The Sunflower S VOL. LXXI NO. 40 WICHITA STATE UNIVERSITY FRIDAY, FEBR UARY 25, 1987 Congress Listens Egghead Week Concludes To Motion For Frosh Leoflets As Students Hear Tulb hy Marilyn Rugglti Chairman Steve Amos of the Dr. Jr. B. Berg, dean of Uni­ Egghead Week Select-A-Lecture Public Relations Commission versity College, exemplified the series Wednesday was delivered presented a motion last H ie s ^ spirit of the ^ h e a d Week tradi­ by a surprised sociology profes­ night at the SGC meeting to print tion in his fireside chat at the sor, Richard Armstrong, who an SGC leaflet that would be dis­ Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity discovered that smoke was tributed to incoming freshmen house Monday night when he said curling from his suit coat pocket next fall. that the purpose of the University as he began his lecture on President Shields announced is to arouse the awareness of in- "Bureaucracy, Society and the In­ that any Congressman with three tellectualism. dividual* unexcused absmces would be re­ Dean Berg spoke on the subject Hie fire was extinguished, and moved from his position. This "Intellectualism and the Univer­ Armstrong went on to criticize action was taken under thepower sity.* Pointing out that the object bureaucracy In its accordance of a statute passed several years of E^head Week is die revival with the American system..He ago. of intellectuallsm at the Univer­ attacked bureaucracy as being photo by Darrell Barton Vice-President Steve Hughes sity, he remarked that, in the a contributing factor in man's Dr. RIchiN ArmttrMg M l OtI. M. L. DMUngir M i a itbata presented a measure which would pasi^ anti-intellectual tendencies loss of identity, relating it In tf flit valM af ROTO Ml aauMva last night In iha OAO. reform the allocatiwis system seemed to sweep periodically context to the dying of skilled that the SGC presently has, and over the institution. "However, artesians. He concluded his lec­ he also announced the date of sociological evolution has not ture by conjecturing that al- the May Queen ElectionasMarch brought the students to a point through bureaucracy is a social Students Hear Professors 31st, with a filing deadline of where intellectuallsm and acti­ evil, it has become Instilled in March 3rd. vism are being revived,* he said. our everyday societal hinctioning Hie SGC also passed a resolu­ It was implied that intellectual and is therefore difficult tocom- Debate ROTC On Campus tion asking for a r^uction of revolt can only have good effects bat. the 4>eed limit on Yale durli^ on the University. When PrcH^essor Melvin Snyder By Jina Qilehritt school hours to accomodate pe­ Grace Wilkie dormitory's fire­ lectured on the topic, "An Engi­ Colonel M. L. Denllnger, group $40,000. destrians, to increase the num­ side chatter, Dr. Richard Wels- neer Reads ‘Para^se Lost,"* he instructor (rf Army ROTC and. or. Armstrong disagrees with ber of speed markers, and to bacher, director of University approached John Milton's epic Dr. Richard Armstrong of the the value ctf ROTC, stating that Implement law enforcement. This Theater, talked about the com­ poem fr<xn a somewhat different sociology department statediheir it is yet one more area of ri­ action was prompted by recent munication problem that language angle than a literary scholar views last night on the place o t gidity that the student must con­ accidents in that area. poses. As an illustration, he pre- or a lyaman would choose. In ROTC and the military in the tend with. Tlie Army and Its Appointments included: Rod setned a saUristlc play by Ed­ accordance with his profession, educational facility. Approxi­ military traditicxi represent ex­ Stewart as Chairman of the Cam­ ward Albee, playing all roles Snyder discussed certain scien­ mately 200 people attended the treme bureaucracy, according to pus Public Committee, Tom himself. tific aspects of the literary clas­ lecture in the CAC Ballroom. Dr. Armstrong, and have noplace Shannon as Chairman of the Ath­ Dr. Perline, of the WSU school sic which would doubtless escape According to Qol. Denlinger, in the striving for a liberal edu­ letic Committee, Bob Smith as of business, was guest speaker the average reader. One of the the ROTC program can be an cation. Chairman of the Student Interest Monday evening at the Kappa most outstanding points in his important component in the sys- Tlie military is a form of In­ Committee, and Bobbe Hannon Sigma fraternity house fireside lecture was an explanation of MjjjAj.of h i^ e r e^cation. The doctrination and not education as Chairman of %>ecial Events. chat. He emphasized the differ­ the "chain of being* concept as minlary on the campus provides stated the sociology professor. Vacancies fUled were: Warrai ence between a degree and an it occurs in "Paradise Lost,* one mmre area of study and en­ "Marching people back and forth Fitch as Business Representa­ education. Dr. Perline showed the "Hie Non-Ratlonal Experlmce deavor from which the student is not education,* he said. F\ir- tive, and Robert LinstedasEngi- value of introducing academic of Art* was discussed by James may benefit. thermore, he proposed the mili­ neering Representative. subjects into casual conversaticm P. Avant, WSU art instructor. Also the 247 ROTC units in tary represento the necessary and said that the best learning He stated that, "Knowle<kie for the United States provide 10,000 restriction of thought and dis­ can exist if the learning process its own sake lacks significance.