1 HEALTH SCRUTINY FORUM AGENDA 7 February 2013 at 9.00 a.m. in the Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Hartlepool. MEMBERS: HEALTH SCRUTINY FORUM: Councillors S Akers-Belcher, Brash, Fisher, Hall, Hargreaves, G Lilley and Wells. 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE 2. TO RECEIVE ANY DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST BY MEMBERS 3. TO CONFIRM THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 10 JANUARY 2013 4. RESPONSES FROM LOCAL NHS BODIES, THE COUNCIL, EXECUTIVE OR COMMITTEES OF THE COUNCIL TO FINAL REPORTS OF THIS FORUM 4.1 NHS Hartlepool and Stockton-On-Tees Clinical Commissioning Group’ s response to the investigation into ‘Cancer Awareness and Early Diagnosis’ – Chief Officer Designate NHS Hartlepool and Stockton-on-Tees Clinical Commissioning Group / Director of Public Health 5. CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR SCRUTINY REVIEWS REFERRED VIA SCRUTINY CO-ORDINATING COMMITTEE No items. www.hartlepool.gov.uk/democraticservices 6. CONSIDERATION OF PROGRESS REPORTS / BUDGET AND POLICY FRAMEWORK DOCUMENTS 6.1 Health and Wellbeing Strategy – Director of Public Health 6.2 Briefing Report and Immunisation Strategy – Director of Public Health 7. ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION Health Reforms 7.1 Health Reforms:- (a) Covering Report - Scrutiny Support Officer (b) Presentation - Chief Officer Designate NHS Hartlepool and Stockton- on-Tees Clinical Commissioning Group and Director of Operations and Delivery - Durham, Darlington And Tees Area Team 111 Number 7.2 Rollout of NHS 111 - Briefing Report – Representatives from NHS Tees NTHFT Quality Account 7.3 North Tees and Hartlepool NHS Foundation Trust – Quality Account 2013/14:- (a) Covering Report – Scrutiny Support Officer (b) Presentation – Assistant Director of Nursing and Patient Safety, North Tees and Hartlepool NHS Foundation Trust. Investigation into the JSNA Topic of Sexual Health 7.4 APAUSE AND C-Card – Director of Public Health 7.5 Written Evidence from St Hild’s Church of England School 7.6 Formulate a view in relation to the needs of Hartlepool residents, the current level and quality of service provision to meet those needs and formulation of recommendations – Members of the Forum Feedback Report – Bournemouth Borough Council 7.7 Feedback Report: Visit to Bournemouth Borough Council – Chair of the Health Scrutiny Forum Six Monthly Monitoring report 7.8 Six Monthly Monitoring of Agreed Health Scrutiny Forum’s Recommendations - Scrutiny Support Officer www.hartlepool.gov.uk/democraticservices NEAS Quality Account 7.9 North East Ambulance Services (NEAS) - Scrutiny Support Officer 8. ISSUES IDENTIFIED FROM FORWARD PLAN 8.1 Forward Plan – Scrutiny Support Officer 9. MINUTES FROM THE RECENT MEETING OF THE SHADOW HEALTH AND WELLBEING BOARD 9.1 Minutes of the meeting held on 10 December 2012 10. MINUTES FROM RECENT MEETING OF TEES VALLEY HEALTH SCRUTINY JOINT COMMITTEE 10.1 Minutes of the meeting held on 7 January 2013 11. REGIONAL HEALTH SCRUTINY UPDATE No items. 12. ANY OTHER ITEMS WHICH THE CHAIRMAN CONSIDERS ARE URGENT FOR INFORMATION: Date of Next Meeting – 7 March 2013, 9am in Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Hartlepool www.hartlepool.gov.uk/democraticservices Health Scrutiny Forum – Minutes – 10 January 2013 3. HEALTH SCRUTINY FORUM MINUTES 10 January 2013 The meeting commenced at 9.00 am in the Civic Centre, Hartlepool Present: Councillor: Stephen Akers-Belcher (In the Chair) Councillors: Keith Fisher, Ged Hall, Pamela Hargreaves, Geoff Lilley and Ray Wells Also Present: Councillor Alison Lilley Ann Malcolm, Head Teacher, Manor College of Technology Joanne Fairless, Hart Gables Mike Kay, Teesside Positive Action Sue Skelton, Youth Service Kimberley Chambers and Jacqueline Chambers, Targeted Support Teresa Driver, Wharton Trust Barry Hockborn and Michelle Barry, Nacro Julie Gillon, Chief Operating Officer/Deputy Chief Executive, North Tees and Hartlepool Foundation Trust Dr Posmyk, Chair, Hartlepool and Stockton on Tees Clinical Commissioning Group Chris Tulloch, Clinical Director, Orthopaedics, North Tees and Hartlepool NHS Foundation Trust Rowena Dean, Linda Watson, David Emerton and Dr Suresh, North Tees and Hartlepool NHS Foundation Trust Ali Wilson, Chief Officer, Hartlepool and Stockton on Tees Clinical Commissioning Group Nicola Jones, NHS Tees Officers: Louise Wallace, Director of Public Health David Hunt, Strategy and Performance Officer Andrew Facchini, Participation Worker Beth Storey, Youth Work Manager Deborah Gibbon, Health Improvement Practitioner Imran Abul and Juliette Ward - Integrated Youth Support Service Laura Stones, Scrutiny Support Officer Denise Wimpenny, Principal Democratic Services Officer 13. 01.10. Health Scrutiny Forum Minutes 1 HARTLEPOOL BOROUGH COUNCIL Health Scrutiny Forum – Minutes – 10 January 2013 3. 