Integrated Works Programme 2014-2015 Cabinet Eastern Herts & Lea Valley Broxbourne Scheme Delivery Plan 112 schemes Maintenance A Road Programme A10 Southbound Surface Dressing Flamstead End And Turnford, A10 Southbound: Baas Hill To North Of Turnford Roundabout; A10 ARP16042 S Turnford Hoddesdon South Southbound: North Hoddesdon Link Rbt To Baas Hill Bridge; A10 Southbound Onslip: Onslip From Hoddesdon Itrchge Rbt To A10 Sbound; A10 Soutbound: Southbound Offslip To Turnford Rbt Road Sections: A10/344/350/354/358 Charlton Way Surface Dressing Hoddesdon South Charlton Way: Conduit Lane North To Haslewood Rbt; Charlton Way: ARP13086 W Hoddesdon Haslewood Rbt South To Conduit Lane Slip Road Sections: A1170/100/101 Eleanor Cross Road Resurfacing Waltham Cross Eleanor Cross Road: Abbey Rd Rbt To Junc Queens Dr; Station Road: ARP13137 S Waltham Cross Queens Dr (end Dual)to Cty Bdy (bridge) Project Location : Abbey Rd Rbt To Essex Bdy. Road Sections: A121/110/20 Hoddesden Bypass Surface Dressing Flamstead End And Turnford, A10 Northbound: Baas Hill Bridge To North Hoddesdon Link Rbt; A10 ARP13128 W Turnford Hoddesdon South Northbound: North Of Turnford Roundabout To Baas Hill; A10 Offslip: Northbound Offslip For Hoddesdon Interchng; A10 Onslip: Northbound Onslip From Turnford Rbt Road Sections: A10/345/351/355/357 Monarchs Way Surface Dressing Waltham Cross Monarchs Way: 30mph Signs To A1010 High St Rbt; Monarchs Way: ARP14143 S Waltham Cross 40mph Signs To A121 Eleanor X Rd Rbt; Monarchs Way: A1010 High St Rbt To 40mph Signs; Monarchs Way: A121 Eleanor X Rd Rbt To 30mph Signs Road Sections: A1010/110/111/120/121 Turnford Link Rd/Gt Cambridge Rd Surface Dressing Flamstead End And Turnford Turnford Link Road: A10 Rbt To High Road Turnford Rbt; Great Cambridge ARP13074 W Turnford Road: Halfhide Lane To High Road Northbound; Great Cambridge Road: High Road Rbt South To Half Hide Lane Rbt; Turnford Link Road: High Road Turnford Rbt To A10 Rbt Road Sections: A10/370/371/372 A1170/20 Winston Churchill Way Surface Dressing Waltham Cross Winston Churchill Way: A10 Rbt To Monarchs Way Rbt; Winston Churchill ARP13127 W Cheshunt Way: Monarchs Way Rbt To A10 Rbt Road Sections: A121/90/91 Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = S,C,I,W,M Data Generated: 11 March 2014 Page 1 of 146 C: Committed I: Under Investigation M: IWP HLB Funded P: Preparation S: Supported W: Work In Progress Integrated Works Programme 2014-2015 Cabinet Eastern Herts & Lea Valley Broxbourne Scheme Delivery Plan 112 schemes Maintenance Local Carriageway Burton Lane Surface Dressing Goffs Oak And Bury Green Burton Lane: Between No 480 & 482 Goffs Lane; Burton Lane: Goffs Lane CWY13528 W Goffs Oak, Cheshunt To St James Road/rags Lane Road Sections: 1U37/10/20 Buryholme Thin Surfacing Hoddesdon South Buryholme: Nos 19 - 74; Buryholme: Nos 90 - 1 CWY14680 S Wormley Road Sections: 1U41/10/20 Carnaby Road Thin Surfacing Hoddesdon South Carnaby Road: Loop; Carnaby Road: No 2 To Baas Lane CWY14674 S Broxbourne Road Sections: 1U363/10/20 Cavell Road Thin Surfacing Flamstead End And Turnford Cavell Road: Cavell Road North East To Rear Of No.44; Cavell Road: Off CWY14491 S Rosedale, Cheshunt Peakes Way Cul-de-sac