![The American Legion Monthly [Volume 21, No. 4 (October 1936)]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
OCTOBER 1936 Hi e American LEGIONM C ™ As A Duck A fan or even an airplane Wear Proof propeller fails to blow out Even the inside seams are Rear Admiral Byrd chose Wears like elephant's hide, a candle flame protected by sealed up tight to keep you Buck Skeins on his flight to as proved by scientific lab- Buck Skein. dry. (Patented.) A constant the South Pole. What a oratory tests. 8000 rubs on stream of water for 24 hours proof of their warmth! the emery wheel before Buck failed to spring a leak. ^kein fabric showed wear. ^Q^)*^ WATE R PROOFE D^BY WoteiProof ^M^^^J^ <5EHJ jkeih BuckTRADE MARK „ . REG. U-S. PAT. OFF. YOUR MONEY BACK — K If, for any reason, you are not pleased with this Buck Skein Jacket, I guarantee to give you your money back — as I have guaranteed millions of other Buck Skein wearers. IET'S suppose you were to "bring 'em back alive" with Frank -f Buck on one of his expeditions in Africa or Asia. The rainy season is on and it is coming down like a mountain torrent. Yet you are dry. You are bone dry, because your Buck Skein Jacket has been made 100% waterproof by my exclusive Dupont process. Laboratory tests, with water pressure equal to that of a fire-hose, prove that not one drop of water can seep through the fabric. Even the seams are sealed up tight against the tiniest leak (patented). Or let us imagine your urge for adventure has landed you in the frozen Antarctic with Admiral Byrd. Even in the teeth of those South Polar gales you are warm. You are warm because the Buck Skein you are wearing is insulated against the cold. In fact the jacket is so warm, that any undue perspiration is either carried off by a hidden ventilated slit in the pocket, or absorbed by the warm fleece inner lining. And note these protective features: adjustable wrist straps; two big fisted reinforced pockets; large storm collar; heaviest Talon Slide made. Washes beautifully. Colors: "Honey" Brown and "Arctic" Blue (Navy). Of course the millions of men who have worn Buck Skeins can only dream (even as you and I) of hunting the rhinoceros or shooting the killer whale. But it is no dream to know that whether Buck Skein is worn by Frank Buck or Admiral Byrd, or whether you wear it for sport, for work, or for general use, Buck Skein will keep you dry, will keep you warm and comfortable. You can see from the actual photograph that Buck Skein is a handsome jacket. It is as good as it looks. And it wears like the hide of one of Frank Buck's ele- phants. Yet in spite of its hidden toughness, Buck Skein is soft, pliable and light in weight. A big he-man's jacket and a whale of a value! GO TO YOUR DEALER NOW! However, if he is all sold out, then mail me the coupon, enclose your check or money order, and I'll see that you get your Buck Skeins pronto, and prepay all carrying charges myself. Style "B" Heavy PURE WOOL (13 oz.) genuine Buffalo checks. A big, roomy and rugged shirt with extra long square shirt tails to keep you warm. Talon Fastener. Two colors: Red and Black checks Blue and Black checks, $5. Style "C" New! Worn by those daring cowboys of the Pampas . the Gauchos! 100% WOOL, warm yet medium weight. Extremely low wide sport collar with corded loops {instead of buttonholes) and four big ocean pearl buttons. For complete freedom, a pleat runs down the back. Cut extra full. In rich colors, absolutely fast as illustrated: Blue, Maroon, Brown. $4. BUCK SKEIN JOE, care of Lustberg, Nast & Co., Inc., Makers 212 Fifth Avenue, Dept.L-10,New York City. See that I get my new Buck Skein in the style and color checked. Style "A" Buck Skein Jacket Brown . Navy . $5.00 Style "B" Buck Skein Buffalo Shirt . red check . blue check . $5.00 Style "C" Buck Skein New Sport Model Shirt . Blue . Maroon . Brown $4.00 a Give actual chest size and neck band Here's my check or money order {Money refunded if not satisfied) m u Name ! Address -¥_.