22920 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS October 17, 2005 Having served in high-level positions with can India claim it is democratic when people Cases were registered against dozens of the Air Force, the Missile Defense Agency, are arrested for making speeches and raising Sikhs for raising the Sikh flag at the Golden and the Army Materiel Command, it is indeed a flag? Temple on the anniversary of the Golden These recent incidents are the latest in a Temple attack in the presence of over 30,000 fitting that she will end her career while em- Sikhs. Warrants have been issued for their ployed with a joint-service agency. During her pattern of repression by the Indian govern- arrest. The flag of Khalistan was also raised long run on the defense acquisition stage, she ment that demonstrates why a free and sov- on Republic Day, January 26. 35 Sikhs were has played key roles in the introduction of ereign Khalistan is needed. The Council of arrested at that time. Some of them have many major systems, including the Theatre Khalistan convention helped maintain and in- been denied bail. High Altitude Area Defense Missile System crease support for that goal. Recently, Indian Prime Minister (THAAD), the Space-Based Infrared Systems We can help the people in Punjab and Manmohan Singh formally apologized to the throughout South Asia live in freedom, Mr. Sikh Nation for the genocide against the (SBIRS), the Aegis Missile System, and the Sikhs in November 1984 in which over 20,000 Stryker. Speaker. We can do so by withholding aid and Sikhs were killed in Deihl alone while Sikh During her 3-year tenure as the deputy di- trade from India until it respects human rights police were locked in their barracks and In- rector of DCMA, Mrs. Flavin demonstrated and by putting the Congress on record in sup- dian radio and television called for more true result-producing leadership that advanced port of self-determination for the Sikhs of Pun- Sikh blood. This apology establishes the In- acquisition excellence within the Defense De- jab, Khalistan, the Muslims of Kashmir, pre- dian government’s responsibility for the partment. Additionally, she served as the dominantly Christian Nagaland, and all the na- genocide against the Sikh Nation. India tions seeking freedom from India. It’s time to must end its occupation of Khalistan, which agency’s standard bearer in its campaign to is the root cause of this genocide. Sikhs are invigorate and refashion its workforce to meet stop using violence and settle these matters a sovereign nation and they are fighting for the challenges of today’s fast-paced, tech- democratically. their freedom. nology-driven acquisition environment. The in- Mr. Speaker, I would like to place the Coun- Indian police arrested human-rights activ- delible mark Mrs. Flavin has left on DCMA will cil of Khalistan’s press release on its conven- ist Jaswant Singh Khalra after he exposed ensure its viability as a combat support agen- tion into the RECORD at this time. their policy of mass cremation of Sikhs, in cy for years to come. [From the Council of Khalistan, Oct. 12, 2005] which over 50,000 Sikhs have been arrested, tortured, and murdered, then their bodies Mr. Speaker, in closing, I would like to con- COUNCIL OF KHALISTAN ANNUAL CONVENTION were declared unidentified and secretly cre- gratulate Sallie Flavin for her service to our VERY SUCCESSFUL mated. He was murdered in police custody. country. I call upon my colleagues to join me WASHINGTON, DC—Delegates came from His body was not given to his family. in applauding her past accomplishments and Canada, New Jersey, Philadelphia, Memphis, ‘‘Only a sovereign, independent Khalistan wishing her and her husband, Mark, the best Florida, Illinois, California, Washington, DC, will end the repression and lift the standard of luck in all future endeavors. and other locations to the Council of of living for the people of Punjab,’’ said Dr. Khalistan’s annual convention, which was Gurmit Singh Aulakh, President of the f held October 7–9, 2005 at the Sikh Gurdwara Council of Khalistan. ‘‘Democracies don’t COUNCIL OF KHALISTAN in Rochester Hills, Michigan. The convention commit genocide.’’ was very well attended and successful. The History shows that multinational states CONVENTION VERY SUCCESSFUL delegates were enthusiastic in support of such as India are doomed to failure. Coun- freedom for Khalistan, the Sikh homeland tries like Austria-Hungary, India’s longtime HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS that declared its independence from India on friend the Soviet Union, Yugoslavia, Czecho- slovakia, and others prove this point. India OF NEW YORK October 7, 1987. Resolutions were passed in support of a is not one country; it is a polyglot like those IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES sovereign, independent Khalistan, in support countries. Steve Forbes, writing in Forbes Monday, October 17, 2005 of the Washington office, thanking the