Missouri Digital Heritage Hosted Collections

Missouri Digital Heritage Hosted Collections

- ' , - - '. ENTERTAINMENT PULLOUT Editor's Note: AH events and are" movies Lee Ruth. 9 p.m. to 1 subject to last minute changes. Please call Gladstone's. to verify listings. a.m. Wed.. Missouri Hell Band, 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Thurs. through Sat., 3111 Business 63 South. : MOVIES Good Time Country, The Good-timer- s, M08 iMnMM WMMnm 9 p.m. to 1 a.m Sat., RD 4. MSA. Films: Help, 8 p.m." tonight Ranch House Lounge and Dart Straw Dogs, 8 p.m. Wed.. Both Room, Roust About, 9 p.m. to -- 1 . "free, Jesse Aud., University. a.m. Wed.. Thurs., Adam Gold University Films: Red River, 8 p.m. and Brothers Image, 9 p.m. to 1 tonight, Ellis Aud. a.m. Fri., Sat., 3304 Clark Lane. Memling Painter 61 Bruges and Spats Baxter's. Tom Edwards, 9 Ancient Peruvian, noon Wed., p.m. to 1 a.m. Wed.. Crossroads Bambi, 4 p.m. Thurs., Assembly West Shopping Center. Room. Danie! Boone Regional T.W. Chumley's. Bass Ave. Boys. 8 Library. Both free. p.m. to 12 a.m. tonight. 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Thurs.; Tom Edwards. 9 MSA Films: Animal House, 7 and p.m. to 1 a.m. Tues.; Mean 9:30 p.m. Fri, Moonraker, 7 and Mother Frog, 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. 9:30 p.m. Sat. Both films, Jesse Sat., 119 South 7th. Aud., University. Tickets 75 ..cents at Memorial Union ticket SPORTS -- window or$1 . atJoor.r. wSscapeprHjlographsbyOiiverSchuchsiare iS41.;G), John Belushi, 7 and 9 SAizzou Basketball vs. Colorado, p' piM; rnatirieSs 2and 4 p.m. Sun.. 8:35 p.m. Wed. and Oklahoma '-- - - -- phensHKollege, Playhouse 7:30 . Hali, University. SV-- . .";. qus,pijnifratV;" ? ':-- -J' Wild. - . State, 7:35 p.m. Sat., Heames . p.ni taVoygtf Sat:; Ste--' Columbia Collects: Far Eastern . and 9;p:m.; ' '. ;- - Center. .;.-- -: iJ,vsp)jmi.-7-' ' ? VS.'L' from, -- - ..phensSJege.;;' Art,;Grientai objects local ' matinees ;pM-- ''.' t, 'Mfwkl :Si rii private collections; noon to - fflizzou Women's Basketball vs. :- and -- - ' -- JCam'p.CtriemalLH;; v- -. ":; ; away, 7:30 p.m. ; 5 p.m. Tues through Feb; 17, Kansas State, - Kansas, Fri., ;; ". juseurn of Archaeolpgyi :' Tues. and 7:30 Art and - .. ;j9 p.mrnai2$ 'iciiardHal'University. -- .' Hearnes Center. 3i&:. lnMg-m-.- :-rSMn- ; ; fiSizzou Wrestling vs. Oklahoma ' Iskander, aiJ the Barbsriarts, Cruising R), Al ,fcinb, starts7 FrL, - ifiiars, noon Mon "lesbianism State, 7:30 p.m. Thurs., Hearnes "- .'European, Asian artifacts, time 'C ;7 and Theatre.; - - 'Art riOori " jttnfjjtoarn 101:' l!nirbductidn,f of. Alexander the Great, 9:30 a.ni. Center. '"16;-(i:ber7-43- 0 p:m:; Center Sflizzou ' Thurs., ?aJasiirt&iioV. J5p.m. Tues, through Fri., 11 ' Men's Indoor Track holds -- r to - ;" "Cinema .-;-- ? ; loV Life Theatre Student huinan ;s?uality alrrt! to 3 p.m. Sat., Swallow Hall, Missouri Invitational, 6:30 p.m. Silent"Screens R),-Camer- on MitV education panel. BqiH'iK Gentry - Fri., Hearnes Center. f : University. , ' - Avery Sehreiber; 7 , .- chell and 9 Hail, University. Fine Arts Gallery, Oliver Schuchard Hickman Girls' Basketball vs. ; - p.ml, Missouri Theatrei '"fflm.. Was Shs&esjjear?". S. - - away. 6:30 p.m. Mon. photographs, featuring Hallsville, " Lan- midnight Fri., Eng- - Nosferatu R, SaL, Schoehbaunv professor of dscapes of Missouri, Alaska, and Hannibal, away. 6:30 p.m. Uptown '..