* of the 14,000 - 16,000 second agreement in the individual. No Texts Around Is a thoughtful one. The thesis of his lecture was lieutenants needed each year in Col. Denlinger stated tint Dr. Unraw talked at length that we must find a way of the ofticer coips of the military. ROTC, as well as any cither utilizing the Irrational penetra­ ROTC provides these officers with the students of Independent academic class, involved indoc­ As Tost Nears; Students Associati<xi concerning tion into reality as a way of at a cost of $6,000 per officer trination and training but that the topic, "Hie Mounting In­ understanding the things which while the graduate'of a military it also provided an intellectual fluence of the Federal Govern­ cannot be handled rationally. "I academy costs approximately challenge to the participant. Students Loment ment." He said that, "Popula­ feel certain that this somehow tion movement from the rural requires that we modifr our con­ ception of knowledge acquisi­ Chuck Blackmon, UC fresh­ areas to the metropolis' berause tion,* he said. Press Restrictions Upheld man, at a meeting Hiursday with of tecimical advancement will There was "standing room Dr. D. R. Bezzi, assistant to necessitate a more sophisticated consideration of the level of only* at the scene of Dr. Carl the dean of University College, Schlesier'8 lecture entitled, "Hie By Political Science Prof. requested that students who are government which collects tax Earliest Americans." His talk In a predicament concerning the dollars as o i^sed to the level supported a controversial an- by titan King lack of a Sociology i l l book be which administers social ser­ thropoliglcal theory about (he allowed to withdraw from class vices paid for by these dollars.* origin of modern man and his An interesting slip by Mel worth, this reporter queried the with a fUU refund. According to He also talked about the feder^ state relationship myth. migration to the New World. Moorhouse at Wednesday's News political scientist on his refer­ present University policy, no re­ He contended that die ancestors Forum launched a lively dis­ ence to Great Britain. Farns­ fund is given for a partial with­ drawal Dr. Howard EUls, assistant of modern man originated in cussion on freedom of the press. worth was askedtogiveinsttmces Southwestern China. Accordii^ Mooriiouse, the Forum moder­ or overall figures where the He Argued that since the book­ dean of the school of music, was the guest speaker at the to him, they eventually traveled ator, in suggesting discussion British law had proven more ef­ store buys back books previous to the New World In search of of the restrictions placed on fective in dealli« with criminal to the tiine class cards are is­ fireside chat at the Phi Alpha fraternity bouse. Commenting on game by means of a land brid^ the press in the S t^ k trial, cases. sued, It should be known in ad­ then existing at the Bering Strait referred to Speck as the man Hie point was also made that vance whether diere will be suf­ the topic of "Cmtemporary Art and Music,* he sta t^ that an "A Poet Reeds IBs Own who had slain eight nurses in aHbough the Supreme Court did ficient books. Even thoug^i many WorkSo* was one of the most Chicago. Tony Genova, profes­ grant Dr. Samuel Sheppard a students buy books outside of individual must not Impose form, order, or structure to apprecia­ creative Etehead lectures, pre­ sor and head of the pnilosophy retrial because of sensationalism the bookstore because of Its pur­ sented by aBchael Van WaUeg- chasing policies, it should have tion of the contemporary art department, was quick to point surrounding Ms first trial, they work because the result will bea han, Instructor In the English out the error. did not at that time, nor have been known that nowhere hear the department All the poems he Ihe iradeal slip of the tongue they ever, set up any restric­ 300 missing books would be found loss of tnie sensual involvement. which p re -M e d Epeck's guilt tions on the activities of the through private transaction.
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