said Father Goode and will share the fullness of redemption and seating capacity of Therese Wilson Favors who composed a shout the victory for all eternity. This we two, the congregation brochure for the day of prayer. ask in the precious name of Jesus, our assembles on the front Below is a special prayer written by Fa- Savior and Blessed Assurance. Amen. lawn. File photo | The Catholic ther Goode especially for the observance: Holy Mary, mother of our families, pray Commentator “God of mercy and love, we place our for us.” You keep in touch with your Ger- to the United States via a boat trip that Qman heritage. Tell us about that. lasted three weeks. We also will visit the hometown of the Schatzles. I am looking I grew up in Acadia Parish, in forward to this trip. ACrowley, to be specific. Between My last name is Schatzle and my pater- ...with FATHER MIKE SCHATZLE, pastor Crowley and Rayne there is a German set- nal grandmother’s name was Schneider. of St. George Church, Baton Rouge tlement, called Roberts Cove. Many fami- My mother’s maiden name was Klein. My ly members were born and raised there. It maternal grandmother’s name was Isen- Golf is one of your hobbies? Are was settled in the mid 1880s. berg. So my German heritage comes from Qyou pretty good at it? How did you Through the efforts and research of both parents. start playing? Father Charles Zaunbrecher, a native of My dad’s sister had a son, Martin Roberts Cove and priest of the Lafayette Leonards, who was a priest in the Diocese Growing up, I played every sport Diocese, heritage tours to Germany and of Lafayette. He died in August of 2014. Athat was available: baseball, foot- the homes of the original settlers were or- My great-uncle (mom’s side) was Msgr. ball, basketball, soccer and tennis. At that ganized. I had the opportunity to travel to Anthony Isenberg, who was also a priest time golf was considered a “rich man’s” Germany five years ago. I am scheduled of the Lafayette Diocese. His first assign- sport. I think that I inherited my sense to join a tour this June. The itinerary in- ment was St. Joseph Church (now Cathe- Following ordination, the sport that I A of humor from my dad. It’s a qual- cludes a stop in Trier, Germany, which is dral) in Baton Rouge. At that time in the most enjoyed was tennis. ity that I cherish. I think humor has a lot my grandmother’s birthplace. She came SEE FATHER SCHATZLE PAGE8 My first parish assignment was to to do with Christian spirituality. Holy Rosary Church in Houma. There I have enjoyed reading the recent was an older priest, assigned to Holy Ro- book written by Rev. James Martin SJ sary with me, who was an avid golfer and entitled: “Between Heaven and Mirth; always looking for someone to join him Why Joy, Humor and Laughter are at the thecatholiccommentator.org | Facebook.com/TheCatholicCommentator for a round of golf. I learned to play from Heart of the Spiritual Life.” Father Mar- him. It can be a frustrating and challeng- tin tells of many saints who had a sense Bishop Robert W. Muench Publisher Wanda L. Koch Advertising Manager ing game but I began to enjoy it. It is a of humor. Also, the recent exhortation Father Than Vu Associate Publisher Penny G. Saia Production Manager sport that I could play as I got older and a by Pope Francis is entitled: “The Joy of Richard Meek Editor Lisa Disney Secretary/Circulation number of priests played the sport. I en- the Gospel.” I know that God has a sense Debbie Shelley Assistant Editor Barbara Chenevert Staff Writer joy golf but never have become proficient of humor. We can tell from the Gospels, The Catholic Commentator (ISSN 07460511; USPS 093-680) at it. especially the parables, that there was a Published bi-weekly (every other week) by the Catholic Diocese of Baton Rouge,1800 South Acadian genuine sense of joy in the life of Jesus. Thruway, Baton Rouge, LA 70808; 225-387-0983 or 225-387-0561. Periodical Postage Paid at Baton You are known as a jokester.
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