CAS S C 'rY C HRONIC L,E . Vol. 20, No. 5. CASS CITY, MICH., FRIDAY, JUNE 13, 1924 8 PAGES L/tSS OF '24 THUMB PRINTERS AND FOUR CASS CITY land eternal principle failed and num- PUBLISHERS CLUB STUDENTS TO GRADUATE bers of the students and several of ORGANIZED JUNE 6 FROM KAZOO NORMAL W, ;, I: U, HAD !the faculty were cor~pelled to leave i ,'he senior giris were busy up to ~0 ~ltg~Ug~ I Fifteen publishers representing 14 Among the 577 students who grad- uJL uU, P iLLi the last minute making their gradua- ..... newspapers in the Thumb district met uate from the Western State Normal tion dresses which were uniform and at Cass City on June 6 to organize at Kalamazoo this month are Miss~ in white. They looked very pretty .ACTIVITIES OF COMMENCEMENT the Thumb Printers and Publishers PUPIL OF DIST. NO. 1, AKRON, MRS MARTIN RE-ELECTED PRES- Helene Bardwell, Randall Lamb, but sensible for the occasion on which WEEK ARE MANY AND DE- club. Dinner ~as served to the print- WINS HONORS IN EIGHTH Char. Whale and Harry Smith, all of IDENT; CO. CONVENTION IN they were worn. The other home :ors at the Gordon Hotel after which Cars City. LIGHTFUL OCCASIONS. GRADE EXAM. 1925 AT CASS CITY. econ girls made some very pretty the business session was held. Offi- I Messrs. Lamb and Whale receive dresses also. iers elected were D. E. Hubbell, Cros- life certificates from the senior high Miss Ruth Whellex of the Home well, president; A. D. Gallery, Caro, school department, Mr. Smith from "The glow of youth in every life is Charles Berry, pupil of Harry Ba- The 42nd annual convention of the ~Nursing Hygiene Clinic at Ann Ar- ~he light of God that lighteth every vice president; G. E. English, Bad ker in Dist. No. 1, Akron, and a son the physical education department bor visited the home economics de- iAxe, secretary-treasurer. and Miss Bardwell from the household Tuscola County W. C. T. U. held at one coming into the world," said Roy. 'of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Berry, will Pleasant Hill June 5 and 6 was most partment last week and talked to the ][. W. Cargo at the baccalaureate ser- It is planned to hold four business represent Tuscola county eighth grad- arts department. girls about the possibility of taking sessions of the club each year, the helpful, and interesting programs vice of the Class of '24 of Cars City ers at the state fair at Detroit this were presented to those~in attendance. up a nursing course and later gave a high school at the M. E. church Sun- meetings to be held at Cass City. The fall, having secured the highest stand- demonstration in the elementary nex~ meeting will be held- Friday, Each department of the union showed <lay evening. "This glow may be nour- ing of the boys writing on the recent an advance over the previous year, a principles of nursing. ished into a flame, or it may be put July 11. examinations. His average standing Publishers in attendance included fact which was very encouraging to out with heaps of rubbish. We might in 8th grade subjects is 92 per cent members, and every union in the well heed Washington's counsel the following: A. D. and J. A. Gallery and in the state fair examination 97. of Caro, F. J. Erwin of Marlette, C. E. county was represented at the meet- *Strive to keep alive in your breast Lydia Goetz of Mayville received SAIUIDAY ing. NO AITION ON CIjb that spark of celestial fire.' Gillard o~ Brown City, Thos. N. Gra- the highest standing of the girls ham of Peck, H. F. Walker of Union- A well filled church listened to a "The fear underneath the sneer of writing on 8th grade subjects. Her talk by Sheriff Coiling on his work ~he cynic that there is no good in the ville, Joseph Dawe of Deckerville, D. mark was 94¾. Bernice Grimms of DAVID BROWN OF GREENLEAF E. Hubebll of Croswell, H. G. Mueller- the past year. Guy Hill, candidate for OFF DRAIH QLIFsflON world and that all is corrupt and evil, Fairgrove is second with an average LOST HOUSE AND BARN !judge of probate, Stanley Osburn, as well as the failure to use one's own weiss of Sebewaing, D. Clint Ashmun of 93. of Elkton, B. H. Cornell of Fairgrove, icandidate for register of deeds, Rev. ~alents and gifts is a sure way to ex- Four hundred twenty wrote on 8th BY FIRE. STATE DEPUTY HUNTER AND J. A. Menzies of Yale, G. E. English IC. F. Smith of Cass City, Rev. Scott tinguish the inner light. grade subjects and about an equal iof Deford and Mr. Dowling of Fair- "The glow of youth is partly a gift 'of Bad Axe, Joseph V. Dean of Car- number of pupils on the 7th grade. