IlNcam MEH(l1{1J\1. 1.IBHi\I~Y 835 i\lI:Hll1 Plainvie~f TX 79012 the Petersburg 0 ....... Vol. 64 No.1 PETERSBVRG, TX Friday, January Il, 1990 "FluBul'~ Takes Bite Out of P~tersburg , Eventhough the number of more likely to strike teens and cases of flu seems to be declining ,adults. Early warning signs are in Petersburg, the "flu bug" is still tightnesl in the chest, scratchy a definite problem. Pharmacist throat and a slight cough. After a Kim Porter says the last week of couple of days, a sore throat and December. was probably the aching developes along with worst with several people needing other classic flu' symptions of medicine, but .that people are ~ever and chills. This particular continuing to come down with strain seems to take a long time to the type A virus. _ run its course. ' Prior to the Christm.asbreak, " As always, rest, liquids and , Petersburg schools reported '1S-18 asprin or Tylenol seem to be the students in high school and junior best medicine. high out with the flu. That Mr. Porter says oneofthe best number has declined ' to , ways to avoid the flu is to ke~p ' FLYING HIGH!-.. Chad Moore gets on up there as he goes in for a approximately 7. The virus ·has hands washed and clean. It is also la)"Up in Petersburg'S contest against Lorenzo last Friday night. not ' been a problem- 'amon, ,. 'advised to'us\t". "eJean towel ~ i)r ·Onlookers ,m.velooks.of astonishment and-disbelief as tbey watch elementary students. ' paper towels when drying hands M, ore sail tl\rough the air at a high altitude. ' This certain ,type ~irus seems ' so as not to spread the virus. ' Most Cand,j·datesU ncball~n ,ged Petersburg ,Teams Lose . In Marcb Elections District OpenertoL,orenzo , Mar~h ., t3 m,arks t~eday for rgnningunopposed' for re- ~oters to' get o~t and vote for the ~Iection as Justice of the Peac~ Buffalo ' and Hornet fans ' from st.art to finish. As predicted, peopleoftheirchoic~ in local,and Precinct 3. packed the Petersburg gym last Becky H _nojos Was a major (taieRolit;~~I~~~~i~l)s. L~Uy ' Inothercontes,ted races, Maty Friday night 'for the opening problem for the Lady Buffs iAs she , jlP~~y;cb : i*teres:\W~,'8elJ~ra8~1' t.~F~vre . an,d ,O~{aldL; , Martin" di$tri¢.t8aine~tweenPete .. sbutg scored 28 points fpr th~ . La~y ,~M~Il' , )P~ .. , ~~~.. 9~~f~~~ ,~~, )~~~ _,' are ' bid~Jttg :; to ' r~placeCount~ - an(fL9teMQ; It WasaJuUiiight()f. ,Hornets. L9reJ1~0 built YP a,SO;'23 nan): ~" !gll~blel. '() ' fje.ld~nylQCAl' ' ~re,)~SU.'. 'tet: , "aJ.:.i~~. ,~..l~an , ~ ;~'n. Wbo' :i$.• ·, bas1Cetball:withfc>ur ' gafllesb~lng lead bytbe ;' h.alfa.nd the Lady ~i(diaa.@ ' bY}i~~ ·fiOn&de.(Jnn~L " r'ettrihg; . ,and'/ ;Paul ..,' I£)tager :,'is ' ..playe(f ' befo-re '., ·th.¢' , fin~r-buzzer : Bllffs ... nniy , m~na8ea , to : add '2 i' . ' Plainvie\y Daily Hen~ld ~ qqote.d cb~llenging . Gene ' LeWiS for SQllbded ~~ LQremo , turbe4 up the during the ' third ·· quarter: .The H ,Ie Coq,jlt\y Re~u.,nc.tt ; ;, ' Coil$table " Pre~inctl Lewis was wi~ner in3 out of 4 games with .' scoring was' i>etterin theJast C~~rlJ1~n , J~h.n f: .. Kireho(f as appointed to officelaSlyear; tbeJV BUffaloes being the only qllarter but noteriollgh (0 make ' saYIl)g~ "1'his is ' very distontag.. liaie Cou~ty ,', Dernocratic hometown winn~r. , ' " up the.difference. Lorenzo took ina" j. feltli~e this ,wesan in¢umbentswho do notbave Both varsity games were fast the victQry, 73--44. GenaR oden ()P1~0r1tuo, 1." .·... ye.t. ~ The numbers in; their bidsfQ,f"re-- paced and a bit ontbe rough side. had 16 points for Petersburg, gooc;l: t~r .~cl~~pu&lican At timeS . it looked more like Rachel . Maitinez--8; Adrian a:~t~eec"un:ty · leve".tid ,;, fOQtbaJl . than . bask.eJbaU-who Lydc:-..S, Misty Porter...4, Mar,tie ~ask.etbaJl: ,is 'nor "a contact . N4varr~,3, 'lenni· Ramsey and ' ',Sanehez,....2 ' ~ach, Sandi and been heard . ""ho have. ' . pnjoother places, : . Quote'!oi:The 1Jq.. '~ " , . from again. ' It has been brought . pleas~ . let . us .. at' t.he . Post know , to our attention that it wOldd be ' ·ab6ut·tbem. A quick call can get _ ' I~ Is, a funny thing .lOOut ~ife; if you refuse to accept anythi~1 ' interestmg to find out what past uS"caught :up" on those who are ' bUt tbe belt, y~u very often ad it. , : Petersburg'iesiden,ts'ahdstudents 'no longer "around and wecan,' . -fl. SOIMIICtlt.......... TI" ML,,"" 1&1 Ik.(tx. (i)oubleday) are up ~o now, what t&er did after, inform our 'readers. : r . ... waistline allowed the full Petersburg, nephews of the City'Manager.'s,Report " ball gown skirt of the dress to' fall groom, served as .