-- . " Theatre. fish, University of Maryland, 8; Europe, 9 am. to 2:45 p.m: Mon. Thurs. Rocky Howra PicSur .Show (R)," pm. Aud., University. Toes.. Ellis through Fri., 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. Hickman Boys' Swimming vs. St. lEuVb-pea- midnight, Fri., Sat., disco danc- 'Oerooeratfc, Origins of the ri Sun., University. LouisMehlville, home. 4 p.m. ing begins at 11:30 p.m., Mis-- , Pealatariat," with Charles Stanley Hail Gallery, oil abstrac- Fri. souri Theatre. ' Tilly, Michigan, University of tions by Robert Kabak, ffam. to Hickman Boys' Basketball vs. Thg following theaters wiiinin 3:40 p.m. Wed., Pickard KsH. Uni- Dame, away, a noon,-.- 1 to 5 p.m. Mon. through QuincyNotre 6 daily - . "prims$tm$r" when all adult versity. .,:- ... Ffi..University. p.m. Fri. and Jefferson City, tickets -- are $2. Special .senior cits-zsn- s' "Lesbian Methrs," 7 p.m. Wed., home, 6 p.m. SaL toe : Gentry Hail, tickets ail movies and University. - Hickman Boys' Wrestling in State "Medtsvaf-Romances,- NlGHTtfFB times are $1.5$. Check thssterzds " 11:40 a.m. District Tournament. Fort Zum- - for movie times. - !o 12:30 p.m. Fri., Ellis Aitd., Uni- - walt High School, Fri., Sat. Brief versity, with Benjamin Honey-- Enc&untcr, Raven, Wed., Rock Bridge Girls' Basketball vs. Hero at Large (G), John Ritter Fools Face with Debs, Thurs. cutt, Richard Hocks of Univer- the Boonvilie, home, 6 p.m. Mon. Biscayne!. "' through Sat: Ladies' Night, sity: . Rock Bridge Boys' Basketball vs. Wilderness Family if (G), through Thurs. Doors open 8 p.m., 910 Fri., Biscayne SI. Moberly, home, 6 p'.vn. Tues. and .:.' EXHIBITS -- Business Loop 70 E. (R) starts Fri., Kirk T . Chiilicothe, away, 6 p.rn. Fri. Saturn 3 Bulhsinkfe's, Bass Ave. Bis- Boys, Douglas, Farah Fawcett, -- '' ParinPartJCuIar.vorksdhpaper . Tues.; Tom Baker plays '50s, '60s cayne II. C-Ro- ck ETAL from 48 states, .today through music; Wed.; City, SaL, r American Gigolo (R), Richard Gere, 9.-3-0 College p.rn. to 1 a.m., 1107 E, HI. Fe&. 29, Colinmbia Art " Lauren Kutton. Biscayne Broadway. fHissourians for. Safe. Energy. Va- Electric Horseman (PG," ends GalSesy, 110? Ll Broadway.--. ".'";' ; "' Delilah's, Visions, 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. lentine's Day dinner-danc-e, 6:30 Thurs., Robert' Bedford,.: .Jane . .way.: .., .. .." - Won. through Sat., Ramada inn, p.m. Fri., Memorial Union Grand Fonda, Forum Theatre, r; Gather,- iJJustratiyns of poems by - Ezra Pound, noorto 5 p.m. Tues; IIOOVandiverDr.' Ballroom. For information, call The Fog (PG), starts Fri., Adrlenne 449-543- 3! Feb. 17, of rt" Friends, Mixed Company, Barbeau, Hal Holbrook,' Forum through ?ussura Fishl 8 "-The- ' ' '- arid Arctiaeblogy, Hafi, to 11 p.m. atre. Pickard tonight; Michael :. -": University. " Henderson,. pjn. to 12 a.m. The deadline for listing events and l-J,.WEATR- movies Is 5 sun. Tuesday. Please send all E-::---. p.m. '.EfSjpl, Mon; Nouveau; 8 to 12 a.m. His-sottria-n. v. Gltiidmn's shfeit oft noon listings to Violations, cftj the CoUimbia -- . '. "TussV .Wed.,1: s te .5 ppfci