Compiled by: Herman Boel Roklijf 10 B-9300 Aalst Vlaanderen (Belgium) voice: +32 53 711 244 e-mail: [email protected] Homepage: http://www.emwg.info (personal DX Homepage: http://users.pandora.be/hermanb) Edition of December 2002 1. Introduction Contents This publication gives an overview of literally all long and medium wave stations in Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East. Times All times are in UTC: please subtract one hour during European Summer time (unless otherwise stated) if and when you are in a country in the northern hemisphere where Summer time is in order. Geography Only the European part of Russia is listed. At the (official) European side, the oblasts (republics) are: Nenetskiy avt. okrug (Naryan-Mar), Resp. Komi (Syktyvkar), Permskaya obl. (Perm), Resp. Bashkortostan (Ufa), Orenburgskaya obl. (Orenburg). Outside of Europe the following countries are included: Morocco, Tunis, Libya, Algeria, Egypt, Ceuta, Melilla, Canary Islands, Madeira, Azores, Turkey, Israel, Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Bahrain, Oman, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Palestine. Special stations Low power stations in the UK (RSLs/LPAMs) are included only if they are broadcasting full-time or if they operate a regular schedule (e.g on air during sports matches). Pirate stations are not listed (with the possible exception of Ireland, very regular pirate stations, and offshore stations). Abbreviations LPAM: Low Power AM; Px: programme; RSL: Restricted Service License; Tx: transmitter Mo-Tu-We-Th-Fr-Sa-Su: Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday-Friday-Saturday-Sunday Collaborators Without a number of faithful collaborators, this list would not have been possible to make. I would especially like to thank these collaborators for their great help: Steve Whitt, Karel Honzik, Anatoly Klepov, Pentti Lintujarvi, and Robertas Petraitis. Feedback & Update information This list is by no means considered to be entirely correct and complete. Your feedback is most welcome and will help improving this list so it meets the needs of all users. You are welcome to join the EMWG mailing list at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/emwg. IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR PDF USERS: The PDF file you are currently consulting is free of charge. If you find this publication useful, please send a small donation to ensure that work can continue to regularly maintain and expand this service. Your donation can be any major currencies (notes – coins only if euro) sent directly to Herman Boel (Roklijf 10, B-9300 Aalst, Vlaanderen (Belgium)). Copyright © 1998-2002 Herman Boel. This work may only be reproduced and redistributed as is, without alteration and solely for non-commercial purposes, with the permission of Herman Boel. For permission, write to [email protected] or contact Herman Boel at Roklijf 10, B-9300 Aalst, Vlaanderen (Belgium). 