~ndlelighters. by Jesse Nave . gracefully to the floor and sweep Shayla ' Matthews ()f Spade, into a full monarch length train. cousin of the bride, was the flower HAZMAT EMERGENCY Petersburg Fire and EMS The skirt of the gown, as well as girl. Chandler Jackson of Dallas, CLASS Station. YOal may sign up for a the train, was adorned with lace cousin .ofthe bride, served as ring A Hazmat Emergency Class time if you like. Sign-alp form is appliques encrusted with pearls bearer. will be held at thc:iPetersburg located at the city office. and white iris sequins. Scalloped Organist was Oneta Kiker of Community Center on Tuesday, DUMP FEE INCREASED Schiffli lace edged the hem ofthe Anton. She accompanied January 16, 1990 from 6:00-10:00 The fee to dump trash is $S.OO · . dress and train. The bride chose a vocalist, Larry Martin as he sang p.m. This class is mandatory for fora pickup or pickup trililer an(,i lovely headband of pearls to "There Is Love", "MyOnly Love", all emergency personnel-­ $10.00 for a 4-wheel trailer or a complete the gown. She carried a and "Wind Beneath My Wings". firemen, police arid EMS. The truck. The dump will be open cascade bouquet of white roses . The mother of the bride chose a Class cost is SIO.OO per person. only on Friday and Saturday and mauve sweetheart roses dress of irridescent teal taffeta This class is open to Petersburg mornings from 8:00 a.m. to l2:00 accented with ivory irridescent featuring ' a sabrina neckline and and the surrounding areas. noon. There are no keys available leaves and pearl looping to elbow length shirred sleeves. A BLOOD DRIVE . for other times. If there is no relief complete her wedding attire. soft shirred cumberband A Blood Drive ' will be held from the State, the dump is In keeping with tradition, the accented the gathered tea-length Friday, January 26, from 11:00 scheduled to close. Notification bride wore her grandmother's skirt. The grooms step-mother a.m. to . 4:00 p.m: · at the of the closure date will be be ~ Jtftlltlr ' il'I, rAttends . string of pearls for "something wore a tea-length, two piece, posted in the Petersburg Post. old", her dress and veil were Kelly green file dress with gold Arllly "'k -eunioninMissouri "something 'new", her mother's button trim and drapped with an CORRECTION . pearl earrings were "something accent scarf. In tlieartide on the J.W. PETERSBUR··G M'emben of the "eadqu~rters Company 3rd Division met borrowed" and a traditional blue The couple greeted guests at a Martin family Chris~mas get­ September 27; 1989 for a 20 year 'reunion in Missouri. Twenty of the garter was "something blue.... reception at the church following together in last week's paper, the POSTINGS original 180 men are still living and rep~ent seventeen states. Ofthe Attending the bride was the ceremony. The bride's table twenty, sixteen were .bte to att~nd the reunion. last name of Shelly, Craig and Don and J 0 Willis of matron of honor Susan Maines, was covere~ with an ecru linen . Those attending are pictured above along with Petersburg resident Scotty Should_have been Bennett. Cedartown, Georgia came home sister of the groom, of Lubbock. tablecloth with a lace overlay and Our apologies for the mistake. for Christmas': to visit Jo's Arthur Miller. Arthur has kept in touch with the men over the years Bridesmaids were Marci featured a three-tiered cake and along with other people throughout the country and even foreign parents, Harace and Glenna Matthews of Anton, sister ofthe silver punch bowl. The countries. He does mostQf his communicating by letter writing, which Williams. They enjoyed visiting bride, Shetlie Buchanan and centerpiece was a crystal vase seems to be a lost art now-a-days. Arthur says he enjoys writing and other relatives in Petersburg and Melissa Rendon, both of Anton. holding the bride's bouquet. •••••••••• receiving letters arid just likes to "keep in touch". Mrs. Terry Martin Lubbock. Mrs. WiIli.\lms says The brides attendants wore ' Attending the bride's table were ,. _ The . ~ Those attending the reunion were: (front row, .kneeling-I to r) they were happy to have them identical tea-length dresses of Tina ParSons of Hereford, B.J. Wendell Beckstrarid, 'flichvosky; (second row) Arthur Miller, James here for the holidays. mauve pink taffeta featuring a Blakely and Jennifer Williams. !Little Sboppe: Wylie, Bill Elfman, Fred Oxnin. Tom Swinney, Jim Hobbs; (back Matthews-Martin dr!lped basque waistline, puffed both of Littlefield . ••••• . row) Moose, George Snarr, ttobert Schlovach, Ferris Gutshall, Leon sleeves and a butterfly bow at the The groom's table was' Visitors in the bOme of Lei cl McClain, Captain Britt, and .
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