New Metroliner to arrive — page 6 RReadead AAcrosscross SStudentstudents hhamam itit AAmericamerica DDayay uupp fforor ggoodood ccauseause ffromrom aaircraftircraft — PPageage 3 — PPagesages 44-7-7 — PPageage 1166 ((CheriCheri MMalloyalloy rreadseads DDr.r. SSeuss’seuss’s HHortonorton HHearsears a WWhoho ttoo eelementarylementary sstudentstudents WWednesdayednesday mmorningorning aatt tthehe sschoolchool iinn ccelebrationelebration ooff RReadead AAcrosscross AAmericamerica DDay.)ay.) ((PhotoPhoto bbyy MMigig OOwens)wens) wwww.smdc.army.mil/KWAJ/Hourglass/hourglass.htmlww.smdc.army.mil/KWAJ/Hourglass/hourglass.html Commentary I’ll remember my lines . what are they? Last year, the Protestant Chapel put into a room, stood for a minute and on a presentation called the Living Last wondered what I went in there for? I Supper with members of the chapel por- can’t remember what happened fi ve traying Jesus and the 12 apostles. minutes ago, so hoping that I’m going I was very impressed with it and to remember this speech when I get thought I might like to be involved this up in front of a chapel full of people is year. a real leap of faith. I told Pastor Rick Funk and he thought I’ve said it so many times to my wife I would make a good Doubting Thomas. and co-workers I think they know it bet- He must have a degree in psychology or even sent out an e-mail to the guys who ter than I do. My wife says she won’t do something. are the other 11 apostles and said I had it for me, though. I have doubts about everything. I have set the bar high. I know I’m going to do okay, but if any- doubts about my doubts. I hope that’s not like a sports an- body knows any “please don’t let this guy I said I would do it and he sent me the nouncer saying a pitcher has a no-hitter forget his lines prayers” I’d appreciate it if speech that Doubting Thomas gives. in the bottom of the ninth. you’d start saying them. Right now. I started to memorize it and it seemed The last time I did any public speak- If you haven’t seen the Living Last like it was just a little longer than War ing was in high school and that was so Supper, you really should. It’s a poignant and Peace. long ago I can’t remember what I said. presentation and all are welcome to attend. After two weeks of saying it over and Nobody booed or threw anything, so it It will be presented on Maundy Thursday, over, I thought I had it down pretty good must have been okay. But I’m a little March 24, 6:30 p.m., in the Chapel. Spe- and went to the chapel to say it in front older than I was then and I believe cial music and a communion service are of Pastor Funk. age has taken a few brain cells from included. It’s a spiritual evening everyone He said I did it almost perfectly and me. How many times have I walked who attends should enjoy. To submit a letter to the editor: and keep com ments to the issues. for AP style and, if you exceed the word limit, space. Limit one letter every 30 days.Send your letter to: of the Day The Hour glass, P.O. Box 23, Local; or hourglass monono - happy @kls.usaka.smdc.army.mil The Kwajalein Classifi ed ads are due for Hourglass Wednesday’s paper by noon, Saturday and for Saturday’s Commanding Offi cer...COL Beverly Stipe paper by noon,Thursday. Acting Public Affairs Offi cer..Polli Keller Editor...............................Nell Drumheller Limit ads to 50 words. Assistant Editor......................Mig Owens Graphics Designer....................Dan Adler Intern............................Brandon Stevison Circulation....................... Will O’Connell PATIO SALE ADS If you are having The Hourglass is named for the insignia of the U.S. Army 7th Infantry Division, which liberated the island from the forces of a patio sale on a Saturday, Imperial Japan on Feb 4, 1944. The Kwajalein Hourglass is an authorized publication for turn in your ad for military personnel, federal employees, contractor workers and their families assigned to USAKA. Contents of the Hourglass are not Wednesday’s paper. necessarily offi cial views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, Department of Defense, Department of the Army or USAKA. It Sunday and Monday is published Wednesdays and Saturdays in accordance with Army Regulation 360-1 and using a network printer by Kwajalein Range patio sale ads will be printed Services editorial staff, P.O. Box 23, APO AP 96555. Phone: Autovon 254-3539; local 53539. in Saturday’s paper. Printed circulation: 2,000 The Kwajalein Hourglass 2 Saturday, March 5, 2005 Read Across America Day celebrates Dr. Seuss’s birthday By Mig Owens “I also feel that adults today continue to enjoy his work