A2 Thursday, May 4, 2017 TRAINING from A1 can do next year. We want to able to get that fire put out, on that, turn to page A1). get a helicopter over here.” but we were there until 11 Atkinson said the fire acad- Conforming Mortgage Fixed Rates The green monster is a On Saturday, as Atkinson p.m.” emy has always been a success- building, crafted to allow fire- and his firefighters prepared Déjà vu happened on Sun- ful event. 30 Years - .000% Points fighters to learn how to safely to leave the academy and head day afternoon – as the acade- “The need for training is 3.750% Rate 3.863% APR exit a second story window, to a post-training barbecue, a my wrapped up, the Harrison- absolute,” he said. “This helps Atkinson explained. call came across the scanner, Pony-Norris-Summit Valley us work better when we get 15 Years - .000% Points “We had a great time,” he requesting they respond to the Volunteer Fire Department mutual aid calls – everybody’s 3.125% Rate 3.323% APR said. “Everybody was really Revenue Flats to handle a fire. was asked to respond with equipment is a little differ- enthused about it – we got “We didn’t even get to eat,” mutual aid to a residential fire ent, so it’s good to train with Rates subject to change without notice, APR calculation is based on a " " " " ," " " ." 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" " " " " " E. Main St • Ennis, MT " " " " " .. Conventional Frame Homes Commercial Remodels & Additions Photos courtesy Hand-crafted Log Homes Carole Kimmel l p se f n ti n ABOVE d n lt Fire fighters practie Custom Building Design exiting a second story window using a structure they have dubbed the “green monster.” TOP RIGHT Fire fighters train using a burn trailer, which simulates a fire situation. RIGHT Fire fighters after a day of training. e-mail: [email protected] | www.bandeconstruction.com and the foothills – it has low tible to contamination. tackling the question of fu- brad bullock 581-4117 | ken evans 490-2758 | office 682-7942 WATER from A1 p.o. box 1444 Ennis, MT 59729 water storage, and is more “It’s susceptible to elevated ture development in Virginia said. susceptible to contamination nitrates, because the affluent City in relation to the town’s Mike Richter from the and over pumping. coming out of septic systems source of drinking water, Montana Bureau of Mines The groundwater informa- isn’t getting diluted,” Richter which is two springs. and Geology’s groundwater tion center has 16 long term said. “Is that enough for the “Harmonizing with Nature” information center intro- monitoring sites up and down future?” Abdo asked. “Or can Landscaping & Yard Services • duced the basic hydrology of the Madison Valley. Water and development we supplement the springs?” Power Raking, Fertilizing, Pruning the Madison Watershed. “Why do we want long Cameron resident Jeff The Madison Valley proj- • Sprinkler System Repair & New In the Madison Valley, term data?” Richter asked. Laszlo asked if water will be ect will examine the question Installation • Year Round Property there are two types of aqui- “You need at least 30 years of a limiting factor in develop- of development, Abdo said. Management • Tree Trimming (up to fers, Richter explained. An data to start making conclu- ment of the Madison Valley. Her coworker, hydrologist 75 feet Bucket)Truck Stump Removal aquifer is a body of perme- sions.” “You cannot get a new Andy Bobst, said the two Richter’s data shows fluc- surface water right because aquifers – basin fill and frac- Full Nursery: Open April 3 - October 21 able rock that can contain groundwater. The valley tuations in the groundwater, we’re in an administratively tured bedrock – will have to Offi ce: 406-646-4844 Nursery: 208-652-7840 which is generally seasonal closed basin,” explained Ann be taken into consideration [email protected] | www.swissprecision.net floor is a basin fill aquifer – it holds abundant water. and can depend on snowpack, Schwend, the DNRC’s Upper when examining if there is The other type of aquifer is runoff, irrigation, the Madi- Missouri River Basin’s water enough groundwater avail- fractured bedrock, which son River gorge and more. planner. “You can only get able to support residential is located in the mountains exempt wells.” development. Groundwater quality Montana law allows for “We can always use more “You have hard water, but wells to be exempt from information,” Kunard said. “(Water) is our good quality,” Richter said. permitting if withdrawals “Not to say we do or don’t “There is arsenic though, so