University of San Franciseo INSIDE Personnel P. 7 Casanova P. 8 WCAC Champs P. 10 FOGHORN Honor Roll P. 12 Vol. 71 No. 14 Via, Veritas, Vita February 18,1977 8-12 Percent increase Tuition increase inevitable by Steve Purtill crease Room and Board Roualdes said, "From the Resulting from joint ad­ charges by 5-9 per cent will skimpy figures we were ministrative meetings. also be presented to the shown they would seem to Vice-President for Business Board's Finance Committee. indicate a need for a tuition and Finance, Roger Haines, The current costs for double increase. I'd like to see the will* recommend to the occupancy, twenty meal plan, University open its books so I Finance Committee of the is $1,550 a year. A 5 per cent can justify to my constit­ Board of Trustees, meeting increase would come to uency, and myself, that we today, an 8-12 per cent in­ $1,628: 7 per cent $1,659; and 9 really need this increase. crease in tuition rates for the per cent $1,690. Reasons for Roualdes will be attending 1977-78 school year. recommending the increase the Board meeting today to include soaring food costs voice a number of alternative and rising utility rates. proposals and student re­ quests concerning the issue. A proportionate increase in the University's financial aid He proposes to "make the commitment for students University promise, contract­ already on scholarship will ually, that student services accompany any tuition will not be cut back any increase, according to Haines. further like they were this ASUSF officers were not year. Simply, if students informed of the proposed tui­ are going to be expected to tion increase until last Tues­ pay more money for their day. education they should be The Foghorn asked Stan assured that their services Remember to sponsor a walker in the Miles for Roualdes, ASUSF president, are going to be at least Meals, Saturday, Feb. 26. Funds raised in the 17 mile walk will benefit organizations like CROP, CARE Roger Haines if there was any student input retained, and hopefully in the decision? expanded upon. We paid more and Northern California Food Network in combat­ The current tuition rate is According to Roualdes, this year and got less ser­ ing world hunger. Contact Dennis Travis in $2,600 a year, therefore a rate "Absolutely none. It's nice to vices," Roualdes said. Campus Ministry for information,(666-6582). increase of 8 per cent would ask us our opinion after the Roualdes also said. amount to $2,808; 10 per cent decision has been made. I'm "Student wages were cut $2,860: and 12 per cent $2,912. very upset. I think the stu­ almost in half last year and I Contract con Job The present budget for dents should have been in­ want to see much more 1976-77 is just under 14 mil­ volved in the committee emphasis on recycling the by Byrne Conley review process as stated in lion dollars. A 10 per cent in­ looking at the issue." Continued on Page 12 One sentence in the facul­ the contract. He interprets crease in tuition fees would the sentence as meaning that provide approximately 2 mil­ ty-administration contract of USF has come to the concern­ although students have the lion more dollars in revenue. Senate approves, right to have their grades re­ The additional money, ed attention of student lead­ ers recently. The sentence, viewed, the teacher would not according to University be bound by the decision. He spokesmen, is needed to which is the last line of sec­ Roualdes vetoes, tion 14.24D of the contract, fol­ feels that during the negotia­ compensate for inflation, to tions, the Student Rights and cover increased faculty bene­ lows a paragraph regarding student grade appeals, which Freedoms document was not fits, and for necesssry capital Girls go anyway binding of the faculty. improvements. was taken ad verbatum from the USF Student Rights and Lou Castoria commented: According to Haines it by Mike Hanna regionals and finals respec­ Freedoms document and put "the infamous line negates would be unrealistic for the The ASUSF Senate voted tively. into the contract, with the the whole process and vio­ Board not to raise tuition this Tuesday to send the USF However, shortly before addition of one sentence. lates the contract between the year. "Sure, we could con­ song girls to all of the going to press on Wednesday The sentence reads; University and the students tinue without an increase, but post-season basketball the Foghorn learned that "Changes in grades, after and it is only one example in for how long? It would be un­ games. After nearly two President Stan Roualdes their submission to the a series of actions whicn realistic to