Assistant Editor because of the important messages he contains in his stories. Stories such as The Lorax, The Sneetches, Several Whos down in Whoville, a Cat in the Hat, a Daisy Head Mayzie and The Butter Battle Book bring Fox in Sox, and other imaginary creatures came alive up issues such as environmental concerns, individu- at George Seitz Elementary School Wednesday, thanks ality and prejudices that are very relevant to ongoing to guest readers who numbed their tongues in honor problems in our society.” As someone who has looked of Dr. Seuss, beloved children’s book author. forward to Dr. Seuss’s birthday all year, Sava said that his Now in its eighth year, Read Across America Day books are great to incorporate into the curriculum “not was established by the National only for the oral reading aspect, but Education Association to celebrate to also get a dialogue going with the the birthday of Dr. Seuss, Theodor If you never did students about the important issues Geisel. The event focuses on motivat- he covers using the characters that ing kids to read. you should. the students enjoy and can relate “Reading orally to children is an to.” important technique for reading in- These things are fun Sava added that it is important for struction,” Dan Frazier, Kwajalein kids to experience a variety of reading Schools superintendent, said. “They and fun is good. styles as well as realize how positive learn this practice best when they — Dr. Seuss, from One Fish adults feel about reading. see it modeled by mature, fun-lov- Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish Wednesday’s birthday celebra- ing adults.” tion was enjoyed by the entire Frazier said he considered the day school, with cupcakes personally a success, with adults who play different roles all across delivered at the end of the day to each class by the Cat the island coming together to demonstrate their love in the Hat (a.k.a. Jane Christy, art teacher). for reading and Dr. Seuss. “All adults play an important part in teaching chil- Organizing the day’s events was Sonya Sava, second dren to read,” Frazier said. “Adults across Kwajalein grade teacher, with help from the George Seitz Elemen- are encouraged to come in to the elementary any tary School Parent-Teacher Organization. time to read to our kids and help them learn and “I think that the majority of parents grew up loving grow. No one needs to wait for a special day or an Dr. Seuss and relate that to their children,” Sava said. invitation.” Saturday, March 5, 2005 3 The Kwajalein Hourglass to raise $2,023 in aid to Asian tsunami victims By Brandon Stevison The NHS/NJHS donated all proceeds from this year’s Intern Variety Show to CARE for their tsunami relief project. Through ticket sales and personal donations, $2,023 was raised in order to help those in need in Southeastern he National Honor Society/National Junior Asia. Overall, the show was a huge success, said orga- HonorT Society sponsored Variety Show was held Sat- nizers. “I haven’t heard one bad thing about the show,” urday at the Davye Davis Multi-Purpose Room. If you Marcy Peterson, one of the masters of ceremonies, said. didn’t catch it, you missed out on a great show. There Even with a few minor slip-ups, participants had a blast were many performances, ranging all the way from Beka showing their stuff, whether it was dancing, singing or Ladd and Clarissa Holton’s tap dance to the song, Zoot just goofi ng off. Organizers thank everyone who came Suit Riot to Chris Berlind and Brian Brewster’s Rubik’s out and supported the tsunami relief and this year’s Cube Challenge. Variety Show. Michael Graham sports his unusual outfi t. The Kwajalein Hourglass 4 Saturday, March 5, 2005 Lauren Peters and Tessa Thimsen perform a ballet dance to Only Hope. Performing a group dance to Shake a Lil Somethinn are, front row: Lauren Peters, Beka Ladd and Tessa Thimsen, and back/middle row: Clarissa Holton, Ava Southerland, Amber Banducci and Julianne Kirchner. (Photo by Brandon Stevison) Brandon (Photo by See Show next page Saturday, March 5, 2005 5 The Kwajalein Hourglass Show from Page 5 Teachers Eric Nelson, Allison Bowers, Barbara Bicanich, Lynn Booth and Brian Brewster entertain the audience with a scene from the movie Monty Python’s Holy Grail. William Ray croons Sunday Lindsay Davis sings y Morning. The Kwajalein Hourglass 6 Saturday, March 5, 2005 Rubik’s Cube challenge. Stephanie Berlind and Marcy Peterson introduce the next act. (Photo by Brandon Stevison) Brandon (Photo by Beka Ladd and Clarissa Holton tap dance to Zoot Suit Riot.
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