Free Public Library Each resident is a cog In the ma­ chine which helps a community AI L THE NEWS toward greater growth, increas­ of Belmar and vicinity every ed prosperity, and making it a Friday morning. beti-o- place in which to live. t Sldwrtmr Vol. 46; No. 30. BELMAR, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, JUNE 6,1930 SINGLE COPY, 4 CENTS GRAMMAR SCHOOL BOROUGH BONDS 600 FOOT PIER FISHING CLUB OPENED BRING $360,050 COMMENCEMENT AT EIGHTH AYE. IN BLAZE OF SUNSHINE First National Bank Takes New Jetty to Be Topped and SIXTY-THREE PUPILS GRADUATE Whole Issue at $50 Railed for Use of PRESIDENT HOOVER SENDS FLOWERS Premium Public Elaborate Program to Be Given at Exercises in Auditor­ The newly erected jetty at Eighth Ideal Weather Attracts Big Crowd to Dedication of an The issue of $360,000 borough bonds avenue is fo be topped off and railed ium Next Wednesday Evening was purchased by the First National Ideal Cherished for Twenty Years Bank Tuesday evening for $360,050. as a permanent pier. Graduation exercises will be held at The bonds bear interest at the rate The Borough Commission, Tuesday of five per cent., and are designated as In a glorious blaze of sunshine Old gretting his inability to be present, the Grammar School next Wednesday To Start Big evening, passed on first reading an or­ follows: $92,000 Improvement bonds, dinance appropriating $10,000 to cover Glory was raised at the new Belmar and reading a letter from Governor evening, when sixty-three pupils will $120,000 Shark River Purchase bonds, Fishing Club and the maginificent Drainage Project the cost of the work. Morgan F. Larson, also expressing re­ receive their diplomas. and $148,000 Ocean Front Improve­ new building was dedicated in the When completed Belmar will have gret for his non-attendance, Mr. Ham­ Rev. Samuel W. Grafflin will make ment bonds, for which the bank offer­ presence of about a thousand mem­ Borough to Spend $25,000 on burg called on Senator E. Donald the graduation address and Edwin B. ed $92,010, $120,015 and $148,025 re­ orie of the finest piers on the coast. bers and guests Decoration Day after­ spectively. noon. Sterner. Bigelow, president of the Board of Elimination of Storm It will be 600 feet in length and twen­ Senator Sterner said he regarded Mayor Joseph Mayer stated that A. V. Hamburg, chairman of the Education will present the diplomas. ty-four feet wide, protected by an iron this a most fitting occasion for the Conditions while the commissioners were disap­ plan and scope committee was master The graduating class is composed of railing. A fishing hut will be erected opening of the splendid new club­ pointed that a larger premium was not of ceremonies and not a dull moment the following: Joseph Barr, Marcella at the end for the benefit of the an­ house. While all over the United On recommendation by Commission­ obtained they felt that it is due purely did he allow to enter the proceedings Becker, Bernice Blum, Verna Bird- glers. States Decoration Day was being cele­ to bond market conditions as explain­ from beginning to end. sail, Ruth Brand, Ethel Brandt, Fer- er Thomas D. Joeck, the Borough Com Bids for the surfacing of the pier brated in honor of the heroes who had ed by Mr. Lyman of the bank. The opening ceremonies were her­ man Brice, Jr., Gordon Brightly, Elea­ mission, Tuesday evening passed on and erection of the railing are asked given their lives that we might “carry The commission, after careful and alded by Herbert-Worthington-White nor Brunt, Thomas Budd, Melvin for and will be opened at the regular on” the ideal established by our fore­ first reading an ordinance for laying lengthy deliberation decided to sell the Post Drum and Bugle Band under di­ Burdge, Philip R. Burger, Thomas meeting of the commission in the bor­ fathers, the building symbolized a storm drains in the district from Inlet rection of Post Commander Robert Carr, Tessie Chatokov, William Co­ whole issue rather than hold a portion ough hail Tuesday evening, June Miller, accompanied by the Belmar spirit of comradeship and unity of hen, Margaret De Hart, Rupert de Sil- terrace to Eleventh avenue up to F as the prospect seemed to be that the 17th., at 7:30. Girl Scouts captained by Miss Mary purpose in furthering the welfare of vestri, Ardelia Dunfee, Lillian Erving, street. future market would be less advan­ tageous. Isham. the people and stands as a monument Jack Fairfax, Leona Friedman, Frank The ordinance carries an appropria­ By the sale the borough is saving While a salute of three guns was to self sacrifice for an ideal. Hall, Gene Hall, Godfred Haug, tion of $25,000 to cover the cost of the BENNETT NOW Mayor Joseph Mayer was the next interest of $3,600 a year which meant fired, and the band played