expect us to build hours of debate the Senate, by vetoed the entire measure dean's office, may be mace have weakened student on and maintain the quality a vote of nine yes, four no, and has plans to submit to the only by the dean and only at rights." of this university without an and three abstentions, allocat­ Senate an alternative. He the written request, with rea­ Whatever the outcome, this increase. I hope it would fall ed $2,980 from the general said that he got on the phone sons, of the faculty member." is a case of student rights on closer to 8 per cent than 12 fund to send the song girls to in the morning and was able The paragraph preceding the defensive again. per cent." Haines said. Arizona. Utah, and Atlanta, to come up with $1,330 in sites of the NCAA basketball this sentence outlines details Recommendations to in­ donations from friends of the of how students can appeal a team to send the song girls to grade that they feel is unjust. the regionals. He plans to get Lou Castoria, Director of Elections the other money from the Student Activities and general fund and from other Students interested in run­ Pep band dilemma Orientation, was the first per­ ning for ASUSF student groups on campus who may son to notice the sentence, be able to give some money government positions should by Valerie Meehan and he brought it to the atten­ cony. This separates Mathias because of, "waste as in the sign up in the Office of the The Pep Band is suffering tion of ASUSF President Stan from the rest of the band be­ case of the Special Events Board of Student Control from a common campus Roualdes. cause he can't block the Committee." (BSC) between Feb. 18-22. virus .. apathy. aisles. Roualdes went to Keating Primary elections will be The ills affecting the Pep Mathias also said the band At this same Senate meet­ Rhodes, who was secretary held March 2 and 3 in U.C. Band performance include no receives approximately $300 ing it was also decided, by a during the negotiations and Main Lounge and final gener­ room to practice, poor leader­ from ASUSF. which doesn't 10-4 vote, not to send the USF for the subcommittee which al elections will be held ship, low membership, bad cover expenses. cheerleaders to any post sea­ dealt with this section of the March 9 and 10. games, and the fact that no "Basically I think we play son games. The Senate gave contract. He told Roualdes credits are given for band bad because there are so few the lack of available funds that "nowhere in his notes" Those offices open are: participation. people who play instruments, and the poor performance of did the sentence appear. As a ASUSF President. Vice-Presi­ John Mathias. Pep Band and because nobody else the cheerleaders as reasons matter of fact, the sentence dent, Treasurer, Secretary, drummer was the only band wants to volunteer," Mathias for their vote. wasn't in the copy of the con­ four Senators-at-large, member available for com­ said. A partisan crowd, com­ tract which the trustees Activities Vice-President, ment. Florence Tumolo is in When asked why the band posed mostly of cheerleaders approved. No one seems to and Academic Vice-President. charge of the Pep Band but was moved to the balcony, and song girls pressured the know where the sentence The only eligibility require­ does not attend USF. Jim Alessandri of the Sports ASUSF Senate to reverse a came from. Roualdes sus­ ments are that you are a Information Office said, stand it had taken last week. pects that there is a cover-up currently enrolled undergrad­ Mathias cited several rea­ "Head Coach Bob Gaillard re­ At last weeks Senate meet­ at work. uate student, have paid your sons for the bands poor per­ quested that the seats, section ing the Senate, by a vote of 10 The repercussions of the ASUSF cctivities fee and formance. He complained to 1, voted not to send the L where the Pep band was sit­ sentence could be big. Mike have a C average or better. that the Pep Band was moved song girls or the cheerleaders ting, could be used for Lehmann, Faculty Union Those seeking the office of from section L on the gym to any of the awav league President, thinks that the sen­ President must have sopho­ floor to section LL in the bal­ Continued on Page 12 Continued on Page 12 tence doesn't contradict the more or junior standing. Page 2 Foghorn February 18,1977 SEetietA io Ihe edited Came, Saw, Left External degrees external programs are in any Reporter incorrect? sense equivalent to the tra­ jeopardize USF ditional 4-year Bachelor of Arts Editor: The Editor's Column degree offered on campus.
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