2 Euro MW Guide - Edition: DECEMBER 2002 2. Frequency List FREQ ITU STATION,LOCATION kW DETAILS (programme format in italic) Coordinates 153 ALG Alger Chaîne 1/Radio Alger Int'l, Béchar 2000 Chaîne 1: 0200-0100 in Arabic; Radio Alger Int'l: 0100-0200 in Arabic 02W18 31N38 D Deutschlandfunk, Donebach 500* 24h news and political programmes (*: 500 kW: 0400-1900, 250 kW: 1900-0400); antenna height: 363 m; beam: 90-130° 09E11 49N34 NOR NRK 1/NRK 2/NRK Finnmark, Ingøy 100 24h; Regional px from NRK Finnmark: Mon-Fri 0503-0530, 0540-0600, 0603-0630, 0640-0650, 0654-0700, 0705-0718, 0725- 0730, 0737-0800, 0803-0805, 0903-0905, 1103-1106, 1203-1205, 1303-1305, 1403-1405, 1503-1530, 1533-1600, 1603-1630, 1703-1705, Sat. 0705-0707, 0803-0805, 0903-0905, 1003-1008, 1103-1108; "Nordafør" (shared prgr with NRK Finnmark, Troms and Nordland - //153, 657, 1485 kHz): Mon-Fri 1003-1100, 1106-1130; National Programme 1: Mon-Fri 0000-0503, 0530-0540, 0600-0603, 0630-0640, 0650-0654, 0700-0705, 0718-0725, 0730-0737, 0800-0803, 0805-0903, 0905-1003, 1100-1103, 1130-1203, 1205-1303, 1305-1350, 1400-1403, 1405-1503, 1530-1533, 1600-1603, 1700-1703, 1825-1900, 1951-2105, 2115-2400, Sat. 0000- 0630, 0700-0705, 0707-0803, 0805-0903, 0905-1003, 1230-1350, 1700-2105, 2115-2400, Sun 0000-0703, 0800-1002, 1100-1203, 1300-1350, 1400-1530, 1600-1903, 2000-2105, 2115-2400; National Programme 2: Mon-Fri 1630-1650, 1705-1800, Sat 0630- 0700, 1003-1103, 1110-1230, 1400-1700, Sun 0703-0800, 1002-1100, 1203-1300, 1530-1600, 1903-2000; Special weather forecast: Mon-Fri 1350-1400, 1650-1700, 2105-2115; Sat 1103-1110, 1350-1400, 2105-2115; Sun 1350-1400, 2105-2115 ROU Romania Actualitata, Brasov Bod 1200 24h 25E36 45N43 RUS Radio Yunost, Taldom 300* 0300-2200 (*: 300 kW day, 150 kW night) music and other programmes for the younger generation 37E34 56N43 162 F France Inter, Allouis 2000* 24h except Tuesday 0005-0358 news and information 02E12 47N10 * 1900-0400 only 1000 kW, in coming Winter 1000 kW from 1700-0400 RUS Radio Bashkortostana, Ufa 300 also some Radio Rossii relays and relay of Radio 107 (ID "Vy slushaete Radio Sto Sem") 55E57 54N43 TUR TRT-4, Agrí 1000 24h exc. Mo 2305 – Tu 0455 43E02 39N46 171 BLR Russian Radio 1, Sasnovy INACTIVE 1000 0400-2100 28E32 53N25 KAL Radio Rossii, Bolshakovo INACTIVE 600 0100-2100 21E42 54N54 MRC Radio Méditerranée Int'l, Nador 2000 0500-0100 (Summer 0500-0400): Arabic and French transmissions SW parallel: 9575 kHz 02W55 35N03 RUS Radio 1, various ALL TX INACTIVE 100- 0200-0000 for txs in Noginsk1 (100), Murmansk2 (150), Syktyvkar3 (300) and Elektrostal4 (1250 kW) see left 1250 138E27 55N52, 232E46 68N48, 350E31 61N41, 438E28 55N47 RUS Radio Chechnya Svobodnaya, Tbilisskaya ? Radio Free Chechnia: 0300-2100 in Russian exc. Chechen at 1200-1210 (Mo-Sa) and 1600-1610 (Mo-Sa) 40E10 45N22 UKR Ukrainske Radio 1, L’vov INACTIVE 1000 also relay of Radio Ukraine Int'l at 2300-0100 24E00 49N50 177 D Deutschlandradio Berlin, Zehlendorf 500 24h cultural and music programmes SW parallel: 6005 kHz 13E24 52N48 3 Euro MW Guide - Edition: DECEMBER 2002 180 TUR TRT-4, Polatlı 1200 24h exc. Mo 2305 – Tu 0455 32E25 39N45 183 D Europe 1, Felsberg (Saarlouis) 2000 0400-0000 in French news and information, and entertainment 06E41 49N17 189 GEO Gruzinskoye Radio (Radio 1), Tbilisi 100 on air during special occasions only (e.g. Mo evening at 0600 with President’s speech) 44E48 41N42 I Rai Radio 1, Caltanisetta 10 0500-2300; almost hourly on top of the hour + 0630-0657 (Mo-Sa): Rai Sicilia regional programme; 0620-0627 (Mo-Sa) local px for 14E04 37N30 Calabria; 1430-1445 (Mo-Sa) Arabic ISL Rikisútvarpid Rás 1+2, Gufuskálar 300 24h S Sveriges Radio, Motala 0.020 broadcasts are tied with broadcasting museum in Motala; no regular broadcasts 14E59 58N26 198 ALG Alger Chaîne 1/ Radio Alger Int'l, Ouargla 2000 Chaîne 1: 0200-0100 in Arabic; Radio Alger Int'l: 0100-0200 in Arabic 05E05 31N57 G BBC Radio 4, various 0.004- 24h; 0100-0600 relay of BBC World Service txs in Dartford Tunnel (0.004), Burghead1 (50), Westerglen2 (50) and Droitwich3 (500 103W28 57N42 500 kW) news, documentaries, drama, entertainment, cricket 203W50 55N58 302W06 52N18 POL Radio Bis/Radio Parliament, Raszýn 200 Radio Parliament on air 10 hrs a day on days that one of the chambers (Sejm and Senate) are in session. 