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS David Brown of Greenleaf town- grove also gave splendid talks and of faith in God, and faith in men. In sonville, and H. F. Lenzner of Cars Two hundred eighty-four of the MET IN SEBEWAING. City. ship lost his farm residence and barn praised the work of the W C. T. U. the last analysis this is personal pow- gighth graders will receive diplomas. by fire Saturday afternoon. Very lit- 3~rs. Jones of Detroit spoke of ,the er. Without a certain faith in God, ! ! Exercises for eighth grade grad- Itle furniture was saved from the res- .need of retaining Representative Lou- and without a faith in man in spite of' uates will be held this morning at the Drain Commissioners Smith of Huo. idence and the contents of the barn is C Cramton in congress and that it "all his foibles and inconsistencies: Caro ~L E. church. The Caro band ron county and Hicks of Tuscola were atso destroyed by the flames. was up to the seventh district to do there is no sure and certain success will escort the graduates in a parade this. county and P. L. Hunter, Deputy There was no loss of live stock. in !ire. from the court house square to the Mr. Brown lived seven miles east '. A consecration service was held on State. Commissioner of Agriculture "This gift is partly an inner spirit church Where the following program met m Sebewamg Wednesday afte~ and two miles north of Cars City with Friday and eleven children were con- ~ . " °- of charity and love without which will be given: March, M:s. Wean; secrated to the work and one was ta- noon m a postponed meetmg" m" the his two daughters and a grandson. ~,here can be no permanen~ ameliora- song, "America," graduates; saxo- matteI of the proposed cut off dzam As one of the daughters was going ken in as a junior member. The coun- " ~ - " " tion of human ills, nor the overcoming phone solo, Glen Eastham; class ad- to divert certain waters of T~iscola after the mail in the rural mail box ty has a gain of 21 active and 25 of the malice and hatreds "chat rancor JONATHAN HUNT FELL IN BARN dress, Roy. Cliffo~d Doty; violin so- county from the Sebewaing river. by the roadside, she noticed that the honorary members over 1923. Cars 'the world . lo, Kenneth Brown.; presentation of ! Mr. Hunter and the two drain corn- i . AND EXPIRED ALMOST roof of the house had caught fire. City, showing the largest net gain in 'The crowning glory of this gift is diplomas; Star Spangled Banner. missioners made an inspection of the Her sister is crippled with rheuma- membership, carried home the county :a sound wind, which must be thor- INSTANTLY. river up to the point where the two tism and had to be carried from the banner. The 1925 convention will be oughly trained, else power may be branches of the river meet near the burning building to safety. Fire soon held at Cars City next June. misapplied and love and charity may old Reinhold brick yard. Mr. Hunter CO ME CEMENT EXEROBES spread to the barn which was com- The following officers were elected: become a soft sentimentality. t Jonathan Hunt, prominent farmer had on previous occasions inspected pletely destroyed also. This loss is President, Mrs. Genie Martin, De- " 'Stir into a flame the gift of God of Austin township, dropped dead in OF 8TH GRADERSiN HURO ford. other sections of the territory which a severe one to the family. Mr. which is within thee * * * * for God the barn at the rear of the Young & Vice President at Large, Mrs. Belle the river drains. Brown is 80 years of age. hath not given us a spirit of fear, but Maier meat market Monday morning. Knapp, Cars City. No decision was arrived at by Dep- Apoplexy is given as the cause of Elizabeth McDowell Awarded Gold ~f power, of love and a sound mind.' " Corresponding Secretary,~.~Mrs. G. uty Hunter and the drain commission- death. He was 68 years of age. Prize for Having Highest Marks, err at Wednesday's meeting, but as it Junior-Senior Banquet. A. Striffler, Cars City. I Mr. Hun~ came to Cars City with an Average of 95.8. THREE EOFESS GUILT Recording Secr~.tiary, Mrs. C.S. looks now the question will eventual- The Junior-Senior banquet held at his son and nephew who delivered two I Bates~Kingston ly be settled either through the deep- the Presbyterian church Monday eve- IN SEVERALROBBERIES calves which they had sold to Young~ Treasurer, Mrs. Percy Bruce, De- ening and widening of the Sebewaing ning was a very picturesque affair.
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