are less than 35 gallons per want development, but do we most important it’s worth getting your well minute, and not exceeding a have the water? Or how do ELECTRONIC SUPPLY resource. We tested.” volume of more than 10 acre we get water to future devel- Jim Forsberg Kunard explained that ar- feet per year. opments?” (406) 682-7858 Mountain View TV & Satellite, Inc. senic in the Madison Water- Ginette Abdo, with the Community members (406) 596-1513 pay for the shed is naturally occurring, Montana Bureau of Mines mentioned concerns ranging 6 Sunrise Loop Ste B [email protected] delivery of mostly due to geothermal and Geology’s groundwa- from the fate of wetlands to Ennis, MT 59729 activity in Yellowstone Na- ter investigations program exempt wells to water effi- water, but not tional Park. (GWIP) said work is slated ciency and more. “Enough concentrated for the Madison Valley this “In Montana, no one pays the water itself.” septic systems could impact summer. GWIP’s goal is for water,” Schwend said. groundwater quality,” Kunard to answer questions about “It is our most important Lisa Brubaker, LCSW, LLC - Ann Schwend, added. groundwater crucial for water resource. We pay for the DNRC Upper Missouri Wells in the fractured bed- management. delivery of water, but not the Licensed Clinical Social Worker River Basin water planner rock aquifer are more suscep- For example, GWIP is water itself.” It’s never too late to find balance. PO Box 602 Ennis, Montana 59729 [email protected] Insurance Accepted. (406) 670-4546 How well do YOU know Individual & Couples Specializing in Adults Counseling & Adolescents Madison County? THIS WEEK’S CONTEST IS Quick! Where SPONSORED BY was this Shovel & Spoon photo taken? Sheridan, MT Call 682-7755 and after 9 a.m. HARDY Maple' s Coffee Friday, May Ennis, MT 5 with your DRYWALL best guess! A lot of you called about this photo! Tracie Rich FULL SERVICE DRYWALL, PLASTER & STUCCO was the first to correctly guess it was Highway 406-596-3137 359 heading to Harrison from Cardwell! Thursday, May 4, 2017 A3 MORE NEWS: Wildlife and roadways Presentation on wildlife mortality hotspots, connectivity along U.S. Highway 287 Abigail Dennis grizzly bear, wolverine and other species; the wildlife overpass. summary states. “Traffic will likely increase [email protected] barrier effect of the highway and road related “There are lots of elk, public land and in the future.” wildlife mortality patterns were poorly un- conservation easements,” Fountain said. “Be- Craighead said any “accommodation ef- Prior to the Madison County Planning derstood prior to the study. tween the wilderness and the biggest bunch forts” would be most effective if they ad- Board meeting on April 24, Renee Callahan “From April 2012 to April 2014, col- of conservation easements anywhere, we dressed winter conditions, focusing on elk. from the Center for Large Landscape Conser- lection was completed of carcass and live could build something down there.” “Crossing structures of the appropriate vation gave a presentation about the effects animal observation data three days per week, Based on the data analyzed in the study, type and size, in combination with wildlife of roads on wildlife. year round, in the study area,” the summary Craighead said a few sections of road stand exclusionary fencing, would likely be used “Roads are one of the most disruptive states. “Remote camera data was recorded at as prime locations to mitigate wildlife-vehi- by thousands of elk every winter and may forces on the planet,” Callahan said. “Na- 11 culverts and bridges throughout the study cle collisions. greatly reduce carcasses in that area,” the tionally, the number of overall collisions on area to assess wildlife use of existing under- “The importance of the Madison Valley summary states. roadways have stayed stable over the last 15 passes and opportunistically collected snow as winter range for ungulates will remain the years, but collisions with animals are trend- tracking data to assess patterns of wildlife same or perhaps increase in the future given ing upward.” crossings.” the permanent habitat protections that exist Abigail Dennis/The Madisonian Callahan said there are proven solutions, Craighead said the elk data lined up – in the form of government lands and con- A sign southeast of Ennis warns motorists of including animal overpasses or under the where the majority of elk were spotted or servation easements on private lands,” the crossing wildlife.
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