magazine, said that India is doomed to dis- Sangat of Detroit, condolences for the vic- integrate like the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, the Council of tims of the earthquake in Kashmir, and ‘‘India is not a homogeneous state,’’ Forbes Khalistan, which leads the movement to lib- other resolutions. Delegates spoke in support wrote. ‘‘Neither was the Austro-Hungarian erate the Sikh homeland, Khalistan, from In- of independence for Khalistan and discussed Empire. It attacked Serbia in the summer of dian occupation, held its annual convention in the need to remain active on the grassroots 1914 in the hopes of destroying this irritating the Detroit area October 7 through October 9. level. They stressed the need for the active state after Serbia had committed a spectac- It was very successful. Delegates came from participation of Sikhs in this country and ular terrorist act against the Hapsburg mon- around the country and from Canada to par- worldwide. archy. The empire ended up splintering, and The Council of Khalistan has preserved the the Hapsburgs lost their throne.’’ India is ticipate. true history of the Sikh Nation since 1984 by doomed to fall apart just as Austria-Hungary I recently made a statement about Prime documenting every major incident in the and the others did. Minister Manmohan Singh’s apology to the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, internationalizing ‘‘We must continue to pray for and work Sikh Nation for the Delhi massacres of No- the Sikh struggle for independence, and ex- for our God-given birthright of freedom,’’ Dr. vember 1984 in which over 20,000 Sikhs lost posing the Indian government’s repression Aulakh said. ‘‘As Professor Darshan Singh, a their lives. This established India’s culpability against the Sikhs and other minorities. former Jathedar of the Akal Takht, said, ‘‘If for the violence and terror that swept Punjab India has murdered over 250,000 Sikhs since a Sikh is not a Khalistani, he is not a Sikh,’’ Dr. Aulakh noted. ‘‘We must continue to and other parts of India at that time. That un- 1984, according to figures compiled by the Punjab State Magistracy and human-rights press for our God-given birthright of free- derlines the need for a sovereign Khalistan to groups and reported in the book The Politics dom, he said, ‘‘Without political power, reli- put an end to these kinds of acts. Recently, an of Genocide by Inderjeet Singh Jaijee. It has gions cannot flourish and nations perish. organization called ENSAAF published a re- also killed more than 90.000 Kashmiri Mus- India claims to be a democracy. It is time it port detailing the ongoing human rights viola- lims since 1988, over 300,000 Christians in recognized the right of self-determination tions committed by Indian security forces in re- Nagaland since 1947, and thousands of Chris- for all people in South Asia,’’ cent-militancy related arrests. From June 2005 tians and Muslims elsewhere in the country, f as well as tens of thousands of Assamese, to August 2005, Indian police claim to have ar- MEETING THE CHALLENGE OF rested several dozen individuals on charges Bodos, Dalits (‘‘Untouchables,’’ the dark- skinned aboriginal people of South Asia), CHINA that they were trying to ‘‘revive militancy’’ in Manipuris, Tamils, and other minorities. Punjab. They have been held incommunicado The Indian Supreme Court called the In- and tortured, according to the report. dian government’s murders of Sikhs ‘‘worse HON. JOE WILSON OF SOUTH CAROLINA In June, 35 Sikhs were arrested and several than a genocide.’’ According to a report by IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES were charged simply for making speeches in the Movement Against State Repression support of an independent Khalistan and rais- (MASR), 52,268 Sikhs are being held as polit- Monday, October 17, 2005 ing the Sikh flag. Those arrested and charged ical prisoners in India without charge or Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Mr. Speak- trial. Some have been in illegal custody include Simranjit Singh Mann, a former Mem- since 1984! Amnesty International reported er, last month I visited Beijing and I saw again ber of Parliament, who is out on bail after that tens of thousands of other minorities firsthand China’s economic challenges as it making a speech in support of Khalistan. Is are also being held as political prisoners. We continues to develop its free market economy. making a speech a crime in a democracy? Is demand the immediate release of all these We should remain concerned about out- raising a flag a crime in a democracy? How political prisoners. sourcing, but there are positive examples in VerDate Sep 11 2014 10:34 Mar 01, 2017 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00160 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\FDSYS\2005BOUNDRECORD\BOOK17\NO-SSN\BR17OC05.DAT BR17OC05 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE.
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