448 the contemporary pacific • 22:2 (2010) Widjojo, Muridan. 2009. Negotiating projects, Sir Michael left Enga earlier the Past and Looking to the Future. than expected. (One PNG kina [k1] Inside Indonesia 98 (Oct–Dec). http:// equals approximately us$.37.) The insideindonesia.org/content/view/1269/47/ Joint District Planning and Budget Widjojo, Muridan, editor. 2009. Papua Priorities Committee was to coordi- Road Map: Negotiating the Past, Improv- nate the spending, which caused some ing the Present and Securing the Future. controversy. Sir Michael was offended Jakarta: Yayasan Obor Indonesia. by comments made by Enga Governor Peter Ipatas, who questioned the capa- bilities of the committee to account for millions of kina given to them. Ipatas Papua New Guinea questioned why the funds were going The government of Prime Minister Sir to committees instead of going to the Michael Somare is pulling through in established provincial government spite of the scandals that plagued the system (Post Courier, 2 March 2009). government in 2008 and is likely to The government also faced a num- successfully complete its full second ber of challenges as it clung tightly term (2007–2012) in Parliament, to power in its endeavor to set a new provided that there is no major shift in record of successfully completing a allegiance and a vote of no confidence second term. On 28 July 2009, the does not dissolve the government Opposition brought a no-confidence in the next two years. Prime Min- motion against the prime minister. The ister Somare announced during the leader of Government Business and country’s thirty-fourth independence Minister for National Planning Paul anniversary that he will not step down Tiensten responded with a motion to as prime minister until Papua New adjourn Parliament until 10 Novem- Guinea gets back on the right track ber, even though there was a full (Post Courier, 17 Sept 2009). That quorum. All hell broke loose when the was the latest pledge from Sir Michael, Speaker of Parliament, Jeffery Nape, who is serving as the longest-running ruled in favor of the adjournment member of Parliament (mp) ever in the motion, thus circumventing a vote of Commonwealth group of nations. no confidence. This, as expected, drew In March 2009, the National the ire of the Opposition and nation- Executive Council (nec) had its first wide condemnation of the integrity of meeting of the year in Enga Province. the Speaker and the political process. It was one of the biggest political Some observers commented that the events ever held in the province. To government has used the office of the welcome the prime minister and the Speaker to protect the prime minister nec, the people of Enga had almost when a motion of no confidence was one hundred pigs, thirty cassowar- presented. Long-time political analyst ies, and twenty goats on the menu. It Dr Ray Anere argued that the adjourn- was also a courtesy on the part of the ment might prevent Parliament from Enga people to celebrate Sir Michael’s meeting the constitutional requirement forty years in politics. However, after to sit for sixty-three days and would delivering more than k142 million for deny members of Parliament the free- pol i t ical reviews • melanesia 449 dom of speech and debate guaranteed provinces. The vote was 86 to 0, far under section 115 of the PNG Consti- above the absolute majority vote of 73 tution (Post Courier, 30 July 2009). (Post Courier, 12 March 2009). The Opposition threatened to The Somare government continued refer Prime Minister Somare, Speaker to fare exceptionally well in the face Nape, and Tiensten to the Ombuds- of tremendous odds and in spite of the man Commission for a possible breach scandals that dominated the previ- of the constitution for their part ous year. In 2008, issues such as the in adjourning the Parliament. The clandestine flight of Julian Moti to Opposition also echoed the claim that Solomon Islands on a PNG Defence Parliament would not reach its full Force aircraft; the us$40 million nine weeks or sixty-three days a year from the 2.1 percent of the sale of (Post Courier, 13 Oct 2009). log exports held in a bank account in On 29 July, in a move that sur- Singapore by a government minister; prised many, eleven members of the us$30 million “Taiwan dollar Parliament from the ruling National diplomacy scandal”; Prime Minister Alliance Party joined the Opposition. Somare’s shareholding in the company These members were PNG Coun- Pacific Registry of Ship Ltd “in trust try Party Leader Jamie Maxtone- for the Independent State of PNG”; Graham (Anglimp South Wahgi), and the prime minister’s court actions Thompson Harokaqveh (Goroka), to stop the Ombudsman Commission Peter Ipatas (Enga Province), Samson and Public Prosecutor from referring Kuli (Usino Bundi), Sai Sailon (Kai- him on allegations that he had not nantu), Jim Nomane (Chuave), Boka completed or provided annual