20E53 52N04 RUS Radio Mayak, various 150/250 0300-2200, txs in Olgino (150 kW), Ufa1 (0100-2000) and Noginsk2 information, interviews, sports, music 155E57 54N43 238E27 55N52 TUR TRT 1/Ankara Radio, Etimesğut 120 0355-0005 ID "Radio Bir"; Ankara Radio: 1115-1200 32E40 39N56 207 D Deutschlandfunk, Aholming 500* 24h (*1800-0400 only 250 kW) news and political programmes 12E56 48N43 antenna beam: 80/200°; SW parallel: 6190 kHz ISL Rikisútvarpid Rás 1+2, Eidar 100 24h 14W26 65N19 JOR Radio Jordan, Al Karanah INACTIVE 600 24h: Arabic transmissions, also has some special programmes MRC RTM A, Azilal 800 24h: Arabic transmissions 06W33 31N54 UKR Ukrainske R. 1 (Persha px), Kiyev 125 0327-2300 (0400-2300 Sa/Su) news and information 30E38 50N27 216 AZE Azerbaijani Radio 1, Gyandza 500 0300-2200 in Azeri 49E45 40N24 F Radio Monte Carlo/Trans World Radio, Roumoules 1400 Radio Monte Carlo: 0400-0005 news and information, and entertainment 06E09 43N47 TWR: 0345-0400 (Sa/Su also 0330-0345): French transmissions religious programmes 0330-0400 Radio Evangile (B.P. 1, F-26101 Romans, France - www.radio-evangile.com) 225 POL Radio 1/Radio Polonia, Solec Kujawski 1200 24h; at 1000: English and German news; Radio Polonia: 0305-0355 in Polish; antenna height: 300 m 19E48 52N22 TUR TRT-GAP/TRT-4, Van 600 TRT-GAP: 0355-1600; TRT-4: 1600-2305 43E19 38N31 4 Euro MW Guide - Edition: DECEMBER 2002 234 ARM Radio 1/Hayasthani Dzayn (VO Armenia), Gavar 500 0200-0000 in Armenian, exc. Russian at 0530-0600 (Mo-Fr), 1400-1415 (Su-Fr), and English 1700-1715 (Sa/Su) and 1630-1640 (Th- 45E11 40N25 Tu) French, 1640-1650 (Th-Tu) German, 1650-1700 (Th-Tu) English VO Armenia: 1120-1130 Georgian, sometimes relays Radio Rossii and R Liberty LUX RTL, Beidweiler 2000 24h: French programmes 06E19 49N40 RUS Radio 1, various ALL TX INACTIVE 1200/ 0400-2100, txs in Novosemeykino1 (2000) and Popovka (1200 kW) 150E21 53N22 2000 243 DNK DR P1, Kalundborg 300 0433-2329 relay P1 except for these special programmes: Weather Reports (15 mins): 0445, 0745, 1045, 1645 & 2145; 11E04 55N40 Farvandsefterretninger: 1700-1715; Fiskerinoteringer: Mo-Fr 1030-1045; Krop & Bevægelse (gymnastics): 0730-0740; Church service: Mo-Sa 0710-0730 TUR TRT Erzurum Radio/TRT-4, Erzurum 200 TRT Erzurum Radio: 0355-1600; TRT-4: 1600-2305 41E07 39N59 252 ALG Alger Chaîne 1&3/Radio Alger International, 1500* Chaîne 1/3: Arabic and French transmissions; R Alger Int.: 0600-0630 French, 0630-0638 English, 0638-0725 French, 0725-0734 02E27 36N35 Tipaza Spanish, 0734-1900 French, 1900-2000 Spanish, 2000-2100 English, 2100-0100 French; *: 0600-1800: 1500 kW, 1800-0600: 750 kW ARM Radio Yerevan 1, Yerevan INACTIVE 150 0300-0000 in Armenian 44E30 40N11 RUS Radio Rossii/Radio Tatarstana/ Tatarstan Awazy, 150 0200-2200: Radio Tatarstana: Mo-Fr 0300-0500, 0510-0540, 1510-1600, 1610-1730; Sa 0300-1115, Su 0300-1315; Tatarstan 48E48 55N47 Kazan Awazy (Voice of Tatarstan): 0900-1000 (Tu-Su); all other times R.
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