stizfti Through Thurs.;. Wfke Ford, 8:30 9th and Elm streets, Columbia, " ; M$p.Jjm2&ifr ';Mjseu.m;.; : p;m: to 1230 kimrSaL, 1201 E?y &to:.66211.orcaM882-754- 3. Salter ""' ; . V of:Art andArcfbeoiogy, :PSckard . Broadway. j; Armstrong. Redd Foxx and Connie (D-FMng- Uns Food-Sho- Stevens. (3 hrs.) -- CorewBvsr RsportacThe w ne C$3 fasrpB08dwdeo ma-gazi- -ArehW Place A customer This is a spiteful which focuses en food. makes remarks about Fred and Archie takes drastic steps to -- MckeRtefcs straighten the matter out CtB-tPsverottJat- JuHtord GD - Tencpead and Brown -- Wide World of Truth Shoe A beauSul cats girMumed-executi- ve i- asks Tenspeed and Brown CD -- Sesame Street Twsnty-Sb-c Men 32 - EngMi Channel KTVI StLxxas Cable2 - Shoe to find out who is trying to MB CD -- Oral Roberts -ITO- VTE-SentfeGisnrAsrnaa NewsHeadBnes Cabte3 1:00 P.M. cub and he her. (60 mn CD-VBtaA- togrs boy befriends a bear (D-aWVi&'Inv- QDKMQX St Lows Cabte4 (2D - Sopsrstsrs Todays show famer buys 8 ararne" for hfcn. Dennis aaienof the Body O PreSrnhary. Ptare-a-- s S) KSD-- St Louis Cabte5 - Dr. Faust features fits fourth Men's Weaver. Vera Miss. Ralph Meeker. SnatcnaW organfeiia are 1 hr.. 15 rnirtj invactng people's codes and roods. Sports-Stoc- k Mate Cable6 - Changed Litres 1967 CD - Mssterplees Theatre: Donald Sutherland, Ijeortard Ncnoy. KMOS-Warrensbu-rg -- World League WrostBng P.M. Duke A bombing 430 Brooke Adams. 1978 -- Duchess of Street CD HBOTake2 Cable 7 Tanan raid takes London and the hotel Ben-- S9 - Once Upon a Classic - America Goos Bananaz O KOMU Columbia Cable 8 830 AJL tinck by surprise. (60 min.) -- Jerry Fatwsl -- BaxHunard XKETC SLLouis Cabte9 -- Life of Jesus - America Goes Bananas 5.-0-0 P.M. -- Name That Tune O - Kids Are People Too (38 Greet Pei fount wen Life of - The Battle ef WestlaitdsThis PJH KoSero Part 5 Conclusion. MoSere on battle to break 730 University of Missouri Cable 10 CD - Day of Discovery special focuses trie dT- Bay retains the protection of Louis XJV up corporate farmland hoWings and - One at a Time Ann's - CD tamer move to Indiana- - American Cable Network- Confluence against persecution and rebellion- - 60 return ts fend to me farrdy farmer. mother and 93) Public Access Cable 11 CD - America's Black Forum min.) (60 min.) Awakening Olympic Hockey: Czech, vs. Comparison Shopping Cable 12 - Spiritual (g) - World of Pentecost 'CD-C- BS News - Canada KRCG Jefferson City Cabie13 KfcOOAJfi. -- NBABMX -- ABC News - MOVIETtoeetnary's Baby A 31 KBMA Kansas City Cable 14 - Norman Vincent Peale - Olympic Hockey: Czech, vs. (D - Footsteps -- woman Canada pregnant resizes her hus- S$ Home Box Office Cable15 - Rex Kwnbard CD -- To Ride the Ice band is involved with a coven of Ftedar Weather Cable 16 CD - Big Blue Marble 130 P.M. CD - No Proerarn witches who have designs on her un- Mia KCBJ Columbia Cable 17 CD Hour of Power CD - NCAA Basketball: Duke fTf) Gymnastics: Caesars born baby. Farrow. John Cassav- - - Men's etes. Rum Gordon. 1968 39 NketodeorVPTL Network Cable 18 (D - Time to Care vs. Marquette The Blue Devils of Palace tavit Part 1. The eht lead- Duke University play the Warriors of ing gymnasts in America demon- &O0P.H.

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