Quincy, MASSACHUSETTS – May 15, 2019 -------- Regular Meeting of the Quincy School Committee A regular meeting of the Quincy School Committee was held on Wednesday, Regular May 15, 2019 at Central Middle School at 6:30 p.m. Superintendent Meeting DeCristofaro called the roll and present were School Committee Chair Mayor Thomas Koch, Mr. Anthony Andronico, Mr. Paul Bregoli, Mr. James Vice Chair DeAmicis, Mr. Douglas Gutro, Mrs. Kathryn Hubley, and Mrs. Emily Lebo, Presiding Vice Vice Chair. Also present were: Dr. Richard DeCristofaro, Secretary; Ms. Laura Owens, Clerk; Ms. Rita Bailey, Ms. Deborah Cerone, Mr. Michael Draicchio, Ms. Jordan DeLuca, Ms. Mollie Ehrlich, Ms. Mollie Good, Dr. Beth Hallett, Ms. Kristin Houlihan, Ms. Beth Jordan, Ms. Christine Koch, Mr. James Mullaney, Deputy Superintendent Kevin Mulvey, Ms. Maura Papile, Ms. Cara Pekarcik, Ms. Erin Perkins, Ms. Madeline Roy, Mr. Keith Segalla, Mr. Robert Shaw, Mr. Lawrence Taglieri, Ms. Kathy Torracco; Quincy Education Association President Allison Cox; and Citywide Parent Council Co-President Scott Alessandro. A moment of silence was observed for men and women serving in the military at home and overseas. § Mrs. Hubley made a motion, seconded by Mr. Andronico to approve the Regular Meeting Regular Meeting minutes for May 1, 2019 as presented. On a voice vote, the Minutes Approved ayes have it. 5.1.2019 § As no one wished to speak at Open Forum, School Committee moved on to the Open Forum next item on the agenda. § Dr. DeCristofaro opened the Superintendent’s Report by introducing North Quincy Superintendent's High School Principal Robert Shaw who recognized 2019 Massachusetts School Report Nurse of the Year Kristin Houlihan, from North Quincy High School. President Jenny Gormley and Chair of Scholarships and Awards Kathleen Hassey from the Massachusetts School Nurses Organization presented Ms. Houlihan with her award. The graduating senior members of the National Honor Society were recognized by School Committee. From Quincy High School: Joseph Amendolare, Abigail Amichetti, Kathryn Anderson, Anne Ballard, Abigail Barker, Lesley Chen, Tiffany -2- May 16, 2018 Chen, Maeve Collins, Eni Daci, Meghan Davis, Joseph Desmond, Kumudini Devalla, Theo Fox, Allen Ha, Catherine Hall, May Huang, Ajijolaoluwa Laguda, Christine Le, Vivian Li, Austin Li, Taylor Lo, Collin MacDonald, Eamonn Mayo, Sara McDonald, Adam Nelson, Daniel O'Leary, Steven Pham, Lindsay Sheridan, Matthew Sheridan, Lucien Theberge, Cindy Trac, Lisa Tran, Samantha Vangestel, Nolan Walker, Yuetao Wu, William Zarges, Xiao Xuan Zhang, Maggie Zheng, Tina Zhou. From North Quincy High School: Jessica Au, May Thu Aung, Jasmine Chan, Henry Chen, Jenny Chen, Qi Chen, Carmen Chen, Reina Cheng, Chun Cheng, Juliana Chieng, Jamanee Depina, Yi Ding, Samantha Duong, Elisa Dylja, Anny Gan, Zhou Lun Guan, Yong Na Huang, Caroline Huynh, Linh Huynh, Grace Kelliher, Katherine Li, John Liu, Angelina Manganese, Luke Molloy, Nicole Setow, Patricia Simaku, Samantha Smith, Alexandria Soricelli, Vivian Tran, Bryan Tran, Ilan Valencius, Jason Wang, Sara Wong, Kayli Wu, Iris Xie, Angela Yang, Melissa Zhen, Jasmine Zhen, Anastasia Zygouras. Mrs. Lebo thanked the students, their accomplishments make the school system look good. Superintendent DeCristofaro noted that 70% of the National Honor Society seniors have been Quincy Public Schools student since Kindergarten and 75% have been Quincy Public Schools students since elementary school. These students represent the pillars of the National Honor Society, thanked the students for their hard work and their parents for supporting them. The Quincy Retired Teachers Association Scholarship event was held on May 15, over 40 scholarships were given to graduating seniors. Upcoming events include the All-City Middle & High School Choral Festival on May 16; CVTE Advisory Teams Meeting on May 16; QPAC Sensory Night on May 17; Grades 5-8 School Robotics Challenge on May 18; the Montclair Elementary School May Festival, the Quincy Band Boosters family event, and the Clifford Marshall Elementary School Fun Run are also May 18. The English Learner Parent Advisory Council meeting is May 20, along with the John & Abigail Adams Orchestra Concert. The Special Education Track & Field event is May 24 at Pageant Field, the Elementary All-City Band and Middle & High School Pops Concerts are May 28; the Girl Rising Community Celebration is May 29; the Welcome to Kindergarten Parent Academy is June 4; the Grade 5 APP Program Invention Convention is June 3. The Bernazzani Elementary School Spring Fair is June 1, as is the Parker Elementary School Color Run. The high school graduations will be held on Monday, June 10 for North Quincy High School and Tuesday, June 11 for Quincy High School. Both ceremonies are at Veterans Stadium (weather permitting) at 6:00 pm and in case of inclement weather, will be held indoors at the respective high school gymnasiums. Planning for the move to South~West Middle School continues with the Junior Building Committee meeting