MIT's The eather Oldest and Largest Today: Heavy now, 32°F (O°C) Tonight: nowy, windy 30°F (-l°C) ewspaper Tomorrow: low clearing, 3]OF (-1°C) etails, Page 2 umber 9 Cambridg 02139 MIT Proposes live-in Scott Recuses n lajffor Dormitories Election ommi sion Returns Creighton/Stringfellow to Ballot By Jennifer Krishnan In particular, cott "has agreed not intended that way." By Eun Lee The coordinators will erve on a ASSOCIATE NEWS EDITOR to yield her authority as elections ASSOCiATE FEATURES EDITOR rotating basi a Deans on Call to Amid a torm of controversy commi sioner with regard to all Creighton returned to ballot dmini trator may soon re ide addre s after-hours and weekend Undergraduate Association Election aspects of the UAPNP, to elections Late last week, the UA Election in some of MIT' dormitories to emergency ituation as well a tu- Commi sioner Zhelinrentice L. commis ion member [Terry A. Commission decided 4-1 to allow assist and advi e tudents. dent concern . The current Dean Scott '00 has Gaige '04]," according to Jud- Rhett Creighton '02 and Margaret Under a working plan relea ed on Call live in various places o ffi cia lJ y Board's statement. V. Stringfellow '03 to remain on the by the Office of Re idential Life around greater Bo ton, with the recu ed her- cott had sent an e-mail to mit- ballot as official candidates for UA and tudent Life Programs, the new exception of Dean Robert . Ran- elf from her talk Friday in which she quoted a President and Vice President. Re idential Coordinators are cur- dolph, the Bexley Hall housema - authority on note he received from UA presi- JudBoard left the decision in the rently slated to be housed in enior ter. all i sue dential candidate anjay K. Rao '02 hands of the Election Commission Hou e, Burton-Conner, and ext "It can take up to an hour for the UAElections regarding in her capacity a election commis- last Wedne day when they ruled House. current Deans on Call to get to MIT the UA Pres- sioner. The statement issued by Jud- that the deci ion of whether to The yet-to-be-hired Coordina- in the middle of the night," Dormi- idential ice Presidential election. Board la t night said that Scott include them on the ballot wa at tor , which could be in place by the tory Council President Jeffrey C. Scott will still act as commis ioner "admits that writing her earlier e- the discretion of the commission. fall of 2001 would provide admin- Roberts '02 said. for all other elections. mail regarding anjay Rao ... was JudBoard decided that Creighton istrative assistance to housemasters tudent leaders and the different In a joint tatement ent to the not in the best interest of anyone and tringfellow violated the rules and advise Graduate Resident residence halls scheduled to house mit-talk mailing list last night (see involved, given her role as the elec- of the election but according to the Tutors and house governments. the coordinators have had different page 24), the UA Judicial Review tions commis ioner." e ection code, the commi sion could "The program was designed reactions to the plan, which could Board and cott clarified the roles "I'm ju t hoping we'll have a till decide to allow the team on the very much in cooperation with involve remodeling and the elimi- of both JudBoard and the Election fair election now," said Rao. ballot if it was 'not an undue bur- deans and housemasters," said nation of ome student room . Commission. They also addre sed U President Peter A. Shulman den." Assistant Dean for RLSLP Kather- the concerns raised in several e- '01 said he was pleased that Jud- "The Commission has decided ine G. O'Dair. Deans, Page 21 mails sent to the ame mailing list. Board had "reiterated the fact that that an 'undue burden' will not be up to and including now, no action placed on it by validating this peti- has been taken to jeopardize the tion," read JudBoard' s decision to legitimacy of the elections." allow Creighton and tringfellow Shulman indicated that he felt on the ballot. Scott had done nothing wrong, ay- Commi sion member Du tin P. ing that if cott was invol ed with Muniz '03, however, felt that since the vote-counting of the UAPNP "Mr. Creighton and Ms. tringfel- race 'it would make zero difference. low failed to communicate with the She has the utmost integrity." commission right away their intere t Raj S. Dandage '02, who filed and the incompleteness of their peti- the initial complaint about the elec- tion," they did not deserve a place tion proce s, aid that he is unsure on the ballot. what effect cott's recusal will have on the election. Que