146 CONGRESSIONAL :RECORD-HOUSE JANUARY 9 monetary powers, and requesting the Banking and Currency H. R. 3087. An act for the relief of Gdynia American Line, Committee to hold hearings on the said bill; to the Com­ Inc., of New York City, N. Y.; mittee on Banking and Currency. H. R. 3363. An act for the relief of the American Insurance 6093. Also, petition of Marion F. Wotherspoon, of Alta­ Co. of New Jersey; dena, Calif., and 18 others, endorsing House bill 4931, pro­ H. R. 3912. An act for the relief of the heirs of John Cauley, viding for Government ownership of the stock of the 12 deceased; Federal Reserve banks and for the exercise by Congress of H. R . 4813. An act for the relief of the estates of Marie its constitutional monetary powers, and requesting the R. Morkovsky and Alphons Morkovsky, both deceased; Banking and Currency Committee to hold hearings on the H. R. 5369. An act for the relief of Maj. Noe C. Killian; said bill; to the Committee on Banking and Currency. H. R. 5919. An act to provide for the refunding of the bonds 6094. Also, petition of Elizabeth M. Kihm, of Los Angeles, of municipal corporations and public-utility districts in the Calif., and 25 others, endorsing House bill 4931, providing Territory of Alaska, to validate bonds which have heretofore for Government ownership of the stock of the 12 Federal been issued by a municipal corporation or any public-utility Reserve banks and for the exercise by Congress of its con.,.. · district in the Territory of Alaska, and for other purposes; stitutional monetary powers, and requesting the Banking H. R. 6804. An act for the relief of George E. Miller; and Currency Committee to hold hearings on the said bill; H. R. 6832. An act to provide for the protection of witnesses to the Committee on Banking and Currency. appearing before any department, independent e~tablishment, 6095. Also, petition of Cora Glaze, of South Pasadena, or other agency of the United States, or the Congress of the Calif., and 59 others, endorsing House bill 4931, providing for United States; and Government ownership of the stock of the 12 Federal Reserve H. R. 7327. An act for the relief of the Nevada Silica. banks and for the exercise by Congress of its constitutional Sands, Inc. · · monetary powers, and requesting the Banking and CUrrency The message also announced that the Senate had passed Committee to hold hearings on the said bill; to the Committee bills of the following titles, in which the concurrence of the on Banking and Currency. House is requested: 6096. By the SPEAKER: Petition of the Rural Letter Car­ S. 823. An act for the relief of John P. Shorter; riers Association and the Ladies Auxiliaries of the Fifth Con­ S. 2384. An· act for the relief of Lyle L. Bressler; and gressional District, Kent and Ottawa Counties, petitioning S. 2876. An act to amend the Annual and Sick Leave Acts consideration of their resolution with reference to Hon. Carl of March 14, 1936. E. Mapes; to the Committee on Memorials. The message also announced that the Senate had adopted 6097. Also, petition of the United Electrical, Radio, and the following resolution: Machine Workers of America, 7 East Thirtieth Street, New Senate Resolution 211 York, N.Y., petitioning consideration of their resolution with Resolved, That the Senate has heard with profound sorrow the announcement of the death of Hon. EDWARD W. CURLEY, late a Rep­ reference to the Dies committee; to the Committee on Rules. resentative from the State of New York. 6098. Also, petition of Local No. 425, United Electrical, Resolved, That a committee of two Senators be appointed by the Radio, and Machine Workers of America, 315 Vernon Avenue, Vice President to join the committee appointed on the part of the House of Representatives to attend the funeral of the deceased Brooklyn, N. Y., petitioning consideration of their resolution Representative. with reference to the Dies committee; to the Committee on Resolved, That the Secretary communicate these resolutions to Rules. the House of Representatives and transmit a copy thereof to the 6099. Also, petition of the United Office and Professional family of the deceased. Resolved, That as a further mark of respect to the memory of the Workers of America, New York, N.Y., petitioning considera­ deceased Representative the Senate do now adjourn. · tion of their resolution with reference to the Dies committee; PERMISSION TO ADDRESS THE HOUSE to the Committee on Rules. Mr. SNYDER. Mr. Speaker, on January 3 the House granted me permission to address the House for 20 minutes today. I now ask that that time be transferred to Friday HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of this week. TUESDAY, JANUARY 9, 1940 The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the gentleman from Pennsylvania? . The House met at 11 o'clock a. m. There was no objection. The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Montgomery, D. D., offered the following prayer: DIPLOMATIC RELATIONS WITH RUSSIA Mr. RANDOLPH. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent 0 Master of the hidden fire, we thank Thee for the gift to address the House for 1 minute. of divinity in the human soul and for its power of expression. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the We earnestly pray that we may be true to ourselves, for gentleman from West Virginia? earth with heavy sins and griefs is overplussed. Hush the There was no objection. voice of passion in our own breasts by quickening every Mr. RANDOLPH. Mr. Speaker, it is my compelling and aspiration that keeps open the vision of our Saviour. considered conviction that the United States Government Heavenly Father, fan our faith to brighter glow until the should sever diplomatic relations with Soviet Russia. [Ap­ dark of self is broken with the wedges of Thy clear light. plause.] I sent a letter, stating my views on this subject, to. Search us, 0 God, and know our hearts; try us and know our the President of the United States under date of Dece~ber thoughts, and see if there be any wicked way in us; and 1, and received a reply. lead us in the way everlasting, and Thine shall be the Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to incorporate as a praise. Through Christ, our glorified Redeemer. Amen. · part of my remarks the communication w"li~h I sent to the The Journal of the proceedings of yesterday was read and President. approved. · The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the gentleman from West Virginia? MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE There was no objection. A message from the Senate, by Mr. Frazier, its legislative The letter referred to follows: clerk, announced that the Senate had passed without amend- DECEMBER 1, 1939. ment bills of the House of the following titles: The Honorable FRANKLIN D. RooSEVELT, The President, the White House, Washington, D. C. H. R. 884. An act to add certain lands to the Siuslaw Na- MY DEAR MR. PRESIDENT: The people of the United States generally tiona! Forest in the State of Oregon; believe that the Russian attack on Finland is both inhuman and H. R. 3051. An act for the relief of -certain workers per- unwarranted. The invasion, in my opinion, is an ugly blot on civ1lization. forming emergency work at Cairo, Ill., in the Ohio River I wish to commend you upon your denunciation of the Soviet flood of 1937; .. aggression, as expressed in your interview with the press today. ·I 1940 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 147 do strongly urge, however, that you assume leadership to the end Twenty-eight to one said that the Board has not been fair that this country sever diplomatic relations with the communistic and impartial in its decisions. Government of Russia. When we renewed our recognition of that country a solemn Twelve to one said that the Board has not been fair and pledge was given that Russia would not attempt to interfere in impartial in its interpretations of the act. the internal affairs of the United States. There is no doubt but Eleven to one said that the Board has not been fair and what that assurance has been repeatedly violated. Authentic dis­ closures cause us to realize that many of the organizations and impartial in its dealings between unions. groups that are operating in this Republic with the definite pur­ Twenty-five to one said that the Board has not been fair pose of undermining our institutions of government are directed and impartial in its dealings between employers and em­ not from sources within our own land but that orders and plans ployees. actually originate in Moscow. I fervently hope that steps can promptly be taken that will It seems to me that if the Members of Congress want to do bring about the severance of our recognition of an evil government something to put the 10,000,000 unemployed in this country which clearly is intent upon bringing needless tragedy to an honest back to work in industry Congress could do no act that would Finnish people and is actually at work in an attempt to destroy Christian citizenship in America. assist so much the labor of this country in securing jobs in Faithfully and cordially yours, industry, and by so doing we would take them off the Gov­ JENNINGS RANDOLPH. ernment pay rolls, where they are a direct charge to the Mr. FISH. Mr. Speaker, will the gentleman yield? operation of our Government. I am firmly convinced the Mr. RANDOLPH. ' I yield. opinion of men who are now engaged in industry, as well as Mr.
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