The Astrophysical Journal, 689:1295–1326, 2008 December 20 # 2008. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A. A SAMPLE OF VERY YOUNG FIELD L DWARFS AND IMPLICATIONS FOR THE BROWN DWARF ‘‘LITHIUM TEST’’ AT EARLY AGES1 J. Davy Kirkpatrick,2 Kelle L. Cruz,3 Travis S. Barman,4 Adam J. Burgasser,5 Dagny L. Looper,6 C. G. Tinney,7 Christopher R. Gelino,8 Patrick J. Lowrance,8 James Liebert,9 John M. Carpenter,3 Lynne A. Hillenbrand,3 and John R. Stauffer10 Received 2008 May 22; accepted 2008 August 21 ABSTRACT Using a large sample of optical spectra of late-type dwarfs, we identify a subset of late-M through L field dwarfs that, because of the presence of low-gravity features in their spectra, are believed to be unusually young. From a com- bined sample of 303 field L dwarfs, we find observationally that 7:6% Æ 1:6% are younger than 100 Myr. This per- centage is in agreement with theoretical predictions once observing biases are taken into account. We find that these young L dwarfs tend to fall in the southern hemisphere (decl:<0) and may be previously unrecognized, low-mass members of nearby, young associations like Tucana-Horologium, TW Hydrae, Pictoris, and AB Doradus. We use a homogeneously observed sample of 150 optical spectra to examine lithium strength as a function of L/T spectral type and further corroborate the trends noted by Kirkpatrick and coworkers. We use our low-gravity spectra to inves- tigate lithium strength as a function of age. The data weakly suggest that for early- to mid-L dwarfs the line strength reaches a maximum for a few ; 100 Myr, whereas for much older (few Gyr) and much younger (<100 Myr) L dwarfs the line is weaker or undetectable. We show that a weakening of lithium at lower gravities is predicted by model atmo- sphere calculations, an effect partially corroborated by existing observational data. Larger samples containing L dwarfs of well-determined ages are needed to further test this empirically. If verified, this result would reinforce the caveat first cited by Kirkpatrick and coworkers that the lithium test should be used with caution when attempting to confirm the substellar nature of the youngest brown dwarfs. Subject headings:g binaries: general — stars: fundamental parameters — stars: late-type — stars: low-mass, brown dwarfs 1. INTRODUCTION By definition, distinguishing a brown dwarf from a star re- quires knowledge that the object is not burning hydrogen in its Determining the difference between an object stably burning hydrogen (a main-sequence star) and an object of lower mass core. There is no direct way to probe the interiors of these ob- jects, so other techniques are required. The most common indi- incapable of such stable fusion (a brown dwarf ) is not always rect method used is the ‘‘lithium test’’ (Rebolo et al. 1992). This straightforward. Although objects with main-sequence spectral test recognizes the fact that the temperature (T > 3 ; 106 K; types of O, B, A, F, G, or K are always stars and objects with a Burrows et al. 1997; Nelson et al. 1993) needed to sustain core spectral type of T are always brown dwarfs, dwarfs of type M or hydrogen fusion in the lowest mass stars is only slightly higher L comprise a mixture of stellar and substellar objects. than that needed to burn lithium (T 2 ; 106 K; Pozio 1991). If lithium does not burn, that means hydrogen is also not being 1 Most of the spectroscopic data presented herein were obtained at the W. M. fused. Fortuitously, lithium, once destroyed, is not easily manu- Keck Observatory, which is operated as a scientific partnership among the Cali- factured again in stellar interiors, so stars and brown dwarfs will fornia Institute of Technology, the University of California, and the National never have more than their natal abundance of this element. In Aeronautics and Space Administration. The Observatory was made possible by principle, the presence or absence of lithium in the spectrum can the generous financial support of the W. M. Keck Foundation. Other spectro- scopic data were collected at the Subaru Telescope, the twin telescopes of the thus provide knowledge of inner temperatures. Gemini Observatory, the Magellan-Clay Telescope, the Kitt Peak National Ob- In practice there are several drawbacks when applying the servatory Mayall Telescope, and the Cerro Tololo Interamerican Observatory lithium test to M and L dwarfs: Blanco Telescope. 2 Infrared Processing and Analysis Center, MS 100-22, California Institute 1. The ground-state resonance line of Li i is located at 6708 8, of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125; [email protected]. a portion of the spectrum where the flux is quite low for late-M 3 Department of Astronomy, MS 105-24, California Institute of Technology, and L dwarfs. The low flux levels means that large telescopes are Pasadena, CA 91125. 