Robert BurnsLimited World Federation Limited 1998 The digital conversion of this Burns Chronicle was sponsored by Gatehouse of Fleet Burns Club and Kilbryde Burns Club The digital conversion service was provided by DDSR Document Scanning by permission of the Robert Burns World Federation Limited to whom all Copyright title belongs. URNS CHRONICLE 1998 Motto - "A man's a man for a' that" THE ROBERT BURNS WORLD FEDERATION LIMITED (Formerly THE BURNS FEDERATION) Instituted 1885 HEADQ UARTERS: DI CK INSTITUTE. ELM BANK AVENUE, KILMARNOCK. KAI 3BU. AYRS HIRE. TEL/FAX: 01563 572469. OFFICE HO URS: MONDAY TO FRIDAY9a.m.-5p.m. CLOSED FOR LU CH I p.m.-2 p.m. HONORARY PRESIDENTS Mrs. S. G. Baill ie, The Hon. Dr. Grant MacEwan, Mrs. Stella Brown. Cha rles Murray, Lew W. Reid, James Mason. George Irvine, Gordon M. Mackley. Professor G. Ross Roy, George Mudi e, Archie McArthur, Dr. Donald A. Low, May Dickie, William Wi lliamson, Murclo Morrison, James Parn ham, Lawrence Burness, Tom G. Paterson. Peter ]. Westwood. James Hempstead. Provost of East Ayrshire. Joseph Campbe ll, Professor Henryk Mine, Kenneth McKellar, Jimmy Shanel. M.B.E. OFFICIALS Chief Executive: SHIRLEY BELL, "lnveresk," Kelton , Dumfries. DG I 4UA. Tel/Fax: 01387 770283. President: BOB DALZIEL, 4 Parkside Road , Moth erwell. MLl 3DY. Tel: 01698 252225. Sen ior Vice-Pres id ent: JOE CAMPBELL, 30 Racecourse Road , Ayr. KA7 2UX. Tel: 01292 266033. Junior Vice-President: JOH SKJLLI NG , 16 Craigstewart Crescent, Doonbank , Ayr. KA7 4DB. Tel: 01292 445230. Clerical Secretary: Mrs. MARGARET CRAIG, Dick Institute, Elmbank Avenue, Kilmarnock. KAI 3BU. Ed itor: PETER J. WESTWOOD, I Cai rnsmore Road , Cast le Douglas. DG7 IBN. Tel/Fax: 01556 504448. Hon Treasurer:T. BRYAN McK.IRGAN. C.A .. J.DIP., M.A., 16 Glenlui Avenue, Burnside, Glasgow. G73 4JE. Tel: 0141 63 1 1879. Honorary Legal Adviso r: DAVID STEVENSON. CONVENERS Fin ance Conve ner: MO IRA RENN IE-DUNSMORE. 59 Beechwood Court, Dunstable, Beds. LUG !YA. 200 Club: AN DREW McKEE, 27 Balfron Road , Pai sley. PA3 AHA. Schools Compet itions: AN E GAW. 7 Highfie ld Place, Girdle To ll , Irvine. KAI I lBW. Tel: 01294 21748 1. Scottish Literature: D. WlLSO N OG ILVIE, M.A., F.S.A.Scot., 'Lingerwoocl'. 2 Nelso n Street, Dumfries. DG2 9AY. Memorials Co mmittee: JAMES GIBSON. Craigowan Cottage, 28 Brewland s Road. Symington, Ayrshire. Marketing/A cl ve1iisi ng: MU RDO M0 RRJ SO N. I I0 Campbell Street, Wishaw. M1 .2 8HU. Tel: 01698 372638. Co nference Comm ittee: SAN DY HOG G. "Reclcroft". 7 Glen fi eld Road , East, Calashiels. TD l 2AN. Tel: 01896 752 199. PAST PRESIDENTS Mo ira Rennie Dun smore, Andrew McKee, Murdo Morrison, David C. Sm ith , John Morriso n. Charles Kennedy, Donald Urq uh art. Hutchison Sneddon. C.B.E., J.P., Ann e Gaw, Enez Anderson, J. Connor, M.D.I.R.C.P. (Ed in), L.R.F.P.S. (G las)., D. Wilson Ogilvie. M.A., F.S.A. Scot., John Ingli s, T. Mcilwraith , George Anderson. Mollie Rennie, S. K Gaw, R. A. B. McLaren. Main Sponsor of East Ayrshire The Burns Federation ------- COUNC IL BURNS CHRONICLE Editor: PETER J. WESTWOOD, 1 Cairnsmore Road, Castle Douglas. DG7 lBN. Tel/Fax: 01556 504448. Editorial Consultant: Professor RAYMOND GRANT, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada. Advertising Manager: MURDO MORRISON, 110 Campbell Street, Wishaw, ML2 SHU. Tel/Fax: 01698 372638. Contents Moira Rennie-Dunsmore .......................... 3 Saint and Sinner ...................................... 74 From the Editor ........................................ 4 Robert Burns' Religion: "Wistful From the Chief Executive ......................... 6 Agnostic" or Orthodox Christian? .......... 80 The Burns Window at Robert Burns: The Czech Connection .... 88 Glasgow University .................................. 6 The Begg Connection ............................. 93 Locket containing strand of "Highland The Sons of Robert Burns in India ....... 101 Mary's" Hair, discovered in Australia, ..... 9 World Record Price for a Burns Letter from William Nicol Burns to James Aikin ............................................ 13 Manuscript ............................................ 102 Ague ....................................................... 18 Burns's "Doctor Hornbook" ....... -.......... 104 A note on poems newly attributed Long Live Francis I, King of Scots ...... 108 to Burns .................................................. 26 Dr. Robert Chambers' Diary I like his letters better than the poetry .... 28 on a Visit to Ayrshire ............................ 111 Robert Burns commemorated in stone Alterations at Burns's Cottage .............. 114 at Makar's Court, Edinburgh .................. 29 Obituaries ............................................. 119 The Rape of the Sabine Women ............. 31 Friends of Ellisland .............................. 128 Visiting the Mother Club, the final frontier! ..................................... 35 The Champion of Burns ....................... 129 The Other Poet ........................................ 39 My Meeting with Robert Burns ............ 132 Resurrecting Rabbie? .............................. 