OUTCOME BUDGET 2018 - 19 O U T C O M E B U D G E T 2018-19 Published under the Authority of Government of Odisha Department of Water Resources Govt. of Odisha, Bhubaneswar Department of Water Resources OUTCOME BUDGET 2018-19 Government of Odisha Department of Water Resources CONTENT Sl. No. Aspect Page No. 1. Executive Summary 01-04 2. Chapter - I : Introduction 05-26 3. Chapter - II: Outcome Budget, 2018-19 Statement 27-161 (Programme & EOM Expenditure), Annexures 4. Chapter - III: Reforms Measures & Policy Initiatives 162-164 5. Chapter - IV: Past performance of programmes and schemes 165-175 6. Chapter - V: Financial Review 176-182 7. Chapter - VI: Gender and SC/ST Budgeting 183-186 Outcome Budget 2018-19 LIST OF TABLES & ANNEXURE Sl. No. Aspect Page No. Chapter - I Table-1.1: PMKSY- AIBP Project Status 8 Table-1.2: Field Channel & Field Drain Status 10 Table 1.3 : Status of MIPs under RR&R scheme 12 Table-1.4: Status of Check Dams 18 Table-1.5: Status of Borewell Scheme 20 Table 1.6 : Status of Megalift Scheme 22 Chapter - II i) Programme Expenditure (Statement of Outlays & Outcome/Targets : Annual Plan 2018-19) 28-38 ii) Programme Expenditure (Statement of Projected Outlays & Outcome/Targets: Annual Plan 2019-20 & 2020-21) 39-48 iii) Administrative and EOM Expenditure : 2018-19 (Statemente of Outlays & Outcome/Targets) 49 iv) Administrative and EOM Expenditure : 2019-20 & 2020-2021 (Statemente of projected Outlays & Outcome/Targets) 50 v) Abstract showing schemes, Outlay & Quantifiable deliverables / Physical Outputs in Annual Plan : 2018-19 51-53 vi) Programme Expenditure Project wise Plan Outlay for 2018-19 54-86 vii) Annexure-I - State Plan (River embankments) 2018-19 under CE, FC&BM, LMB 87-112 viii) Annexure-II - State Plan (Saline embankments) 2018-19 under CE, FC&BM, LMB 113-117 ix) Annexure-III - State Plan (Restoration) 2018-19 under CE, FC & BM, LMB 118-146 x) Annexure-IV - State Plan (Completion of Inccomplete Project) 2018-19 under CE, FC & BM, LMB 147-150 xi) Annexure-V - Minor Irrigation Projects 151-157 xii) Annexure-VI - Command Area Development & Water Management Programme 158 xiii) Annexure-VII - Drainage Work 159 xix) Annexure-VIII - Projects under Survey & Investigation 160-161 Chapter - IV Table-4.1, 4.2 165-175 Past performance of programme & scheme for 2016-17 & 2017-18 165-175 Chapter - V Table-5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4 176-182 Financial Review (State Plan / Non-Plan), Statement Regarding Surrender / Savings Chapter - VI Table - 6.1: Fund flow to TSP Component 183-185 Table - 6.2: Fund flow to SCSP Component 185-187 Government of Odisha Outcome Budget 2018-19 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The “Outcome Budget” of the Department of implemented through the Department along with Water Resources is intended to convert the the physical and financial targets set for the “outlays” into “outcomes” by planning the financial year 2018-19. expenditure, fixing appropriate targets and The highlights of the Outcome Budget 2018-19 of quantifying the deliverables. The document also the Department of Water Resources broadly highlights the status of ongoing and new schemes consists of the following chapters: Chapter-I Brief introduction about the structure and fuctions of the Department, important programmes / schemes administered by the Department and fund flow mechanism. Chapter-II Details of Budget including the outlays/projected outlays, physical output, projected outcome etc. under Programme Expenditure and Administrative & EOM Expenditure for the year 2018-19, 2019-20 & 2020-21 in the prescribed tabular format. Chapter-III Details of reform measures and policy initiatives contains change in design and delivery mechanism of existing schemes, new schemes introduced if any, change in internal processes of the Department in relation to administration of the Schemes- Benchmarking of service delivery and service costing, policy reforms if any, and change in the composition of beneficiaries if any. Chapter-IV Past performance highlights the achievements in execution of the schemes in terms of physical and financial targets set in the Outcome Budget for the year 2016-17 and 2017-18. Chapter-V Financial review covers trends in expenditure shown in a statement containing Actuals for the year 2016-17, Budget Estimate for the year 2017-18, Revised Estimate for the year 2017- 18 and Budget Estimate for the year 2018-19. Chapter-VI Highlights of the financial outlays and projected outputs of the schemes benefiting Women, ST and SC population. Implementation, Monitoring & Evaluation by a Special Secretary and is assisted by one Mechanism Superintending Engineer, Deputy Directors, and The Department of Water Resources (DOWR) Assistant Directors with other ministerial staff. lays considerable emphasis on systematic and