List of Indian companies operating in Saudi Arabia Sl.No Name & Address Contact Person Telephone/Fax/Email Sectors Tel: 011-4786409 Mr. R. Prabhu Chandran, Fax: 011-4779924 Manager- Riyadh Mob. 0505274465 Tel. 011-4772228 Ext. Air India 301/303 Fax: PO BOX 753 Mr. M.L. Patel 011-4779924 Riyadh 11421 Customer Relations/ E- 1. Kanoo Tower, King Airport Manager Travel mail: [email protected], Abdul Aziz Road, [email protected] Mr. Firoz Khan Mob. 0535160041 Airport Manager & Airport Office: (Incharge Western Region) Tel. 011-2202081 Res. 011-4783292 Fax: 011-4779924 Tel: 011-4197799 Ext. 207/ 208 New India Assurance Fax:011-4191366 Co. Mr. S. Manohar, 2. Mob. 0504481826 Insurance PO BOX 53842 Resident Manager E-mail: Riyadh 11593 [email protected] m Saudi Indian Tel. 011-2150987 /2150983 Insurance Co. Mr. N. Toppo, Ext. 107 Head Office: 305, General Manager Fax: 011-2150984 3. Insurance Akaria -2, PO (Non-life) Mob.0501264936 Box:341413, E-mail: Riyadh 11333 [email protected]; Mr. C.V. Vinod, Regional Tel:011-2378658/ 2378658 Telecommunications Director Fax:011-2356072/ Consultants India Mobile: 0506217857 (TCIL)Ltd. Email: Telecommunicati PO BOX 88987 Mr.V.K. Joshi [email protected] 4. on and Civil Riyadh 11672 GM(F&A) Off.:+966-11-2350621/ construction ( A 100% owned (Finance) 2378658 Ext: 220 government of India Mob. 0505461822 Undertaking) Email: [email protected] Mob. 0533522062 Mr. Suresh Babu E-mail: Jt. General Manager, [email protected] (Admi) Tel:011-2192122Ext.3000 Mr. Thomas George Mob. 0544327272 Wipro Ltd. 5. Business Development E- IT Riyadh Manager mail: [email protected] Tel: +971-42045208 (Direct) Fax: +971-42045213 Mr. Asif Shamim, Mob: +971567046163 Regional Manager - Mob. 0557629713 Middle East Mob. 0091-9833638997 Fax:012-6978080 Ext.400 Tata Motors Ltd. Mr. Sagar Dhar (Area Mob. 0544483394 PO Box: 54736, Manager, KSA & Bahrain): E- 6. Jeddah 21524 mail: asif.shamim@tatamotors. Automotive Mr. Azeem Khan, com Country Manager - Saudi [email protected] Arabia Tel.05695 International Business 93456/544483394 azeem.khan Division, @tatamotors.com web: http://cvglobal.t atamotors.com/www.tatamotor s.com Tata Consultancy Mr. Neeraj Kumar Tel. 011- 460-3483; 011 419- Services Ltd. (TCS) Srivastava 1710 / 461-3964, Fax No - 011 Tata Consultancy Regional Director - Saudi 4191068 Information 7. Services Ltd Arabia & E. Africa Mobile -05-05-290-834 Technology Akaria Plaza, Riyadh Email: - 11372 [email protected] Tel. 011-4793777 Ext – 110 Email: [email protected] T Mr. T.J. George, el. 011-4793777 Executive Asst. to Larson & Toubro Fax : 011- Company Management Saudi Arabia L.L.C, 4749223 Mob.050498193 8. Mr. Ashish Nair Construction PO Box: 295020 0 Manager- Accounts Riyadh 11351 [email protected]; Executive Asst. to email Company Management : [email protected] :www.Lntecc.com Tel. 011-2919409 Saudi Al-Terais Co. Fax: 011-4789881 for Contracting Mr. Nadeem Tarin, Mob. 0505429089 9. Construction PO Box: 10484, General Manager [email protected]; Riyadh 11433 [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Dayim Punjlloyd Construction Tel. 013-896 9241, Contracting Co Ltd, Mr. Krishna Kumar Saha, Fax: 013-896 9628, Address : Al Vice President Operations E-mail: [email protected] Khozama (Tanami Mr. Sarfraz Ahmed, Phone: 013-896 9241 Ext: 208 EPC & 10. )Tower, 