TOPEKA HIGH HISTORICAL SOCIETY News from the THSHS Paul Fink Room THS Historical Society/Alumni Association, 800 SW 10th, Topeka, KS 66612 Website: thsweb.org/alumni2 Phone: 785-295-3200 Email: [email protected] Vol. 36 No.1 Trojan Profiles: Ruth Fairbank and Ira Hutchison Ruth Fairbank (‘37) - To- In the mid-1940s some activities were still segre- peka High’s Babe Didrik- gated, at THS, notably basketball. Thus, Ira son! (for those who don’t James Hutchison (‘44) played not for the Black know, Babe Didrikson & Gold Trojans (all-white) but instead for the Red Zaharias was in the mid & White Ramblers (all-black). After graduation 20th century considered and with WWII still rag- America’s greatest woman ing, Hutchison joined athlete, proficient in many the Navy. Upon dis- sports). When Miss Fair- charge he entered Kan- bank attended THS, the sas State College 1930s, girl sports were lim- (Manhattan) graduating ited just to the phys. ed. Department (in the early in 1950 with a degree in 1900s there was girls’ basketball competition be- physical education and tween area schools, but not by 1937). Thus, Ruth recreation. Shortly Fairbank could only participate in high school as thereafter he obtained a a Trojanette pep club member and with the Girls position at the Topeka Athletic Association (G.A.A.) of which she was State Hospital, incorpo- secretary. A three sport all-star, her first love was rating recreation in ther- baseball (later softball) with a Chesney Park team apy work. Spending 13 in 1932 (shortstop). Her local team won a state years at Topeka State, Hutchison became its rec- championship in 1936, and Fairbank continued in reation director in 1954. In 1965 the Trojan re- the sport with women’s teams for the various ceived his Master’s degree in therapeutic recrea- firms she worked for including the Santa Fe’s tion from Columbia University working in the field Freight Claim Dept. But if she weren’t out in the in New York City for several years. Next, field, one could find her on the tennis court or the Hutchison joined the National Park Service (in basketball court (in a national A.A.U. basketball recreation) becoming it first African-American tournament in 1944 she was ranked nationally as Deputy Director in 1977. After retirement (1986) the 4th best forward). In later years she took up he founded the Roundtable Associates, fellow bowling. When the Topeka Capital-Journal sports African-Americans in the recreation and conser- dept. compiled a list of the 100 top athletes from vation fields, to promote more opportunities for Shawnee County, Miss Fairbank was No. 39. She minorities. Hutchison saw recreational activities regretted that in her high school days, in basket- as a vital assistance for those persons recovering ball, the girls could only play half court, the girls’ from substance abuse. Earning the Interior De- gym being small. Nevertheless, Ruth Fairbank partment’s Distinguished Award, Mr. Hutchison can be seen as a pioneer for woman’s athletics at passed away in Silver Spring, MD, in 2011. Topeka High; she passed away in 2017. We’re making plans to celebrate 150 years of THS during Homecoming weekend in October 2021. We’re looking for graduates and supporters who want to join the planning fun. Contact co-chairmen Shayla Babb Kincade ‘95 and Nikki Ramirez- Jennings ‘95 via the THSHS office. 1 Topeka High School Historical Society March 2017 hall foyer. Our donors and other alumni are welcome to join us THSHS President’s Letter mid-day on Monday, May 1 for that celebration! Watch your email newsletters for specifics. There are many opportunities for all THS alumni to reconnect with your school this We’re also working on plans for a renewed plaza area on the spring! By joining us for one or more of Western Avenue side of the building, thanks to the Barrett family the activities I know you’ll experience that boasts nine THS grads over the years! The Tower Stairs are feelings of pride for our beautiful and still a high priority as are other enhancements to the building. historic high school. We’re also welcoming new board members David Heit, Topeka Our fundraising activities in the last quar- architect; Steve Holloman, (THS’70) recently retired band in- ter of 2016 accomplished our goal of structor; Dr. Linda Wiley, recently retired principal; Tina Wil- balancing the operations budget and gave liams (THS ’88) and David Corley (THS ’66). All these individ- us funds to supplement the Tower Socie- uals bring expertise to our board that will be beneficial for pro- ty Fund so we can proceed with preserva- jects to come. We also extend a huge thank you to retiring board tion projects. Thank you to those of you members Dick Thornburg, Gary Krohe and Jan Leuenberger who that continue to support the Topeka High have shared special skills with the board through their fundrais- School Historical