4 Lowell Observatory, Planetary Research Centre, 1400 West Mars Hill Road, needed for observation of the line. Even then, very few late-type Flagstaff, AZ 86001. dwarfs are bright enough that they can be acquired at high resolu- 5 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 77 Massachusetts Avenue, tion, so to obtain a sizable sample of spectra moderate resolution Building 37, Cambridge, MA 02139. 8 6 (Ák 5 10 ) is required. Fortunately, this is sufficient for Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawai’i, 2680 Woodlawn Drive, measuring Li i equivalent widths of a few angstroms or greater Honolulu, HI 96822. 7 Department of Astrophysics, School of Physics, University of New South provided that the signal-to-noise ratio is high. 6 Wales, NSW 2052, Australia. 2. As stated above, there is a 1 ; 10 K difference between 8 Spitzer Science Center, MS 220-6, California Institute of Technology, the temperatures for lithium ignition and normal hydrogen igni- Pasadena, CA 91125. tion. In other words, some brown dwarfs are capable of burning 9 Steward Observatory, 933 North Cherry Avenue, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721. lithium and for those the lithium test will fail. These higher mass 10 Spitzer Science Center, MS 314-6, California Institute of Technology, brown dwarfs are unrecognizable as substellar based on this test Pasadena, CA 91125. alone. 1295 1296 KIRKPATRICK ET AL. 3. A sufficient amount of time needs to elapse for the natal 6300–10000 8 and covering spectral types L0 through T8. With supply of lithium to be extinguished. The Li i line may therefore such a large set of homogeneous spectra, we can better charac- still be present not because the object is substellar, but because it terize the behavior of the Li i line as a function of spectral type. is a star too young to have fused its lithium store. In a very young, Moreover, this large set of spectra enables us to identify peculiar low-mass M star, lithium may still be present in the spectrum objects, particularly those with unusual spectra indicative of low either (1) because the core has not yet reached lithium-burning gravity. As stated above, low gravity in L and T dwarfs is an in- temperatures; (2) because the object has not yet cooled to the dicator of youth, so these spectra also enable us to characterize temperatures at which it is fully convective, and is thus unable to the Li i strength as a function of age. recirculate the surface lithium to the core where it can be de- In this paper we present the newest spectra in our optical stroyed; or (3) because there has been insufficient time for con- spectral library (x 2), analyze objects with detected H (x 3), and vective recirculation to have destroyed all the lithium in the star identify objects with low-gravity (young) signatures (x 4). We and in particular all of the lithium in the photosphere (but this perform further analysis of the young objects (x 5) and build sta- recirculation is expected to be rapid compared to the other two tistics on the behavior of Li i line strengths as a function of both timescales considered here; Basri 1998). Despite these potential spectral type and age (x 6). Conclusions are given in x 7. pitfalls, Basri (1998) has demonstrated that any object with lithium absorption and TeA < 2670 K is unambiguously a brown 2. OBJECT SELECTION, OBSERVATION, dwarf. Thus, if we confine our focus to objects with temperatures AND CLASSIFICATION cooler than this, the lithium test can be applied regardless of these considerations. Using the relation of optical dwarf spectral type to 2.1. The Two Samples temperature from Kirkpatrick (2008b)—TeA(K ) ¼ 3759 À 135x, Over the past several years we have conducted Keck Low where, e.g., x ¼ 0 for M0, 9 for M9, 10 for L0, and 18 for L8— Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (LRIS; Oke et al. 1995) ob- we find that an effective temperature of 2670 K corresponds to a servations of two different samples. The first is a color-selected dwarf of optical type M8. For the remainder of this paper, we sample of southern hemisphere L dwarf candidates chosen from therefore restrict our discussion of the lithium test to dwarfs with 2MASS. The second sample is a collection of late-L dwarfs, optical types of M8 and later. early-T dwarfs, and a few other interesting cases drawn from the 4. It is expected that the 6708 8 line will disappear at very literature. We present details on each sample below. cool temperatures as lithium forms molecular species. Lodders 2.1.1. The Southern L Dwarf Sample from 2MASS (1999) has shown that below TeA 1500 K Li-bearing mole- cules like LiCl and LiOH begin to form.
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