8th Floor,PO Deputy Manager (HR) Fax: 013-896 9628 Construction Box-31909, PC - Mr. Baburajan P.K, Mob: 050 490 3269 31952, Prince Turki Executive Asst. Sarfaraz.ahamed@dayimpunjll Bin Abdul Aziz Mob.0500780800 oyd.com Street, Al Khobar, Mob. 0502055649 KSA Tel.011-4783331 Mr. Shehim Mohamed Lulu Saudi Fax: 011-4913089 Unni, Hypermarkets LLC E- General Manager 11. PO Box:4330, mail: [email protected]; s Supermarket Riyadh 11491 [email protected] Mob. 0557577188 www.luluhypermarket.com Polaris Financial Tel:011- Technology Ltd. 4649750/4649750/ 4645373 Mr. Muralidharan, PO Box: 59205 Ext.408 Operations Manager 12. Riyadh 11525 Mob. 0508451485 IT Business and Technology Fax:011-4649750 E-mail: [email protected] Mob. 0501129973 Tel. 011-2867555. Nesto Hyper Market, Mr. Ashraf, Fax: 011-2865666. Dallah Car Parking 13. General Manager, Email: [email protected] Supermarket Building Batha, m; Riyadh [email protected] ; [email protected] Star Printing Press, Tel. 011-2412297 Mr. David Luke, PO Box: 246370 Mob. 0505230123 14. General Manager, Printing Riyadh 11312 E- mail: [email protected] Tel. 011-2412569/ 4714939 Mr. Nazeer Pallivalappil, Ex. 101 S.J. Iron & Metals, President, Mob. 0555336777/ 15. PO Box: 630, Metals 0558900786 Riyadh 11341 Fax: 011-4714752 E-mail: [email protected] Mob. 0501365788 Godrej & Boyce Mfg. Tel. 011-4025345/ Mr. Tajuddin Ahmed, Co. ltd., 4024068 Fax: 16. Asst. General Manager – Manufacturing PO Box: 221890 011-4025369 Saudi Arabia Riyadh 11311 E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.godrej.com Dar Arms Tel. 011-4800824/ International Engr. Owais Ahmad, 4801084 Mob. Contracting 17. Managing Director 0504458574/ Construction Establishment, Fax:011-4801084 PO Box 230453 E-mail: [email protected] Riyadh 11321 Tel. 013-8501143 Mr. Syed Javeed Syed Mob. 0504995871 JN Holding Gani, Fax: 013-8502584 Company, Managing Director 18. E- Metals PO Box: 1321 mail: [email protected]; Dammam Mr. Naveed Gani, [email protected] Manager Mob.0506810214 Tel 011-2416168/2416106 Mob.055 55 30916/ 0505480929 Fax:011-2416538/4774433 Sona Jewellers Mr. Vivek Mohan, Email: [email protected] 19. PO BOX 335931 Managing Partner Jewellery t ; Riyadh 11341 [email protected] m Web:www.sonajewellersonline .com Mob. 0504745465 Mr. Sheik Abdul Aziz, Al Kabeer Tel:011- Branch Manager C/o Al Jufailah Corp. 2700125/2432306/2432307 Meat and animal 20. for Foodstuff Fax: 011-2432308 products PO BOX 8019 Mob. 0505605186/ Riyadh 11482 0505469657 (Mr.Muzaffra Pathan) E- mail: [email protected] om; [email protected] Tel: 011-4640097/ 4640097 Adroit Systems Mr. T.K.C. Sekharan, Ext. 111 21. PO BOX 221342 President IT Mob. 0507476739 Riyadh 11311 Email: [email protected] Mohammed S. Q. Tel.011-4733833 Ext. 811 Qureshi Est. Mob. 0504101786 Mr. Mohammed Salim IT solutions Fax:011-4733822 22. Qureshi, IT PO Box: 325468 E-mail: [email protected]; Managing Director Riyadh 11371 [email protected] Jarir Street, Malaz web: www.msq.com.sa Tel. 011-4786969 Mr. L.D. Bhatia, Fax: 011-4791756/ 4787656 Wareef Business Development Mob. 0503435624 23. PO Box: 89436, Service Manager E- Riyadh 11682 mail: [email protected] om Mohammad Ali Patel Tel. 011-4053678 Computer Mr. Mohammed Ali Patel, Mob. 0506230824 24. Establishment IT Managing Director Fax:011- 4053678 PO Box:16435 E-mail: [email protected] Riyadh 11464 Tel. 013 3641757 /58/59 Mob. 0500097585 Branch Hindustan Mr. Mohammed Basheer Fax: 013- 3 3641785 Construction Co. Ltd. 25. Ahmed, e- Construction PO Box: 2580 General Manager mail: [email protected] Jubail 31951 m www.hccindia.com Tel: 011-4601818/ 2421212 Rolta Saudi Arabia Mob. 0504425086 Ltd. Technology Mr. Ganeshan, Fax: 011-2168581/ 2421222 26. PO BOX 68371 solutions and Sales Manager E-mail: [email protected] Riyadh 11527 services [email protected] om;[email protected] Tariq Masood Ltd. Tel.011-4808275/4822375 Mr. Tariq Masood, Co. (Zamace- Multi Ext.105 27. President Construction Services Contracting Mob. 0505234690 Co. Ltd.) Fax: 011- 4883322 PO Box: 340430 E-mail: zamace@zamace- Riyadh 11333 msc.com; Mob. 0504418879 Atlas Jewellery Tel. 011-4955022/ 4957374 House, Mr. Moidu K, 28. Fax: 011-2132162 Jewellery PO Box: 23061 General Manager E- Riyadh 11426 mail: [email protected] Mohammad Aliyar Mr. Mohammed Aliyar, Mob. 0565517927 Galvanization & Iron Managing Director Mr. Tel.011- 2420714 29. Manuf. Co. Manufacturing Ibrahim, Manger Fax: 011-2708114 PO Box:1152 E-mail: [email protected] Riyadh 1152 Tel. 011-4081032 Fax: 011-4052141 Al-Samsaq Mob. 0505488033 Perfumeries and Mr. Jamil UR Rehman, E- Manufacturing 30. Cosmetics Factory General Manager mail: [email protected] PO Box:7788 om Riyadh 11472 Web: www.samsaqperfumes.c om Tel. 011-4235569 Aslam Ansar Ansari Mob.0505491660 Quilt and Pillow Mr. Aslam Ansar Ansari, Manufacturing Fax: 011-2985813 31. Factory Managing Director (quilts and E- PO Box:32767 pillows) mail: [email protected] Riyadh 11438 m Kalanthoor Mr. Kunhi Ahamed Tel.011-2916612 Construction, Contracting Kalanthur, Managing Mob. 0504419461 32. Contracting, duct PO Box:325471 Director Fax: 011-2916613 work Riyadh 11371 E-mail: [email protected] Tel. 011-4482800 Dalal lkhair Mob. 0504128396 Aluminium Factory, Mr. Syed Zahid Hussain, Fax:011- 2950823 Dalael Alkheer Cont. 33. Chairman e- Manufacturing Est. Mr. Naeeem, Asst. mail: [email protected] PO Box 25574, m;[email protected] Riyadh 11353 Sufaian Mahmood Tel. 013- 890 6644/890 6633 Mr. Sayed Mahmood Sayed Est. Mob. 0503833297 Director-Marketing & 34. Industrial Valves Fax: 013-8905133 Manufacturing Sales, Division, E- PO Box: 30389 mail: [email protected] Al-Khobar 31952 Mob. 0545902570 Allied Technical Co. Tel. 011-2708115 Cleaning, for Operation, Fax: 011-2707183 maintenance, Maintenance and Mr. Sahfiqur Rehman, 35. E- sale of chemicals Cleaning Managing Director mail: [email protected] etc. PO Box: 325692 m Riyadh 11371 Tel. 013-8598555 /8598554 Three Lions Factory Mobile: 00-966-505874417 Co.LLC, ARAMCO Fax: 013-8598522 Vendor # 10034667, Ameer Ahmed E-mail: 36. Plant # 30004266 (Managing Partner & Manufacturing [email protected]; P.O.Box-63052 , General Manager)- [email protected] Khaldiyah-2 – Website: www.3lionsfactory.c Dammam- 31516, om Tel. 013-8640275/ 8944994/8901549 Union Coils Mr. Mahmood Ali Kazi, Mob. 0505814762 Industries Managing Director cum 37. Fax: 013-8985512/ 8901543 Manufacturing PO Box:1289 Partner, E-mail: Al Khobar 31952 [email protected];kazi. [email protected] Tel. 013-8351658/ 8344488 Tradewell Co., Mr. V.K.Murali, Fax: 03 8678699 / 8340470 (Petrodam) Group Managing Director E- 38.
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