© T~g Economic and Social Research Institute © Z ~J © EMPLOYMENT IN THE PUBLIC ~z DOMAIN IN RECENT DECADES ,.-] ;~ UJ © > 0~ MICEAL ROSS ~° Paper No. 127 April, 1986 THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE COUNCIL, 1985-1986 *T. K. WHITAKER, M.SC.(ECON), D.ECON., SC., LL.D., President of the Institute. *P. LYNCH, M.A., M.R.I.A., Chairman of the Council. D. J. BUCKLEY, Vice President and General Manager, Merck, Sharp and Dohme (Ireland) Ltd., Co. Tippera~y. L. CONNELLAN, B. E., C. ENG., M.I.E.I.,DirectorGeneral, ConfederationofIrishIndustry. *SEAN CROMIEN, B.A., Second Secretary, Department of Finance. G. DEAN, M.D., F.R.C.P., Medico-Social Research Board. N. J. GIBSON, B.SC.(ECON.), PH.D., Professor, Department of Economics, University of Ulster, Coleraine. PATRICK A. HALL, B.E., M.S., DIP.STAT., Director of Research, Institute of Public Administration. *W. A. HONOHAN, M.A., F.I.A. MICHAEL F. KEEGAN, B.A., B. COMM., D.P.A., F.I.P.M., Secretary, Department of Labour. *KIERAN A. KENNEDY’, M.ECON.SC., B.PHIL., PH.D., Director of the Institute. T. P. LIN .EHAN, B.E., B.SC., Director, Central Statistics Office. *D. F. McALEESE, B.COMM., M.A., M.ECON.SC., PH.D., Whately Professor of Political Economy, Trinity College, Dublin. CHARLES McCARTHY, PH.D., B/L., Professor of Industrial Relations, Trinity College, Dublin. *EUGENE McCARTHY, M.SC.(ECON.), D.ECON.SC., Director, Federated Union of Employers. JOHNJ. McKAY, B.SC., D.P.A., B.COMM., M.ECON.SC., Chief Executive Officer, ¯.Co. Cavan Vocational Education Committee. *J. F. MEENAN, M.A., B.L. *D. NEVIN, General Secretary, Irish Congress of Trade Unions. *TOMAS F. O COFAIGH, Governor, Central Bank. JOYCE O’CONNOR, B.SOC.SC., M.SOC.SC., PH.D., Director, Social Research Centre, College of Humanities, National Institute for Higher Education, Limerick. D. P. O’MAHONY, M.A., PH.D., B.L., Professor, Department of Economics, University College, Cork. LABHRAS (3 NUALLAIN, D.ECON.SC. B. PATTERSON, B.A., M.I.I.E., A.I.P.M., Director General, Irish Management Institute. S. SHEEHY, B.AGR.SC., PH.D, Professor, Department of Applied Agricultural Economics, University College, Dublin. J. SPENCER, B. SC. (ECON), Professor, Department of Economics, The Queen’s University of Belfast. T. C. TONER, B.COMM., M.B.A., Managing Director, BWG Ltd. *B. IVl. WALSH, B.A., M.A., PH.D., Professol, National Economics of Ireland and Applied Economics, University College, Dublin. T. WALSH, M.AGR.SC., PH.D., D.SC., M.R.I.A. *REV. C.K. WARD, B.A., S.T.L., PH.D., Professor, Department of Social Science, University College, Dublin. P.A. WHITE, B.COMM., D.P.A., Managing Director, Industrial Development Authority, Dublin. *Members of Executive Committee. EMPLOYMENT IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN IN RECENT DECADES Copies of this paper may be obtained from The Economic and Social Research Institute (Limited Company No. 18269). Registered Office: 4 Burlington Road, Dublin 4. Price IR£12.50 (Special rate for students IR£6. 25) Miceal Ross is a Senior Research Officer with The Economic and Social Research Institute. The Paper has been accepted for publication by the Institute, which is not responsible for either the content, or the views expressed therein. EMPLOYMENT IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN IN RECENT DECADES MICEAL ROSS © THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE DUBLIN, 1986 ISBN 0 7070 0079 3 Acknowledgements This paper would not have been possible without the active collaboration of a vast number of people who gave unstinted help with numerous queries, letters and telephone calls. It is hoped that they will accept the commitment to meticulous accuracy in this study as their reward. Those deviations from this standard can be attributed to the author failing to identify the right person or to intbrm her of his interpretation of her information. Special thanks has to be given to Fergus Glavey and his team at the Department of the Public Sepeice -- Sean Regan, Ann Doyle, Luke McBride and his successors, Robert Pye, Jerome Kelly and Maurice Merriman. Peter Kelly in the Department of Education and the group at the Higher Education Authority -- Mary Kerr, Mary Armstrong and George Ryan -- were also extremely supportive. Finally the Institute of Public Administration, which has done trojan work in this area and published an invaluable series of studies, made available its resources. This report benefited from the work on Local Government by Desmond Roche, on Health by Brendan Hensey and on Education by John Coolahan which Pat Hall provided. Donal Murphy made his files on health available. The study was initiated about the same time as a major study by Dr Peter Humphreys into Public Service Employment. As far as possible this work and that of Humphreys have attempted to resolve data gaps using the same approach