1 lf l i ,,n 1,1 fi •,Yrrw"v *1 >" v i i v IPXGESK <THE LETHBRIDGE DAILY HERALD THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 112,1925 LEAGUE HOCKEY FOR BILLY • • • • • • • • • ^ • • • • • • EVANS SAYS Pres. Cheeseman Of Baseball Body V BABE REFORMS Now that Babe Ruth has decided t longer to be "Boob" Ruth to the tout • . • bookmakers and confidence men, • MARANVILLE SLATED « •> might bo weir to get a'couple of dth( Macleod Given Berth ANOTHER FROM THE OLD SOD FOR ANOTHER BERTH • incidents'ont bt our system relative" the wild days' of tho Bambino. • • • * * « • • * "Rabbit" Maranvillo is almost Well do I recall a certain afternoc Lucien ,.Vinez, European Lightweight Champion certain'to be; traded by theChl- in New York when Babe's plea ot sic cago Cubs before tho opening OF jness', didn't; ge£ over with Matagj Intermediate Hockey, of next season. Maranville, Hugglns. It happened one of the b: having had a whirl as man­ running races was carded at Belmoi ager and. failed, won't be of BASEBALL FROM that day. any great help to the new club Before the game Babe had laid pilot. It is rumored that the, heavy wager on ono of tho'entries - Annual Alta. Parley "Rabbit" will go to Cincinnati. the first, race. Just as the game star! ed someone confided' to him that hi AMATEUTBODY selection wa,s tin also. ran. The btl was for something like $1000, | Ladies Hockey Given Official ; FalltfVe In the first race merely ii WOMEN TAKE TO A. A. B. A. Head States Posi­ creased Ruth's desire to get to tli Recognition at Calgary "Y" WATER SPORTS • race track. He hit safely first tint Meeting—A. B. King of G00DRICKT0 tion During Calgary up, tried to steal second, was callc The women swimmers of the out by Umpire Hildebrand, whereupo Okotoks Elected President city have formed a water Conference he, threw a handful of ,dust Into ti sports club called the Thetis umpire's eye§. ' and Battrum Again Secret­ Club. They plan weekly meets BATTLE TAIT The umpire chased him, Babe rusl at the "Y" with points given for ed to the clubhouse, made a quic ary. swimming prowess. The club WOULD INJURE change and was at the race track bf meets from 9 to 10 o'clock ALBERTA SPORT fore the feature event was run. [ Tuesday evenings at the Y, M. AT TORONTO As ho came on the field the nei CALGARY. Nov. 12.—The Alberta C. A. tank. Mrs. Treliving is day I asked him if he had had a plea| nmateur hockey association held Its president, Mrs. Brander secre­ ant time at the track. annual meeting here Wednesday after­ tary, Miss Loesher instructor, (Special to the Herald.) TORONTO, Nov. 12—It is announc­ CALGARY',. Nov. 12.—Opposition to • * * noon. and Miss Ruth Young and Mr. "You fussy umpires Just caused ml Shand executive members. ed here that Jimmy Goodrich, world's the proposed plan, of' operating base­ Some of the more Important fea­ lightweight champion, hos been an extra $3500 loss by chasing me. tures discussed were the urgent need ball in this provinco next year with­ matched to box Clonie Tait, Canad­ out amateur cards ' will • be felt from can't see why Hildebrand should be of hearty co-operation from Northern •*« *T« •> •> •> •:•<!•» o •:• <s> * * ian lightweight champion, ten rounds Charles Cheesman, president of the particular about that faded out suit Alberta; official recognition of ladies' blue he is wearing,'' hockey; placing a stringent rule in on November 24 at the local coli­ Alberta Amateur Baseball association, connection with junior, juvenile and seum. and also from clubs in the vicinity of midget hockey; the unanimous re-elec­ Cardston, where Mr. Cheesman re­ sides. He made this clear in a state­ tion of Secretary E. D. Battrum, in­ KATAN MATCHED Athletic Show at cidentally voting him a handsome ment while in Calgary on Wednesday Senators Make honorarium, and many other matters attending the Alberta amateur hockey of legislation that are bound to ele­ Miners Club, Success meeting. vate as well as boost the winter pas­ WITHWURDEN Mr. Cheesman, while disapproving time in the province. The boxing and wrestling card pre­ very strongly of the attitude of cer­ tain amateur officials in this province Ladies' hockey and the boosting of sented at the Miners' Club last night h the "younger" game were features of Grapplers Strut Wares at Har- at their club rooms was a great suc­ considers that t © athletics of Al­ berta should have no quarrel with the meeting. To look after the ladies' dieville on Novem­ cess and provided lots of thrills for OTTAWA, Nov. 11.