99. Apologies for Absence An apology for absence was submitted on behalf of Councillor Brash. 100. Declarations of Interest by Members None 101. Minutes of the meeting held on 13 December 2012 Confirmed 102 . Responses from Local NHS Bodies, the Council, the Executive or Committees of the Council to Final Reports of this Forum None 103. Consideration of request for scrutiny reviews referred via Scrutiny Co-ordinating Committee None 104. Scrutiny Investigation into the JSNA Topic of Sexual Health – Service Provision, What People Say and Effective Intervention - Evidence from Local Schools, Community and Voluntary Groups and Youth Groups - Covering Report (Scrutiny Support Officer/Representatives from the Voluntary and Community Sector and Youth Groups/Representatives from Local Schools ) As part of the Forum’s investigation into the JSNA topic of Sexual Health, the Forum was advised that representatives from the Public Health Team, Local Schools, Voluntary and Community Sector Groups and Youth Groups had been invited to the meeting to provide information in relation to the investigation. The Scrutiny Support Officer referred Members to the JSNA entry for Sexual Health and feedback from the implementation of the recommendations of the Young Inspectors following their inspection of the sexual health service at the One Life Centre, details of which were attached as appendices to the report. A representative from Hart Gables, who was in attendance at the meeting, outlined the services they currently provided which included recent support with drug and alcohol related issues and highlighted that they were keen to extend the current sexual health service provision and work more closely with 13. 01.10. Health Scrutiny Forum Minutes 2 HARTLEPOOL BOROUGH COUNCIL Health Scrutiny Forum – Minutes – 10 January 2013 3. Teesside Positive Action. In terms of any services they could not provide, service users were signposted to other organisations. A representative from Teesside Positive Action, who was in attendance, referred to the limited capacity for funding and the need to extend provision in as many venues as possible. In response to concerns raised by Members regarding the potential impact of funding reductions in this area, the representative advised that whilst clinical screening tests were available as required, there was no funding available in terms of prevention and awareness raising. A representative from the Wharton Trust advised that sexual health advice and teenage pregnancy support was provided to the 13 plus age range. However, due to limited resources, support was limited. In the discussion that followed Members debated the importance of sexual health advice and the potential reasons for the higher than average teenage pregnancy rates in the town. A query was raised as to the level of awareness raising in schools given the potential reduction in support and advice from youth facilities following closures in the town. The Head Teacher from Manor College of Technology, who was in attendance as a representative for local schools, stated that the number of groups providing sexual health advice in schools had reduced resulting in a reliance on teachers to bridge the gap and provide support and advice in this regard. A Member emphasised the importance of repeated sexual health education sessions in schools and raised concerns regarding the transfer of responsibility to teachers in relation to sexual health advice and support, the disadvantages of which were discussed at length. The Head Teacher provided details of a recent joint sexual health programme that had been delivered in schools, the benefits of which were outlined. Reference was made to the success of the APAUSE Programme and disappointment was expressed as to why such a successful programme had been withdrawn. The Forum was advised that the programme had been withdrawn approximately 3 to 4 years ago and the reasons for withdrawal were cost/resource related, details of which were provided. Following further debate regarding the success of the programme, the Forum requested that further details of the programme be provided to a future meeting of the Forum with a view to examining what the programme entailed, how the programme worked and what needed to be done to return to a similar level of provision that had existed previously. The Forum requested that the information should include statistics and trends for the period of operation of the programme including budget information to enable the relevant success areas and comparators to be identified. Further discussion ensued in relation to the type and level of educational information available, the various methods of accessing information and the Forum was keen to explore such data at a future meeting of the Forum. The Youth Work Manager, who was also in attendance at the meeting, provided
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