Similarly, monitoring unit at EIC office is headed sustained monitoring of irrigation projects executed by a Chief Engineer and is assisted by Director in under different schemes. Two monitoring units are the rank of Superintending Engineer and other functioning in DOWR and office of Engineer-in- technical personnel such as Deputy Directors in the Chief (EIC), Water Resources for centralized project rank of Executive Engineers, Deputy Executive monitoring. The DOWR monitoring unit is headed Engineers and Assistant Executive Engineers. At Department of Water Resources [ 1 ] Outcome Budget 2018-19 the project level, the monitoring works are being implementation of projects. Besides, officials looked after by Assistant to Chief Engineer in from the Funding Agencies viz. Ministry of charge of the project and is assisted by other sub- Water Resources/ NABARD/World Bank/ ordinate staff. Conventional monitoring mechanism JICA/ADB etc. also regularly visit the projects such as field visits, review meetings and periodic to asses the progress of the work. reports and returns are in place for monitoring of 4. Inbuilt monitoring mechanism in the projects. guidelines of each scheme ensures that the 1. Data Compilation & Transmission: The objectives of the schemes are achieved. data/ information from field level are being 5. The Department of Water Resources is sent to the Monitoring Organisation in the EIC implementing e-Governance in a phased office on monthly/quarterly /annual basis. manner using Information and The Monitoring Organisation reviews the Communication Technology (ICT) in order to documents/ information of field offices and improve efficiency in office procedures, submits a consolidated report to the information delivery mechanism and ensuring Department and other higher offices. transparency in the system. The initiatives 2. Review Meetings: The State level Programme taken are given below. Expenditure review meetings with Project a. Department of Water Resources and its line Chief Engineers/Chief Construction offices are being computerized in phased Engineers/ Land Acquisition Officers are manner considering office automation being held regularly under the Chairmanship requirement. To facilitate resource sharing of Principal Secretary. Various critical issues/ Secretariate Local Area Network (LAN) has problems/ bottlenecks of the projects are been extended to DOWR. Similarly, LAN has discussed and important decisions are taken also been established in the office of Engineer- in the Programme Expenditure Review in-Chief, Water Resources. meeting. Senior officers from regional CWC b. The Department has launched its official also attend the review meeting. Apart from website www.dowrorissa.gov.in which acts that, progress of projects is also reviewed from as a platform to disseminate various time to time by Hon’ble Chief Minister and informations relating to activities of Other Senior Officers of the State and Central department in the intrest of citizens. Besides, Government. Similarly, at project level, review the Department has made its presence in social meetings are held regularly under the media platform twitter and facebook. Chairmanship of the Chief Engineer/Chief c. GIS (Geographical Information System) is used Construction Engineer -in-charge of the for mapping flood related scenario and project. projecting the forecasted tracks of cyclones in 3. Field Visits: Senior officers from DOWR FF&FRM( Flood Forecasting & Flood Risk including the Principal Secretary and Engineer- Management) cell formerly known as FMIS cell in-Chiefs regularly make field visits to monitor d. The online budget submission system has been the progress of the work. They discuss made operational in the Department through problems with field functionaries and issue an application “BETA” necessary instructions for smooth [ 2 ] Government of Odisha Outcome Budget 2018-19 e. In order to effectively monitor the progress benchmarking report has been published and of development and interact with field there is a programme to extend the officials, beneficiaries, the department is using benchmarking studies to all major, medium video conferencing facility over OSWAN. and minor irrigation projects f. The Department has taken steps for Public Information System computerization of accounts and billing system 1. Creating awareness about the programmes of in field offices in line with other engineering the Department Departments. The application named WAMIS Annual Report and Annual Activity report (Works & Accounts Management Information containing physical and financial achievements System) is being implemented in offices so as of schemes are being published each year for to further streamline accounts and billing wide circulation for information of the
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