—Ottawa Sent end of the sport the province was split the large number of members who the amateur union as a • whole, 'and tors, the capital's entry in the Ns into three districts, the northern em­ ber 19 were present. openely disregard the regulations of tional Hockey league, took the icefo bracing the area from Edmonton South Every item on the card was well an authorized bod}'. their initial workout of the season las and including Red Deer; the central The baseball president's opinion Is A wrestling match will be held at contested and great credit is due the night at tho auditorium and two fu'i from Red Deer to High River and promoter Jimmie Bennie who has tak­ that concerted action should be ac­ teams, lined up for the opening cantei Medicine Hat. while the Crow's Nest Hardieville hall. North Lethbridge, cepted to rid the province of certain Nov. 19, between Carl Van Wurden, en over the management of the club The men cut. loose without urging an Pass "will form the southern district. gym, for the manner in which the amateur officials. at times were travelling fast. Ever A representative from each district 1G5 pounds. Swift Current, and John Katan, Lethbrdige, 180 pounds. bents were conducted. Mr. Cheesman does not consider member of last year's team waso along with Dr. Misener of the Univer­ that the interests of amateur baseball hand. j Katan is a good local boy who has All the contestants were local boys : sity of Alberta will look after this div­ and as soon as Mr. Bennie can get were improved ly the arrangement Practices will be held daily in prd ision. come to the front rapidly and is now able to step out and hold his own with them into first class shape it is his adopted in the- senior playoff series paration for the pre-season series will In the junior, juvenile and midget some of the best men in his class. intention to stage a big night in the during the summer. He believes it Victoria Cougars, champions of tbj branches, it was decided that birth Carl Van Wurden is a middle weight Majestic theatre, bringing in boys hurt amateur ball by crushing the as­ world, on November 19 and .21. certificates will be required. The and claimant of the title for Canada, from the surrounding district to meet pirations of several ciubs in towns of association intends also to make a having learned the game in Ottawa. the best artists in Lethbridge. the province. HE WISHED, HE KNEW berth for Macleod this winter in the He recently met Johnny Meyers of Tho wrestling bout between the "There is a suggestion that semi- intermediate section. Chicago, world's champion, at Osh- Parks Bros., Billy and Art, was a pros be all-owed to play on the same Pat. "Sure and I'd give athousan The following active officers were kosh, Wis. thri'ier from start to finish and both team with simon-pure amateurs. That dollars, Mike, if I knew the plac elected: This is Van Wnrden's first appear­ boys went at it as iC the championship idea can never be successfully de­ where I was going to die." President, A. B. King, Okotoks; ance in Lethbridge, but he expects to of the world hung in the balance, Art veloped," said Mr. Cheesman, "it con­ Mike: "Faith, Pat, and what goo vice-president, H. F. James, Ponoka; make his headquarters In the city for gaivng the fall after IV, minutes. taminates the entire club, jealousy would that do you?" secretary, F. D. Battrum; executive, the season, where a series of bouts The second match between John springing up amongst the players Pat: "Begorra, I'd never go neat Stewart Matheson, Edmonton; V. C. may be arranged for him. He is will­ Z-UCIEN VINEi. Petrunia and Mike Bolalli ended in a themselves and the morale of the team the place at all.ff • Stanley, High River; V. W. Parrish, tie after 15 minutes wrestling. is soon destroyed. I don't like the ing to meet Jack Ellison of Cardstou Here's another European boxer who Medicine Hat; G. E. Cruiekshanks, or Paul Paulson of Milk River in their Vinez is a shifty, speedy fellow, ac­ The next event was a boxing bout plan and at the next meeting of the Blairmore; amateur union governor, hopes to gain success in the roped cording to his press agent, and com­ between two local boys and provided baseball association I know that .it ... ..• ... .;. .;. .;. .;. .;. ... ....... ... ... ,j, own home towns, and bars no one his arena in this country. He's a French­ W. H. ChappeU, Blairmore. own weight in Canada. mands a rather stout wallop in either lots of amusement for the fans. This will be opposed bv t^ams of the south­ man and is lightweight champion of mit. In this country he will endeavor ended a draw.
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