40 Toast to the Lassies ............................... 133 Robert Burns and Loudoun Manse ......... 54 Robert Burns - The Immortal Memory 136 John Rankine .......................................... 57 Peebles Conference 1998 -An Address 141 Mossgiel Cairn ....................................... 61 Burns Federation Conference 1998 - An A Monody on the Fatal 29th December, Address ................................................. 144 1789 - A rediscovered poem by Burns? .. 62 A Bad Sort But - Lovable ..................... 147 Francis Grose, F.S.A. Antiquary and Scholar ............................................. 70 Book Reviews.:..................................... 154 The Burns Federation does not accept any responsibility for statements made or opinions expressed in the Burns Chronicle. Contributors are responsible for articles signed by them; the Editor is responsible for articles initialed or signed by him, as well as for those unsigned. Articles, photographs, items for review and all correspondence should be addressed and forwarded to the Editor at the above address. Articles offered should be in typescript with double spacing and on the one side of the sheet. A stamped addressed envelope should be forwarded for return of articles and photographs. ©BURNS FEDERATION. 1 2 MOIRA RENNIE-DUNSMORE FEDERATION PRESIDENT 1997-1998 he Burns Federation is like a chain, the links are the Clubs, Districts and individual Membe rs, and like a chain our strength comes from being connected by our love of T the works and philosophies of Robert Burns. A chain is also flexible something we in the Federation must be to enable us to embrace CHANGE, whilst retaining th e basic elements of our hi storical organisation. During my term of office the Presidential chain has been much admired, especially by CHILDR EN. They were interested in the history of the Federation and anxious to learn about Robert Burns. I must say I have been heartened by the obvious talent in our schools as demonstrated by the large number of participants in our schools competitions and I-am delighted that we now have a number of schools who are members of the Federation. Whenever 1 have been in th e presence of chi ldren I am constantly amazed at the enthusiasm that they exude in being part of an organisation whether it be during School Assembly, Church Service or participating in the National Competitions, that is why I consider them as the future of our chain. It is refreshing to note that our youngsters are able to COMMUNICATE free from the baggage of 'HOW THINGS USED TO BE'. Change for them is exciting, and I am reminded of a quote by Edmund Burke, who lived during the time of Robert Burns, he said, and I quote "A STATE WlTHOUT THE MEANS OF SOME CHANGE IS WITHOUT THE MEANS OF CONSERVATION". During my visit to various functions I have become aware of the lack of communication within the Burns movement none more so than being told 'I WAS NEVER ASKED BY THE BURNS FEDERATION TO BECOME AN INDIVIDUAL MEMBER' even though the person concerned had been a Club Secretary for many years (see page 158). I have mentioned the three C'S CH ANGE -CHILDREN - COMMUNICATION. We as members must surely embrace our enthusiasm for the Federation and it's future whilst remembering our beginnings over I 00 years ago. To receive a chain of office is a very special honour and l have been privi Iedged to wear the Presidential Chain during the past year always remembering that: "A CHAIN IS A FLEXIBLE L ENGTH OF LINKS USED F OR CO NNECTING". Left: Presidew A1oira photoRraphed i11fro11tofthe oil painting of Bo11ie Jean and her granddaughter Sarah. Right: Moira 1rith M1: and /\frs. Drew. Lavinia DreH' is a great great great granddaughter of Robert Bums. Photos by George Grant. 3 FROM THE EDITOR he loss of any member of the Burns Federati on is indeed sad and thi s year as can b e seen T in the Obituari es commencin g on page 11 9, it has been a tragic time w ith the passin g of so many weel-kent Burnsians. It would be remi ss of me however, as editor of the Burns Chronicle and Th e Burnsian not to comment on the passin g of Past President of the Burns Federati on, Jim Campbell. It is not known b y many t hat Jim was in fact responsible fo r a large number of the photographs, mainl y from south of the Border, that appeared in our two pub I ications. O n many occasions he persona ll y fi nanced the purchase of film and th e developin g of same fo r the annual Federati on Confe rences. To me he was a good fri end and a great source of inspi rati on in all matters relating to the production of the magazin es and I will mi ss him greatl y. May Freedom, Harmony, and Love, Unite you in the Grand Design, Beneath th' 0111niscie11 1 £ye above - The glorious Architect divine. Controversial aspects connected with the li fe and works of the Poet have appeared fro m ti me to time (Particul arl y around the 25th Janu ary), and recently the research work by Patri ck Scott Hogg resulting in hi s "Robert Burns: The Los! Poems" has been the s ubject of much discussion.
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