the Flag Iveryne Haulenbeek, Alice Helm, Ed­ work. raising call, Mayor Joseph Mayer speaker. He said the new clubhouse ward Hendrickson, Miriam Heyniger, Mr. Joeck, as head of the highways more than $100,000 saving in the life IN FREEHOLD of the bonds. raised the Stars and Stripes and the represented the fulfillment of a desire Robert Heyniger, Nancy Hogg, Earl and parks department, with Borough crowd joined in singing “The Star long cherished and fought for in a Holley, Thomas Hope, Doris Jobes, Engineer Claude Birdsall, has been Detectives Iron Out Extradi­ Spangled Banner.” The club flag was spirit that had surmounted all obsta­ Clarice Kaner, Ruth Kinsey, Jeanette making an intensive study of this mat­ FRANKLIN FORT placed under the National Emblem. cles and had fostered a harmonious Klitzman, Joseph Klitzman, Georgette ter for some time and it was decided tion Tangle and Get After receiving a huge basket of comaradery and brought its ideal Kramer, Morris Kravitz, Edward La- the best and proper solution of the TO SPEAK HERE Alleged Swindler flowers sent by President Herbert C. through many trying circumstances to Vance, Sarah Leader, Murray Levin- matter is to thoroughly drain the Hoover, a member of the club, with a a splendid climax. sohn, Katherine Levy, Beatrice Loker- streets. Raymond Bennett, former salesman note wishing the club success and re­ (Continued on Last Page) son, Nancy MacEvoy, Abraham Maltz- Prohibition Candidate for U. for the Cdsasl^ Chevrolet Company, is man, David Morris, Inga Nilsen, Janis S. Senator at Newman’s now in Freehold jail awaiting trial on Nunamacher, Herman Rosenbaum, TURY DISAGREES charges of having passed worthless ST. ROSE’S SCHOOL MRS. A. M. WHEELER Martin Rosenblatt, Winifred Ross, Ed­ Hall Friday checks on a number of tradesmen in gar Smith, Peter Smith, Louise Steel­ IN SLANDER CASE COMMENCEMENT! ADDRESSES KIWANIS this vicinity. man, Dorothy Sterner, Dorothy Stew­ Congressman Franklin W. Fort, pro­ Bennett was traced to Kansas City ard, Marianna Thorne, Permelia Til­ i Mrs. Anna M. Wheeler was guest of Duckworth vs. Thompson of hibition candidate for the Republican through a torn telegram found in a Forty-four Graduates to Receive Di- ton, Elizabeth Wisseman, Jack Yaffe, honor at the weekly luncheon of the nomination as United States Senator wastepaper basket in the office of the lomas Next Friday Evening Estelle Zavian, Louis Zuckerman. South Belmar in $5,000 I Kiwanis Club in American Legion. for the long term, will speak here this company. Home Wednesday. The class motto is: Damage Suit Friday afternoon at 2 o’clock in New­ Detectives Charles O. Davenport and Commencement exrecises of St. Not the end, but the beginning Mrs. Wheeler, who has made a man’s Hall, Seventh avenue. William S. Musto of Prosecutor Tu- Rose’s School will be held in the Other goals set for the winning. Arrangements have been made for 1 study of the Americart Indian gave an After six hours’ deliberation the jury men’s staff went to Kansas City with church Friday evening, June 13th., The class officers are: Robert Hey­ a big reception to the candidate, whc when forty-four pupils will receive j interesting talk on their history and that tried the slander case brought by credentials for bringing Bennett back niger, president; Herman Rosenbaum, . characteristics. John Duckworth, street superintend­ Will explain his attitude of the all-ab­ here. They say that Bennett balked their diplomas. vice president; Melvin Burdge, secre­ sorbing question of the campaign and i Alfred Ferruggario of Boy Scout ent of South Belmar against Albert against extradition, but after consid­ Those graduating are: tary; Nancy MacEvoy, treasurer. speak on other matters of importance. troop 59, also addressed the meeting in Thompson of that borough failed to erable trouble the difficulties were Classical Department, High School The class colors: black and gold-. Arrangements for the meeting are behalf of the Boy Scout drive now un­ agree on a verdict. A retrial will be ironed out and the papers ratified, Samuel S. Catalano, Florence E. The order of the exercises will be: in the hands of Mrs. Paul C. Taylor. Daigneault, Anna M. Hahn, Anna R. der way and urged the support of Ki­ Invocation; Orchestra, “Spring Song,” the result. The jury stood eleven to one in fav­ Keating"; - Edward J. Kazanski, Ray­ wanis. Mendelssohn; Primary choruses; “The Early Morning Blaze mond J. O'Brien, Edith V. Toole. Major Nathan of the Salvation Ar­ or of Mr. Duckworth. $7,000 FOR American Pioneer,” Ruth Brand; chor­ Mr. Duckworth claimed $5,000 dam­ At Uth Avenue Commercial Graduates my also made an appeal for funds to us, “With Courage and Faith,” Meyer­ WAR MEMORIAL ages.
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