____ VaVaiYVi i ir»VlTaVVa I Yoou have ^/ cnances in 10 OF A SIXTIETH BIRTHDAY Meet the challenge of the years by eating what agrees with you, exercising sensibly, resting r when you're tired— and if you drink, always choose a most in wholesome form of whiskey Kr- is it possible to find a whiskey so con- human system respond differently to dif- siderate and kind that it may justly be ferent forms of whiskey?" called "a most wholesome form of We know the pleasure moderate men whiskey" ? have always had in the fine mellow taste "Yes" is the verdict of our research, of Seagram's Crowns. Now we are grati- an exhaustive, fact-finding research by a fied to assure them that Crowns are also group of trained, impartial men. the form of whiskey most likely to agree This research has proved that Sea- with them. pram's Crown Blended Whiskies are "A ©Seagram-Distillers Corp. Most Wholesome Form of Whiskey". Executive Offices; New York This is their answer to months spent in examining the question: "Does the SEAGRAM'S FIVE CROWN BLENDED WHISKEY. The straight whiskies in this product are 5 years or more old, 25% straight whiskey, and 75% neutral spirits distilled from American grain. Bottled under this for- mula since May 1936. SEAGRAM'S SEVEN CROWN BLENDED WHIS- KEY. The straight whiskies in this product are 5 years or more old, 371/2% straight whiskies, and 62'/2 % neu- tral spirits distilled from American grain. Bottled under this formula since May 1936. 90 PROOF A MOST WHOLE SOME FORM OF WHISKEY OCTOBER, 1936 1 ; (ffortfodandcountry , we associate ourselves togetherjor thefollowing purposes: (7o uphold and defend the Constitution. oftheldnitedStates ofAmerica; to maintain law and order; tofoster andperpetuate a one hundredpercent Americanism to preserve the memories and incidents ofour association in the Cfreat'War; to inculcate a sense ofindividual obligation to the com- both classes munity, state andnation; to combat the autocracy of the andthe masses; to make right the master ofmight; topromote peace andgood will on earth ; to safeguardand transmit to posterity the principles ofjusticefreedom and democracy ; to conse~ crate andsanctify our comradeship by our devotion to mutual helpfulness,— Preamble to the Constitution ofThe American Legion. Uie Jlmerican October, 1936 Vol. 21, No. 4 LegionMONTHLY Published Monthly by The American Legion, West zid Street, Chicago, Illinois HXBCUTIVB AND ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES EDITORIAL AND ADVERTISING OFFICES Indianapolis , Indiana 521 Fifth Avenue, New York LISTEN to a few words by an CONTENTS according to legend. He stood on a authority on The American In- ridge overlooking a fair land stretch- AN ARROW FOR LUCK Cover dian—Legionnaire Remington By Remington Schuyler ing downward to Long Island Sound. Schuyler, painter this month's the shaft of EVERYBODY CAN'T FLY 3 He shot. And where sank cover design: By Burt M. McConnell deep into rich soil he built his lodge. A LITTLE QUESTION OF HONOR 4 A rough boulder marks the spot "Sooner or later any bow-and-arrow By Peter B. Kyne where Machimux's arrow fell. Thus Illustrations by Harold Von Schmidt shooter of our own generation will Westport came to be, and thus, in TWILIGHT OF EMPIRE 8 obey that impulse, point his bow good time, there was organized in By Wythe Williams skyward, and loose a shaft. He aims Drawings by William Heaslip Westport August Matthias Post of at nothing in particular except up. WHERE IS THE WAR OF YES- The American Legion, of which I His arrow, traveling at one hundred TERYEAR? 10 am proud to be a member." and fifty feet a second, soars into air. By John H. Craige Some three or four seconds later it WE BEG YOUR PARDON 12 THIS issue of the Monthly will turns, flashes in the sunlight, and By Ray S. Carney reach readers just as the Cleve- Illustration by J. W. Schlaikjer drives downward, smashing old SILKEN THREADS THAT land National Convention is passing Mother Earth a thirty foot-pound into history. The record of past ac- TURN TO GOLD 14 blow. By Lee A. Brown complishment will have been read, BEWARE OF ATHLETE'S HEAD 16 the program for future accomplish- "This present-day shooting into the By Paul Gallico ment adopted. A new National Com- air is a sort of throwback to primi- Cartoons by Herb Roth mander will be at the helm, charged tive folk who sent their best shafts THE LETHAL CHAMBER 18 with the duty of translating that pro- By P. 173 skyward as a sacrifice to the Great gram into fact. Every Legionnaire Illustration by J. Clinton Shepherd Spirit. Sometimes the idea to was owes it to his organization, to his THESE TOO ARE OURS 20 fulfill a vow. Sometimes it was just department, to his post, and to him- By Thomas J. Malone for luck. Illustration by Lowell L. Balcom self to be fully acquainted with the BROWN OCTOBER AILS 22 details of that program. A full ac- "Legionnaires on rifle teams know By Wallgren count of the Cleveland National what it means to shoot against time. EDITORIAL: today's stretcher Convention will be published in the It is one of the hardest tests of BEARERS 23 next issue of the Monthly. Preserve marksmanship. So also Hiawatha HENRY MILLER TAKES that issue carefully for reference dur- shot before him.
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