Volume 45(9):91-101, 2005 ON THE SYSTEMATICS OF TRYPOXYLON SCROBIFERUM RICHARDS AND T. ANAPAIKE AMARANTE WITH THE RECOGNITION OF A NEW SPECIES GROUP IN THE SUBGENUS TRYPOXYLON (HYMENOPTERA: CRABRONIDAE: TRYPOXYLINI) SÉRVIO TÚLIO P. A MARANTE1 ABSTRACT The males of Trypoxylon scrobiferum Richards and T. anapaike Amarante are described for the first time and their genitalia illustrated. These species are demonstrated to represent a monophyletic group, and the scrobiferum species group is established for them. The scrobiferum species group is assigned to the subgenus Trypoxylon. This represents a new subgeneric combination for T. scrobiferum Richards. KEYWORDS: Hymenoptera, Sphecidae, Crabronidae, Crabroninae, Trypoxylini, Trypoxylon, Trypargilum, Systematics. INTRODUCTION a redefinition of the subgenus. The current classifica- tion of Trypoxylon is reviewed because of the novel I described T. (Trypargilum) anapaike based on one features of the new species group. female (Amarante, 1991) and included it in the fugax subgroup of the nitidum group. I have since examined Abbreviations: undescribed males of T. anapaike and T. scrobiferum AA, distance between antennal sockets; AF, Richards and concluded that these species are closely diameter of antennal socket; EA, least distance related, sharing a character set that separates them from between inner eye margin and antennal socket; EC, other species of the subgenus Trypargilum. Thus I have least distance between eyes at clypeus; EE, distance established the scrobiferum species group for them. Also, between eye emarginations; EL, greatest length of eye; I present evidence that the new species group is prop- EV, least distance between eyes at vertex; FS, length erly assigned to the subgenus Trypoxylon. of flagellomere I; FWL, forewing length; HL, length The hitherto unknown males of T. scrobiferum and of head from clypeal apex to vertex; HW, width of T. anapaike are described and key characters that sup- head; IO, distance between hind ocelli; HO, diameter port the exclusion of these species from Trypargilum of hind ocellus; OO, least distance between hind are noted. Relationships of the scrobiferum group with ocellus and inner margin of eye. the other groups in the genus are described. The ex- Terms used to describe sculpturing follow Har- clusion of these two species from Trypargilum requires ris (1979). The material studied is housed in the fol- 1 Museu de Zoologia, Universidade de São Paulo, Caixa Postal 42494, 04218-970, São Paulo, SP, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] 92 AMARANTE, S.T.P: SYSTEMATICS OF TRYPOXYLON SCROBIFERUM AND T. ANAPAIKE lowing institutions: The Natural History Museum, with moderately dense decumbent setae. Terga pubes- London (BMNH), (holotype of T. scrobiferum Richards); cent, I and II more sparsely so. Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia, (INPA); Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo Head: Frons and eye emargination narrow, dull, (MZSP) (holotype of T. anapaike Amarante); colliculate, with moderately close to sparse, very shal- Departamento de Biologia, Universidade Federal de low foveolae. Frontal carina on an elevated frontal Viçosa, Viçosa (UFVB). prominence, posterior truncation equal to diameter of median ocellus, bifurcating arms horseshoe shaped, with length about 2x length of lower branch. Species of the scrobiferum group Supraantennal carina absent, dorsal margin of anten- nal socket elevated, deflexed, partially covering condyle Trypoxylon anapaike Amarante, 1991 of scape. Clypeus weakly convex; clypeus free margin (Figs. 1-3, 7-8, 10-11) reflexed, thin; apical rim distinct, polished, slightly con- vex; apical margin weakly sinuate, with two very weak Trypoxylon (Trypargilum) anapaike Amarante, 1991: 431, lobes defined by indistinct median emargination. An- Figs. 3-4. Female. Holotype: Female; terior ocellus in moderate depression. Vertex with small SURINAME; Marowije, Anapaike (Lawa River) swelling behind each hindocellus. Flagellomere I 0.75x xi-1963; B. Malkin col. (MZSP); Amarante, as long as II+III, 3x as long as wide, flagellomeres II 2002:49. and III 2x as long as wide, IV 1.33x, V 1.14x, VI-X 1x, flagellomere XI sub conical as long as X+IX. Occipi- Description of male tal carina interrupted behind hypostomal carina; hori- Measurements. HW = 2.45-2.55 mm, FWL = 7.00 mm; zontal area behind hypostomal carina 2x as broad as Proportions: HW/HL = 1.14-1.16, HW/EV = fore basitarsus width. 