returns Kondra (North Fly), Bob Danaya since 1992 were all big news (see Kan- (Western Province), Jack Cameron tha 2009). However, all these scan- (Kiriwina-Goodenough), John Boito dals, with the exception of the Moti (Obura-Wanenara), and Peter Iwei Affair, were never fully investigated. (Telefomin). They described the Prime Minister Sir Michael and others Somare regime as evil, corrupt, and were implicated for allegedly autho- dictatorial. The members reported that rizing the covert flight of Moti out of when they had spoken of moving to the country but were not prosecuted. the Opposition they had been threat- These scandals remain a dark spot in ened with cuts to their annual discre- the record of the Somare government tionary funds or special project funds since it took office. (Post Courier, 29 July 2009). Perhaps the most dominant issue of After thirty-five years of struggle, this year was the liquefied natural gas by 2012 Papua New Guinea will have (lng) project. The government held two new provinces: Hela and Jiwaka. and continues to hold many posi- On 11 March 2009, Parliament gave tive expectations that the k30 billion unanimous support for a law allow- lng project will drastically change ing for the creation of the provincial the economic face and stature of the headquarters and administration of country. The landowners and the State the new provinces. Papua New Guinea stand to reap a considerable share of will then have a total of twenty-two the benefits. The PNG government 450 the contemporary pacific • 22:2 (2010) and lng project developer Exxon- fore, any agreement reached by the Mobil spent a few months in early State, developers, or landowners in 2009 on the arduous task of negotiat- that forum would not be binding. ing the benefit-sharing agreement with Talks at the benefit-sharing agree- the landowner groups. The govern- ment forum reached a stalemate when ment was successful in negotiating an landowners and the Southern High- agreement, but many landowners were lands Provincial Government, led by caught unprepared and still lack a full mp Anderson Agiru, insisted that they understanding about how the project be given 10 percent equity in the lng will affect them. project, when the State offered them A forum on the benefit-sharing 2 percent as the legally prescribed agreement involving landowner groups ceiling. The landowners threatened and government representatives was that they would not proceed with any held at Kokopo in the East New Brit- agreements until their demands were ain Province. To ensure that the lng considered. The State responded with project remained on schedule, the gov- an offer of 6.88 percent, but that still ernment wanted an umbrella agree- did not satisfy the landowners. The ment, even though some landowners State eventually was compelled to were against holding the forum at that settle at 8 percent. The landowners time because no independent cost and have therefore struck a landmark mul- benefit analysis was carried out (The tibillion-dollar agreement, setting the National, 16 April 2009). benchmark for companies looking to Aggrieved landowners took out share the proceeds of future projects a court injunction to prevent the with affected landowners. The land- forum—which they called a “devel- owners are expected to receive more opment forum”—from being held in than k20 billion in the thirty-year life Kokopo. They argued that the State, of the project (Murphy 2009). through the Department of Petroleum Even though the lng project is not and Energy and the developers, did yet fully into its construction phase, not comply with the Oil and Gas Act. the hype has already raised high That act requires that a benefit-shar- expectations in the capital city, Port ing agreement can only be agreed to Moresby. A domino effect can be seen in a “development forum,” and that in numerous construction projects, a “development forum” can only be expansion and competition between held or convened after a full-scale business houses, and new real estate social mapping and landowner iden- developments taking place. Conse- tification is carried out (Post Courier, quently, accommodation facilities such 28 April 2009). The landowners as rented apartments in some of the finally agreed to convene the forum affluent locations of the city have sold when the government explained that out, and rental costs have reached the meeting in Kokopo was not a extraordinarily high levels. “development forum” but was simply For most ordinary citizens, the intended to promote cooperation and looming lng project may be just the understanding of the different roles opportunity they have been waiting the stakeholders would play. There- for. It is anticipated that they will also pol i t ical reviews • melanesia 451 benefit, directly and indirectly, from and Petromin PNG Holdings Ltd 0.2 the project.
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