Nos 113 - 97; Cavell Road: Off Peakes Way Cul- de-sac Nos 14 -2; Cavell Road: Off Peakes Way Cul-de-sac Nos 34 - 16; Cavell Road: Off Peakes Way Cul-de-sac Nos 66 - 52; Cavell Road: Off Peakes Way Cul-de-sac Nos 75 - 59; Cavell Road: Off Peakes Way To Peakes Way; Cavell Road: Spur Road Nos 1 - 29 Road Sections: 1U52/10/100/120/50/60/70/80/90 Church Lane Surface Dressing Cheshunt Central, Goffs Oak Church Lane: Great Cambridge Rd To High St CWY15105 W Cheshunt And Bury Green Road Sections: C54/8 Cock Lane Major Patching Hoddesdon South Cock Lane: 40mph Signs To Derestriction Sign Before A10 Bridg; Cock CWY14658 S Hoddesdon Lane: High St To 40mph Signs Road Sections: 1U194/10/20 Dig Dag Hill/Hammondstreet Rd Surface Dressing Flamstead End And Turnford, Hammond Street Road: Argent Way Roundabout To Markham Road CWY14866 W Cheshunt Goffs Oak And Bury Green Roundabout; Hammond Street Road: Dig Dag Hill To Argent Way Roundabout; Dig Dag Hill: Holbeck Lane To Peakes Lane; Hammond Street Road: Markham Road Rbt To Richardson Crescent Rbt; Hammond Street Road: Richardson Crescent Rbt To Newgate Street Road Road Sections: C54/30/34/38/44/48 Doverfield/Isabelle Close Thin Surfacing Goffs Oak And Bury Green Doverfield: Goffs Lane To End; Isabelle Close: Off Doverfield CWY141239 S Goffs Oak Road Sections: 1U696/10 1U770/10 Endeavour Road Thin Surfacing Cheshunt Central Endeavour Road: End To High St; Cheshunt Wash: Service Road Fronting CWY141177 S Cheshunt Houses 27 To 53 Road Sections: 1U906/10 1U93/10 Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = S,C,I,W,M Data Generated: 11 March 2014 Page 2 of 146 C: Committed I: Under Investigation M: IWP HLB Funded P: Preparation S: Supported W: Work In Progress Integrated Works Programme 2014-2015 Cabinet Eastern Herts & Lea Valley Broxbourne Scheme Delivery Plan 112 schemes Maintenance Local Carriageway Fairfield Road/Kenning Road Thin Surfacing Hoddesdon North Kenning Road: Fairfield Rd To Opp No 35 Stanstead Rd; Fairfield Road: CWY14678 S Hoddesdon Middlefield Road To Tregelles Road Road Sections: 1U393/10 1U424/10 Fieldway Thin Surfacing Hoddesdon North Fieldway: Opp No 316 Stanstead Road To Opp Nos 44- CWY14905 S Hoddesdon Road Sections: 1U394/10 Foxton Road Thin Surfacing Hoddesdon South Foxton Road: Langton Road To Opp No 7 Foxton Road CWY14522 S Hoddesdon Road Sections: 1U573/10 Hailey Lane Surface Dressing Hoddesdon North, Ware South Hailey Lane: 90m West Of Footpath 19 To Galley Hall Ph; Hailey Lane: CWY14895 W Hailey, Hoddesdon B1197 London Road To 90m West Of Footpath 19; Hailey Lane: Brox Bdy (galley Hall Ph) To Ware Rd Rbt Road Sections: C53/10/110/20 Longfield Lane Surface Dressing Flamstead End And Turnford Longfield Lane: Mini Rbt To Holbeck Lane; Longfield Lane: Park Lane To CWY14869 W Cheshunt Mini Rbt Opp 122 Road Sections: C54/10/20 Lowfield Lane/Park Road Thin Surfacing Hoddesdon South Lowfield Lane: End Of Lowfield La To Brocket Rd; Park Road: Park View To CWY15053 S Hoddesdon Lowfield Lane Road Sections: 1U431/10 1U463/10 Mcadam Close/Dorchester Avenue Thin Surfacing Hoddesdon North Dorchester Avenue: Middlefield Road To The Drive; Mc Adam Close: Opp CWY14160 S Hoddesdon Nos 7-8 Mc Adam Cl To The Drive