to be scheduled in the next two weeks; special Professional Development for the Sterling/South~West Middle School staff on -3- May 16, 2018 May 21; Opening Day festivities on June 3, and an Open House for South~West students and families on June 5. Sunday, October 27 will be the official dedication for the new building, details to be shared as they are finalized. Upcoming Quincy School~Community Partnership events include the Community Service Learning Breakfast on May 30, the Student Athletic Summit on June 7, and the QPS Retirement Luncheon on June 4. The Department of Elementary & Secondary Education will visit Quincy Public Schools on May 16 for the Promising Practices Review where they will meet with staff, students, and parents in an effort to document successful practices for adaption for other cities and towns. Dr. DeCristofaro said that the seniors at both high schools will take the Homework survey the week of May 20; students in Grades 3-11 will take the survey the weeks of May 27 and June 3. Data analysis will begin at the next Homework Initiative meeting on June 14. The SADD Summit was held on May 9, a successful morning where students from Quincy, North Quincy, and Braintree High School shared their initiatives for this school year Summer Scene program details will be shared at the June 12, 2019 meeting. Mayor Koch is funding a new initiative of enrichment programming to be offered at all elementary and middle school sites the week of June 24. Dr. DeCristofaro noted that students in Grades 4, 5, 8, and 10 are taking the VOCAL Survey as part of the online MCAS administration, system and site data to be shared with Quincy Public Schools and the School Committee by Department of Elementary and Secondary Education in Fall 2019. Dr. DeCristofaro concluded the Superintendent’s Report noting that the Athletics Newsletters from both QHS and NQHS were shared with School Committee. Mr. Gutro asked for clarification on the Dedication date, originally scheduled for Sunday, June 2 but now moved to October 27 after the existing Sterling Middle School building is demolished and the site landscaping is completed. § There was no Old Business on the meeting agenda. Old Business § Dr. DeCristofaro thanked Mayor Koch for the level-services plus funding which is New Business the basis of next year’s Quincy Public Schools budget. In the last month, Dr. Draft FY2020 Quincy DeCristofaro has met with each principal, the members of the Superintendent’s Public Schools Budget Leadership Team, and the members of the School Committee to discuss staffing, Presentation class size, and priorities for program expansion. Dr. DeCristofaro reviewed that the increased funding from Mayor Koch and the Quincy City Council will allow for -4- May 16, 2018 incremental increases in academic program areas and maintain the favorable class sizes that are a priority for the School Committee. Mr. Mullaney shared the draft FY2020 Budget Book with School Committee and highlights of the budget: the proposed budget is $115,409,569.00, the majority of which is provided by the City of Quincy through the Mayor’s Appropriation of $110,209,569 and projected Circuit Breaker Funding of $5,200,000 for Special Education tuitions. Within this level-service funded budget, there is approximately $1,950,533 available for additional budget enhancements. Mr. Mullaney noted that the Quincy Public Schools share of City services over and above the direct appropriation is $52,617,813.00 and that Quincy Public Schools net spending is well above the foundational requirement for educational spending. The budgets over the last 9 years have provided for steady incremental growth in the Quincy Public Schools. For Academic Program teachers, the proposal is to add 1.5 elementary Academic Classroom Teachers to address class size, these may be .5 skills support and/or full-time teachers. For Academic Programs, the proposal is to add an 0.5 Art Teacher, a 1.0 EL teacher, 0.5 High School Choral Music Teacher, 0.5 CTE teachers, 4.0 Special Education teachers, and increased funding for Quincy Evening High School to replace grant funding that is no longer available to Quincy Public Schools. In Academic Support, the recommendation is to add 1.0 Guidance staff, 2.0 School Nurse positions and 1.0 Homeless Coordinator (previously grant- funded positions), 1.0 Assessment Coordinator (new position), 3.5 Central Registration aides, 21 Special Education Aides, and increased funding for Translation and English Language Tutors, Extracurricular Activities for High School, and Special Education tutors. In Non-Academic Support, an additional Custodial position would be hired for South~West Middle School. Mr. Mullaney reviewed the Subsidized Services (Revolving Accounts). No changes are recommended for fees associated with Building Rentals, Transportation, or Athletics for FY2019. Food Services will require slight increases to meet minimum mandated charges required by the Federal School Lunch program.
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