Brigham Young University BYU ScholarsArchive Faculty Publications 2005-04-28 The Effect of Inharmonic Partials on Pitch of Piano Tones Brian E. Anderson William J. Strong Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/facpub Part of the Astrophysics and Astronomy Commons, and the Physics Commons BYU ScholarsArchive Citation Anderson, Brian E. and Strong, William J., "The Effect of Inharmonic Partials on Pitch of Piano Tones" (2005). Faculty Publications. 1002. https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/facpub/1002 This Peer-Reviewed Article is brought to you for free and open access by BYU ScholarsArchive. It has been accepted for inclusion in Faculty Publications by an authorized administrator of BYU ScholarsArchive. For more information, please contact [email protected], [email protected]. The effect of inharmonic partials on pitch of piano tonesa) Brian E. Andersonb) and William J. Strong Department of Physics and Astronomy, N-283 ESC, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah 84602 ͑Received 4 November 2004; revised 17 January 2005; accepted 8 February 2005͒ Piano tones have partials whose frequencies are sharp relative to harmonic values. A listening test was conducted to determine the effect of inharmonicity on pitch for piano tones in the lowest three octaves of a piano. Nine real tones from the lowest three octaves of a piano were analyzed to obtain frequencies, relative amplitudes, and decay rates of their partials. Synthetic inharmonic tones were produced from these results. Synthetic harmonic tones, each with a twelfth of a semitone increase in the fundamental, were also produced. A jury of 21 listeners matched the pitch of each synthetic inharmonic tone to one of the synthetic harmonic tones. The effect of the inharmonicity on pitch was determined from an average of the listeners’ results. For the nine synthetic piano tones studied, pitch increase ranged from approximately two and a half semitones at low fundamental frequencies to an eighth of a semitone at higher fundamental frequencies. © 2005 Acoustical Society of America. ͓DOI: 10.1121/1.1882963͔ PACS numbers: 43.75.Cd, 43.66.Hg ͓ADP͔ Pages: 3268–3272 I. INTRODUCTION frequencies were produced for each of the nine tones. A jury of listeners matched each synthetic inharmonic tone to one of Several studies have investigated various subjective be- the synthetic harmonic tones among the corresponding set. haviors of complex inharmonic pianolike tones. Fletcher The effect of inharmonicity on pitch was determined from et al. ͑1962͒ found, through subjective testing, that inharmo- the average fundamental frequency of harmonic tones nicity in piano tones contributes a sense of warmth. In 1983, matched to an inharmonic tone. Peters et al. ͑1983͒ had listeners match components in com- plex harmonic pianolike tones to a single sine wave to deter- ͑ ͒ mine the effect on pitch. Moore et al. 1985a found, through II. TONE GENERATION subjective testing, that a complex tone consisting of one slightly mistuned partial resulted in a linear residue pitch A. Recording ͑ ͒ shift for small mistunings. Moore et al. 1985b also used In order to study the effects of inharmonicity, a readily this type of subjective testing to determine detection thresh- available Yamaha Upright Piano ͑P22 L. OAK͒ was used for olds and the importance of each partial. They suggested that the study. A Larson Davis 2540 pressure microphone was inharmonicity is audible for lower piano tones. Moore et al. used with a Larson Davis 900B Preamplifier. The 900B pre- ͑ ͒ 1993 determined listeners’ psychoacoustic abilities to hear amplifier was then connected to a Larson Davis 2200C Mi- individual partials in inharmonic complex tones. Conklin crophone Power Supply and Instrumentation Amplifier. The ͑ ͒ 1996 wrote a series of tutorial papers, the third of which is output of the 2200C went into an Aphex Amplifier 124A. A a summary of research investigations on the subject of inhar- Panasonic DAT recorder was used to record the output signal ͑ ͒ monicity. Rocchesso et al. 1999 studied ‘‘The influence of from the amplifier. accurate reproduction of inharmonicity on the perceived The recording was done in a large classroom that had quality of piano tones.’’ And most recently, Galembo et al. been acoustically treated to reduce reverberation. Recordings ͑ ͒ 2001 determined the perceived effect of having various were done at times when ambient levels could be maintained kinds of starting phases for synthetic tones. without interruptions. With this recording environment and This study investigates the effect of inharmonicity on the recording setup, it was possible to maintain an overall pitch by having listeners match complex inharmonic piano- S/N ratio of at least 30 dB. The Yamaha Upright Piano has a ͑ ͒ like tones based on measured tones to complex harmonic removable cover that allowed for better exposure of the ͑ ͒ pianolike tones based on ideal string theory . Nine piano soundboard on the player’s side of the piano. The micro- tones from a standard upright piano were recorded and ana- phone was placed about 6 in. from the soundboard. lyzed. The analysis determined various parameters for as Tones were recorded in the lower three octaves of the many partials as could be resolved for each of the nine- piano where the effects of inharmonicity are greater. Nine recorded tones. From this analysis, a synthetic inharmonic tones ͑A0, C1, E1, A1, C2, E2, A2, C3, and E3͒ were indi- tone and a set of harmonic tones with different fundamental vidually played and recorded. An effort was made to strike each piano key with the same amount of force. Tones were a͒Portions of this work ͑preliminary results͒ were presented in ‘‘The effect of recorded until their overall sound pressure level decayed to inharmonic partials on pitch of piano tones,’’ 143rd Meeting: Acoustical the level of ambient noise in the room. The resulting re- Society of America, Pittsburgh, PA, June 2002. ͒ corded tones had durations ranging from 10 to 15 s. Finally, b Present address: Graduate Program in Acoustics, The Pennsylvania State University, P.O. Box 30, State College, PA 16802. Electronic mail: the tones recorded on the DAT were digitally transferred [email protected] onto a CD. 3268 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 117 (5), May 2005 0001-4966/2005/117(5)/3268/5/$22.50 © 2005 Acoustical Society of America B. Analysis TABLE I. Curve-fitted inharmonicity coefficients for each of the nine mea- sured piano tones. The tones were played on a CD player whose output was directly connected to the input of a Hewlett-Packard dy- Inharmonicity namic signal analyzer and analyzed in order to obtain the Piano note coefficient desired partial frequencies. Some of the piano tones had as A0 0.000 453 many as 56 resolvable partials that were obtained in the C1 0.000 319 analysis. In this analysis, it was assumed that the partial fre- E1 0.000 231 quency values remained constant over time, which, from the A1 0.000 144 C2 0.000 130 tones’ spectrograms, proved to be a valid assumption. E2 0.000 108 The recorded tones were then imported into MATLAB A2 0.000 111 for further analysis. The resolvable frequency values of the C3 0.000 129 partials obtained from the dynamic signal analyzer were used E3 0.000 110 in the MATLAB analysis. The analysis determined the rela- tive initial amplitudes and decay rates for as many partials as could be resolved for each of the nine-recorded tones. An D. Inharmonicity coefficient attack portion was also determined for each tone analyzed. In 1964, Fletcher published a theoretical derivation of an Fourier analysis was used to determine the amplitude of each equation governing the shift in partial frequencies of piano partial, over the period of the fundamental frequency, re- strings due to the inherent stiffness in piano strings. Fletcher peated for 10 s. A linear curve fit was applied to a logarith- ͑1964͒ gave the following equation for predicting partial fre- mic representation of the amplitude versus time data for each quencies once the fundamental frequency, which itself is af- partial, from which the initial amplitude and decay rate were fected by the stiffness, is known: obtained. The attack portion of each recorded tone was de- ͑1ϩBn2͒ 1/2 termined as the time it took from the onset of the tone to ϭ ͫ ͬ ͑ ͒ f n nf1 ͑ ϩ ͒ , 3 reach peak amplitude. The initial phase n for each partial 1 B was assigned a random value between 0 and 2 . The results where B represents the inharmonicity coefficient. Using this of the analysis for each of the nine tones consisted of fre- equation, an estimate for the inharmonicity coefficient was quencies of the partials, f n , amplitudes of the partials, An , determined, using the method of least squares, for each of ␦ decay rates of the partials, n , and initial phases, n . the nine measured tones. The least-squares curve fit for the inharmonicity coeffi- cient included a heavier weighting on the lower partials. For C. Synthesis the nth partial, the least squares error weighting W(n)is computed as Based on the analysis, a synthetic inharmonic tone was produced for each of the nine tones analyzed. Each synthetic W͑n͒ϭNϩ1Ϫn, ͑4͒ inharmonic tone was generated based on the following equa- where N is the total number of partials for the given tone. tion, The resulting weighting is a linearly decreasing function. Ϫ␦ ϭ nt ϩ ͒ ͑ ͒ y inharmonic Ane sin͑2 f nt n , 1 The results for the curve fitted B values may be found in Table I. Each curve fit result represented the increasing par- where the variables are the results from the analysis. tial frequency values fairly accurately, with a slight tendency A series of 10 to 30 harmonic tones was generated for to underestimate the lower partials and overestimate the comparison with each inharmonic tone.
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