tion urround complaint "1 believe that the election com- Despite the latest decision, much mission acted a bit unfairly in gen- controver y surrounds Creighton eral," he said, adding that he did not and Stringfellow's standing as offi- know if the commi ion's actions cial UA Presidential and Vice Presi- "had anything to do directly with dential candidates. Their legitimacy [Scott]." has been investigated by both the Dandage also said that he felt Assistant Dean for Student Life Pro- SEPHIR HAMILTON-THE TECH Scott was justified in responding to grams Carol Orme-Johnson and by A few tough souls braved the wind and freezing rain on the Harvard Bridge after MIT shut its his grievances on mit-talk, but JudBoard, apparently on the basis of doors because of the weather at 3 p.m. yesterday. See the complete story on page 22. added that "it seemed she took [his criticism] as a personal thing. It wa UA Elections, Page 24 aker Considers dopting Bad Taste Offensive et ntertaini g By Shankar Mukherji Residence- ased dvisers ASSOCIA TE NEWS EDITOR By Dana Levine McCormick and Random Halls, but Over 400 eager students gath- EXECUTIVE EDITOR MIT hopes to expand this program ered in the winding hallways out- t a Baker House Committee to at least one new dormitory next side 10-250 last aturday. Surely it meeting last night, residents dis- year. ext House and Baker are cur- was for a cussed the possibility of expanding rently considering the program. Feature pre enta- MIT's residence-based advising Under a residence-based advis- tion given program to their dormitory next fall. ing program, freshmen would apply by a world- famou lecturer? Or the Baker President Michael H. to Baker over the summer and be announcement of a great scientific Roberts '02 said that Program accepted into the dorm based on breakthrough? ot quite. The Administrator for Residential Pro- their applications. throngs of MIT students waited to grams Rick A. Gresh and Assistant According to Michael Roberts see the Chorallaries' Concert in Bad Dean for ew Student Programs Baker would be given some control Taste, an outrageous comedy show Elizabeth C. Young discussed the over the resident-selection process. where nothing is sacred and all is a residence-based advising system "It seems that we would be able to potential target. with the Baker Executive Commit- have a considerable amount of input The annual IT tradition saw tee on Sunday night. Baker has been in writing the application and the line extend clear to Building 1. given the rest of the week to decide selecting applicants if we are will- While waiting, the tailgate party- whether they would be strongly ing to work at it," he said. like entertainment ranged from interested in participating in this Last year, McCormick resident what appeared to be a Twister program. submitted five question to the game, to a beach ball ba eball game While Michael Roberts was dis- office of Residential Life and tu- on the steps of Building 3, to a appointed that MIT has given Baker dent Life Programs, and two of gigantic cro sword puzzle (it was little time to decide whether they these were included in the final nearly completed by the end of the would like to participate, he said that application form. day). he understands that the administra- Baker would also have some One group of revelers left a tion is also under time constraint . control over the seminar topics mountain of leftover food in front KAlLAS NARENDRA - THE TECH Residence-based advising pro- Emily C. Vincent 04 competes in the Boob Olympics during Satur- grams are currently being tried in Baker, Page 12 Bad Taste, Page 16 day's Bad Taste concert. ARTS Comics The CIa s of World & ation 2 Jacob Beniflah reviews The Mex- 2003 Opinion 4 ican, starring Brad Pitt and Julia unveiled its Art 7 Roberts. class ring. Events Calendar .11 Sports 28 Page 8 Page 9 Page 13 ORLD & NATION 2 Dead, 13 Wound~dAfter B LOS ANGELES TIMES TOKYO California School Shooting The oral abuse came fast and furiously but Japane e Prime uns- ter Yo hiro ori easily survived a no-confidence motion in Parlia- By Ken Ellingwood in prayer. right rea ons' he told the crowd. ment on onday de pite gaffe, candal de perately low popularity and Robert Lee Hotz ithin minute of the morning Tony Foglio, a pastor at the un- and a took-market nose dive. LOS A GELES Tl 1ES hooting, which left two student ri e ommunity Church nearby, "You don't feel ashamed - that's the mo t hameful thing" dead and 13 wounded, police had aid a pray r a er the bullhorn.
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