so that a consistent set of data are available to the public. Differences, which remain, can be attributed to the different focus of each report. CONTENTS Page Acknowledgements General Summmy 1 INTR OD UC TI ON 10 SECTION I DEFINITIONS Chapter 1.1 DEFINITION OF THE PUBLIC DOMAIN 14 The International Synthesis 14 Aggregation by Branches of Economic Activity 14 Aggregation by Institutional Sector 15 The New Classification 16 The Nature of Government 16 The Outline of the Public Domain 17 The Detinition of Employment 19 Data Sources 21 SECTION H CIVIL SER VICE II. 1 THE ENTIRE CIVIL SERVICE 24 Introduction 24 The Civil Service Census 26 Total Employment in the Civil Service 1922 to 1957 27 II.2 THE CENTRAL CIVIL SERVICE 34 Sources and Adjustments 34 The 1952 and 1958 Reclassifications 35 The Staff Intbrmation System 36 Page Corrections for Understatement 37 Recruitment prior to January 1975 38 Departures prior to 1975 42 Calculating the Under-Enumeration 42 Disaggregation of the Figures Adjusted for Understatement 44 Time Series for the Central Civil Service 1922-1985 46 Time Series fbr the Department of" Posts and Telegraphs 1922-1985 50 The Consequences of Rapid Growth 52 Duration of Service in the Central Civil Service 53 Duration of Service in the Post Office 55 The Share of Youth in Employment 56 The Share of Women in Employment 59 Wastage Rates Among Women 61 Women in Senior Posts 63 The Grade Approach -- General Service Grades 66 Grade Groups 67 Definitions of Grade Groups 67 Changes in Numbers by Grade Group 70 The Grade Structures of the Central Civil Service 72 Grade Structures in the Post Office 74 Employment in the Administrative and Executive Group 76 Employment by Department 81 Changing Departmental Structures 1928-1985 82 Analysis of the First Period of Growth to 1952 83 Numbers in Departments 1932-1985 84 Part-time stair 93 II.3 PIECE WORKERS 97 Page II.4 WORKERS NOW RECORDED OUTSIDE THE SIS 102 II.4AINDUSTRIAL CIVIL SERVANTS 103 Definition 103 Comparison with CIP -- "Workers in Government Departments" 104 Regular Industrial Workers and Casuals pre 1958 106 Workers in Temporary Schemes Pre-1958 108 Numbers of All Industrial Workers Post-1958 108 Department Composition of Industrial Employment 111 (a) Agricultural Departments 111 (b) Office of Public Works 112 (c) Other Departments 114 II.4B NON-INDUSTRIAL STAFF NOT IN THE SIS 115 Reconciliation of the Pre- and Post-1958 Series 116 Employment in Wireless Broadcasting 118 SECTION III LA W AND ORDER III. 1 AN T-OIREACHTAS AND THE JUDICIARY 126 Members of An t-Oireachtas 120 The Judiciary 120 III.2 DEFENCE 123 Permanent Defence Force 123 Changes in Defence Structures by Rank 124 Changes in Defence Force by Corps 127 A Note on the Reserve and Civil Defence 128 First Line Reserve 128 Second Line Reserve 129 Civil Defence 130 Page Women in the Permanent Defence Force 130 Professional Qualifications in the Permanent Defence Force 131 Civilians with the Defence Force 131 Composition of the Civilians in the Defence Group 132 III.3 GARDAI 134 Garda Recruitment and Wastage 137 Women in An Garda Siochana 138 III.4 PRISONS 141 SECTION IV LOCAL BODIES IV. 1 BACKGROUND TO LOCAL BODIES 148 IV.2 LOCAL BODIES INCLUDING HEALTH 156 Excluded Bodies 156 The Earlier Records 156 Total Local Employment 156 IV.3 EMPLOYMENT IN LOCAL GOVERNMENT 160 Sources of Local Employment Data 160 (a) Departmental Enumeration 160 (b) The Census of Population 163 (c) The Census of Industrial Production 165 Estimating Local Government Employment 165 (a) Before 1972 165 (b) 1972 and After 168 Trends in Local Government Employment 169 Ottlcers and Servants of Local Government 170 The Composition of Local Government Employment 175 Local Employment by Type of Authority 176 Recent Monitoring 182 Page IV.4 HEALTH 183 Introduction 183 Levels of Health Employment 184 Occupational Composition of Health Employment 187 (a) Pre-1971 187 (b) Health Board Employment 188 (c) Voluntary Hospitals 191 Choice of Doctor Employment 192 Homes tbr the Mentally Handicapped 193 Other Health Bodies 194 IV.5 COUNTY COMMITTEES OF AGRICULTURE 195 SECTION V EDUCATION V. 1 BACKGROUND TO EDUCATION 200 V.2 PRIMARY EDUCATION 208 Staff at First Level 208 Numbers of Schools 211 National Teachers 212 Women and Untrained Teachers 216 Recruitment and Wastage 217 Special Schools for the Handicapped 221 Capitation Schools and Religious Teachers 222 Pupil-Teacher Ratios in National Schools 224 V.3 SPECIAL SCHOOLS AND RESIDENTIAL HOMES 226 V.4 SECOND LEVEL EDUCATION 232 SECONDARY TEACHERS 232 Pupil-Teacher Ratios in Secondary Schools 238 Pa.ge COMPREHENSIVE AND COMMUNITY SCHOOLS 239 VOCATIONAL EDUCATION 240 Second- and Third-Level Education at VEC Schools 245 Pupil-Teacher Ratios in VEC Schools 246 Career Guidance and Remedial Teachers 250 OTHER SECOND-LEVEL
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