Society. ing and technical ideas; and by-law updates. You can expect renewed energy for membership recruitment, th I’m looking forward to serving as your 2017 board chair and I early plans for the 150 Anniversary of Topeka High School, would welcome your participation on our committees that are and on May 1 we’ll celebrate completion of three preservation doing such tremendous work in planning for preservation pro- projects at the school---the renovation of chandeliers in the de- jects, events and curating our historical memorabilia. We’re al- bate and English rooms, dedication of a sundial on the east plaza ways looking for volunteers to help with our projects…let us which is a gift from the THS Class of 1966, a memorial plaque know what you’d like to help with! for C.J. McKee (former THS faculty) and we’ll unveil the origi- nal THS Crest now beautifully restored and mounted in the main Marsha Martin Sheahan (1967, 2017 THSHS President) Where are these THSHS Complete our 2017 THSHS members? Mandala Collection Board of Directors We need complete mailing addresses for these people. Please send their in- The THS Literary publication, formation to the THSHS office. President - Marsha Sheahan ‘67 Mandala, was first published Vice-Pres.- Sarah Carkhuff Fizell ‘96 Allen Anderson ‘52, Charles Brallier in 1973. From 1918 to the ‘43, Mike Butler ‘63, Linda Davis ‘66, Treas. - Linda Beiter Gwaltney ‘78 Katherine Clare Eddy ‘42, Pricilla Ep- 1940s it was called The Scrib- Secretary - Joy Smith Dodd ‘75 pinger, Emma Espinoza, Joe Flack ‘48, bler. To complete our collec- Ruth Leech Foster ‘43, Toni Simpson tion for the THS Archives we are needing these issues: 1973 - Jerry Anderson ‘67 Hampton ‘63, Dorothy Simons Harrison Linda Evans Canady ‘69 ‘49, Barbara Henley Hecht ‘49, Jean 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 2004, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2012 Pam Carlson Clutter ‘64 McNeely Henry ‘43, R. Louise Ander- David Corley ‘68 son Juergens ‘42, Christopher Knoxah and 2013. If you have one of Jeanne Gamber Elder ‘64 2004, David Kopp 2003, Larry Linde- the missing issues, please send Dave Fisher ‘58 muth ‘46, Richard Marshall, Marian it to THSHS, 800 SW 10th, David Heit (THS Supporter) Meyers Martin ‘49, Charles McCarthy Topeka, KS 66612 Steve Holloman ‘70 ‘45, Don & Jane Chalmers McClain, Veronica Gomez Padilla ‘69 Katie McLean 2002, Tucker Landeene Topeka High Needs You! The THSHS is looking for part- Brady Robb ‘77 Meyer ‘53, Alanna Schenkosky Niles Julie Elting Schloetzer ‘59 ‘49, Maxine Gossett Noller ‘47, Larry & ners to help with projects, both one-time and ongoing. Whether Judy Stuenkel Soule ‘58 Joyce Taylor Oldham ‘59, Dorlores Mil- you have a little time or a lot, Douglass Wallace ‘65 ler Pagel ‘53, Jack Phillips ‘40, Jeanne it’s easy to be involved in help- Cindy Owens White ‘75 Pickett, Ollun Sadler Richards ‘39, ing to keep our legacy strong. Linda Wiley (former THS principal) Merla Rettig Rogers ‘46, Ann Colvin Volunteer opportunities in- Tina Williams ‘88 Rolley ‘52, Norma Bledsoe Scharf- clude: 150th Anniversary Plan- schwerdt ‘49, Joanna Couch Schoono- ning Group, Tour guide, Muse- ver-Deyton ‘41, Jean Puffer Scott ‘50, um and Archives, Building Pro- Rebecca Morrisey - THS Principal Joe Shoemaker, Derald Spicer, Anita jects, Special Events Assistance. Reid Tannuzzo ‘43, Patricia Rozema Go to: thsweb.org/alumni2 for Joan Friedstrom Barker ‘71 Taylor ‘57, Patricia Watridge ‘77, Linda the complete list. Send it to us: executive secretary Webster ‘68, Earl Wheeler, Jr ‘61, John at: [email protected]. Wilson ‘65, Hervey W. Wright, Jr ‘45 2 Topeka High School Historical Society March 2017 The THSHS TOWER SOCIETY FUND was established in 2009 to separate membership dues (used for office operating expenses) from donations (intended for building projects). Tower Society contributions are aggregated to move donors through the levels. Donors are posted as levels are reached. A percentage of all contributions helps with THSHS operating expenses and maintaining our office. Please consider the THSHS as the recipient of your yearly contribution or donation matching with your business. The THSHS is a 501C3 organization - contributions are tax-exempt. For more information about the Tower Society Fund, contact us at [email protected] , download a form or pay online at thsweb.org/alumni2. Thank you to our Tower Society Fund contributors: Barbara Brown Craft ‘58 Ann Colvin Rolley ‘52 THS Guardian Level, $10,000 Bill Davis ‘39 John ’50 & Alicia Laing ’57 Salisbury and above Joyce Dryden-Damron ‘54 Dan Schriner ’75 & Sally Hare-Schriner ‘76, in John A. Alberg ‘48 Becky Robb Dickinson ’73, in memory of Pudgie memory of Paul Fink George Batz ‘32 Robb Richard Schroder ‘63 John Dawson ‘57 Letty Staebler Evans ’60, in memory of Dr.
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