5.24-5.4, HW/EC = 6.24-6.47, EV/EC = 1.18-1.24, FS/EV = 0.71-0.75; Ratios: EL:EC:EV:EE = 1.05-1.09:0.21-0.23:0.26-0.27:1.00, OO:IO:HO = 0.06-0.13:0.49-0.51:1.00, AA:EA:AF = 0.24-0.26:0.25-0.38:1.00. Color: Body black. Orange yellow are: ventral of scape, apex of pedicel, mandibular base, fore and mid tibiae and tarsi, apex of fore and midfemora, base of hindtibia, basal 0.5 of hindbasitarsus, apex of hindtarsomeres I-III, hindtarsomere IV, tibial spurs, basal 0.66 of tergum II, apex of terga III and IV, ster- num II. Medial portion of mandible red. Dark red- dish brown are: apex of mandible, dorsum of scape, pedicel basally, flagellum, apical margin of clypeus, fore, mid and hind trochanters and femora, hind tibia and tarsus, terga I, III-VI, apical 1/3 of tergum II, sterna I, III-VI. Hind margin of pronotal collar whit- ish yellow. Vestiture: Silver to pale gold, except for white to yel- lowish white on tibiae and tarsi. Clypeus and frons below dorsal margin of the eye emargination with dense vestiture. Clypeus with scattered, downwardly oriented, long pale yellow setae. Gena densely covered by de- cumbent setae. Thorax laterally and ventrally with moderately dense decumbent setae. Scutum, scutellum Plate 1: Figs. 1-3. Trypoxylon anapaike Amarante, male: 1, sternum and propodeal dorsum with erect short setae. Poste- VIII, ventral view; 2 and 3, male genitalia; 2, left half, dorsal view, rior surface and posterolateral angles of propodeum right half, ventral view; 3, lateral view. PAP. AVULS ZOOL. 45(9), 2005 93 Thorax: Dorsolateral angles of pronotal collar narrowly with mesal inner projection; volsellar lobes touching rounded, prominent. Pronotal collar with median dor- each other. sal prominence. Prosternal transverse carina sharp, re- flexed and raised laterally, evanescent toward the Notes on females middle. Scutum, scutellum and mesopleuron moder- Since I described this species I have seen more ately shiny, finely and superficially reticulate, with mod- specimens. I include here characters that I did not erately close to sparse, superficial and fine foveolae. mention in the original description. The hindcoxa ven- Omaulal area smoothly angulate, omaulus very weakly ter has a small subapical tuft of setae, hardly discern- indicated below pronotal lobes, short, running by ible under a light stereoscope. When viewed under a 0.15-0.17x of distance to episternal sulcus, subomaulus SEM, this structure is seen to be a depression with well developed, ending at episternal sulcus. Length of groups of minute pores interspaced by setae (Figs. 7 precoxal carina 0.5x length of mesopleural suture. and 8). Mesopleural wing process bordered by simple ridge, a The species is now known to occur southwest little widened at hind margin. Metapleural flange nar- from Surinam to Acre, Brazil, and southeast to Espírito row. Intercoxal carina arcuate, ventrolateral intercoxal Santo, Brazil. Material examined: SURINAM: carina present. Dorsoposterior carina of hindtibiae Marowijne: Anapaike (Rio Lawa), xi.1963 (B. Malkin) straight, uniformly elevated, abruptly ending subapi- female (Holotype, MZSP). BRAZIL: Amazonas: Rio cally, well apart from trochanter emargination. Tarumã-mirim (3°2’S, 60°17’W), various dates (M.V.B. Hindtibial anterior surface flattened, forming an angle Garcia col.) 3 females, 4 males (MZSP, INPA, UFVB); with dorsal surface. Forewing vein R1 not extending BR 174 ZF 3 km 23, 2°26’S, 59°51’W, 20.x.1986 beyond apex of marginal cell; forewing veinlet 1r-m (M.V.B. Garcia col.) 1 female (MZSP); BR 174 km 70, of submarginal cell forming approximately 90º with 2°23’S, 59°56’W, 4.ix.1987 (M.V.B. Garcia col.) 1 fe- vein sector RS+M. Outer row of hamuli on hindwing male (MZSP). Acre: Rio Branco, 24.iv.1997, 1 female, 1.7x its length apart from inner row. 27.iv.1997, 1 female, 1 male, 10.v.1997, 1 female (S.F. Silva leg.) (MZSP). Sergipe: Santa Luzia do Itanhy, Propodeum (Fig. 10): Dorsal surface of propodeum with Crastro, 11°22’36,7”S, 37°24’58,2”W, Armadilha [trap] diagonal ridges that become transverse toward apex, Malaise, trilha [trail], pto. 3 [point], 1-4.viii.2001 (M.T. dorsal enclosure slightly depressed. Posterior surface Tavares & equipe col.). Bahia: Mata de São João, Reserva with moderately broad, deep longitudinal sulcus, end- de Sapiranga, 12°33’37,2”S, 38°02’55,3”W, Armadilha ing at short transverse carina, separated by 0.75x its [trap] Malaise, trilha [trail], pto. 4 [point], 22-26.vii.2001 length from border of petiole socket; depression above (M.T. Tavares & equipe col.). Espírito Santo: Linhares, petiole socket subrectangular, well-defined, enclosed Res. [Reserva] Biol. [Biológica] Sooretama, by risen sharp carina. Lateral surface shiny, with sparse, 18°58’02,8”S, 40°07’53,6”W, Armadilha [trap] de Mal- superficial foveolae and with fine diagonal ridges, more aise, trilha [trail], pto. 1 [point], 24-27.ii.2002 (C.O. distinct near posterolateral and dorsolateral angles. Azevedo & equipe col.). Propodeal side delimited dorsally by longitudinal ca- rina that extends from spiracle to middle of postero- lateral angle. Dorsal border of petiole socket flat ex- Trypoxylon scrobiferum Richards, 1934 cept for deep concavity above orifice of apodeme (Figs. 4-6, 9) (Fig. 11) Propodeal sternite absent. Trypoxylon scrobiferum Richards, 1934: 253, Fig. 4. Ho- Gaster: Tergum I-IV moderately convex.
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