Road Sections: 1U387/10 1U436/10 Middlefield Road/Stanstead Road Resurfacing Hoddesdon North Middlefield Road: Opp No 41 Ware Rd To Opp No 15 Stanstead; Stanstead CWY14465 S Hoddesdon Road: Service Road From Middlefield Road Road Sections: 1U1074/50 1U440/10 Mill Lane/Mill Lane Close Thin Surfacing Hoddesdon South Mill Lane: High Rd To Car Park And Slipway Access; Mill Lane Close: Opp CWY14768 S Broxbourne Nos 25-24 Mill Lane Close To Mill La Road Sections: 1U441/10 1U442/10 Mulberry Close Thin Surfacing Flamstead End And Turnford Mulberry Close: Nos 34 - 59 CWY14527 S Turnford Road Sections: 1U628/20 Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = S,C,I,W,M Data Generated: 11 March 2014 Page 3 of 146 C: Committed I: Under Investigation M: IWP HLB Funded P: Preparation S: Supported W: Work In Progress Integrated Works Programme 2014-2015 Cabinet Eastern Herts & Lea Valley Broxbourne Scheme Delivery Plan 112 schemes Maintenance Local Carriageway Newgatestreet Road Surface Dressing Flamstead End And Turnford, Newgatestreet Road: Cuffley Hill To Hammond Street Road CWY13799 W Goffs Oak, Cheshunt Goffs Oak And Bury Green Road Sections: 1U200/10 Park Lane Major Patching Hoddesdon South Park Lane: Baas Lane To Cock Lane; Park Lane: Opp No 77 High Road To CWY14456 S Broxbourne Baas Lane Road Sections: 1U461/10/20 Salisbury Rd/Bosanquet Rd/Cecil Rd Thin Surfacing Hoddesdon North Salisbury Road: No 1 Ne To Tool Factory; Bosanquet Road: Salisbury Road CWY14470 S Hoddesdon To Rye Road; Cecil Road: Salisbury Road To Rye Road Road Sections: 1U345/10 1U367/10 1U493/10 Seaforth Drive Thin Surfacing Waltham Cross Seaforth Drive: Lodge Crescent To Berkley Avenue CWY14666 S Waltham Cross Road Sections: 1U263/10 St Augustines Drive/Close Thin Surfacing Hoddesdon South St Augustines Close: Opp No 2 To St Augustines Dr; St Augustines Drive: CWY15395 S Broxbourne Opp Nos 12-13 St Augustines Dr - High Rd Road Sections: 1U486/10 1U487/10 Stafford Close Thin Surfacing Goffs Oak And Bury Green Stafford Close: Off Churchgate Road To End CWY14668 S Cheshunt Road Sections: 1U285/10 The Links Resurfacing Cheshunt Central The Links: Slip Road Off A10 To Tesco Entrance(rbt) CWY15367 S Cheshunt Road Sections: 1U714/20 Theobalds Lane Carriageway Works Phase 2 Waltham Cross Great Cambridge Road: College Road To Lieutenant Ellis Way Rbt; CWY141243 I Cheshunt Theobalds Lane: Gt Cambridge Rd To Crossbrook St Road Sections: 1U295/10 A10/383 Trinity Lane Thin Surfacing Waltham Cross Trinity Lane: Central Ave-cty Bdy(30m Beyond Crossing); Trinity Lane: High CWY11445 S Waltham Cross St To Central Ave Road Sections: 1U297/10/20 Westmeade Close Thin Surfacing Goffs Oak And Bury Green Westmeade Close: Off Rosedale Way Nos 11 - 18; Westmeade Close: Off CWY14518 S Rosedale, Cheshunt Rosedale Way Nos 32 - 52; Westmeade Close: Off Rosedale Way To No 58; Westmeade Close: Rosedale Way Nos 63 - 76; Westmeade Close: Westmeade Close No.8 East To No.14 Road Sections: 1U677/10/20/30/40/50 Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = S,C,I,W,M Data Generated: 11 March 2014 Page 4 of 146 C: Committed I: Under Investigation M: IWP HLB Funded P: Preparation
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